The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 951 Caught

Chapter 951: Caught

It was the first time that Zhang Wen walked into the foggy valley head-on. Everything he passed was pure white. Even though everything looked the same, he clearly felt that there was danger hidden in it. At this time, he came out of the formation to a safe area and asked Greedy Wolf: "Did Mr. Xian set up this formation?"

Greedy Wolf replied irresponsibly: "I don't know." He looked forward.

Following his gaze, there used to be a nine-story tower in that place, but it was gone now and turned into a wall, surrounding the open space in all directions. In the open space, there were Tai Chi Taoist yin and yang fish facing each other. The wall is only one meter high, and you can see what's going on inside at a glance from the outside.

Zhang Wen looked over with Greedy Wolf's eyes, and felt a little disappointed at first glance. The Refining Temple, which could help cultivators quickly improve their cultivation, was gone. It was pity that a group of cultivators outside still dreamed of entering the temple, hoping for good luck; Then I remembered what I told Ruiyuan a few years ago, asking him to select outstanding disciples and be ready to enter the palace. I didn't want it to be all in vain in the end.

Greedy Wolf took a few more glances at the surrounding walls and said to Hai Ling: "Young Master, this is a trapping formation. It is just fine for guarding the passage." The implication is that this formation is very ordinary and is far less powerful than you.

Hai Ling said oh, raised her little finger and pointed forward, asking Zhang Awei: "Are you going there?" Zhang Awei said yes. Greedy Wolf took the two of them directly into the Valley of Refining Gods.

The scenery in the valley is still the same, and the landscapes, plants and flowers are the same as before. Hai Ling stood in the grass that was almost as tall as himself and said excitedly: "These grasses are really tall." Zhang said fearfully: "It's very big here. I've walked there several times before, and there's nothing there." Seeing the boundary, there are countless creatures in the valley. If the fog valley magic circle is broken and the valley disappears, the hundreds of millions of creatures in the valley will turn into clouds and disperse at the same time. "

Hai Ling asked: "If we don't let the Wugu Divine Formation break, won't everything be fine?" Zhang Feng said: "That's what I said, but who knows if there will be any unexpected situations?" Hai Ling agreed and said: "You said it That’s right, it seems that we need to find a way to resettle the creatures in the valley.”

Zhang Ai added: "It's not just the creatures in this valley who live in the formation. There is a divine formation in the thick fog outside the valley. There are many fish-headed monsters living in it. I don't know the exact number, but there are many people."

Hai Ling took it for granted and said, "Just let them out together." Zhang Ain smiled and said nothing, letting his spiritual consciousness go out. This was the first time he returned here after becoming a god, and his spiritual consciousness spread out from the grassland like a rolling torrent. In an instant, it surged to all directions, whether it was mountains or rivers, and spread out without any obstruction.

As soon as this spiritual thought came out, a strong coercion immediately suppressed all the monsters. Regardless of whether they were in human form or not, they all lay motionless, feeling uneasy and wondering who was coming.

After being so arrogant for a while, Zhang Wen retracted his thoughts and said, "Let's go." He originally wanted to see the remains of the big tiger, but with Greedy Wolf around, he kept everything simple and waited until he had the chance to talk about it later.

Seeing that the creatures in the valley were fine, Hai Ling also wanted to leave. He was an array spirit and he didn't want to stay in another array for too long, so the three of them quickly left the valley and met up with Po Jun.

Since there were only three horses, Hai Ling said: "Brother Po Jun, you sit on my horse, and I will sit with Brother Zhang Ai." Po Jun refused, but Hai Ling had already jumped on a big horse and called Zhang Ai Kuai Come up. Zhang Ping smiled and mounted his horse, and the two rode out of the valley.

Po Jun had no choice but to mount his horse and follow Tanlang, and asked by the way: "Young master, where are you going now?" Hai Ling said: "First find a market to buy more horses, so that the big brothers of the Star Lords can't follow you. Eat dirt."

Po Jun said: "Young Master is really kind." These words were spoken from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time he said these words, the sky suddenly thundered loudly, and without any warning, thunder thundered down from the sky. , as scary as if it is ringing in your ears.

Everyone was attracted by the thunder and looked up. Hai Ling suddenly felt that there was nothing behind him. He turned around and saw that Zhang Zhen was gone. He looked around and saw that although the thunder continued, the sky was clear and there were only Po Jun and Tan on the left and right. The two wolves immediately shouted: "Brother Zhang Ai, where are you?"

At this time, Po Jun and Tan Lang knew that someone was causing trouble. From the sound of thunder, they felt a strong pressure coming a moment later. As soon as the two made preparations, the pressure had disappeared. They were so shocked that they hurried to see Hai Ling. Fortunately, the young master was still there, but the man behind him was gone. The Po Army immediately launched into action, ducking into the air and searching around. Tanlang jumped up and stood behind Hai Ling, and the two of them used their minds to search for traces of the enemy and Zhang Ai.

When this incident occurred, the following Xingjuns appeared instantly, each occupying a position in the air, searching and on guard. Fu and Bier Xingjun stayed close to Hai Ling's side.

When Zhang Ping disappeared at first, Hai Ling didn't think much about it and thought he had something to do. At this time, seeing the tense state of Zhongxingjun, he knew that Zhang was afraid that something would happen to his eldest brother, so he anxiously asked Tanlang: "Where is my eldest brother? Where is he?"

Greedy Wolf didn't reply for the time being, and continued to search for a while before saying: "According to my estimation, he was captured by the Demon King."

