The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 946 Little Wind

Chapter 946 Xiao Feng'er

Tan Lang nodded and said, "That's right. What do you want to do, young master?" He was thinking in his mind, what if Hai Ling ordered him to kill Xiao Feng'er? In just a moment, he would share the same fate as the six men in golden clothes.

Tanlang was thinking about it blindly, but he heard Hai Ling laugh and say: "He is overthinking it. No matter how good the heaven is, it is not my home. Let's go and talk to him. Let's go and talk to him." Talking to Xiao Feng'er is actually to protect him. Hai Ling understood this but did not point it out. He also knew that he couldn't kill Xiao Feng'er without permission, so he had to be more generous.

The Star Emperor clan members must be closely protected. Just like Greedy Wolf, Fu and Bi came to protect him, Xiao Feng'er must be surrounded by bodyguards.

Greedy Wolf knew that Hai Ling was kind, but he still sighed at his generosity. If it were him, he would find a way to clean up Xiao Feng'er. Even if he couldn't kill him, it would still be good to vent his bad temper. Immediately he said: "Young Master, please come with me." He grabbed Zhang Ao with one hand and Hai Ling with the other. The scenery changed slightly and the three of them had returned to the small hotel where they had just eaten dumplings.

Xiao Feng'er was shocked and frightened when the three people came back, thinking that the matter was exposed, but Tanlang never mentioned it and instead asked him: "Has Mr. Feng ever eaten dumplings?" Xiao Feng'er subconsciously replied: "No. "All the dumplings were eaten by Greedy Wolf. Even if he bought them again, they couldn't be cooked and served so quickly. He was drinking from a pot of residual wine, but the women who followed him were blocked by the waiter. Outside, it was said that the shop was taken over by Mr. Feng.

Greedy Wolf pretended to be angry and said: "How come these people don't do their best at work? Let your subordinates urge you." After saying this, he turned to the boy and shouted: "Hurry up and serve the dumplings." The waiter blocked the door to prevent the women from coming in. , wondering how these three people got in? On the other hand, he even replied: "That's fine. Guest, please wait a moment."

Greedy Wolf acted like this, which made Xiaofeng'er feel confused. She couldn't guess what this guy wanted to do. She had sent people to kill Hai Ling. Unexpectedly, she didn't see six people coming back. Instead, Greedy Wolf took the initiative to find him. He speaks. I can't help but secretly speculate whether the matter has been exposed? Where did those six people go? Because there is something on his mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to guess what Greedy Wolf wants to do.

Considering his selfish and surly mentality, even if he was beaten to death, he would never expect Greedy Wolf to protect him.

So a few people talked nonsense in the small restaurant. Hai Ling and Zhang were afraid that they wouldn't like Xiao Feng'er, so they just sat there without talking, and Tanlang mainly greeted the guy. Sitting like this until dusk, Xiao Feng'er finally ate the legendary dumplings. A dozen women outside the store also left because of their own affairs, and the store became rare and quiet. At this moment, another big man walked in from the door of the store. He had short hair, angry eyebrows, and muscles on his body that stretched his wide robe tightly.

As soon as they saw the big man, Tanlang and Xiaofeng'er stood up to greet him. Tanlang said respectfully: "I have met Mr. Xinggong." Xiaofeng'er timidly said: "I have met the master."

The big man first glanced at Hai Ling and Zhang Ai, then said to Tan Lang, "You did a good job." Finally, he fixed his gaze on Xiao Feng'er, becoming cold but silent.

Xiao Feng'er felt anxious and said diligently: "Master, please take a seat." The big man sneered: "This square table, can you tell me where the seat is?" Most of the tables in small restaurants are square in shape, neither big nor small, barely. Just eating. The four of them, Xiao Feng'er, Hai Ling, Zhang Ai, and Tan Lang, fit into the same table, but there was no spare room.

Seeing the behavior of Tan Lang and Xiao Feng'er, Hai Ling and Zhang Feng knew that the master was coming, so they both stood up to worship. Hai Ling even said respectfully: "Young Master Hai Ling has met Mr. Xing Gong." This sentence made the big man laugh, shook his head and said softly: "Young master, you don't need to be so polite to your subordinates." But he ignored him. Zhang is afraid.

Hai Ling was confused when he heard this. What did this generation say? Xiao Feng'er calls Xing Gong his master, but Xing Gong humbly calls him his subordinate, which makes him feel a little confused.

At this time, Xiao Feng'er felt regretful when she saw the flattery slapped on the horse's hooves, and quickly interjected: "Master, if you don't mind, please sit in the student's seat."

"Oh? What do you mean, the seat you are sitting on is the upper seat?" Da Han asked with pun, not only asking about his seat at this time, but also asking about his position in the heaven.

With just one sentence, Xiao Feng'er suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I don't dare." The big man said coldly: "You have done it, and you still say you don't dare?" You have done it, and you have to sit down. The tone was very similar, which made Xiao Feng'er even more frightened. She didn't know what the master meant by questioning her. Whether it was because he had sent someone to kill Hai Ling that he had been exposed, or whether he had taken the seat calmly and his mentality of being the heir to the Star Emperor had been exposed, which made him really confused again.

Zhang Ai was sweating profusely after hearing this, this is an expert! A random sentence can have several meanings, and coupled with the tone and temperament of a superior person, it is difficult for people not to think twice.

The big man didn't want to talk nonsense anymore and said to Tanlang: "My lord has ordered that if something happens in the lower world, you can handle it with full authority. The matter in the devil world was handled very well last time." Tanlang said respectfully: "I follow my lord's instructions, my subordinates. Do your best when it comes to your duties.”

