The Monk

Volume One Chapter 944 Eating Dumplings

Chapter 944 Eating Dumplings

Zhang Pa thought for a moment and said, "Okay, Hai Ling and I will go back to Tianlei Mountain to have a look and go around. What about you? Stay here?" The latter question was asked to Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang was still very angry and cursed, "You won't let me take revenge? I'm so depressed. I'll poke the sky next time." After hearing Zhang Pa's question, Xiang Xiang said to Fang Jian, "Everyone is dead, why are you still staying here? If you want to practice and return to Tianlei Mountain, you can't open the passage to the Demon Realm anyway."

Bukong helped and said, "That's right." Fang Jian hesitated and agreed, "Okay, go back to the mountain." If the passage to the Demon Realm is not opened, you can't take revenge even if you sit for a long time.

So the group flew northeast, aiming at Tianlei Mountain.

This world has no divine messenger, and Zhang Pa is the undisputed number one master, but he has no joy in his heart. Having been to the heaven and knowing the demon world, the human world is the weakest among the three worlds. Only when the human cultivators reach the top level of the spirit transformation stage and successfully break through can they go to the heaven or the demon world. With his current world-class cultivation, he was not good enough. There was really a huge gap.

Everyone quickly returned to Tianlei Mountain. Ruiyuan came to bother him again as usual, asking about a bunch of big and small things. Zhang Pa naturally ran as far as he could, taking Hai Ling all over the mountain, trying to avoid responsibility. He looked at the scenery, the monsters, and played with the Jiaojing and its bunch of little snakes for a while.

The two of them were playing around, and Tanlang looked at the mountain protection formation with disdain. He fiddled with it a few times, and the formation stood up and changed from an ordinary formation to a divine formation. It was just that this guy changed the mountain protection formation but didn't tell the formula, which made Zhang Pa very depressed and had to chase him to ask for it.

After an hour of hard work, he finally got the formula from this god who liked to speak half of the words, but it was a pity that due to the limitation of cultivation, no one except himself could control the formation. Zhang Pa had no choice but to inform Zhan Yun: "You are free, you don't have to guard the broken formation anymore, and I will take care of this matter from now on." Zhan Yun was very happy and laughed: "You have a day too." He left in style.

Hai Ling had been with him all along. Seeing Zhang Pa being humiliated, she was so happy that she laughed endlessly. Tan Lang, who was standing by, said seriously, "As long as the young master is happy, I can come again a few more times." Zhang Pa was so scared that he hurriedly shouted, "We have seen the scenery on the mountain. Let's go down the mountain, go down the mountain quickly, and eat dumplings down the mountain." He picked up Hai Ling and ran away.

Zhang Tianfang saw it from a distance and shouted, "Take me with you." Zhang Pa did not stop at all and shouted back, "No." His body was like light smoke, dispersing in the mist in the mountains and disappearing.

Hai Ling went down the mountain, and Tan Lang followed naturally. The three of them stopped at an open suburb, and Zhang Pa said to Tan Lang, "Wait a minute, I'll go buy a mask." Tan Lang pouted helplessly, "Why bother?" As he spoke, mist suddenly appeared on his face, and with a surge, it took shape, revealing a silver armor mask covering his face, but the mask was too beautiful, so beautiful that people wanted to possess it very much.

Looking at the mask, Zhang Pa said helplessly: "Can't you be more low-key?" Such a mask, a flowing black hair behind the head, and a spotless white silk robe, just this dress, without even looking at the face, is extremely attractive.

Speaking of Tan Lang, Zhang Pa Ning took out the ice mirror to look at himself, looked at himself twice, and then looked at Tan Lang. He felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at him. Finally, he sighed and blasted the ice mirror, and took out a khaki linen clothes from the storage bag, and said to Tan Lang: "Wear this."

Tan Lang frowned slightly, but seeing Hai Ling's interested expression, he took the linen clothes and put them on. But people are things. Some people need clothes to dress up to look beautiful, while some people don't need them. No matter what they wear, they look good. This kind of person is Tan Lang. He is still dazzling in linen clothes.

Zhang Pa gave a bad idea and said: "Hump your waist, yes, just like that, lower your head, don't look up if nothing happens, okay, let's go."

After his painstaking dressing, the handsome guy Tan Lang finally became an ugly ordinary person.

Zhang Pa was satisfied, but Hai Ling was not happy. She said crisply, "You are not allowed to bully Brother Tan Lang." Tan Lang was originally very angry, but after hearing this sentence, all his anger disappeared and he said with a smile, "It's okay." As he said this, he smiled strangely at Zhang Pa, and a white mist suddenly appeared on his body. When the white mist dissipated, another Zhang Pa appeared.

Zhang Pa was angry and said, "Why did you torment me if you have the ability? And why did you become my appearance?" Tan Lang smiled and said, "You are more handsome." This sentence blocked Zhang Pa's nonsense. After coughing for a long time, he finally managed to say, "I know I am handsome, but no matter how handsome you are, you can't become my appearance."

Tan Lang ignored him and asked Hai Ling, "Young Master, is this okay?" Hai Ling clapped her hands and shouted, "Good, good, very good, haha, two big brothers Zhang Pa, fun." With Hai Ling's approval, Tan Lang didn't need his consent anymore. He smiled at Zhang Pa and kept silent, meaning that you can do whatever you want.

