The Monk

Volume One Chapter 952 The Great Demon King

Chapter 952 The Great Demon King

The Demon King raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Weifang for a while, then patted his hand, and the serving woman in the palace immediately retreated, leaving only Zhang Wenwei and the two of them in the huge hall. The Demon King stood up and said, "You should know that this is the Demon Realm." Zhang Ain nodded and said, "I know."

The Demon King asked: "Would you like to take a look?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "I'm not interested in this place."

After hearing this, the Demon King walked to Zhang Ai and stood in front of him. He smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not interested in this place either." "Oh?" Zhang Ai looked up at him, but he was too lazy to get up. The Demon King said: "No one will be interested in this place." As he spoke, he raised his hand and the hall disappeared in front of him, and the two of them appeared in a wilderness. But the banquet is still there.

The wilderness was pitch black, with some unknown dead grass growing there, each root dying of autumn yellow, barely showing any signs of life.

The Demon King said: "This is the true face of the earth. Most of the places are dark and lifeless. Who would be interested in such a place?" He paused and asked, "Have you been to the heaven?" Zhang Ain replied: "Been there." The Demon King smiled and said, "Isn't it more beautiful there than here? There are flowers that will last for four seasons, trees that are evergreen for a hundred years, immortal energy lingering, and spiritual clouds rising." Zhang Ain replied: "It's quite beautiful. Everything is white as far as the eye can see.”

The Demon King said: "That's natural. Among the three realms, the heaven realm is the highest. It's weird if it doesn't look good. Do you know the location of the three realms?"

Zhang Awei asked casually: "What position?" He thought in his mind: The sky is above and the earth is below. This rule cannot be separated.

The Demon King said: "What Buddha cultivates is to transcend the three realms, not the five elements. You know the five elements. The three realms are the three realms. The upper part is called heaven, and the lower part is earth. They are called the three realms together with the human world. They are said to be three realms, but they are actually together." Having said this, the Demon King asked again: "Do you know the difference between ordinary cultivators and Buddhist cultivators?" Zhang Ao shook his head and said, "Aren't they all seeking the Great Way and seeking liberation?"

The Demon King chuckled and said: "It's right to seek liberation, but what cultivators seek is to transform into gods and ascend, or ascend to heaven, or come to me for liberation. This is not the case for Buddhist cultivators. After they seek great liberation, they can fly directly away from the three realms. outside."

What is the place beyond the Three Realms? Zhang Ain said: "I heard people say that there is another realm beyond the three realms."

The Demon King said: "Did Lord Qixing tell you?" Zhang Ain said yes. The Demon King said: "Strictly speaking, all realms belong to the outer realm. We are detained here and work according to his rules." Zhang Ao asked: "What realm is that realm?" The Demon King did not explain, only said: "No matter what it is called, you can only go there after you become a god."

"Didn't it mean that after the god-transformation cultivator breaks through, it is possible to become a god?" Zhang Ain asked.

The Demon King chuckled after hearing this: "According to what you said, there are too many gods. I don't talk about others, just the Seven Star Lords. Who is not a god or above? Are they gods?" Zhang Ain shook his head. The Demon King then said: "Don't talk about the Seven Star Lords. Even the Star Emperor and I, as well as many other Demon Kings, none of them are gods. Will gods be trapped in the Three Realms and unable to escape?"

The more Zhang Ping listened, the more surprised he became. This world was actually so big. According to the world the Demon King said, the people in the world were really just a bunch of ants.

Having said this, the Demon King shook his head and said: "You are really lazy. I have been standing for a long time and you don't get up?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Anyway, if you come to arrest me, something will happen. No matter whether I am standing or sitting, I will not get up." If you can’t change your mind, you might as well sit and be comfortable.”

The Demon King nodded and said: "That's right." Then he raised his head and asked loudly into the distance: "How long do you want to hide?"

As he asked, a voice came from the distant, empty and dark wilderness: "I didn't hide." As he spoke, the person appeared in front of him.

Zhang Ping has seen this man and heard him speak. He is the Star Emperor of Heaven. This guy had something to do with Hai Ling, and Zhang was afraid that he would be in trouble, so he stood up and saluted, "I've met you, sir." The Star Emperor smiled and nodded at him.

The Demon King asked with a straight face: "What are you doing here?" The Star Emperor did not answer his question, but said: "Walking around, I found that there are four Demon King forces here alone, how come you keep wandering back? , can’t handle them anymore?”

The Demon King said quietly: "I'm too lazy to do it." He asked again: "What are you doing here?" The Star Emperor replied: "It depends on what you want to do." The Demon King sneered: "This is not heaven, how can you be allowed to run rampant?" He said nonchalantly: "You can try it."

These words were tantamount to provocation. The strange thing was that the Demon King did not take action. Instead, he waved his sleeves, and the heads of the two men appeared again in the vast hall. Then he walked back to his seat, sat down, poured a glass of wine and took a sip. But he said nothing and stopped talking to Zhang Afraid.

In addition to the two of them, there was also the Star Emperor who came uninvited. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the wall of the hall leisurely.

The two elders didn't speak, and Zhang kept his mouth shut tightly to avoid getting into trouble. He didn't even drink to avoid getting into trouble.

In such a flash, more than two hours have passed. Judging from the Star Emperor's intentions, it is clear that he has been exhausted and is determined not to leave anyway. The Demon King said displeasedly: "How long do you want to stay?" The Star Emperor smiled and said: "It depends on the situation." After saying this, he looked at the right side of the palace wall, as if he could see through the wall, staring straight at it without blinking an eye. .

