The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 940 Golden Armor and Silver Armor

Chapter 940: Golden Armor and Silver Armor

Greedy Wolf whispered: "Go." Then he saw countless white clouds turning into countless characters, entangled together, spelling out an article in the dark night, but he couldn't understand it, like a book from heaven.

As soon as this heavenly book appeared, a voice came from the air and said: "Who am I telling you? It turns out to be a boy from the heaven who boldly entered the battle. Listen to my words and retreat honestly, sparing your life."

Greedy Wolf didn't say anything, but pointed at the book, and saw the clouds exploding, turning the night into daylight. The clouds all over the sky became a murderous weapon in his hands, gathering together and shooting to a certain place in the sky.

The glow was brilliant, but there was no sound. The sky was full of bright lights, and a small black pattern in the shape of a five-pointed star appeared in the middle. Compared with the brilliant rays of light, the dark pentagram is extremely obvious. There is hidden black air spurting out, pouring into the rays of light, turning the rays of light into black.

Greedy Wolf sneered: "Still not coming out?" His eyes widened, and two bolts of lightning shot from his eyes towards the black pentagram. Only a click sound was heard, the pentagram was broken into pieces, and a darker pentagram appeared in the night. In the big star cave, dark winds gusted in the cave, and black air surged out quickly, filling the night sky under the cave. As the black air surged out, a silver-armored black man flew out from inside, and shouted in a cold voice: "Child from heaven, do you want to do it without permission?" A war between two worlds?"

Greedy Wolf smiled upon hearing this: "What a great name. This is the human world. Even if there is a war, it has nothing to do with the heaven. I would like to see how you blame the heaven." After saying this, with a spiritual thought, clouds danced in the sky. It formed a light shield to protect the entire world. Above the shield was the big black pentagram hole.

This is the battle between gods and men. The figure does not move and the flash of thought becomes the battle. Zhang Ai's hundreds of years of hard work are of no use here. The powerful strategy of putting speed first to defeat the enemy that he talked about in the past is of no use at all. No matter how fast you are, can you be faster than the movement of your mind?

Zhang Ai held the Fushen Sword and felt sad for a while. How could he cultivate to the point where he could fight with them?

The silver-armored black man saw the Yunxia Light Shield and knew that things couldn't be good today. He raised his hand and shot a broken bone back into the dark void. He raised the vajra and smashed it at the greedy wolf.

Greedy Wolf saw the pestle and smiled: "It's a sacred object of Buddhism. You actually use it to guard the door. You are quite capable."

The silver-armored black man smashed his pestle down, as if the sky had been smashed down, and it was pressed downwards with a bang. The attack range of his pestle was so wide that it was boundless, and its power was so strong that it could easily crush rocks. The air and flowing clouds all disappeared under the pestle. As soon as the pestle hit the ground, a terrifying scene of landslides and ground cracking, with sand and rocks flying, appeared.

Fortunately, there was a Yunxia light shield under the pestle. When the pestle fell, it was gently supported by Yunxia. The two huge forces collided violently without any sound, as gentle as a lover's fingers. However, the impact force was huge and dispersed outwards. The clouds in the sky are squeezed into clouds and billowing in all directions.

Seeing that the giant pestle was blocked by clouds, the silver-armored black man swung it up and smashed it again. This time, the smash was different from the previous one. The sound was rumbling, like the rising sun, and the warm warmth leaned towards the shield of clouds.

Greedy Wolf said disdainfully: "It's a small skill." He didn't see how Yunxia changed. He wrapped it around the giant pestle, pulled it back, and pulled out the vajra pestle from the hands of the silver-armored man. He took it into his hand and touched it casually. Throwing it in front of Fu Kong, he said: "Buddhist things can be regarded as returning to their original owners."

