The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 950 The target is Zhang Ai

Chapter 950: The target is Zhang Ai

Of course Po Jun was going to die. He turned around in the air and shouted at the same time: "Po." I saw the sky full of rays of light, all kinds of colors, exploding into groups of colors, like fireworks, but longer and more beautiful than fireworks, lingering in the direction of the sky. Fake ghost ancestor.

The fake ghost ancestor stood still, black energy bursting out from his body, a thin layer, like a black robe covering his body, loosely protecting his body. At this time, those beautiful fireworks that exploded flew up to the black air, and looked at the lingering glow. They seemed to have extraordinary power, but they were all blocked and absorbed by the black air. The fake ghost ancestor watched the fireworks slowly disappear and said disdainfully: "It's a small trick."

Po Jun's several consecutive attacks were all ineffective, and he suddenly became anxious. Knowing that he was not the Demon King's opponent, he was determined to fight tooth and nail.

It’s just that no one expected that this world would be so lively. A bright light burst out from opposite the fake ghost ancestor. A huge bright star flew out from the flash of light. Follow the star and close your eyes. The bright light will disappear, and wait for it to come again. Opening his eyes, the Star Emperor appeared in the forest, wearing a star robe and a star hat. He said to the fake ghost ancestor: "You lie to people again and again, is it interesting?"

When the fake ghost ancestor saw the Star Emperor approaching, he immediately stopped, stepped back and asked, "Are you waiting for me?"

The Star Emperor nodded: "I'm very curious. Greedy Wolf told Ye Zhan to go to the heaven to find someone, and he actually went. There must be a reason. I just wanted to see what he was going to do, but I didn't want to wait for you. It's not like that. There is gain.”

Now that the Star Emperor has appeared, the Demon King knows that no matter how hard this fight ends, he whistles softly. The sound is not loud, but it can be heard far and wide. Ye Zhan, who is fleeing in all directions in the sky, hears it. This sound exploded into black smoke during the escape, and then disappeared.

After Ye Zhan left, the Demon King smiled at the Star Emperor and said, "You're here, I'm leaving." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

The enemy left and the Star Emperor arrived. Hai Ling no longer had to transform into a divine formation to defend himself against the enemy. With a thought, he put away the divine formation and transformed into a cute fat boy again to greet the Star Emperor.

Tan Lang was leading Fu and Bi to chase Ye Zhan when he suddenly realized that the enemy was gone. He sighed softly: "It would be really difficult to kill this guy if he just ran away." He had no choice but to fly back down and pay homage to the Star Emperor.

When the four Star Lords saw the Star Emperor arriving, they were all curious and wondered what had happened. However, the Star Emperor did not say anything. After meeting everyone, he said: "I'm back. If anything happens, please report it as soon as possible." He also said a gentle hello to Hai Ling. : "I asked all the Seven Stars to come, so you can have fun." After saying that, he disappeared immediately.

Because the Star Emperor said he would send someone here, a few people were waiting here. Half an hour later, several other Star Lords arrived at the same time, greeted Hai Ling, and talked for a while with Tanlang and others. But still no one paid attention to Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Wei stood like air and watched everyone's excitement. Feeling depressed in his heart, he secretly said to himself: If you look down on me, look down on me. There will be a day when I can look down on you.

Now that the enemy had left, he put away all the magic weapons and stood quietly watching Hai Ling. But I still don't understand. What does the devil want him to do? Could it also be used to seize the body? Thinking of this, I quickly shook my head. I haven't lived enough yet, and I don't want to die.

Not only was he curious, but Po Jun was even more curious. When others were talking, he stared at Zhang Awei with all his attention, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see anything different about this kid. He could actually attract the devil to come. That scary guy went to the human world just to catch an ordinary person?

Po Jun thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out. Greedy Wolf asked him: "That guy is the Demon King? What is he doing here?" Po Jun replied: "In terms of strength, he should be the Demon King, but no one has ever seen him. His face is uncertain. As for what he is here for?" As he spoke, he smiled expressionlessly at Zhang Weijing: "Here, here he is."

All the Star Lords looked over, but they were as confused as Po Jun and couldn't figure out what was going on. On the other hand, two Xingjuns, Fu and Bi, said coldly to everyone: "Let's go." Their bodies disappeared into the air.

Seeing them leaving, Tanlang ordered: "Six of you spread out and follow in groups of two." His instructions made the stars laugh, pointing at Tanlang's appearance and said: "You still plan to continue? Be twin brothers?"

Greedy Wolf was very depressed and glared: "Disperse." Everyone had no choice but to say a few jokes and disperse. At the same time, they also changed their appearance, restrained the Xingjun aura, and pretended to be ordinary people, so as not to look so handsome and provoke people. Unnecessary right and wrong.

Seeing everyone dispersed, Tan Lang asked Zhang Ao: "What did the devil want you for?" Zhang Ao replied: "I'm confused too." Tan Lang saw that he didn't tell lies, and felt a little more confused, but then he put it aside. With this question, he turned around and asked Hai Ling: "Where else do you want to go, young master?"

Hai Ling said: "Didn't you say you would go to Wugu Valley to have a look?"

After the fight, both sides did not harm them. The three horses actually did not run away. Hai Ling got on the horse first and rode through the forest towards the south.

Horseback riding in the forest is the most troublesome and slow. Fortunately, the little fat man came to this world not long ago. He has been killing people in the past few days. He is also very interested in the scenery in the forest. He is walking and watching without being too slow. He just thinks it is... Playing.