The big man nodded and said to Xiao Feng'er, "Let's go back to Jingxin Pavilion with me to stay for a few days."

How many days? Which time did you not stay for more than ten years? Xiao Feng'er wailed in her heart, and she still can't figure out what happened that caused her master to go down to the lower realm. She said in a pitiful tone: "Master, I just came to the lower realm and haven't had time to play yet."

"What are you going to do for fun? Just go back to Jingxin Pavilion and have fun. I'll play with you." The voice was cold and cold, making people shudder.

After the big man spoke, no matter what Xiao Feng'er said, he stepped forward and grabbed his hand, carried him to the door, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They were talking like this, which surprised the shopkeeper and the waiters in the shop. What's going on? Why do you want to rebel by calling your lord's subordinates in the street? If the government knew about this, it would be hard to protect this small shop. Just when they were thinking of asking a few people to leave, Tanlang said to Hai Ling, "Let's go." So the three of them left the shop and came all the way out of the city.

All the way to the outside of the city, Hai Ling asked: "Who is Master Xinggong?" Tanlang smiled and explained: "I should call him Master Xinggong, but the young master does not need to be called that way." Hai Ling asked with an ooh. "Why is this?" Greedy Wolf said: "Xinggong is the name of a palace, not a person's name. Master Xinggong is the owner of Xinggong. Because of his special origin and noble status, in the heavens, everyone below me will respectfully call him "Xinggong". Lord Hoshigong, the young master is of the same race as the lord, so there is no need for this."

Hai Ling said: "Since Brother Greedy Wolf calls him Master Xinggong, I will also call him Lord Xinggong." After saying this, he turned to Zhang Ai and asked, "Brother Zhang, didn't you mean riding a horse?"

It was getting dark at this time, and those selling things would have gone home early to rest, but Zhang Ping still responded with a smile and said: "There is no end to the matter now, go buy horses now, you wait here for me." As he spoke, Returning to the small town, I spent a lot of effort to buy three pack horses.

Hai Ling was very happy to see the big horse, jumped on the horse and shouted: "Drive." The pack horse was docile and used to listen to people's orders. After receiving the order, Hai Ling moved forward slowly. Although it was not fast, Hai Ling was happy.

Zhang Ai and Greedy Lang protected him on the left and right. They raised their spirits and jumped up, their bodies as light as goose feathers, and their horses followed Hai Ling effortlessly. So the three of them wandered to the foot of a high mountain.

On the way, Zhang was afraid that he remembered something. He had never known the exact situation. He asked Tanlang by the way: "Hailing left in the foggy valley. Is there a new divine formation guarding that passage?"

Greedy Wolf said: "Xianyun said another formation was set up, so I think he is right." It's just a small passage, just to contain some fish-headed monsters that are a little scary to humans. Greedy Wolf will not let them go. In the heart. Zhang Ain asked again: "Is there any change in Wugu?" Tanlang replied: "I don't know, there shouldn't be much change."

The two of them were chatting while walking, and Hai Ling turned around and interjected: "If you have nothing to do, I might as well go to Wugu and have a look." Tanlang naturally responded. Zhang Ain smiled and said to Hai Ling: "It turns out that where you are staying, many cultivators will break into the palace every sixty years in order to improve their cultivation. Now that you have left, they will not be able to see you when the foggy valley opens. , I think it will be chaotic for a while.”

Hai Ling laughed and said, "It's wrong to always seek shortcuts." He then said, "Brother Zhang will lead the way, and we'll ride over there." Zhang Ping said, "Do you want to tire the horse to death?" Hai Ling said, "Okay. Even if you feed them things, how can they die from exhaustion if they take a walk?”

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Do you plan to make it to next year?" He estimated the distance a little and said, "If we go at this speed, we won't be able to make it next year." Hai Ling raised her little face and said, "So what if we can't make it? Anyway, there's no rush. . "The little guy reads too many and too many complicated books. He always wants to use his sword to hoe the strong and help the weak to achieve justice. Of course, Xiao Ao will conquer the world once. For this reason, he specifically asked Zhang Ao for a dagger.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't have that thing and couldn't make anything good at the moment, so he gave him the Yueying knife and found a warrior outfit to dress up the little fat boy. Unfortunately, Hai Ling was too small and too cute to wear the warrior outfit. It doesn't look very majestic, but it makes him even cuter.

Greedy Wolf responded to Hai Ling's requests and said, "It's okay to ride over there." Then go ahead and ride. Zhang Ping said, "It's late at night. Let's rest for the night. We'll be on our way tomorrow morning. I'll listen to you. I'll feed the big horse good food." "Hai Ling didn't want to tire the pack horse to death, so he dismounted and took a rest. Zhang Wen took the horses and took out the marrow pill for them to eat. Within a quarter of an hour, three more dragon horses were born. Each one was full of energy and neighed proudly, which was very majestic. He also gave them spiritual energy pills and slightly guided the spiritual energy in their bodies. At this point, the three big horses were completely transformed, looking extremely handsome and fierce.

Hai Ling said happily: "I said that I saw a group of Pegasus horses on the mountain. Every one of them is so majestic and beautiful. It was you who helped me change my love." Tanlang interjected: "Those horses are only excellent. The horses in the heaven can only It’s called Tianma.”

Hai Ling didn't care what was in the sky. He kept circling around the horse. He liked it very much and watched it endlessly. Finally, Zhang Awei forced him to take him to rest.

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