The Monk

Volume One Chapter 953 The Demon King and the Star Emperor

Chapter 953: Demon King and Star Emperor

The big devil's face looked a little angry. The other three devils had similar expressions to him, but no one took action.

Counting Zhang Ping, there were seven people in the palace, and they stood there for a quarter of an hour. The Star Emperor sighed and said: "Stop it." The four demon kings glared at the Star Emperor, hesitated for a moment, and issued orders at the same time. The Star Emperor also issued an order. A moment later, hundreds of people came in from outside the palace, all dressed in black. They are masters from the demon world, and the one in the white silk robe is a master from the heaven world. Judging from the number of people, the demon world has the upper hand.

After these people entered the palace, they all stood behind their respective bosses. Almost everyone on the Demon Realm side was injured, mostly with angry expressions, but the Heaven Realm side had expressionless faces, with few injured. The strength of both sides was clearly judged.

The Great Demon King who possessed the body of the Ghost Ancestor looked at the people on his side and said angrily: "You and I both have the responsibility of guarding the realm. How dare you invade the demon realm with your troops? Aren't you afraid of the wrath of the gods?"

The Star Emperor said calmly: "How can a god get angry so easily? Besides, wouldn't he just kill some of your people? Anyway, there are many people in the demon world, and it won't be long before many more will be born."

"Every world has its own rules. I will report this matter to the gods." Another demon king said.

Star Emperor said nonchalantly: "You can report whatever you want, I'll take him away." As he spoke, he grabbed Zhang Awei and led him away quickly.

When the Star Emperor flew up, he saw countless stars rising into the sky in the dim and vast land at the same time. Following the Star Emperor, he flew away from the demon world, passed through the human world, and returned to the heavenly world.

Only then did Zhang Ping realize that the Star Emperor had brought so many of his men into the demon world, and he thought to himself: It's really a big deal, but what about it? Just to save me, a common man, so many people were sent out?

Countless people couldn't figure this out, including the three demon kings except the big demon king, as well as countless heavenly soldiers fighting desperately in the lower world. Who would have thought that the Star Emperor would start a war between two worlds just for an ordinary person? There were countless casualties on the battlefield. Not only many people died in the Demon Realm, but the Celestial Realm army also suffered over 10,000 casualties, but no one dared to ask the Star Emperor. Just like the soldiers of the demon world dare not ask the big demon king.

It's just that the soldiers don't ask, but the devil has to ask. At this time, in the Demon Realm Hall, three other demon kings stood together, facing the big demon king. One of them asked: "Why did the Star Emperor lead his army across the border in person? What did you do?"

The Great Demon King replied: "You have also seen it. I will arrest a common man, and the Star Emperor will come to ask for him."

"That's it?" No one among the three demon kings believed it. They were fighting among themselves, but suddenly they attracted countless heavenly soldiers. They suffered a lot of losses in a hurry. Knowing that the problem was with the big demon king, they all felt angry in their hearts. It would be the same for anyone. Anyone would be unhappy if they got into a confused fight without knowing the reason, with numerous casualties and loss of strength.

When facing foreign enemies, no matter what conflicts there are between the demon kings, they must temporarily put aside and kill the enemy in unity. Therefore, in this battle, the three demon kings suffered a large number of casualties.

Fortunately, the big devil's men suffered more casualties, so the three devil kings did not suspect that he was the cause of the evil. Otherwise, their family fortunes would have been lost, and the three families would have to join forces to suppress the big devil. Now after hearing what the Great Demon King said, the three Demon Kings were naturally dissatisfied and asked again: "What is the difference between ordinary people?"

The big devil said: "With such a big living person standing in front of you, if there is a problem, can't you find it?"

The four of them were entangled in ink and talking. At this time, Zhang Weizhi had already reached the heaven and was taken into the Lingxiao Palace. There were Xianyun and Liufeng accompanying Hai Ling in the palace. When he saw him coming back, Hai Ling happily rushed over and asked, "Are you okay?" and thanked the Star Emperor for bringing Zhang Wen back. Star Emperor just smiled faintly, returned to the high seat and sat down, staring at Zhang Awei.

