The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 942 Night Sleep

Chapter 942 Sleeping at night

As his words sounded, the pentagram-shaped black hole in the sky suddenly burst out of a large cloud of black gas. As it kept rolling and surging, it slowly condensed into a black pentagram, and then swished into the dark night sky. Fill up the black hole, and the passage to the human world is closed again.

Greedy Wolf said: "That's it this time. We have to wait until the extremely dark day next month to break in again. Let's break up."

A group of great monks looked at each other. They were not involved in the important task of exterminating demons. They felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts. Greedy Wolf looked at Hai Ling and decided to say more: "You should not do these things in the first place. Buddhists are the highest beings of Buddhism in this world, but in another world, there are also Buddhists. No matter how big or small it is, the Buddha’s light shines brightly on them. If they do any evil deeds, they will be punished by the Buddha’s disciples.”

This sentence made a group of monks very excited. A group of great monks who always pretended to be serious asked eagerly at this time: "Will you ascend to the Buddha realm after the Great Ascension? Is there a Buddha there?"

Tanlang smiled and said, "Don't say, you are a Buddhist cultivator and I am not. You can only ask yourself what you want to do."

This was a bit of a rogue statement, but the great monk just fell for it. They clasped their hands together and said, "This poor monk is crazy. Thank you for the benefactor's enlightenment."

With these words, a group of monks said their thanks and then went away in obeisance. They believed that with Greedy Wolf here, no matter how big the devil was, they could only obey the law honestly. So I decided to temporarily go to Han Temple to understand Buddhism.

Han Temple is the temple of Monk Wuwang. This guy is lazy and just picks up any name, but it is the closest temple to here.

After the monk left, Zhang Ain asked Tanlang, "Are you going to wait here for a month?" Tanlang smiled and said, "No need."

"No?" Zhang Ain asked curiously.

Greedy Wolf said: "I just said that I would wait until the extremely dark day next month to break the door, but I didn't say that I would wait for a month."

Depressed, even gods like Tanlang play word games. Zhang Wen secretly despised him in his heart.

Greedy Wolf said what he just said, but ignored him, and turned to Bu Kong and said, "Master, please condense a ball of pure light for me. The bigger the better." Bu Kong said, "No trouble." Then he condensed it seriously. Pure light.

Greedy Wolf jumped around and wandered around for a while, pinching a little bit, and then returned to sit down beside everyone, waiting for Fu Kong Ning's pure light.

Ten hours passed in the blink of an eye, Tanlang stood up and said to Fu Kong: "That's enough." Fu Kong sighed and stood up, holding a ball of pure light that was as big as a house in his hand.

Greedy Wolf took the ball of light and squeezed it casually. The big ball of light shattered into more than a hundred small balls of light. Then he threw it casually, and more than a hundred light balls disappeared into the divine formation he set up. Then he pointed his finger to activate the technique, and heard a bang, and a golden Buddha sat in the sky.

Fukong asked in surprise: "How did the donor know my Buddhist magic?" Tanlang smiled and said: "What kind of Buddhist magic is this? It doesn't help the world or save people, it's just a skill." Fukong was stunned when he heard this. Learning seems to be somewhat deviated from the true meaning of Buddhism. He bowed respectfully to Greedy Wolf and said, "Thank you, donor, for your enlightenment."

Greedy Wolf said, "I didn't enlighten you." He wouldn't say anything else.

Fukong also knew that this guy was very spiritual and liked to talk half-talk, so he didn't ask further questions and went to meditate aside to rethink the Buddhist teachings he had learned.

After staying like this for another two days, in the morning, the red sun rose and the surrounding fields became clear. But suddenly, it turned dark again. Greedy Wolf said with a solemn expression: "Here he comes." He said half of the truth was too big, and he didn't say who was coming. When everyone was confused, Greedy Wolf activated the divine formation, and there was a virtual light sitting cross-legged in the sky. The Great Buddha, at this moment, stood up as if he were a real entity, facing the darkness and singing in a low voice: "Amitabha."

With a word of surprise, a large area of ​​darkness opened up, revealing a white figure. I don't know how this black covered up his whiteness, but there was no trace of it. The white figure is a woman. Her appearance cannot be seen clearly, but she only feels beautiful. Seeing that the protective black energy dissipated, the woman said softly: "I am most afraid of the sun. It makes all my skin tan."

Tan Lang said loudly: "I wonder what the Lord Ye Mei is here for?" He was so proud that he was willing to call others "sir". Just by saying this, you can know how scary this person is.

"So you still remember that I am an adult, so you still dare to bully me?" the woman said softly, as sweet as a silver bell, but with a hint of coquettishness.

Tanlang replied: "Someone provoked the young master. Tanlang is his subordinate and has to do his best. Please forgive me, Lord Ye Mei."

Ye Mei chuckled softly and said, "I forgive you, but who will forgive me?" He glanced at the people below, nodded slightly and said, "That kid is your little master? That's fine, I'll let you go, too. He, but I want them both." He raised his white jade hand and pointed it towards Zhang Wen and Zhang Tianfang with his fingertips.

Zhang Tianda was angry: "Old witch, what do you want me to do?" After hearing what he said, Zhang Wen shook his head helplessly. How could this guy eat a hundred beans and not know the taste of the beans? I have never known what patience and forbearance is. He turned around and asked Tanlang: "Is he very powerful?"

Greedy Wolf said: "I call him Sir. I have never fought against her." One sentence has two meanings. The first meaning is that she is really powerful. I want to call her according to her seniority. The second meaning is that she refuses to admit defeat. He is Of course, the leader of the Seven Stars will not give in easily to a woman he has never beaten before.

