The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 954 Mr. Feng does good deeds

Chapter 954 Mr. Feng does good deeds

That's not right. If you want to kill Alchemy, why don't you dare to snatch the God-subduing Snake. After thinking about it, I can sum it up in two words, which is very useful. Both the Demon King and the Star Emperor hope to get the God-Destroying Snake for great use, so they dare not treat it badly. As for how to use it effectively, it is another more difficult question, and Zhang is afraid that he cannot think of an answer.

From that day on, Zhang Wen focused on being a prisoner, never leaving the house, only drinking and talking with Hai Ling in his room. During this period, Xianyun often came to see the two of them. When he was bored, he would stay and drink, and they would talk nonsense together.

A year passed. Because they often met and drank together, Xianyun's attitude towards Zhang Ai became much better. At least she could talk and communicate, could call him by name, and would often take the initiative to ask him for a drink.

Seeing that one year was coming to an end, Zhang was still bored and wanted to go to the Refining Temple. Hai Ling naturally agreed and took the initiative to transform into a divine formation, then distracted him and accompanied him into the divine formation. The two of them went directly to the boundless sea on the fourth floor, went to the wooden island to see flowers, plants and small animals, and boarded a large ship to ride the wind and waves. Unfortunately, they were just having fun and their interest was waning. Hai Ling said: "Why is it different from before?"

The scenery is not different, what has changed is just the feeling, but Zhang Ain did not say that, and said with a smile: "It always has to change." Hai Ling pretended to be a little adult and sighed: "Yes, it always has to change. ." Zhang was so amused that he secretly laughed.

The two lingered in the sea for many days. Thinking of the time when they first met, Hai Ling said: "At that time, I always looked forward to your coming, thinking that it would be great if you could stay for a long time."

Zhang Wen didn't answer the question and took Hai Ling to the original small island, a small island hanging on the sea with only one big tree. There are the tombs of Dahei and Erhei on the island.

Hai Ling went to the tomb and bowed a few times, and then said, "Would you like to send them out?" This was his long-held wish. Zhang Weizhi agreed and made two large coffins out of Wuxian wood. Then he dug the grave and invited Dahei and Erhei out and placed them in the coffins.

After doing all this, Hai Ling asked again: "Shall we go to the fifth floor?" Zhang Ping said, "It's okay to have a look." The two came to the endless darkness of the fifth floor. There is nothing here. In the past, there was an imprisoned ghost ancestor, but now it is really empty.

Hai Ling asked: "Do people become sad when they grow up?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I don't know, I haven't grown up yet." Of course he felt uncomfortable. He practiced and practiced, as if he had practiced over and over again, but in the end he had achieved nothing. It was inevitable that he would be disappointed, but he just didn't want Hai Ling to let him go. I was unhappy, so I deliberately talked nonsense.

Hai Ling laughed as expected: "You haven't grown up yet? You are so shy and shameless."

Zhang Wen laughed with him for a while, always feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. People are most likely to miss the past in adversity, let alone re-walking the places they have walked before. Seeing that the darkness around them is still the same, and the people they know are dead. This It is the impermanent world.

The two stayed for a while and then returned to the fourth level of the sea. Hai Ling asked: "What to do with the wooden island?" Zhang Ping said: "Keep it until the little beasts are settled." At first, he got a large piece of land, planted countless trees and flowers, and fed dozens of little beasts. Not a problem. The only trouble is having to replenish water with frequent rains. For this purpose, two huge iron buckets and iron basins were specially made and filled with clean water to serve as lakes, barely solving the draft problem of the little beasts. But trees, flowers and plants also need water, which requires Hai Ling to give them rain from time to time.

Hai Ling said: "It's a pity that Young Master Xian doesn't let the little beast enter Xianjing." Zhang Ain smiled and said: "It's no pity. How could we know that Xianjing is not another divine formation? Maybe we live on another different wooden island. Maybe, why bother with the little beast.”

Hai Ling laughed at what he said: "According to what you said, this world is just a magic circle, and we are just messing around in the magic circle." Zhang Ain pretended to be serious and said: "It's very possible."

The two of them stayed for a while, then returned to their leisure time. It happened that Mr. Xian came to see them. As soon as they met, he said, "I can't find you anywhere. Where have you gone?" Then he saw the two huge coffins in Zhang Ain's hands and asked in surprise, "What are these?"

Hai Ling replied: "Coffin." Xianyun was a little depressed. Of course I knew it was a coffin. What was inside the coffin I asked? He had no choice but to ask again: "What are these two coffins used for?" Hai Ling said: "They are the coffins of Dahei Erhei. Please help Mr. Xian choose a place to bury them." Xian Yun immediately understood that he was the one who sent them. The divine servant who was taking care of Hai Ling said, "Young Master Renyi." He shot out a red light with a snap of his fingers.

Not long after, a tall ghost-faced monster appeared outside the pavilion and spoke: "I have seen Young Master Xian and Young Master Xian. I don't know what Mr. Xian's orders were when he summoned Young Master Xian."

Xianyun said: "Those are the corpses of your men. Take them back and choose a place to bury them." After speaking, he hesitated and turned around to ask Hai Ling: "Young Master, are you going?" Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Hai Ling asked "Is it convenient for me to go?" Xianyun replied directly: "It's not convenient." Hai Ling knew that Xianyun would not lie to him, and did not ask why it was inconvenient. He immediately said: "I won't go." Waiting for the grimace monster After taking the two coffins, Hai Ling solemnly bowed three times to the coffins, then stood up without saying a word.

After the ghost-faced monster left, Zhang Ao asked Xianyun: "Master Xian, you came to see us, but something happened?" Xianyun smiled bitterly and said: "Isn't it the same thing as before? The Star Emperor is waiting outside the country, let me ask you if you have ever Change your mind?"