There are unique scenery in the mountains and forests, and there are also birds and animals. Horse hooves knocked on the forest road, causing birds and snakes to flee hastily. It also attracted tigers, wolves and other ferocious beasts, but Hai Ling just dispersed them.

Hai Ling and Zhang Weifang had the same attitude towards forest beasts. Regardless of whether these guys were hostile to him, they would let them all go. There was no need to kill more. They just walked and watched. On the way, they asked Zhang Weifang: "Wooden Island" What to do with those little beasts up there?”

Zhang Ai didn't know what to do, so he casually replied: "Let it stay in your body." Hai Ling said in a low voice: "Now that I am a human being, there are other living things in my body, and I feel uncomfortable." Zhang Ai said He smiled and said: "There are too many living things in your body. If you don't listen to the Buddha's saying that one grain of sand is one world, your body is bigger than the sand. Who knows how many living creatures there will be." Hai Ling protested: "You are making excuses, knowing that I That’s not what I meant.”

Zhang Ai had no choice but to say sternly: "Let us find a good place to release them, either let them go or continue to raise them." Hai Ling agreed and asked him to find a suitable place.

On the way, apart from talking to Hai Ling, Zhang Ain kept thinking about the question, why is the devil looking for him? The Star Emperor knew clearly that the Demon King was looking for him, why didn't he even ask himself? It's a little too abnormal.

What's even more abnormal is that the Star Emperor walked away with the Demon King after he left. Isn't he worried that the Demon King will come back and cause trouble again? Thinking of this, I looked up at the sky with a helpless smile on my face: That old guy might be watching me, just waiting for the devil to reveal his purpose when he comes, so that he can take advantage of the opportunity.

As we walked further into the woods, there was no longer a path. Instead, we led out of the high slopes and into the mountains. Thanks to the reborn horse, it is able to walk freely on the forest hillsides. Seeing that the woods ahead were getting denser and denser, there were also thorns and low branches under the trees. Zhang Ai asked Hai Ling: "Come out of the mountain?" Hai Ling said: "Okay, there is always a gloomy feeling in this big forest." Tanlang interjected: "Fly over there." Hai Ling said: "Fly to a place where there are people. good."

Zhang was afraid that after hearing this, the little guy still planned to act chivalrously? I dare not kill enough even if I kill all the way.

Greedy Wolf received Hai Ling's orders and did not dismount. He rolled up his sleeves and a cloud of air emerged from the ground, holding up the three horses and flying out of the forest.

As the saying goes, wherever there are people, there will be conflicts, conflicts, and injustice. Not long after Hai Ling left the mountain, he saw another unfair thing happening. In the small village outside the mountain, there was someone who was ruthless and dominant. The villagers were angry for the common people, and to vent their anger on himself, he killed three more people. Fortunately, after killing three people and walking for more than ten miles without encountering any bad things, Hai Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

This place borders the State of Yue and is under the jurisdiction of the Warring States Period. Because most of the major countries on the mainland are vast and have intervention from cultivators, there have been few wars over the years, and residents of the two countries often communicate with each other. The story of the magical young master appearing in the Yue Kingdom has long been spread across the borders of the Warring States Period. Most of the people are suffering people, so naturally they are looking forward to the incarnation of justice to save them from their suffering.

This kind of news has always been widely circulated, scaring the high-ranking officials and nobles who used to be kings and hegemons to stop. When their lives are at stake, they would rather believe it or not. Therefore, some evil people chose their lives because of this, and only three unlucky guys were killed. kill.

After more than a year of killings and Zhang Wei's persuasion, Hai Ling understood that he could not kill everyone in the world to do good and not do bad things with just one kill. So I don’t bother to tell people how to live their lives. Who is more stupid than who? Why should I listen to you? Anyway, as long as he is around, those who want to die will continue to do evil, and those who don't want to die will live honestly. No matter who they are, they will always be restrained.

Because he killed someone, some small stories happened in the Warring States period. More than a dozen Warring States cultivators came to trouble him, saying that the court had an order not to use torture in private. Zhang Ain laughed at them, and a group of foundation-building monks dared to act arrogantly, and they were beaten away with a few slaps.

Seeing that along the way, apart from rescuing the weak, he was killing people, and other than listening to people complain about their grievances and injustices, Greedy Wolf finally had enough and suggested: "Why not go to the Foggy Valley first, check out the creatures in the valley, and then slowly do good deeds."

Hai Ling thought about it and agreed, so the three of them took the horses and flew straight to Wugu.

At this time, there were still more than four years before the Great Opening of the Foggy Valley, and the number of cultivators outside the valley began to increase. Seeing these people, Zhang Ai kept muttering in his heart: If they knew that there was no Refining Temple in the valley, they would go crazy.

Because of this, Zhang Ping also wanted to go into the valley to see what Xianyun would use to replace Hai Ling to guard the passage.

The three of them landed on the less crowded side. Greedy Wolf said hello and called Po Jun to look after the horses. He pulled Hai Ling and Zhang Ao and walked into the thick fog.

The Valley of Fog is a huge divine formation that separates the passage to other places from this continent. At the same time, there is another divine formation somewhere in the thick fog. In the formation is the long-famous Bone Forest. The passage to the outside world will appear at will, but its root is the Bone Forest in the Fog Valley Divine Formation.

The Wugu Divine Formation was a chasm and a dead end for others, but it was no problem for Greedy Wolf. He led Zhang Ai and Hai Ling around in it, and only took a moment to reach the platform in the valley.

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