Zhang was afraid of being seen very uncomfortable, but fortunately not long after, Qixing Lord and more than 20 generals entered. After seeing the Star Emperor, he reported: "3,700 people died in this battle, 6,763 People get hurt."

The Star Emperor gently nodded his head, looked at Zhang Afraid and said, "Just to save you, our heavenly armies suffered tens of thousands of casualties." After saying this, with a slight wave of his hand, more than twenty generals bowed and retreated, but His Highness was still standing. Seven Star Lords.

When Hai Ling heard that there were tens of thousands of casualties, especially nearly four thousand dead, her face turned red. She was sometimes anxious, sometimes ashamed, and muttered: "I'm sorry, I didn't know there would be such a heavy casualty." As he spoke, his eyes turned red. Tears appeared and fell down.

The Star Emperor said softly: "It's nothing." Whether it was the Demon King or the Star Emperor, it was simply impossible to single-handedly go to another world to rescue people. It was normal to have such a large amount of damage. And the damage was much less than he had expected.

It turned out that the Star Emperor was just curious about the Demon King's capture of Zhang, so he sneaked into the Demon Realm to check. Because his traces were exposed and he was driven away, the Star Emperor thought more and more wrong, so he asked Hai Ling to question him.

The two of them, one old and treacherous, the other as innocent as paper, soon found out from Hai Ling the secret that Zhang was afraid of the snake that subdued the gods. The Star Emperor was shocked at that time, that common man had the snake that subdued the gods? He immediately decided to attack the demon world and bring him back regardless of casualties.

After clever design and arrangement, when several demon kings in the demon world were fighting, they suddenly attacked and caught the demon kings by surprise. Fortunately, all the demon soldiers had been in battle for a long time and quickly stood their ground, working together to fight against the enemy and withstand the attack of the heavenly soldiers.

However, these attacks only restrained the demon soldiers. Star Emperor and Lord Xing Gong rushed straight into the hall and broke the restrictions that imprisoned Zhang Ai. At this time, the four demon kings arrived, but they were unable to fight with the two star emperors.

As mentioned before, the Great Demon King will seize his body and be reborn. During this period of rebirth, all the Demon Kings will seize the throne of the Great Demon King. The last time the Ghost Ancestor was captured, it had only been more than a year before the Great Demon King succeeded in seizing his body and appeared in the human world. Tanlang and others were very puzzled. Is the war between the Demon King over so soon?

In fact, it's not over yet. After the big devil absorbed the ghost ancestor's spiritual consciousness, he always kept Zhang Ping's God-subduing snake in his mind. He was anxious in his heart and wanted to snatch it away before the war between the devils ended. They were catching up with Tianjie to help Hai Ling track down the night battle murder, and they bumped into each other by chance. Because Lord Qixing was with Zhang Ai, the Demon King was worried about causing trouble, so he couldn't help it and took action himself.

He captured Zhang Ping, but the battle between the devils was not over yet. A group of demon kings tormented him endlessly, and came to fight whenever they had nothing to do. Today, when the fight was going on, the Star Emperor came with his people, and they had a killing spree.

It's frustrating enough to say that before the big devil can figure out the one-on-three situation, a terrifying killing god with a galaxy in his hand appears to torment him. Although there is an external enemy, the four demon kings will fight together, but the problem is that he is at odds with the other three demon kings. Even if they reluctantly come together to fight four against two, they may not be able to kill the Star Emperor and the bastard holding the galaxy. The devil simply decided not to fight. Don't you want to be afraid? I'll give it to you first, I don't believe you dare to snatch the God-subduing Snake.

No matter how powerful the Great Demon King is, he cannot make the whole world his enemy, so he will temporarily give up on Zhang Ai and let the Star Emperor take him away. Haotang specially dealt with the three demon kings who competed with him for the boss position.