Zhang Pa was helpless and looked at his other self carefully. Fortunately, he was wearing a gray gown while Tan Lang was wearing a black gown. There was also a small golden star in the middle of his forehead to show the difference between the two. Seeing that this guy had changed himself, he had to admit his bad luck and said, "Let's go." He took Hai Ling's hand and walked towards the distant town. Zhang Pa remembered that Hai Ling had never ridden a horse before, so he said to Hai Ling, "I'll buy you a big horse to ride later. It's fun." Hai Ling had seen too many war stories, most of which were about cavalry charging and being mighty and majestic. She had long been yearning for it. When she heard Zhang Pa's words, she said happily, "You can ride too and see who runs faster."

The three of them soon entered the small town. Sure enough, although Tan Lang who had transformed into Zhang Ping was also very handsome, he was far from as shocking and thrilling as his original appearance. He only attracted a little attention and nothing happened at all.

Zhang was afraid that he would be unbalanced, so he muttered in a low voice: "There are few people in this small town."

If others heard this, they would definitely not understand what he was talking about. But Greedy Wolf has been walking with him, knowing that he felt unbalanced because of the countless women following Greedy Wolf last time, so he smiled and said: "I have never understood, how did you become a god? Why are you so childish?"

Zhang Shi was so angry that he rolled his eyes and quickly spoke to Hai Ling: "What do you want to eat?" Hai Ling chuckled: "You two are so interesting." He had just been despised by Greedy Wolf, and then he was hit by Hai Ling again. , Zhang was afraid of getting hurt, so he really couldn't say anything anymore.

Tanlang looked at him with a smile and said softly: "Didn't you say you would take us to eat dumplings?"

"Eat you to death, you bastard!" Zhang Ping scolded angrily, leading the two of them into a restaurant, and shouted loudly: "Cook all your dumplings for me, and pack them for another hundred pounds." The man who came to serve The waiter was a little embarrassed and said with a grimace: "Sir, it's a hundred kilograms. It's really too late to pack so much."

Zhang Aing said magnanimously: "Bag, pack as many bags as you can. Go buy them on the street and cook them for me." As he spoke, he threw out the gold ingots: "Is this enough?"

Seeing how generous he was, the waiter had no choice but to say, "I'll do my best, little one." He went to arrange for someone to cook the dumplings.

Half an hour later, in the small restaurant, dumplings were placed everywhere on the table and under the table. Zhang Afraid said generously to Greedy Wolf: "Please eat, if you don't eat, you won't give Hai Ling face, don't you think? Hai Ling." Seeing Zhang Wei asking him, Hai Ling nodded quickly: "Well, the book says it's better to lie down than to be comfortable, and it's not as delicious as dumplings. The happiest thing in the world is to eat dumplings while lying down. Brother Greedy Wolf, you can try it."

As soon as he said this, Tanlang hadn't spoken yet. Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment. Damn it, the little guy has learned it badly. Is this a trick called sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight? He immediately asked: "Which book said it?" Hai Ling rolled her eyes at him and said, "You don't know even if I tell you." Then he asked Tanlang: "Brother Tanlang, do you want to find a bed?" Zhang was afraid that he would be even more exposed by Hai. Ling looked down upon him, then became very happy when he heard this, and shouted: "Yes, find a bed."

Greedy Wolf suddenly broke into sweat. The innocent young master had only stayed with this bastard for a few days, and it turned out to be like this. It was really terrible! No, we must find a way to take the young master away. We must not let this bastard abuse the young master anymore. With this thought in his mind, he didn't reply and ate dumplings crazily without stopping.

Feng Zhuan Can Yun was just like that, and then he saw Tanlang's hands flashing like light and shadow, and then he saw the drawers of dumplings disappearing quickly, and rows of empty drawers were removed. In less than a quarter of an hour, all the cooked dumplings were eaten, and he was shocked. The waiter and the shopkeeper thought to themselves: "I have worked in restaurants all my life, and today I have met the God of Cookery." The waiter thought about it: "This foodie is so delicious."

Greedy Wolf finished the last dumpling, patted his belly and said, "Not bad, are there any more?" Just five words scared the shopkeeper and the waiter, how can this foodie still eat it? Looking at his not fat body, I kept wondering where the dumplings went.

At this moment, a handsome young man walked in from outside the store, holding a small gold fan in his hand, wearing soft-soled leather boots embroidered with gold and silver threads, wearing a straight and evenly woven silk shirt, with a face like white jade and eyes like Langxing, who was indescribably handsome, charming and suave, walked into the store and asked softly: "Boss, do you have any dumplings?"

Zhang was afraid that when he saw this guy, he felt depressed. What was he doing? It doesn’t matter if I always meet experts who are better than me. Why do I have to meet so many people who are more handsome than me?

Young Master Pianpianjia is so handsome. Although he is not as good as Greedy Wolf, he is not much different. The only difference is his aura. But even so, there were more than a dozen young women following behind him, each one looking at them longingly, and some women followed him into the store with light steps, imitating the young man's words: "Boss, do you have any dumplings?"

At this time, Zhang was afraid that he was very hurt, but Hai Ling was extremely happy. He laughed endlessly, pulling Tan Lang to whisper: "It's so interesting." Tan Lang sincerely agreed with Hai Ling's point of view for the first time. He replied: "It's really interesting." In fact, he wanted to ask one more question: Was it interesting for me to eat dumplings just now? But at this time, he was not in the mood to talk nonsense. Even if Zhang was afraid of being frustrated again, he was not interested and only locked his eyes on Young Master Pian Pianjia.

The boss was happy to see the guests. Suddenly he heard the word dumplings and thought to himself: Damn it, why are you ordering dumplings? He walked forward and said politely: "Guest, please invite me here. Unfortunately, all the dumplings were eaten by this guest. There are still a few specialty dishes in the shop. Do you want to try them?"

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