The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 945 The Elegant Young Man

Chapter 945: The Pianpianjia Young Master

Upon hearing this, Young Master Pianpianjia looked at Greedy Wolf, as if he had just seen this man, and said softly: "Twin brothers? That's interesting. Do you know which one is the brother and which one is the younger brother?"

Zhang Wen was absorbed in depression and did not reply to him. Greedy Wolf looked back with a smile but said nothing.

Greedy Wolf looked back with a smile, and Mr. Jia looked over quietly. The two looked at each other for a while. Mr. Jia knew that he couldn't hide it from Tanlang, so he smiled softly and said, "I look better than you for the first time." He walked to Zhang again. Afraid of people saying: "You, get up."

Zhang Ai asked depressedly: "What are you doing?" It's not wrong to be handsomer than me, but it's wrong to be more handsome than me and to cause trouble for me. Seeing that he didn't get up, Young Master Ji was slightly startled. Someone dared to disobey him? He smiled softly and said, "There is nothing wrong with listening to me. How about giving in?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No."

This sentence made Mr. Jia's face instantly cool down. He shook his head slightly with a hint of helplessness, meaning that you forced me to do it, so you can't blame me. He unfolded the small lacquered gold fan in his hand, and Zhang was afraid that it was just one fan.

At this time, Tanlang stood up and walked right between Zhang Wen and Mr. Jia to stop, blocking Xiaoshan. Zhang Ping didn't see these actions at all, but he was just wondering why Tanlang stood up?

As soon as Tanlang got up, Master Jia's face became even colder and he asked in a cold voice, "Are you going to go against me?" Tanlang didn't answer, but turned to Hai Ling and said, "Young Master, my subordinates have eaten enough. , it’s better to go out for a walk.”

Hai Ling nodded and said yes, and then said to Zhang Awei: "Let's go, but next time, don't let Brother Greedy Wolf eat so much." Zhang Awei said yes, and then said: "Next time, let him drink." Hai Ling said. Ling smiled and said, "Are you going to buy all the wine in the city?" Zhang said with a fearful voice, "How do you know?" He stood up and held Hai Ling's hand and walked out. He greeted Greedy Wolf and said, "Let's go."

Greedy Wolf didn't move, turned back to look at Mr. Jia, looked at him for a while, shook his head slightly, and followed Zhang Ain out. Mr. Jia's face turned pale when he saw him. When the three of them walked away, he snorted coldly: "Come out."

As he spoke, six men in golden clothes appeared silently beside him. They stood with their hands lowered and said, "What are your orders, Mr. Feng?"

Mr. Feng said coldly: "That little one, and the common people from the lower world, I don't want to see them again." The faces of the men in gold changed dramatically when they heard this, and one of them boldly said: "But Mr. Greedy Wolf..." Behind him Before he could speak, he was interrupted by Mr. Feng: "You are afraid of Greedy Wolf, aren't you afraid of me?"

The six people looked at each other, feeling helpless in their hearts. They clasped their fists together and said, "Yes." They disappeared in a flash.

They are not fools. They know what happened on the Star Emperor's birthday a few days ago. They know that the cute little guy is the clansman whom the Star Emperor has recently recognized. They like him very much and even sent Greedy Wolf to protect him. Who doesn't want to live? Going to kill him? The six people came to a stop on a high mountain in an instant. They looked at each other with helplessness.

One person said: "What should I do?" Another person replied: "What can I do? If you obey the order, you will die. If you don't obey the order, you will be worse than death." The six of them stood for a long time, and one person said: "It is better to ask Lord Greedy Wolf ”

There was no other way. The six of them really couldn't think of any other way, so they had to decide to do this. So he flew into the air towards Zhang Ai and the others.

At this time, two Zhang Ai, one real and one fake, were strolling down the street with a little one in between. Zhang Ai asked: "Who is that guy?" Tanlang replied: "You don't need to know." Zhang Ai is so angry, you Can you look down on me any more?

Zhang was afraid that the question would arouse Hai Ling's curiosity, so he asked Tanlang again: "Who is that person?" Tanlang replied: "He is the same clan of the young master." "Same clan? Is it Xiao Feng'er?" Hai Ling asked. Greedy Wolf replied: "It's him."

Hai Ling asked again: "Then why do you pretend you don't know me?"

Tanlang said: "I'm not pretending not to know each other, but there's no need to know him." Although Xiao Feng'er is also a member of the Star Emperor clan, Tanlang's attitude towards him is completely different from that towards Hai Ling.

Hai Ling said "Oh" before asking again, and saw Tanlang looking far away, and then said: "Leave the city." Zhang Wen and Hai Ling knew that something was going on, and followed him out of the city quickly without saying a word. The three of them came to a stop in a no-man's land. Greedy Wolf said to the empty air: "Come out." Then they saw the air shake slightly, and six men in golden clothes appeared twenty meters in front of the three of them, facing them. He saluted respectfully and said, "I've seen Lord Tanlang, and I've seen the young master."

Greedy Wolf said nothing and looked at the six people coldly. Hai Ling was polite, pretending to be a young adult, clasping his fists and saying, "I have met six fellow Taoists." Then he asked, "Do you know me?"

The six of them did not dare not answer, and said respectfully: "My subordinates are subordinates to Mr. Feng, and I dare not talk to him on the same level as the young master."

Hai Ling nodded and said, "It turns out they are subordinates of the man just now. Are you six here for business?"