Want a snake? Zhang Weijing replied with one word: "No." Xianyun glared at him and said angrily: "Isn't this just teasing me?"

The Star Emperor imprisoned Zhang Ao in the small courtyard of Xianjing Pavilion. There were seven buildings in the courtyard including pavilions and pavilions. Unfortunately, it was empty, with nothing but futons. Fortunately, Hai Ling took the initiative to accompany him, otherwise he would have suffocated to death. personal.

When the two of them were messing around together, Hai Ling often pretended to be an adult and spoke: "Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will be rewarded. You went to the Refining Temple to accompany me, and that's why I am accompanying you now."

Apart from Hai Ling, only Xianyun came here often. Under the orders of the Star Emperor, he came every ten days and a half to ask Zhang Ping if he had changed his mind. Xianyun had long been tired of asking, because he and Zhang Wen got along pretty well, so he would occasionally say some angry words as if they were joking.

Seeing Xianyun glaring at him, Zhang Wen said helplessly: "Boss, I'm the one who's locking me up. Who's torturing whom? You're hurt. Ask your boss, how long does he want to lock me up?" "I'll lock you up to death." Xianyun groaned angrily. Heng went out to talk to the people sent by the Star Emperor. He came back a short time later, carrying a bottle of wine and saying, "Dried meat."

Eating meat is not allowed in the heaven, and drinking is generally drunk without any mention of food. Zhang Ai and Hai Ling didn't care about that. They ate everything every time. Xianyun ate at the right time. From then on, if there was wine, there would be meat.

As a result, the great and holy heavenly god was easily won over by Zhang Weijing with dried meat.

The three of them were drinking when someone outside the courtyard called the door. It was Liu Feng. Xianyun hurried out to greet him and asked, "I haven't seen you for a while. Why are you here?" Liufeng entered the courtyard and saw Hai Ling first, and then said, "Master Feng has gone down to the realm again."

Xianyun led him to sit in the banquet, and while taking a glass and pouring wine, he asked: "What is he doing in the lower world?"

Liu Feng glanced at Hai Ling and said with a smile: "The young master went down to the world last time and spent twenty months to rectify the country's customs. So far, he still doesn't pick up things on the road, doesn't close his house at night, and the world's atmosphere is still good. My lord accidentally commented that this was a bit interesting. Master Feng heard about it and secretly came to the human world alone. He also wanted to do good things and please his lord." At this point, he stopped and raised his glass.

"Then what?" Xianyun asked.

Liufeng drank the wine and said with a helpless smile: "Then something happened. Master Xinggong discovered that he had sneaked down to the human world a month later. He quickly sent three people from Twelve Hours to chase him back. As a result, the three of them went to the lower world to take a look and found that This good deed was a bit too much, and the three brothers could not afford to eat and live. At that time, two people were left to look after Mr. Feng, and one person came back to report the news. This report made the lord and Master Xinggong dumbfounded, and sent the thirty-three realms except you. Everyone, plus the twelfth hour, will come down together to wipe Mr. Feng’s butt.”

This is a bit vulgar, but there are no outsiders here, so it is just a joke. There is nothing that cannot be said.

Xianyun was dumbfounded when he heard this. He raised his hand and counted: "Thirty-three realm envoys, plus twelve hours, excluding me, there are a total of forty-four people. What on earth did Mr. Feng do to let so many Someone is going to finish it off? "Everyone has a higher level of cultivation than Zhang Weijing. It takes more than forty people to solve the problems in the lower realm. Mr. Feng is really courageous in doing things.

Hai Ling and Zhang Wenwei were also very curious when they heard this. Hai Ling said, "I have killed so many people, and only Brother Greedy Wolf is the only one accompanying me. Mr. Feng is still more powerful."

Liufeng said: "Amazing? He is indeed amazing. He stayed in the lower realm for a few days and killed the emperor. He said he was not doing business, harming the country and the people. He died early and was reborn early."

Kill the emperor? That is quite courageous! Zhang Ain asked: "Which emperor did Mr. Feng kill?"

Listening to his question, Liu Feng chuckled at first, and then said helplessly: "Young Master is doing good things in the Yue Kingdom, but the Yue Kingdom is not big enough. If Young Master Feng wants to surpass the Young Master, he chooses the largest country on the continent, known as the Thousand Qi, the country of prefectures, did good things. In the first few days, he did some good deeds. Later, he found out that the officialdom was seriously corrupt. Mr. Feng was very angry. After killing the corrupt officials, he still didn't feel relieved. He wanted to go to the palace to question the emperor and wanted to ask him. Why occupy the position and do nothing, and let the people below do whatever they want to prey on the common people? But, after arriving in the imperial city, Mr. Feng changed his mind and wanted to make a secret visit to find out how the emperor managed the country. Ordinarily, this idea was right Yes, it’s a pity that Mr. Feng is too impulsive.”

Having said this, Liu Feng took a breath and continued: "The imperial court has national masters and masters, and they form gangs to fight with each other. The ministers of the imperial court are also divided into several factions to compete for power, so they are not very timely in dealing with the following matters, or they don't care. . The ministers are busy fighting for power and don't care about the lives of the people. As the head of a country, the emperor doesn't care. He wants to balance the situation with his ministers and prevent any party from taking over. What's even more funny is that the emperor wants to. Practicing Taoism and seeking immortality, he allowed traitors to control the government and fight back and forth. Once Mr. Feng found out, he was furious. Why did the emperor keep such a bastard? Evil was rampant in the world, and the source was the emperor, so he killed him, and then killed him again. It took more than a dozen ministers in charge to figure out the evil in his heart, but the problem was that the murder happened quickly. "

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