The silver-armored black man was shocked and asked, "Are you Xingjun?" Greedy Wolf said, "Don't you think you found out a little too late?" With another movement of his mind, Yunxia easily wrapped the silver-armored man. The man in silver armor shouted: "You can't kill me. I sent a message to the three envoys of the Demon Sect. They will be here soon."

Greedy Wolf chuckled and said, "I just want to wait for them." He snapped his fingers gently, and the clouds all over the sky disappeared, and the night sky was covered with black. However, the black man in silver armor was gone, and he was torn to death by Greedy Wolf in the clouds.

As soon as the man in silver armor died, a startling gong sounded from the black hole, and hundreds of ghosts rushed out, all looking down. The first person was wearing golden armor and holding a magic pestle in his hand.

Tan Lang looked at Chong Bu Kong and smiled and said, "How many treasures have you Buddhists lost?" Bu Kong's face turned red when he was told that. He picked up the vajra just now and returned to the divine formation set up by Tan Lang.

The black man in gold armor yelled down: "Who killed my brother? Who killed silver armor? Please tell me your name."

Greedy Wolf looked up with disdain and said casually: "Are you two gold and silver guards guarding the door to the human world?"

The black man in golden armor was stunned when he heard this and asked: "Who are you? How do you know my brother's name?" Tanlang shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter who I am. I ask you a question. As long as you answer me, today will be the end of the world." Let you go." His words were extremely rude, which angered Jin Jia, and he yelled: "You are looking for death, don't think that I am afraid of you because you are from heaven." As he spoke, he threw the Demon-Conquering Pestle in his hand, and the Demon-Conquering Pestle left. The hand grew larger, and as the golden light continued to scatter, a series of Buddhist roars reached the ears of everyone below. Fang Jian was only illuminated by the golden light, and was immediately injured by the Buddha's anger. Hutong fell to the ground.

Zhang Wen was holding on, and when he saw Fang Jian fall, he hurriedly came to help him. Fortunately, a group of Buddhist monks helped him, and he easily helped Fang Jian up, and used Buddhist skills to fight against the Buddha's anger coming from the demon-subduing pestle.

Seeing that Fang Jian was injured in his formation, Xiao Hailing said angrily: "How dare you." The little fat man waved his hand upwards, and the entire formation flew high into the sky like flowing clouds, entangling the golden armor and the demon-subduing pestle that kept emitting golden light.

His move frightened Greedy Wolf, and he shouted: "No." His body dispersed like rays of light, and before the divine formation flew up, he smashed the golden-armored black man to pieces with one palm, leaving only a black head wearing a helmet and making strange noises. He yelled: "You dare to hurt me?" As he spoke, black air floated out from the bottom of his head. The black air was thick and covered the place where one person was, obviously trying to regroup his body.

At this time, Tanlang was only worried about Hai Ling being injured, so he would not even think about asking Jin Jia questions. With another wave of his backhand, Jin Jia's head was crushed, but the black energy lingered around. As long as he was given some time, he would still be able to Re-condensed the body.

Of course Greedy Wolf would not give him this chance. Yunxia reappeared in the night sky, and the boundless golden light illuminated the black air, leaving them nowhere to hide. Then he waved his hand and grabbed all the black air in the night sky, laughing coldly. Said: "In the past, you always devoured others, today I want you to taste the feeling of being devoured." As he spoke, he put the black air into his mouth, chewed it a few times, then swallowed it, and looked at Qian Qian in the black hole high in the sky. Many ghosts said: "It's hard to eat, but it's better than having nothing to eat." With his palms together, hundreds of huge ghosts were gently held by one palm, and they were all put into the mouth. After chewing again, they swallowed and shook their heads. : "It tastes really bad."

This guy even eats ghosts? Zhang Ao looked extremely shocked and filled with black energy. This guy could actually make a sound while chewing. He really lived up to his name as a greedy wolf and could eat anything.

