The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 955: Star Emperor Tells Stories

Chapter 955 The Star Emperor tells a story

"This idiot emperor devoted himself to cultivating Taoism and had no heirs left. Many of his court ministers were also killed. The country was left without an owner and the government decrees were blocked. However, although the decrees were blocked, the news was transmitted quickly. When the princes from all over the country heard that the emperor was dead, they all He immediately had an idea and dreamed of ascending to the throne, so the lively battle for the throne began. In addition, in the past when traitors were in power, people in many places rebelled, and now the country was in chaos. " Having said this, Liufeng sighed softly: "Master Feng, you are indeed very human."

Zhang Ai agrees with this point of view very much. It is definitely not ordinary people who can bring chaos to the whole country by upholding justice and eliminating violence!

Liufeng continued: "At the twelve o'clock hour, when the chaos first broke out, Mr. Feng thought he had done a good thing, but he didn't know that people's greed is as big as the sky, and it would reach this point, so he became cruel in his heart, and even more wanted to He went on a killing spree, but luckily a few Chenshi stopped him and reported the news, and then we were left to wipe the mess."

After hearing what happened, Xianyun smiled and said, "This butt is so big, it took me a whole year to clean it."

"Trivial matters, all trivial matters. Before the lower realm, Mr. Xing Gong specifically asked not to kill indiscriminately, but to put kindness first. Just these words have caused more than forty of us to suffer. Various things are endless, and it is difficult to calm down. There are rebellions all over the place, so we have to kill many of the troublemakers and then establish a new emperor," Liu Feng kept complaining.

Zhang Wen smiled bitterly upon hearing this, thinking that the people of Qi were really unlucky. He has been walking in the world for a long time, and he knows that court officials always like to push around and argue. No matter what dynasty or generation, junior officials still have to do things. The older the official, the more they can argue, and they have more concerns when doing things, such as the relationship between teachers and students, and the relationship between the same age. , hometown feelings, etc., so many things cannot be decided quickly. But it was because of their selection that the people suffered. The emperor was killed, leading to riots in many places and causing countless casualties to the people. Who should settle this debt?

"Where is Mr. Feng?" Xianyun asked.

"My lord said that Mr. Feng's good intentions and bad deeds showed that he lacked experience and did not understand human feelings, so he personally sealed the energy channels throughout his body and allowed him to enter the world to practice, accompanied by Lord Xing Gong." Liu Feng said.

Xianyun shook his head and said: "He is also lucky to have Master Xing Gong personally teach him. His future is unimaginable."

"No, my lord said, except for Mr. Xing Gong, if anyone else goes, they have to take care of Mr. Feng's face and not allow him to truly experience the sufferings of the world and get exercise. This is the purpose of Mr. Xing Gong's lower world." Liu Feng explained.

After he finished speaking, he drank another glass of wine, looked at Zhang Ping, thought about it and asked, "Why is the master locking you up?" Everyone was curious, and the elegant Liufeng Master was no exception.

Zhang Ain replied: "If you ask me for something, if I don't give it to you, you won't let me go."

A look of disbelief flashed in Liufeng's eyes: "Ask you for something? What do you want?" He didn't believe that a mortal from the lower world could have any good treasures that would make his lord interested?

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "I can't tell you."

Liufeng let out a chuckle after hearing this: "You are awesome. You refuse the master's request and dare not answer my questions. You are really not afraid of death."

Xianyun said disdainfully: "Who are you trying to scare? Drink." He and Zhang Weifang were getting along well these days, and he knew that Liu Feng was joking, so he said something casually to distract Liu Feng's attention and protect Zhang Weifeng at the same time.

Liufeng was not a fool. He looked at Zhang Ping thoughtfully, then looked at Xianyun and shook his head slightly. He pointed at the dried meat in the jade plate and asked softly: "If you drink, drink, but can you tell me what this is?" "?"

"I don't know, you haven't eaten in the lower world for a year?" Xianyun said with a smile.

Liu Fengqi said: "Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you know the dried meat? I'm asking, you actually eat meat? My lord said: Meat eaters are despicable, you, me, don't want to do it anymore."

Xianyun argued: "My lord only said that meat-eaters are despicable, but he didn't say that you can't eat it. Try it, it's quite delicious."

Liufeng resolutely refused to eat. He went out to get some preserved and fresh peaches and drank them with fine wine, which was considered a good meal.

The night passed, and Tanlang arrived early the next morning. He first greeted Hai Ling and then said to Zhang Awei, "My lord, please see me."

Star Emperor wants to see me? Let's meet then, Zhang Ain went to Lingxiao Palace with Greedy Wolf. Hai Ling wanted to follow, Tan Lang said: "Young Master, my lord just wants to have a few words with Brother Zhang alone. I will never hurt him." Seeing Hai Ling's doubtful expression, Tan Lang said solemnly: "If Brother Zhang has A little damage, I will pay for it.”

This guy was quite wronged. In order to seek Hai Ling's forgiveness, he not only called Zhang Ai as Brother Zhang twice, but even risked his life.

Seeing the seriousness of what Tanlang said, Hai Ling hurriedly said: "Brother Tanlang, don't say that. I'm just waiting here. Don't say anything to apologize for your life." Tanlang agreed and left with Zhang Wen.

The two of them climbed onto Jingyun, walked through the fog, and soon arrived at Lingxiao Palace. Zhang Ai was thinking about it all the way. He asked me to come here just because of the God-Slaying Snake. No matter what the Star Emperor said, he would not agree to it.

