The Monk

Volume One Chapter 939 Empty City

Chapter 939: Empty City

Zhang Ping did not comfort Zhang Tianfang, but bowed so respectfully to Tanlang that he could no longer be respectful: "Please help me find the murderer." He only asked for the murderer to be found, and revenge must be done by him and Zhang Tianfang Fangjian personally.

Greedy Wolf nodded slightly, raised his eyes and scanned the entire county, then jumped up and flew towards the northwest.

A total of five county towns in this area became empty cities, and more than 40,000 people died in total. Each of them was buried by Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian and Fu Kong. Fang Jian stubbornly believed that it was because he came here to serve as an official and interfered in worldly affairs as a cultivator that he led to killings and caused huge disasters. In this way, he was unforgivable and rushed to take all the blame on his shoulders, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time Tanlang was leading the way, and the second one was Fang Jian, who was eager to avenge the people. Next came Bu Kong, Zhang Tianfang, and Zhang Wen followed at the end with Hai Ling in his arms.

The five county towns are not far from each other. Coincidentally, they belong to five directions. Looking down from high in the sky, they look like a five-pointed star. Greedy Wolf led everyone to fly to the center of the five-pointed star and stop. This place is a mountain range. It is precisely because this place is a mountain range that it reduces the casualties of more innocent people.

When everyone stopped, Tanlang said: "Fly higher and look down. You can see that the five counties are the five corners of a five-pointed star. This five-pointed star is one of the basic skills of the demon clan. It uses living beings as an array. Source, extracting all the living beings in the formation to activate the magic formation, has many functions. Judging from the current situation, it is either to use the force to break the passage and return to the devil world, or to gather the power of all living beings to recover. "

Zhang Tianfang said bitterly: "Recuperate? He has to kill tens of thousands of people to recover from his injuries? Countless living beings?"

Greedy Wolf didn't answer his words and his body slowly fell down. After falling, he looked down at the ground. Everyone fell down and looked at the ground together, but it was just ordinary yellow land, no different from anywhere else. Hai Ling asked: "Brother Greedy Wolf, what are you looking at?"

Greedy Wolf looked at it for a while, squatted down and picked up some white dust, stood up and showed it to Hai Ling: "This is the magic jade. It is used to set up the array. When the magic array completes its function, the magic jade will be shattered and scattered everywhere with the wind without a trace." "If you don't understand this thing, you won't be able to find it if you don't look carefully." Hai Ling opened his eyes and looked carefully, but he saw that it was just a small amount of white gravel, and there was no difference between it and ordinary sand. .

Greedy Wolf said: "Don't look, you can't see it. When the young master reaches my level, you can fully understand it."

Hai Ling exclaimed: "It turns out I'm not powerful enough." He was a little bit frustrated. He originally wanted to help Zhang Ying in the fight, but looking at this posture, it seemed that he couldn't help much.

Greedy Wolf said with relief: "This world is not suitable for cultivation. When you return to the heaven, my lord will help you build your foundation. Young Master can easily reach my current level of cultivation."

Zhang Ai was very depressed after hearing this. I stayed in the upper world for several days. There is no way to practice in that place. So I still need to build a foundation? I just don’t know if the foundation building in heaven is the same as that in the human world.

After hearing this, Hai Ling thought about it and said, "What happened here, I'm going to find the master and ask him to help build the foundation. I must make myself stronger." Tanlang was extremely happy when he heard this and immediately said, "Little Young Master, there is no need to worry, it’s just a demon’s five-pointed star formation. Since the traces of the demon have been revealed, we might as well stay a few more days and we will eventually find the murderer.”

Zhang was even more depressed after hearing this. It seemed that as long as Hai Ling could return to the upper realm, everything would be easy for the Star Emperor.

Tan Lang threw away the magic jade gravel in his hand, turned to look north, and said softly: "Someone is coming, eighteen monks."

When he heard that there were eighteen monks, Zhang Ping's first reaction was that they were the eighteen golden Arhats under Master Sky. Only when the monks arrived did he realize that he had guessed wrong. There were eighteen great monks, headed by the great monk Wuwang. Zhang Wen and Fang Jian hurried over to greet him. Wuwu and Fang Jian had half a master-disciple relationship. When they saw Fang Jian’s eyes were red, with blood and tears flashing in his eyes, he knew it was in his heart. The pulse was greatly injured. At that time, he shouted the Buddha's name, using the clear sound of Buddhism as a way for Fang Jian to remove the demonic obstacles in his heart. He then shouted in a low voice: "Fang Jian, why don't you wake up?"

Fang Jian was awakened by a sudden shout, and he saluted Wuwang respectfully and said, "Thank you, Master, for enlightening me." Although the blood and tears in his eyes were not gone, his eyes were slightly clear. Master Wuwu used the Buddha's sound to send the supreme Buddha's intention into Fang Jian's body, calming his mood and resolving depression. Although he could not really make Fang Jian completely recover, he could at least protect the clarity of the spiritual platform.

Wuwang spoke to Fang Jian, then turned his gaze to Fu Kong and sighed softly: "He is an idiot, why do you bother?"

For several days, Bu Kong has been using his supreme Buddhist power to save tens of thousands of innocent people and countless living beings of all kinds. At this time, his body is very weak, so he has no energy to heal Fang Jian's injuries.

When Ting Wuwang asked him, Fu Kong put his hands together and replied, "You cannot shirk your duties as a young monk."

Wuwang shook his head slightly and shouted: "Hey." The seventeen Buddhist monks behind him jointly performed the exercises and filled Fu Kong's body with Buddha power. After a while, after the healing was completed, Fu Kong put his hands together and said, "Thank you, masters, for being a junior monk." Healing.”