In just a moment, Greedy Wolf cleaned up all the ghosts, grabbed the magic pestle and removed the mark of the demon door on it, threw it to Bu Kong and said: "Take it." Then he asked: "Who wants to go to the demon world with me? "

This guy is so crazy! Zhang probably didn't admire this guy at all. Little Hai Ling was trying his best to find Jin Jia but was blocked by Tan Lang. He felt very unhappy and said at this time: "I'll go." Tan Lang chuckled and said, "It's just talk. I haven't lived enough to not go to the Demon Gate to look for it." Suffer it." No matter what, he would definitely not let Hai Ling take the risk.

Zhang Wen understood this and said to Hai Ling: "Go take care of Fang Jian, he is injured." Hai Ling wanted to help so much, so she readily agreed and ran to Fang Jian's side to ask for help.

Zhang Ain looked at Hai Ling busy, turned his head and said to Tanlang: "What's so scary about the devil world? I've been to heaven, so why are you afraid of the devil world? I'll accompany you on this journey." Tanlang shook his head slightly and said, "You still have to worry about it?" You are really not afraid of death." He looked up at the big black hole and said, "The third envoy has not been here for so long. There must be an accident in the devil world. Now is not a good time to go in."

Zhang Ain was very curious after hearing this and asked: "When an accident occurs in the demon world, wouldn't it be a good time to fish in troubled waters?" Greedy Wolf explained: "You don't know about the demon clan. The whole clan is the most aggressive. Some outsiders are killing outsiders. No Outsiders will kill each other when they are here. You kill me and I will kill you. It’s very lively. But don’t look at them fighting among themselves. As long as we go in, the demons will definitely unite to deal with us. What I said just now is true. I don’t want to Go in and die."

Zhang Ain asked: "The Ghost Ancestor is in the demon world now?" Greedy Wolf said: "That's my guess. Otherwise, if there was such a big commotion here, the demon master who rescued him should have appeared long ago."

Zhang Ai was speechless when he heard this. The Ghost Ancestor was in the Demon Realm, and the master who saved him would also be in the Demon Realm. Did he have to break into the Demon Realm in anger to avenge the people of the five cities? Greedy Wolf saw what he was thinking and advised softly: "Don't ask about the results of some things, as long as you do it sincerely." Zhang Weing was stunned again, this rigid and cold expert could actually persuade people? He nodded hurriedly and said yes.

Greedy Wolf raised his head and stared at the black hole in the sky for a while, then asked Wuwang, "Master, please condense the pure light out."

The so-called pure light is the light that purifies the world. It is the purest and can only be condensed by those who have an unobstructed mind and profound Buddha Dharma. For Buddhists, not everyone can condense pure light.

Having a clear mind is a simple word, but it is the most difficult thing in the world. It goes without saying that you must be kind and pure. You must also have a firm ambition and be willing to pay any price to pursue the path. In short, everything must be done to the best of its ability to condense the pure light.

Wuwang was stunned for a moment and replied: "The young monk doesn't know this magic."

Finally, it was Tanlang's turn to be surprised, and he thought to himself: "No wonder the Buddhist treasure fell into the hands of the devil. Even the inheritance of Buddhist skills is incomplete." He raised his index finger to his forehead, slowly pulled out a transparent light ball, and flicked it to Wuwang said: "I have memorized some magic formulas before, but I don't know if they are complete and accurate. Master, please give them a try."

This is a very euphemistic way of saying it. With his mind, he can never forget anything in the world, let alone a small secret. He said this to save the face of all the Buddhist monks. A group of great monks have not even learned their own Buddhist skills. However, it is always not a glorious thing to say it.

Zhang Weing was once again surprised by Tanlang. This guy was not unreasonable and unkind, he actually knew how to take care of other people's faces. Greedy Wolf said: "What do you want me to do?" This was not a question. He only said one sentence before he walked to Hai Ling and said: "If the murderer is hiding in the devil world, I don't dare to let the young master enter without permission. Why don't you invite the young master?" Forgive me."

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