The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 941: Pure Light

Chapter 941: Pure Light

Hai Ling is kind and considerate of others, so she doesn’t want to embarrass Tan Lang, but she also wants to go to the Demon Realm to help Zhang Pa vent his anger. After hesitating for a while, she said, “Let’s go back and ask the master, okay? If he agrees, we can go.” Tan Lang replied, “I dare not lie to you, young master. If the master knows that you want to go to the Demon Realm, he will definitely start a war to help you vent your anger. But if this happens, the two tribes will go to war, and more people will die in this war. I think you don’t want to see such a murderous thing.”

Hai Ling He frowned even more after hearing this. He wanted to help Zhang Pa vent his anger, but that didn't mean he was willing to see more innocent people die. He asked Tan Lang again, "What if only a few of us sneak into the Demon Realm?" Tan Lang replied, "The Lord will definitely not allow it, and I won't let you in. Even if the young master sneaks into the Demon Realm, what do you think the Lord will do after hearing the news?" Hai Ling followed his thoughts and said, "Will the Lord lead the troops to attack the Demon Realm?" Tan Lang replied solemnly, "That's right." Hai Ling sighed and stopped talking. As the two of them talked, a group of monks and Zhang Tianfang were gradually listening to the strangeness. Who is this kid? How could he have such a powerful subordinate? From what they said about the division of the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm, it turns out that there is really more than just one human world in the world. With Tan Lang teaching the Buddhist skills, eighteen monks and a little monk were practicing to condense the pure light. At this time, a man slowly walked out of the black hole in the sky. He was wearing a scholar's robe, a square scarf on his head, and holding a paper folding fan in his right hand. He tapped the palm of his left hand and walked slowly down from the sky. It seemed that there was an invisible staircase in the sky, and the scholar stepped down gracefully. Seeing this man, Tan Lang's face changed, and he pinched a few magic formulas, and saw the clouds in the sky reappear, surrounding the scholar layer by layer. But the scholar seemed to have not seen these clouds at all, and continued to walk slowly down, passing through several layers of clouds. He seemed to be an afterimage, and even the shield clouds could not stop him from moving forward. The sky was more than ten thousand feet above the ground, but after only a moment, the scholar had already stood opposite Zhang Pa and others. For him, the farther distance was just a matter of three or two steps. The scholar stood directly opposite Tan Lang, his eyes swept through the crowd, lingered on Zhang Pa and Hai Ling for a little longer, and finally locked his eyes on Tan Lang, and said softly: "How are you?"

"You are not dead yet, of course I am fine." Tan Lang said coldly.

The scholar smiled lightly and said: "You seven people are really boring, how is the old man Xingdi?"

It turned out that the two knew each other, but Tan Lang did not answer the scholar's question, just stared at him coldly, and said after a long time: "What are you doing here?"

"I made a bet with Tan Shi a few years ago, and lost. Now he can't leave, so I had to come. Speaking of which, why are you here?" The scholar chatted with people like a breeze and drizzle, feeling very comfortable.

"Since you are here, I don't have to break into the demon world. Some days ago, someone from the demon world went to the human world privately, causing endless killings. Shouldn't this matter be settled?" Tan Lang said.

The scholar said, "What is there to settle? This matter was agreed by the Demon King. Do you think the Star Emperor can resist the Demon King? According to me, let's forget about this matter. You killed Jin Jia Yin Jia and more than a thousand guards under his command, and broke into the gate of my demon world. If it were in the past, it would definitely be a heinous crime against heaven. Today, I will make the decision. Let's forget about this matter. We are even. You can go." The scholar's tone was very loud, which made Hai Ling feel uncomfortable. He shouted crisply, "What about tens of thousands of lives? You said forget about it, but have you asked them?" After hearing this, the scholar smiled at Hai Ling and said, "Ghost Ancestor has been suppressed by you for thousands of years. Isn't it time to give him an explanation?" Zhang Tianfang didn't care about these. After listening to a few people talking nonsense for a long time, he had lost his patience. He swung the ghost knife and chopped it over. A black blade line easily tore into the scholar's body and cut him diagonally into two pieces. Just when the broken body was about to split, the scholar shook his head gently and said, "I won't kill you even if I don't move. Don't waste your energy." Listening to the tone, it seemed like the helplessness of parents disciplining naughty children. After saying this, the two halves of the body grew together again.

Zhang Tianfang didn't believe in evil, threw away the black knife in his hand, rushed forward a few steps and spread his hands, and two golden swastikas in his palms jumped into the air, illuminating the night like the sun. This is the mark of Buddhism that he was born with, and it is the easiest to deal with demons and monsters. Then a golden beam of light shot at the scholar, but this light was really like the sun's light, without any harm. The scholar tilted his head and sighed, "What a pity for a good thing, why don't you practice Buddhism?" As he spoke, he flicked the two golden swastikas in the sky and immediately flew away, shrinking and flying back to Zhang Tianfang's palm.

The scholar waved his hand again and sent Zhang Tianfang flying far away, then whispered: "I'll teach you a lesson. Don't use this thing to torment me."

Seeing that his movements were very relaxed and casual, but his power was boundless, the only one who could resist him among the group was Tan Lang. At this time, the young monk Bukong condensed a pure light, and the scholar was shocked: "The pure light reappeared in the world?" He Yue's face suddenly became cold, and he looked at Tan Lang and said: "Did you teach them? Do you really want the two races to fight?"

Tan Lang sneered: "Is it true? Is there any day when we don't fight?"

