The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 948 Po Jun is coming

Chapter 948 Po Jun is coming

So the robbers came down from the mountains to become good people, the officials pretended to be good people, and became benevolent for the sake of the rich; but the good people held their heads high and their chests high, no one dared to bully them anymore after the little prince was born, and each of them had a backbone.

The world is good, this is Hai Ling's hope.

Along the way, Zhang Awei was surprised. Hai Ling was only kind to the good and the weak. He was not merciless when killing evil people and was very decisive. He kept thinking about what he should show Hai Ling. What book made him so murderous?

However, he also admired Hai Ling for turning the tide of the entire country on his own. This shows that in the face of an extremely powerful force, it is not difficult for the world to do good, as long as this force has a mind of right and wrong.

By the end of the battle, the entire Yue Kingdom had become a state where no one closed their doors at night, no one picked up lost items on the road, and the atmosphere was so good that it was like the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s not that people are not greedy, but they are really worried that after they pick up the money, they will be misunderstood that it was stolen. What should they do? Money is a small matter, but life is a big matter. No one dares to take risks at this time.

After Hai Ling's relentless killings, in just over a year and less than two years, there were very few people in the entire Yue Kingdom who dared to do evil. Even if a prostitute in a brothel wants to become a good person, the madam will never dare to stop her.

At this point, Hai Ling was finally satisfied: "This is how the world should be, living in harmony and sharing the beautiful scenery."

But there are so many different things in the world, how can it be said clearly by simply right and wrong, good and evil? For example, two villages share a water source, and there is a dispute over water. Who do you think is right and who is wrong? Another example is when a widow remarries and her husband's family comes to ask her, who do you think is right and who is wrong? Another example is that someone is injured and seeks treatment from a doctor, but due to improper treatment, the injury is healed but is mistakenly treated as a disability. Who do you think is right and who is wrong? As the old saying goes, medicine can't kill you. If you are sick, no one has the obligation to save you.

There are too many such things, but fortunately most of them have nothing to do with good or evil. Hai Ling will not interfere randomly, so everyone slowly came to the conclusion that since the government has jurisdiction, it is not his turn to worry about it. He only kills evil people and does evil. Those who do things.

Seeing Xiao Hai's satisfied and satisfied look, Zhang Ain remembered a story he heard a long time ago. At that time, he followed the master uncle and several sects of the righteous way to fight against the demons. The only son of Ouyang Dingtian, the boss of Hehuan Sect, was killed by Zhengdao sect members because of his good deeds.

That poor boy had the same thoughts and actions as a sea spirit. He also traveled around the world with two bodyguards, but he died because of the lack of strength of the bodyguards. On the other hand, Hai Ling was protected by himself and Tan Lang. Who in the world would dare to embarrass him? Then he smiled and said: "The harmony in your mouth needs strong power to protect it."

Hai Ling thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, justice and kindness must also have strong power to protect and restrain them." He turned to Tanlang and asked Tanlang: "Brother Tanlang, there is a lack of divine envoys in the human world. Why don't you let me do it? What do you think?" Will the adults agree?"

Greedy Wolf was startled when he heard this, what does the little guy want to do? The lives of the ants in the lower world are borne by the ants themselves. Whether it is right or wrong, no matter what the outcome is, it is the ants' own business. Why should you lower yourself to participate in mundane affairs?

But he couldn't tell Hai Lingming these words, so he had to reply: "According to my subordinate's consideration, the lord will not agree."

Hai Ling groaned, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then said: "Then stay a little longer." Tanlang smiled and said: "Stay? The number of people killed in the past year is several times the number of people who died in the five empty cities. "

"Stay!" Hai Ling said resolutely: "Since goodness needs strong protection, I will temporarily act as the backing of goodness, and teaching people to be kind is the greatest good."

Zhang Ai smiled and said, "You are stupid." Hai Ling glanced at him and said, "You are the one who is stupid." Zhang Ao asked, "What have you done for more than a year?" Hai Ling said, "Justice. "

"What you mean by upholding justice is nothing more than killing people. The so-called kindness does not just mean killing people. We must teach the people how to behave, teach them the methods, allow the people benefit, and allow the people specialization. Let the people know what they can do. Do not do what is truly good, instead of relying on your violent killing to suppress the cruelty and restlessness of evil people. This method will ultimately treat the symptoms but not the root cause. "

Hai Ling said unconvinced: "Even if you are right, why don't you stop me from killing people?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Why should I stop you? Killing evil people is doing good. If you do good deeds, I will only be happy, so why should I stop you? ?" Hai Ling pouted: "Then you are still talking about me."

Zhang Ping said: "You have been killing for more than a year, and you have brought peace to the country of Yue. No matter the people or officials, they are cautious in their actions and words, and put kindness first. This is a good thing, but as you said, because you have done it, They will do this because of your support; but if you leave, won’t the people in the world go back to the same situation as before?”

Hai Ling asked: "What should I do?" After thinking about it, he said: "At most, I will just keep guarding them."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You want to guard them, but not to guard them from living like this, but to let the people of the world know etiquette and justice, to let the people of the world fight against injustices by the powerful, to protect their safety, and to let People in the world know how to take the initiative to fight for it, instead of letting you kill someone to vent your anger when something happens."

After hearing this, Hai Ling was silent for a moment and said, "This is too difficult."