The Demon King sneered and waved his sleeves again. Zhang Wen immediately felt like he was being put into a dark box, unable to see anything. He raised his hand to touch it, but couldn't touch anything. Like the fifth floor of the Temple of Refining that I had been to before, it was a dark and void space with nothing in it.

He didn't know how long he had been in the darkness, but suddenly there was light in front of his eyes, and he returned to the main hall. Looking again at this time, there were eight more men in black clothes in the hall. Ye Xue and Ye Zhan were among them, standing quietly behind the desk opposite. In front of them sat the devil, who continued to drink as if he had not moved. But his face became as white as paper, and his breath fluctuated a little, probably because he was injured.

After looking at the Demon King, he opened his eyes and looked around, but did not see the Star Emperor. The Demon King said: "Stop looking for him, he's gone." Zhang Ping withdrew his gaze and looked at the Demon King calmly.

When the Star Emperor arrived just now, his original intention was to find out why the Demon King captured Zhang Wei, but the Demon King revealed his whereabouts. The Demon King knew that this guy was difficult to deal with, and he refused to leave, so he had to mobilize eight night guards, plus himself, nine people fought against the Star Emperor, almost losing both sides, before he was able to defeat the Star Emperor.

After beating the Star Emperor away, the Demon King knew that time was urgent and he could no longer talk casually to Zhang Awei. He decided to speak directly, so he said to Zhang Awei: "I know you have a snake that subdues the gods. I hope you can give me one."

After hearing these words, Zhang Ai finally understood why the Demon King wanted to catch him, but how did he know about the Subduing Snake? Did he tell the Ghost Ancestor? I pondered for a moment and couldn't remember, but suddenly I remembered what I had said to Hai Ling on the boundless sea. I sighed secretly: This is fate. Who would have thought that someone could still hear me when I spoke across the boundless sea? He immediately shook his head and said, "No."

When the Demon King heard this, his expression did not change, and he said softly: "Then you stay here for a few days." After saying that, Zhang Aizhong returned to the dark world, feeling helpless as he couldn't see or touch. But his heart was bright, and there was one question that he couldn't figure out. The God-subduing Snake was staying in the big walnut on his chest. Why didn't the Demon King just snatch it away?

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out. The only answer I could think of was that the Demon King might be wary of the God-Conquering Snake and didn't dare to snatch it.

I don’t know how many days have passed in the darkness, but the light finally shines on this day. In the hall were the Demon King and a dozen bare-butt beauties. Those women were dancing. The Demon King was watching. While watching, he whispered to Zhang Awei: "The dance is quite beautiful."

Of course she looks good. This kind of woman looks good even if she is standing still, not to mention that she moves her body in a seductive pose. Zhang Awei coughed and said, "I don't understand this." He sat down far away and looked at the ground.

The Demon King chuckled, patted his chin lightly, and a dozen beauties who only slightly covered their key parts bowed and left. The Demon King and Zhang Ai were left in the palace. However, more than a dozen women had just left, but their body fragrance lingered, and a charming aura surrounded Zhang Wen, making him a little bit impulsive and wanted to find a woman to take a closer look at.

The Demon King asked directly: "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ping asked back: "What are you thinking about?" The Demon King looked much better than before. He must have been recovering from his injuries these days.

The devil whispered three words: "Snake." Zhang Ain laughed and said, "It's impossible, so don't try to make a fool of them." The devil also laughed: "If you don't give me the snake, you'll have to stay here forever." Zhang Awei burst out laughing suddenly and asked: "The snake is on me, why don't you just come and grab it? It would save you the time of talking nonsense to me."

The Demon King was stunned by what he said. He tilted his head and looked at Zhang Awei. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I will tell you a story and tell you the reason. Then, can you give me the snake?" Zhang Awei shook his head and refused directly: "No matter what the reason, I won't give it to you."

The Demon King chuckled and said: "You are really persistent, then just stay here." After saying this, Zhang was afraid of being locked into the darkness again, so he was so angry that he cursed: "What a bastard." But he also responded accordingly. The divine snake was even more curious, what was so special about these little guys that the devil wanted them but didn't dare to snatch them away? Besides, even if the Demon King can't take action, wouldn't even Ye Sui Ye Zhan and the others can't?

I don't know how much time has passed. The devil asked again. Zhang was afraid of refusing and would continue to be imprisoned.

Until one day, this dark space with nothing in it suddenly began to tremble, and waves of strong breath flowed through him. Just when he was questioning what happened, there was a bang in his ears, and the darkness collapsed. It was as if the black wall collapsed, piece by piece, falling from high to bottom, revealing the bright world behind him, and Zhang was afraid to return to the main hall.

Only then did he realize that the so-called dark space was just a restriction. He had been trapped in the hall and had not gone anywhere. Now that the restriction was broken, Zhang was afraid of being free, so he stood up and scanned the situation in the palace.

In the 100-meter hall, there were six people standing on two sides. On one side was the Star Emperor and the big man he had met before, Lord Xing Gong. On the other side was the Demon King and three other masters who were similar in cultivation to the Demon King. They were probably also Demon Kings.

Countless starlights were jumping and flashing between Lord Hoshigong's hands, as if all the stars were under his control. The Star Emperor stood expressionless with his hands behind his back, glanced at Zhang Afraid, and then looked back at the other four.

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