"Devil King? Why did the Demon King arrest Zhang Afraid of eldest brother? Do you want to seize his body?" When he thought of this, Hai Ling's little face turned pale. Ghost Ancestor was snatched away and died. He must not let his eldest brother suffer the same fate. He hurriedly rushed to Greedy Wolf. He shouted: "Brother Greedy Wolf, take me back to the heaven to see the Lord and ask him to save Brother Zhang Ai."

The Star Lords searched for a while, but found nothing. They all fell around Hai Ling on guard. After hearing Hai Ling's words, everyone looked at each other. Although the Star Lords were powerful, they could not defeat the Demon King. To ensure the safety of the young master, they returned to the heaven. first choice. So everyone didn't say anything, picked up Hai Ling and flew into the air, forming a battle formation, with a forward and a rear, and disappeared into the sky in an instant. Only three Pegasus horses with extraordinary horses were left in the open countryside.

Half an hour later, nine star kings, seven visible and two hidden, appeared in the Lingxiao Palace. The strange thing was that the Star Emperor was not there. After asking the servants and guards, no one knew where the Star Emperor had gone. A group of people had to go back to rest temporarily. Waiting for the adults to come back. The two star kings, Fu and Bi, disappeared directly.

A group of people in Heaven Realm were helpless. At this time, Zhang Ai looked helpless. He shook a glass of wine in his hand and said with a grimace: "Do you have to make the wine red? It looks like blood."

The person opposite smiled and said: "Smart people drink when they can, how can they be boring and picky..." Before he could finish his words, Zhang Awei interrupted: "I'm not smart." The person opposite shook his head slightly: " No, I think you are quite smart." Zhang Ping said sternly, "You must think you are wrong, or you have recognized the wrong person."

The person opposite was not angry either. He raised his glass and said, "Drink." He raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass. The cup is transparent and the wine is bright red. Drinking it so freely feels like drinking blood.

Anyway, if you were caught here, there was no need to act like a hero. Zhang was afraid to drink the red wine, and then asked: "What are you arresting me for?"

The person opposite was the demon king who had seized the body. He had wanted to avoid conflict with the heavens and took away Zhang Wen easily. But because the Star Emperor appeared, they had to retreat temporarily, and then suddenly appear to arrest people when the Star Emperor left and everyone relaxed their vigilance. But in this case, conflict with the heaven is inevitable.

What is confusing is that when the devil caught Zhang Ai, he not only did not give him any trouble, but also invited him to drink. After listening to Zhang Awei's question, the Demon King smiled and said: "No big deal, let's drink first." After drinking a glass of wine, waiters came to pour wine, but these waiters made Zhang Awei very uncomfortable.

The two sat opposite each other in a large hall, which was about a hundred meters square and spacious. They were five meters apart and sat opposite each other. One person had a case, and he was accompanied by four waiters. The waiters are women, and each one of them is extremely beautiful, with beautiful appearance and beautiful body, even more beautiful than Cheng Xier.

But the problem is that she is too beautiful. Not only is her appearance extremely beautiful, but her body is also beautiful. Why is Zhang afraid that he will know that the waiter has a beautiful body? Because they were not wearing any clothes, they only decorated some key parts with gold and silver petals, leaving all other parts exposed. Because he was wearing too little, the beauty and temptation made Zhang Ai's heart beat and he was a little panicked.

Strictly speaking, this is the third time Zhang Wen has seen women wearing so little. The first time was when he was fighting with the Yue Kingdom demons when he was a child. Ouyang Dingtian used magic to create a bunch of naked women to attack them, but those naked women were only black and white. , and with the protection of his uncle, he was not allowed to see it, so he was not greatly affected. The second time was Meng Nu, a miserable woman from Longhu Mountain. She went to attack Tianlei Mountain, but she encountered a strong enemy. She exposed her buttocks and exposed her back. Fortunately, her clothes were still on her body, and Zhang was afraid that she had been fighting all the time, so he could attack her. The smooth and beautiful back turned a blind eye.

This was the third time. Four real beauties were swaying with their naked butts in front of his eyes. He was so nervous that he did not dare to raise his head. Even if he raised his head, he would not look sideways and he would not dare to look at these women.

These four women are so beautiful. Their bodies, looks, skin, hair, and even their hands and feet are all beautiful. But this is also something new to say. How could the woman that the Demon King worked so hard to create not be beautiful?

The Demon King looked at his expression, laughed, and suddenly asked: "Have you never seen a woman before?" Zhang was afraid that he would not reply to his words, so the Demon King continued: "No, I should have seen a woman before, that is, I haven't." Have you ever seen a ** woman?” After saying this, he surprised himself, and then said: “You have cultivated to the point of becoming a god, and you have lived for at least hundreds of years. Even if you only live for more than three hundred years, But I haven’t seen a woman with a bare butt in more than three hundred years? You are so amazing, I admire you so much.” He drank another glass of wine with admiration.

Zhang Wen was very helpless when he heard this, so he interjected: "Is this why you came to arrest me?"

The Demon King smiled and said: "Of course not. The way we are getting along now is to reminisce with you on behalf of my predecessor, Gui Zu. You are so good to him, which means you are also good to me. This favor must be repaid."

Zhang Awei shook his head: "No need to pay it back, just let me go."

The Demon King laughed again at this. It seemed that he was very happy after seeing Zhang Weijing. He couldn't stop laughing at this moment. He laughed and said: "You are so simple. I didn't even bother to fight with the heavens to invite you here. You said Will I let you leave easily?"

"Then what do you want?" Zhang Ain asked. Since it has come to this point, he still spoke openly, which is tantamount to starting a negotiation.

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