Wuwang said: "It doesn't count as healing, you just have a lack of spiritual energy in your body, so it's nothing to do with just a little effort."

After treating the two men's injuries, Zhang Wen stepped forward to greet them. These eighteen great monks were living in various parts of the mainland. When monsters were in trouble in the Song Dynasty, they had joined forces to use the supreme Dharma to suppress the exit passages of the Withered Bone Forest; now The five cities of the Song Dynasty were turned into empty cities. For the sake of all living beings, they had no choice but to come again to eliminate the evil.

However, the opponent this time was too strong. Even with the natural restraint of magic power by Buddhism, no clues were found. Therefore, the eighteen people gathered together cautiously and searched everywhere carefully.

After everyone introduced each other, Zhang Awei said: "If we act together, senior Tanlang has a way to find the traces of the demons." Many people gathered together, and Zhang Awei called Tanlang a senior with the utmost respect.

Wuwang was overjoyed when he heard this. After searching for many days, he finally got a clue. He immediately said, "That's right. If Tanlang, the benefactor, needs anything, just give me instructions." He led a group of great monks to stand behind Tanlang.

Greedy Wolf originally didn't want to take them with him, but after hesitating for a moment, if the matter was dealt with earlier, he could take Hai Ling back to the upper realm earlier. He did not object at the moment and said softly: "Masters, please wait a few more days." The monks clasped their hands and replied: "Please help me, sir."

A group of them stood in the center of the five-pointed star, with nothing to do but to stay quietly. I didn't expect to meet another cultivator two days later. They were more than a dozen wanderers. The highest cultivation level was the intermediate level of Nascent Soul and the lowest cultivation level was the elementary level of Dan Jie. After seeing the Buddhists, they took the initiative to come to see the Buddhists. They also met with Zhang Fangjian and others. An introduction and hello. Then Wei chatted and found out that both parties came for the empty city.

Zhang Ping said secretly: "Youshi is really enthusiastic."

At this time, the tourists understood the Buddhist's purpose of staying here and strongly requested to stay. Without waiting for the Buddhist monk to speak, Greedy Wolf refused directly: "No." His voice was cold and could not be refuted.

Seeing everyone looking at him with doubts, Tanlang sneered and said: "What do you think the demons are? Even the little Yuanying cultivators dare to go against them? Don't say I didn't warn you, if you don't want to die, it's better to leave earlier. "

Of course the tourists would be a little unhappy when they saw him looking down on them like this, so Zhang Wen had no choice but to come out and smooth things over and said, "Fellow Taoists, please listen to me."

Zhang is the most famous cultivator in the world at present, and he has a good heart. The tourists had a good impression of him, so they stopped talking and looked at him. Zhang Awei said: "If you fellow Taoists believe in me and the eighteen Buddhist monks, please leave for now." There is no need to say more. Just relying on the names of Zhang Awei, the best monk in the world, and the eighteen Buddhist monks, let me ask. Who dares to disagree.

So after a brief discussion, a group of wanderers left a transmission spell and said: "If there are too many enemies, you can call us to come and help."

Zhang Wen took the spell and said yes, and then the travelers left. At this time, he thought of the five holy monks of the Holy Kingdom. They left him a Buddhist message and asked him to send a message to them after discovering the traces of the two ghost ancestors. Later, the Second Ghost Ancestor died and the matter was shelved. Now that he had another chance to use five holy monks, Zhang Wen hesitated in his heart and finally gave up. Faced with a powerful enemy who didn't know who he was and didn't know his cultivation, why would he let those five monks do it? Come to die?

After staying for a few more days, on this day, the moon was dark, the wind was high, and the wind was gusty. Greedy Wolf said to everyone: "Today is a very cloudy day, and the magic door is not very well defended. I will call the door later, so don't come out at will." "As he spoke, he casually set up a divine formation to let everyone in.

Hai Ling refused and said loudly: "I want to kill the enemy with you." The little guy has a strong sense of justice. Zhang Ain held him down and said to Bu Kong: "You protect him." Then he walked to Tanlang and said: "How can I let you deal with my matter alone?"

Seeing that Zhang Awei was not afraid of death, Greedy Lang had a hint of admiration in his eyes, but said coldly: "It is unwise to force your way forward without knowing the enemy's cultivation level. You are not that stupid, are you?"

Zhang Ping replied calmly: "There are too many people in the world who call me idiot, and there is no shortage of you." His tone was very firm, meaning that I must be a part of today's matter.

Not only did he insist, Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang also stood up firmly. The two of them did not speak, one holding a silver sword and the other holding a black knife, standing solemnly on the left and right.

Greedy Wolf looked at the three of them and sneered: "I have seen people who are not afraid of death, but I have never seen people who are in a hurry to die. It's up to you."

Zhang was afraid to go out to meet the enemy, and Hai Lingzi also wanted to participate. With a shake of his hands, an endless formation appeared on the ground. At this time, the divine formation no longer looks like the nine-story tower of the Temple of Refining, but has become a chain of large formations that complement each other. Hai Ling stood in the center of the formation and said crisply: "Come in, let's kill the enemy together."

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Okay." He walked to Hai Ling and stood next to him. Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian hesitated slightly before standing in the formation.

Seeing Hai Ling's determination, Tan Lang cast his gaze somewhere behind Hai Ling, nodded slightly, turned his head and raised his fingers to the sky. Then I saw countless white clouds suddenly appearing in the dark night, shining with silver light under the silver moon.

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