No one in the field was an idiot. After hearing this, Ye Mei giggled and said, "You really refuse to admit defeat. No wonder you are said to be the most arrogant among the subordinates of the Star Emperor." As he spoke, he looked around lightly, shook his head and said, "This place If you can't stand the trouble, do you dare to go to the devil world with me?"

Tanlang shook his head and said: "It's not that Tanlang is timid and afraid of adults, he has a mission."

If this was said to others, it would be just an excuse, but to Greedy Wolf, it turns out that the speaker is serious, and the listener believes it, nodding and saying: "That's right, otherwise why would you come to the human world." Stop. He paused and then said: "You still have to follow me. There is no need to fight. Give me those two people. You can do whatever you like. As long as you don't come to the demon world, no matter how many demon disciples you kill, I won't care about you."

Zhang Tianfang was angry again, pointed at Fang Jian and shouted: "Why don't you look for him?" Fang Jian said helplessly: "Why are you calling me?" In fact, he felt a little uncomfortable. That woman only wanted Zhang Afraid and Zhang Tianfang, why was she alone? Don't mention him? Could it be that he is no better than the other two?

Ye Mei smiled and said, "I wanted to do it originally, but he is physically injured and there is no use in coming."

Fang Jian's Yuan Shen was injured. First, he grieved for the people, and his mind was seriously injured. Then he was injured by the Buddha's anger. The two injuries merged into one, and the injury worsened. Later, he never had the time or mood to heal, so he only used powerful elixirs to temporarily maintain his physical condition.

Zhang Aiteng asked quietly: "What do you want me to do?" But he was greeted by Ye Sui's sweet smile: "I am Ye Sui, and I need a man very much." Zhang Dao Teng blushed, and this beautiful woman turned out to be It's so shameless, how dare you say such words openly?

Seeing his blushing, Ye Sui felt even more happy from the bottom of her heart, and then said, "I especially like boys. Come here and let me hug you."

Zhang Tian let out a sigh of relief and cursed: "Witch, you have no shame. Grandpa Zhang wants to show you shame, so get out of here."

Ye Mei was insulted in public, his face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "I originally wanted to let you live a few more days and let you have a good time. In this case, it is better for you to die sooner." As he said that, he held out his hand. Grasp.

There was a distance of more than 10,000 meters between the two sides, but the woman just grabbed Zhang Tianfang in her hands, and the distance between them was already very close.

The woman suddenly acted, and Tanlang hesitated for a moment whether to intervene. During this moment of hesitation, Zhang Tianfang was captured. Hai Ling said urgently: "Bad woman! Let him go!" Hearing Hai Ling's shout, Tanlang immediately Activating and activating the magic formula, the huge golden Buddha in the divine formation lifted up and flew up. In one step, he came to Ye Mei's body. His palms surrounded him from the left and right, densely covering this area of ​​heaven and earth.

Ye Meijiao smiled and said: "Little Greedy Wolf, you dare to go against me?" Saying this, Ye Mei bumped into the giant palm, and saw a flash of beautiful light, a woman came out of the golden Buddha's palm, and she He was still holding Zhang Tianfang in his hand.

Zhang Tianfang was so angry that you caught him like this? Putting aside the ghost sword, he clasped his palms together, and two golden swastikas suddenly burst out from his palms. They joined together in the air and turned into a huge golden swastika. It emitted golden light like a hedgehog and stabbed Ye Mui one after another.

Ye Mei retreated from being stabbed due to carelessness, but she did not let go of Zhang Tianfang. With a backhand, a black hole appeared out of thin air, absorbing the golden thorn that stabbed her. She then laughed and said: "The little guy has a treasure, and he was almost killed." You are hurt, but why don’t you practice Buddhist skills?”

When Zhang Tianfang was arrested, Zhang was afraid that he would not stand by and watch. While Tanlang and Zhang Tianfang were entangled with the woman, he flew up and raised the sword in his hand. A sword rainbow stabbed the woman. The sword rainbow was very big, much taller than the woman, but this time, the woman just raised her finger slightly, blocked the sword rainbow with her white and tender fingertips, and said with a sweet smile: "Both little guys are quite capable."

Zhang Tianfang hated her laughter. He was trying hard to control the golden swastika. He was concentrating on it, but was interrupted by her laughter, so he said loudly: "Croaking, clucking, does the hen lay eggs?" The woman looked angry with anger. Bai said coldly: "I have changed my mind, and I will definitely not let you die happily."

At this time, the Golden Buddha suddenly let out a Buddha's roar, the sound was loud and shocking, and it made him sleep for a while. In that moment, Zhang was afraid of stabbing out the sky-piercing rainbow again, and at the same time, he jumped forward and flew forward, taking the opportunity to snatch Zhang Tianfang back with his hands. Zhang Tian released the person in the air, but did not forget to curse back: "Little hen, grandpa is gone."

Unintentionally, Ye Sui was temporarily given the upper hand by a few people and became very angry. He raised his beautiful finger and tapped it gently. Zhang Ai was flying when he suddenly hit an invisible barrier. Not only was he blocked by the barrier, but the sword rainbow he used, Zhang Tianfang, Zhang Tianfang's golden swastika, and the Golden Buddha were all blocked by the same barrier and could no longer move forward.

This is absolute strength, one person can stop everyone. Fortunately, there was Greedy Wolf standing below. He looked up to the sky and let out a clear roar. A huge white wolf appeared in the sky and lunged forward with a roar. With just one collision, the invisible barrier that could easily block many people cracked open with a crack.

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