The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 947: Goodness from Killing

Chapter 947: The good that comes from killing

When it got dark the next day, the little guy got up in a hurry again, preparing to set off quickly. Zhang was afraid that he would be abrasive, so he drank some water first, rested for a while, and then set off.

Hai Ling was extremely happy to finally feel majestic. She jumped on the horse, pulled out the knife from her waist, held it high and shouted loudly: "Come on." She beat the horse and moved forward. Tan Lang and Zhang Ai hurriedly followed, but just after walking through this high mountain, something happened.

This boundary is under the jurisdiction of the Yue Kingdom. There is a village on the other side of the mountain. About two miles outside the village entrance, there is a team walking, playing winds and drums and making a lot of music. It is the procession for sending off the bride.

Little Hai Ling rushed forward and soon saw the procession of sending off the bride. She immediately stopped her horse and retreated to the side of the road. On someone's big day, it's not easy to rush into a galloping horse. Little Hai Ling is very polite.

Hai Ling was not used to using his spiritual sense to detect the movement on the road ahead, but Zhang Ain and Tan Lang had already known about this procession. Seeing Hai Ling retreating by the roadside waiting for the procession to pass, they stopped and waited together.

But at this moment, a young man ran out of the village quickly, followed by five or six people, shouting: "Stop him." The young man in front didn't say anything, just ran quickly, and soon caught up with the bride-to-be party. , the groom leads the way on a big horse, followed by an embroidered sedan chair. Attracted by the movement at the entrance of the village, I looked back briefly, but the team did not stop.

We were all fellow villagers, and if someone knew the young man, he sent some people to intercept him. Although two miles was not too far, the young man ran with all his strength and had no strength for a long time. He was easily stopped by several people. Some called him a bastard, while others ordered him to be escorted back.

Little Hai Ling was watching with great interest the people playing and playing. Suddenly something happened, and the little guy was a little angry. They were holding a happy event, what do you think you are going to do? I really want to teach that troublesome young man without eyes. But when he saw the young man being pushed to the ground, he didn't go over. At this moment, the young man suddenly shouted: "Don't marry." The voice was loud and heartbreaking.

With just these three words, everyone understood what was happening. He was calling the bride who was sitting in the sedan chair.

But he called him, and the wedding procession continued to move forward. The young man was already silenced when he shouted again, and several people behind him also caught up with him. They tied him up with ropes and carried him back to the village.

Seeing this scene, Hai Ling was stunned. Why did he encounter such a thing on his first trip out of the mountain? How can this allow me to act chivalrously? He turned to look at Zhang Ping, hoping he would give him an idea.

Zhang Wen said quietly: "Ten percent of people in the world are unhappy. There are so many things like this that others can't control." Hai Ling seemed to have some enlightenment after hearing this, and Zhang Wen added: "No matter the reason is right or wrong, it is not a robbery after all." , no matter how pitiful it is, as long as the woman is not willing, who can force her to get on the sedan chair? Now that she has got on it, she is determined to leave behind all the past. This is her own choice. No matter what happens in the future, at this moment, no one can Can't stop her."

Hai Ling said yes and asked Tanlang: "Brother Tanlang, there is no such thing in heaven, right?"

Greedy Wolf said: "No, that place can be summed up in just a few words. There is no human touch. Of course there won't be such trivial matters in an impersonal place." Hai Ling heard this and shouted: "I was just thinking, the world of heaven is so It looks good, but there seems to be something missing. That’s right, it’s human touch. There is no human touch in heaven.”

The place was very hierarchical, and the people who passed by were all masters of cultivation. Their whole life purpose was to practice cultivation, so there was no time to think about other things.

The three of them watched the young man being carried back to the village, and then watched the bride-sending procession turn onto the path and head towards other villages. Tan Lang and Zhang Wen were extremely skilled in cultivation, so they naturally knew that the young man in the village who was arrested was extremely sad and angry. The woman in the sedan chair was also filled with sadness and resentment, with tears in her eyes. It was obvious that this was another bad fate.

Zhang Wen couldn't help but think of Song Yunying and Cheng Xi'er. These two extremely beautiful women had been following him for many years. No matter how hard he worked outside, they never complained. However, he rarely had time to accompany them, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. At this time, Hai Ling raised her little face and spoke to him: "Brother, when I was in a hurry last time, I only said a few words to Sister Yunyi and Sister Xi'er. I have to prepare some gifts this time. I don't know. What does my sister like?"

Zhang Yin smiled and said: "I'm a kid, why do I need you to give me a gift? In the next few days, I'll take you to see some fat dolls like you, but they are much cuter than you." As he said this, he felt more and more like Feeling guilty for the second daughter.

Hearing that there were others cuter than herself, Hai Ling thought for a moment and said, "It's Fu'er and the others, right? I'd like to meet them if I have a chance."

Zhang Ain burst out laughing when he heard this. The little guy was very competitive. Seeing the pedestrians disappearing on the road, he raised his hand and lightly hit Hai Ling's horse, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the Foggy Valley for a walk first."

The three of them jumped on their horses and whipped their whips, and headed south. This was Hai Ling's first time wandering around the human world, so he was naturally very excited, but unfortunately he became unhappy as he walked. What I saw the most along the way was that the people were struggling to make a living. Urban residents were better off. Most of the villages in the suburbs were simple houses with simple furnishings. Hai Ling, who was kind-hearted and had been taught by Zhang Wei with painstaking efforts, was heartbroken and sad. Of course, Hai Ling was heartbroken. It's more anger, anger against evil.