There was only Star Emperor in the main hall. Greedy Wolf entered the hall to report, and then left the hall to lure Zhang Wen into entering, so he also left.

The Star Emperor sat behind the high desk and looked at Zhang Ai calmly, and said softly: "Sit down." Zhang Ai sat down on the seat closest to the Star Emperor without politeness, raised his hands and asked, "What are your orders, sir?"

The Star Emperor said: "I didn't give you any orders. I asked you for the Subduing God Snake, but you didn't give it to me. I thought about it and told you a story."

Zhang Ain replied: "No matter how many stories you tell me, I will not give you the God-Conquering Snake." The Star Emperor gently shook his head and said, "I will only tell you this story. It will be good for you to listen to it." I was afraid, so I sat still and listened to the Star Emperor's story.

Star Emperor said: "This story is very long, you have to be patient." He raised his head and thought for a moment, then told the story in a deep voice: "This world is divided into three realms, the sky above and the earth below. The three realms are connected by the human world. In one place, one of the three realms is indispensable. If one realm is missing, the other two realms will disappear at the same time. In terms of strength, the human realm is the weakest, followed by the demon realm, and the heaven realm is slightly stronger."

"Taking the inheritance of cultivators in the human world as an example, cultivators who transform themselves into gods will leave the human world after their breakthrough. The reason is that that realm can no longer provide any help to cultivators after their breakthrough, and they will be rejected by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If you want to continue to improve your cultivation, Because, the only choice is to come to the heaven or the devil world below. The scenery and strength of the heaven are slightly higher than those of the devil, so cultivators will choose heaven, but it is difficult to enter. Every cultivator who breaks through must pass the Jingyun test and be able to step on it. Only those who walk on the clouds can stay in the heaven."

"Most of the cultivators are vulgar people, and only one in a hundred walks on the pure cloud, so these people all go to the demon world. Over time, the strength of the demon world has skyrocketed. The demon world does not look down on the heaven, and always finds excuses to fight. As the strength of the demon world increases, , when the two realms are fighting, the heaven realm is becoming more and more difficult, so a divine envoy will appear and send him to the human realm to kill the monks of the gods, not because he is afraid of those monks coming to the heaven realm, but because he does not want them to go to the devil realm. "

"In the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm, excluding the cultivators who have made breakthroughs in the Human Realm, there are more people from this realm who are born with spiritual energy covering their bodies. Their cultivation is extremely simple. The armies that are constantly fighting between the Heaven Realm and the Demon Realm are composed of these people. , the strength is much worse than that of cultivators who have made breakthroughs in the human world."

"But they are just like the cultivators in the human world. There will always be some extremely smart people who can cultivate to the level of Xianyun or the Night Guard, or even higher. There are various disputes in your human world, and the people will fight for food and clothing. It is difficult to worry and make a living. In short, there are various ways to live. However, there are no such troubles in the heaven and the devil world. Born in this world, they only live for two things, one is to practice and the other is to fight. Not only the heaven and the devil world will interact with each other. Fighting, and there is still a fight outside the heaven and demon world. Generally speaking, there is another kind of monster outside the three realms, and the heaven and demon world have to fight hard to compete with them for territory. From a certain point of view, it is the heaven and the demon world that protect the human world. The existence of the world.”

At this point in the story, Zhang Weijing became more and more stunned as he listened. The story was indeed very long, not only involving the world of heaven and demons, but also unknown monsters, so he asked: "Is it a monster from the world outside the Three Realms? Is it similar to the Grimace Monster? "

The Star Emperor smiled when he heard this and said: "They are not called Grimace Monsters. They are descendants of the Emperor. They were punished as servants of gods for making mistakes. They are better at fighting than ordinary soldiers from the heaven and demon world. It is with their help that the heaven has blocked the monsters outside again and again. Countless attacks from the world." At this point, he sighed softly: "That realm, we call it the God Realm. I can't enter it with my current cultivation. Just like you human cultivators ascend to the heavenly realm after breaking through, I will become a true god after I break through. Thereby entering the divine realm, getting rid of the cycle of life and death, and not being bound by the laws of heaven and earth.”

Zhang was afraid of hearing this and asked: "Why would the God Realm send people to attack the Heaven Realm and the Demon Realm?"

The Star Emperor said: "They were not sent. The God Realm is too big and there are many creatures. It is normal for some monsters to attack us. The gods of the God Realm do not care about this matter. It is said that there are countless people like us in the God Realm. Of course, God will not care about problems in any one of the Three Realms. Besides, if God wanted to destroy the Three Realms, it would be too simple. How could it take so long? "

Zhang Pingquan thought he was listening to the Book of Heaven, and the world unfolded one by one. The more he understood, the more he realized how insignificant he was. From a little Taoist boy at the beginning, to a master of Nascent Soul later, he finally became more powerful, but ghosts appeared. Experts like Zu, and even higher gods, then mixed into the heaven and the demon world. Only then did they realize that they were really so insignificant that they could not be seen. But just when I thought about becoming a master like the Star Emperor and controlling the Three Realms with flying colors, I realized that there is a larger world outside the Three Realms, and there are countless Three Realms like this one.

He was completely stunned. I just had an idea, just an idea. If you give me a bigger sky, how can I see it? If he was very motivated to practice before, the goal was always ahead, and there was hope for success; but now he had no motivation at all. The sky he saw was too big, too big to imagine, too big to be a goal. effort. When have you ever seen an ant trying to swallow the sky?

The Star Emperor saw him stunned and asked with a smile: "Are you thinking what I said has anything to do with the God-Destroying Snake?"

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