He wanted to retain his strength, and the three demon kings wanted to retain their strength even more. No one wanted to fight them all at once and lose quickly. Therefore, in the face of the Star Emperor's surprise attack, although everyone was very angry, no one was willing to rush forward and fight. So the Star Emperor succeeded easily.

They cooperated so well that the Star Emperor was confused for a while. How could it be so easy to snatch back Zhang Ai, who owned the God-Destroying Snake? Could it be that the Demon King has obtained the God-Suppressing Snake? In his imagination, he thought that it would take several days and nights of fighting, with countless casualties, before he could succeed. However, it was too easy to get Zhang Wei this time, and he was inevitably a little unsure.

After telling Hai Ling that it was nothing, Xingdi kept his eyes on Zhang Ai, looking at him again and again. After a long time, he asked in a low voice: "Have you promised the devil?"

The old guy is such a thief, he can ask everything he wants to know in just one sentence. Although Zhang Wen was not stupid, he was too lazy to play tricks. In his mind, there was no big difference between the Star Emperor and the Demon King. They both treated him as an ant, so he replied: "No."

When the Star Emperor heard these two words, he was overjoyed. It was not in vain for me to lead his troops to the lower world. He waved his orders and retreated, and then spoke softly to Hai Ling: "I have something to say to Zhang Afraid. Can you go out first?" "Hai Ling said yes and turned around to leave. Only Zhang Afraid and him were left in the palace.

Zhang Ai took a look and realized that this scene was familiar enough. He had been there once when he was in the Demon Realm. However, he also saw several naked women at that time. They were later imprisoned. He wondered if the Star Emperor would also imprison him.

There was no one else in the hall, so the Star Emperor asked directly: "I want the God-Suppressing Snake, can you give it to me?"

Look at how grand this question was, Zhang Zhi was a little angry. Are you asking for something? Or debt? Rejected: "No."

The Star Emperor seemed to have expected this answer and continued to ask: "What if I asked Hai Ling to ask you for it?" Zhang Ain replied: "Same, I won't give it to anyone who wants it." He began to murmur in his heart, and the Demon King did not dare to snatch it. Snake, even the Star Emperor wouldn't dare?

After hearing Zhang Ping's firm answer, the Star Emperor refused to give up and asked again: "What will it take before you are willing to give it?" Zhang Ping said: "Nothing will happen." The Star Emperor asked coldly: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? "Zhang Ping replied proudly: "You won't give it to me if you kill me?"

The Star Emperor chuckled upon hearing this, thought for a moment and said, "You go." Zhang was afraid of being stunned by what he said, so he went to great lengths to save him after thousands of deaths, so he just let himself go?

Seeing him in a daze, the Star Emperor laughed and said, "I'm not asking you to return to the human world. I'm asking you to go out and stay in the leisure realm. You can't leave the leisure realm without my permission." Only then did Zhang Wein understand that Ganqing was a serious person again. Once, the prisoner walked towards the outside of the temple.

Hai Ling and many heavenly soldiers were standing outside. Seeing Zhang Ai come out, Hai Ling ran over and asked, "What did you say to me, sir?" Zhang Ai smiled and said, "Let me go and live in Xianjing. What about you? Live here. where?"

Hai Ling said: "I have been with Brother Greedy Wolf these days, except today." Just after saying this, Xianyun came over to talk to Zhang Awei: "Let's go, my lord has given orders." He then asked Hai Ling: "Young Master, Are you going to Xianjing?”

Hai Ling will naturally go, and wherever Zhang is afraid, he will follow. So the three of them took advantage of the clouds and returned to Leisure Land. After arriving at the place, Zhang Ain and Hai Ling thanked Xianyun, and then went into their rooms to think hard.

He was wondering why the Demon King and the Star Emperor wanted to subdue the divine snake. For masters like them, it couldn't be weapon refining. Could it be to kill alchemy?

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