The scholar nodded gently after hearing this: "You are right, if so, then let's fight." Without seeing any movement, he felt a strong wind blowing in his face, a very strong wind, blowing fiercely. The pure light in Bukong's hand was blown apart. With just this dispersion, the sky and the earth were suddenly filled with white light, and a peaceful breath and a soft light flowed outward with the shattered pure light, gently sent to everyone, making everyone feel refreshed.

Only the Confucian scholar was furious, unfolded the paper fan in his palm, and a fierce and violent black energy flew out, as if a black dragon was flying in the white light, swallowing the white light as it flew. Seeing the ferocity of the black dragon, a lot of the white light was swallowed up. At this moment, Wu Monk Wangda successfully condensed the pure light, and another colorless light ball floated in the soft light.

Seeing another ray of pure light, the Confucian scholar was apprehensive and stepped back far away. A black dragon flew out from his chest, became huge after flying into the air, and opened its mouth to bite the pure light.

Greedy Wolf smiled and said: "Aren't you afraid of eating up your stomach?" Void grabbed it, and the pure light flew towards the black hole in the sky. The Confucian scholar hurriedly caught up with him, but unfortunately Greedy Wolf was highly cultivated and the speed of throwing light balls was really not slow. I saw a flash of white light in front of my eyes, and the pure light flew into the black hole. The Confucian scholar's expression changed greatly, and he yelled angrily: "Seeking death." He ignored the pure light thrown into the black hole, and grabbed it with his backhand, and saw a huge palm appearing in the air, grabbing at Greedy Wolf.

Greedy Wolf knew it was a ghost claw from the underworld and couldn't dodge it. At that moment, his right hand was a fist, and he punched out with all his strength. There was only a loud bang, and the huge palm was blocked by his punch, but what followed was another grab, so fast that it was invisible, and he could only feel the strong wind around him. Do it, the big palm is too big, and it actually blows out a wind mass. As the ghost claws grabbed madly one after another, the wind masses gathered more and more, colliding with each other, and suddenly they came together, and a huge wind pillar appeared between the sky and the earth.

But the Confucian scholar just pretended not to see it, and kept grabbing it with his huge palms, fighting fiercely with the greedy wolf. No wonder Tanlang's expression changed when he saw him. The two sides were about the same strength.

The Netherworld Ghost Claw technique is so unique that you cannot avoid it once you grab it. No matter where you go, the Ghost Claw will grab you immediately. The only way is to break it with force. Greedy Wolf was constantly exchanging blows with Ghost Claw at this time, and before he knew it, the two of them had exchanged thousands of moves.

The Confucian scholar chuckled: "Seven Star Lord is nothing more than that." After saying these seven words, the giant ghost claw waved hundreds of times. Greedy Wolf smiled and replied: "Is that all?" He opened the ghost claws with another punch, and at the same time he leaned closer, and with a ball of his right hand, Bu Kong condensed the pure light that was exploded by the Confucian scholar, and instantly regained it in Greedy Wolf's hands. Condensed into a ball of light. When the Confucian scholar struck again with his claw, he saw the newly formed ball of light suddenly explode. Although the ghost claw could not be hurt, the techniques were naturally incompatible, and the Confucian scholar paused for a moment.

At this moment of pause, Tan Lang tapped his left hand, and a giant wolf figure appeared in the clouds in the sky. Then he saw two flashes of light and shadow, and a figure flew back into the black hole. When the figure entered the black hole, a voice came out from outside: "Gan Lang." Wolf! You wait."

Everyone then knew that Greedy Wolf had won the battle, but the two of them moved too fast, and the group of people below didn't see anything clearly. All I know is that the shadows of claws and fists in the sky collided endlessly. It seemed that when the Confucian scholar attacked, the shadows of claws filled the sky, and when the greedy wolf counterattacked, the shadows of fists filled the sky.

At this time, there was a huge wind pillar raging between heaven and earth. Just now, because of the huge power of Confucian Scholar and Greedy Wolf, he could only stop here and absorb the soil. At this time, the Confucian scholar fled, the wind pillar lost its restraint, and swept into the distance with a raging rumble.

Zhang Ying shouted anxiously: "Broken." He wanted to break the wind pillar. Greedy Wolf just glanced at the wind pillar, pointed at it casually, and heard a soft pop, and the huge and violent wind pillar dispersed just like that.

Zhang Wei looked at Greedy Wolf in surprise, what kind of power is this? Greedy Wolf said softly: "Don't look at me like that. As long as you find the eye of the wind, you can break it easily." It's simple to say, but such a big wind pillar keeps moving. Let alone looking for the eye of the wind, a person can stand in it without falling. Even if it's awesome.

Seeing Tanlang beating away the Confucian scholar, Hai Ling ran to Tanlang and said, "Who is he? Why did he run away?"

Greedy Wolf replied: "He is the city lord of the first city of Huangquan in the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm is different from the Heaven Realm. There are many cities built, and each city has a city lord. Above the city lord is the Demon King." He paused and said to Zhang Ai: " Something must have happened in the demon world. None of the three envoys of greed, anger and ignorance who guarded the demon world showed up. Instead, the lord of the first city of Huangquan came to the human world. However, it is best if something goes wrong. They like to fight among themselves the most. Kill more. We can Save a lot of effort.”

After Greedy Wolf finished the fight, the figure of the giant wolf also disappeared in a flash, as if it had never appeared before. But Zhang Ai felt the powerful pressure. Xingjun was really powerful! I sighed again without realizing it, why is there always someone better than me?

At this time Fu Kong asked: "Do you still need to clean the light?" Tanlang replied: "No need."

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