The six of them looked embarrassed, and one of them said, "I have something to report to Lord Tanlang."

Greedy Wolf said coldly: "You want to tell me something? Okay, let's talk about it then."

The man in golden clothes said again respectfully: "The matter is related to the young master. Please allow me to allow my subordinates to report it to you privately."

Upon hearing this, Greedy Wolf's eyes became extremely cold, and he glanced at the six of them one by one, as if wondering if there was a trap. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I would like to know what makes you and the six of you so nervous." After that, He walked up to a hundred meters away, drew a barrier and said, "Say it." He believed that under the protection of Fu Hebi, even if Xiao Feng'er killed Hai Ling, he could be completely protected.

Six men in golden clothes hurriedly came to stand in front of Tanlang, and one of them spoke: "Master Feng told my brother that he didn't want to see the young master and the common man from the lower world anymore, so he asked his six subordinates to do this."

"Oh?" Tanlang asked softly when he heard the words. The world suddenly became cold, and the six men in golden clothes trembled uncontrollably. This was not fear, but a natural reaction of their bodies due to their huge difference in cultivation.

Greedy Wolf looked at them meaningfully and asked softly: "The six of you called me here to find an opportunity to assassinate the young master?"

The six people who spoke in one sentence hurriedly bowed deeply and replied: "I don't dare, it's all because the matter involves Lord Tanlang and the young master, so the six brothers of my subordinates don't dare not report the matter to the Lord."

Greedy Wolf looked at the six people and shook his head slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Do you six know that such behavior is treason?" The man in golden clothes replied: "I know it all, but the matter involves the young master and the adults, and the six of us I really don't have the guts to make a mistake in front of you, so I ask you to think about it for me. The six subordinate brothers will either be killed after receiving this order, or they will be killed after killing. There is really no other way out, so I have to I came to your Majesty to explain this matter clearly, and also asked your Majesty to give my six subordinates a way to survive."

What he said was extremely pitiful. Those who betrayed the master deserved to be killed. Killing the young master and going against Greedy Wolf deserved to be killed even more. It was the lesser of two evils. He forced six people to betray the master. It was really a last resort. .

Greedy Wolf understands this and knows that the six people are pitiful, but betraying one's master is a serious crime. The Star Emperor sent the six people to protect Xiao Feng'er, in order to make the six people obey his orders forever, just like Greedy Wolf must obey Hai Ling's orders at this time. The only thing left was that the six men in gold were inferior to Tanlang in terms of ability and status. Therefore, when the six received the order, they knew they could not complete the task, so they hesitated and took the initiative to inform and seek a way out.

The culprit of the whole thing was Xiao Feng'er alone, and it was precisely because the Star Emperor understood Xiao Feng'er's character and wanted to protect Hai Ling from harm that he sent the Seven Star Lord to serve around him.

But there is no one to blame for this matter. If I were to blame, I could only blame myself for being unlucky enough to be greedy for such a master. If this happened to Greedy Wolf, the best outcome would be to commit suicide to report to the owner, but no one wants to die in such a worthless way.

Seeing the pitiful words spoken by the six men in gold, everyone put their feelings into perspective. Greedy Wolf knew that even if he were in their position, he would be at a loss as to what to do. Regardless of whether he obeyed Xiao Feng'er's orders or not, he would eventually die. For this reason, Greedy Wolf felt compassion.

So he said: "You six are lucky. The young master is kind-hearted and doesn't want me to kill anyone. But I won't kill you for the time being, but I can't save you. You can go back to the Punishment Department to accept your guilt. The man from Bafang is the most upright, so he might be able to save you." Your lives." He took out a black token and said, "This is my Greedy Wolf Order. With this order, no one dares to harm your lives without being tried by the Punishment Department."

He had been with Hai Ling'er for so long that he would be so considerate of others. The six people were overjoyed. In their imagination, even if Greedy Wolf would let them go, he would conquer the heaven with his own cultivation. Who knew they would get extra favor from Mr. Greedy Wolf? They immediately bowed their heads and said: "Sir, help me. This kindness will never be forgotten. As long as the six of us survive for a day, I will repay you with my life if you have orders."

Greedy Wolf completely believed what the six people said. There was no one in the entire heaven who cherished his life. These six people were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of death for unknown reasons, whether they were killed by Xiao Feng'er, killed by Greedy Wolf, or After killing Hai Ling, he was killed by people sent by the Star Emperor. It was a major crime of treason and unpardonable. No one would accept such a way of death! So he nodded and said: "Go ahead, tell Bafang when you go back, let him report the matter to the Star Emperor, and send someone to protect Mr. Feng immediately."

The six people respectfully took the Greedy Wolf Order, bowed deeply to him, bowed to the Sea Spirit Chief, and then disappeared.

Tanlang watched the six people leave, walked back to Hai Ling and said, "Go and talk to Mr. Feng for a while." Hai Ling asked, "Why?" Tanlang didn't want to tell the reason, but then he thought about this kind of thing. , the young master will encounter him often in the future. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot protect him all the time, so he directly said: "Master Feng sent those six people to kill you. The six of them did not dare to take action and came to ask me for help."

Hai Ling was greatly surprised when he heard this: "Why did Mr. Feng want to kill me?" Then he understood and sighed: "It turns out that it was a fight for favor and power." After all, the books he had read for many years were not in vain. After thinking about it for a while, he understood that Xiao Feng'er What's on your mind.

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