Looking around the world, where is there no evil? It is these sins that make the little guy angry.

Hai Ling wanted to be a knight-errant and would not let evil run rampant, so the journey was very slow. It can be said that as he walked, he did the things he did along the way. Except for petty theft, fights, adultery and other mistakes that cannot be punished harshly, as long as he can see the injustice, after asking the cause of the matter and confirming it, he will kill without mercy.

Along the way, he saw countless poor and difficult families and witnessed many tragedies in the world. The more he saw, the more he regretted that he had met them too late and could not help them earlier. Therefore, we will be more ruthless against those who are corrupt and bend the law, and we will severely crack down on all crimes. Not to mention anything else, he had killed more than 300 officials of the seventh rank and above in the imperial court before he even crossed the border. As for the other evil officials, local ruffians and bandits, they were absolutely merciless and would kill with just one word.

From the beginning of intervening and killing when encountering unfair incidents, to later taking the initiative to investigate and secretly investigate and kill evildoers wherever they go. The direct killings made the people feel happy, but also killed the rich and high-ranking officials, which put everyone in danger. Because the military morale of those in power was unstable, and the public sentiment was also unstable, riots and looting occurred in many places, and the bold ones even rebelled.

Zhang Ping once advised him that everything should not be too extreme, otherwise there will be chaos. In some cases, just deal with the leader and kill the chicken to show the monkey. Greedy Wolf also agrees with this sentence. But he didn't want to be rebutted by Hai Ling's righteous words: "The birth and growth of human beings are chosen by heaven and earth. Only by adhering to morality and knowing etiquette can people coexist. The first thing is to do good. Since there are people who know evil and do it, I will do it for you." If God decides to ask them to leave, why not?”

Zhang couldn't argue with what he said. After all, Hai Ling learned all about the world from books, and the stories in books always simply defined good and evil, right and wrong, and taught people to be good. But who has a book and doesn’t want to talk about the perfect world in his mind? There are more books, the publishers have their own purposes, they are used by the government to govern the people, or they are written by wealthy businessmen to write biographies. There are also classics, meanings and sects that summarize everything in the world, so that people can live in peace with the status quo and seek a stable life. and wealth in the next life.

Reading these books to Hai Ling, who was just starting to become wise, certainly strengthened his kindness and moral values. Especially Zhang Wen, who always met him, was a good person himself, and taught Hai Ling by words and deeds, turning Hai Ling into a world-famous person. The most thoroughly good guy.

If Zhang is afraid that sometimes he has many concerns or selfish motives when doing things, Hai Ling would never think of these. He just believes that the good will survive, the evil will be punished, and those with small evils and small mistakes will be punished. good opportunity.

So when a bully who oppressed good people in a certain place was killed, some poor people who had been bullied for too long took advantage of the situation and went to steal food, money and women. When Hai Ling saw it, he only said one word: "Kill." "The greedy wolf easily ended their lives.

Hailing, no matter who you are, no matter how much hardship you have suffered, no matter what, it is not a reason for you to do evil. Unless you have a mother waiting for help and have to steal money to save your life, Hai Ling will let you go. Unless your family was killed by a bully, and you go out for revenge and kill the victim without involving innocent bystanders, Hai Ling will let you go. Other than that, no excuse is sufficient to justify infringing upon someone else's property or life.

Facts have proved that there are many things that are simple to think about and simple to do, but the results are obvious. Hai Ling rode his horse slowly all the way, lingering for a long time in every place, but he did countless good deeds and killed countless people.

He makes no choice when it comes to killing, whether rich or poor, he kills as long as he is guilty. Killing all the way along the way, the government of Yue State was unstable. He sent troops three times to kill. In the end, Hai Ling was angered. I was doing good deeds and doing good things for your court. You actually want to kill me? With two pieces of fear, one true and one false, he went directly to the Dai Viet Palace, interrogated all the ministers in front of the Dai Viet Emperor, and finally killed more than 80 powerful ministers in the court as police officers. Every time he killed one person, Greedy Wolf read it out loud. His crime finally warned the emperor: If you don't want to die, just be an emperor for me.

Fortunately, the emperor had the benefit of the world and was not as greedy as the officials, so he was not killed by Hai Ling. After Hai Ling and the other two people left, the emperor looked at the blood-soaked meeting hall and wondered, these officials who have always been loyal to me are actually evil and traitors?

In any case, Hai Ling's killing brought the Yue court to justice. The atmosphere in the officialdom immediately improved, and officials did not dare to joke with their own lives.

And along the way, he killed so many evil people that the whole country spread the news that there was a young master in the world. He was very cute and well-behaved. He was accompanied by two handsome twin guards, and he helped the strong and the weak on his behalf, no matter what. Who are you? If you commit a great evil, you will definitely be killed.

Although it is said that the matters in the court involve the dignity of the emperor, it cannot be spread. But the rumors about the young master in the market were enough to frighten the evildoers everywhere who were ready to take action. They all hurriedly sent people to investigate the news, and finally found out that it was true. These guys immediately became honest.

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