"Of course it's difficult. No one has been able to do it so far, so the kindness you have achieved is extremely rare. There is no need to entangle yourself in their lives; no matter who you are, you must be responsible for yourself, and It's not like he hopes that God will help him if something goes wrong, so I say you're stupid." After talking for a long time, he finally said what he wanted to do to persuade Hai Ling.

After hearing this, Hai Ling thought seriously for a while, then raised his head and asked Tanlang: "What do you think?" Tanlang replied: "In my eyes, all living beings in the lower world are no different from ants. How do you think I would treat ants?" This guy spoke more directly. .

Hai Ling felt a little depressed. He felt that he had worked hard for more than a year and was nothing in the eyes of others. He said stubbornly: "Justice lies in the heart of the people."

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "I didn't say what you did was unfair. I was just afraid that it would be thankless for your hard work and you would be unhappy in the end." What he said was the truth. Back then, Hai Ling killed more than a hundred corrupt officials in one city in public. Some refugees and poor people mistakenly thought that there was a rebellion, so they took the opportunity to cause chaos, made a fuss, and robbed everything. In the end, they were all killed by Hai Ling.

Although she had dealt with this matter, Hai Ling was very unhappy and kept wondering what was wrong with people's hearts. Can good people also riot? Later, such things happened occasionally, and the little guy became even more depressed, and occasionally wondered whether he had done something wrong. At this time, after listening to Zhang Awei's explanation, I knew that he was doing it for his own good, so he smiled and said: "It's still the same sentence, justice is in the heart of the people, I only do what I do, what do I care about others?"

It was almost noon, and the three of them were standing on the border between the Yue Kingdom and the Warring States Period, talking. They were surrounded by dense forests, and three horses were parked not far away to graze. At this moment, a person flew quickly from the sky, landed in front of the three of them, raised his hands and said, "I've seen the young master, I've seen the eldest brother." Du Du pulled Zhang Ain and ignored them.

The person who came was Po Jun, the murderous pretty boy among the Seven Star Lords. Greedy Wolf asked: "What are you doing here?" Po Jun said with a cold face: "Ye Zhan went to the heaven to find you and said that you asked him to go. The Star Emperor asked you to go back and see what was going on."

Greedy Wolf was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then hesitantly said: "Is the war between the demon kings over?" Ye Zhan was able to leave the demon world alive, which shows that the big demon king successfully defended his royal power. It's been less than two years since I last saw Ye Sui. I didn't expect that the big demon king was so powerful that he could be reborn, pacify the demons, and regain power in such a short period of time.

Po Jun listened to Tanlang's question and said with a smile: "How difficult is it to calm down that messy demon world? It has been getting worse year by year. If the lord was willing to take action, he would have been wiped out seventeen or eight times earlier."

Greedy Wolf shook his head and said, "Why can't you get rid of your murderous habit?" Po Jun replied, "Boss, don't laugh at me, there are people who remember how many people you have killed over the past year. Greedy Wolf smiled helplessly when he was told that, but Xiao Hailing came forward and said: "Those people were killed by me. They are all bad people. To eliminate evil is to do good. We are doing good things."

When Hai Ling spoke, Po Jun would not have any objections and replied respectfully: "What the young master said is true, but the subordinate said it wrong." Hai Ling saw that this guy was so serious, so he had to persuade him again: "You don't either. I'm wrong. I did kill many people. No wonder some people say that fools are the happiest. The more you know about things, the sadder they become. I can't figure out why those in power, who have no worries about food and clothing, think of ways to torture them. People? Few people care about them. Don’t they know what benevolence and righteousness are?”

This sentence alone aroused Po Jun's anger, and he said in a deep voice: "Who dares to make the young master unhappy? I will kill them all right now."

Greedy Wolf reluctantly answered: "There is no one to kill in Dai Viet Kingdom. Our young master traveled from north to south. It can be said that he wiped out all the evil people. At first, he counted and counted how many people he killed, and then he killed them. The most evil ones will be killed, and those who bully others will be killed. I don’t even bother to keep count. In this way, at least 200,000 people were killed.”

Po Jun was surprised and said: "So many?" He knew that Tanlang killed people in the lower world, and killed many people, but he didn't care. When have you ever seen a person count how many flies and mosquitoes another person killed? In Qixingjun's eyes, the common people are no different than flies and mosquitoes, so Pojun will not care about detailed figures.

Hai Ling said sadly: "I didn't expect to kill so many people." Zhang Ain comforted: "Not many. In such a big country with billions of people, there are not many evil people, 200,000, just a few bandits. There are tens of thousands of people, there are many corrupt officials, and there are even some mobs who take the opportunity to cause chaos, so what is 200,000?"

Po Jun snorted coldly upon hearing this: "The common people in the lower world are all despicable people, selfish, greedy, evil..." He wanted to continue talking, but Greedy Wolf saw that Hai Ling's face was not good-looking, so he interjected: "Aren't you selfish?" After asking Po Jun for a moment, he stopped talking.

After a while, he asked again: "When are you going to see Ye Zhan?" Tanlang did not answer, but asked first: "What did the Lord send you to do?" Po Jun said: "Of course I will take your place. I asked you to go back and deal with Ye Zhan. I heard that Ye Zhan's cultivation level is not inferior to that of ordinary demon kings. Can you handle it?"

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