The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 938 Crying

Chapter 938 Crying

His cultivation level was high at this time. For him, anywhere on the mainland was just a matter of taking more steps and less steps. He came behind Fang Jian and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

This is a hillside, more than a thousand meters wide, with many tombs densely built. They all look like new tombs. Fang Jian knelt upright at the foot of the hillside filled with tombs. He kept kneeling like that, motionless. Not far away, Fu Kong was sitting cross-legged and meditating, chanting the mantra of rebirth. Only Zhang Tianfang was not here.

Hearing Zhang Ping's voice, Fang Jian turned around sharply, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then dimmed again. He turned back to look at the grave bag, straightening his body and saying nothing.

Fang Jian just looked back, Zhang was afraid of being shocked. Fang Jian's eyes turned red, and there were blood and tears streaming from the corners of his eyes. What happened to make him so sad? With all his spiritual thoughts at his disposal, Zhang Tianfang could easily lock his breath. The guy was flying around in the sky like crazy, looking for something crazily around a small county town.

And that county town has become a dead city at this time. Thousands of courtyard houses are empty. Not to mention the people, even the chickens, dogs, sheep and horses are dead. Even the rats and insects have become extinct.

Hai Ling in his arms was also frightened by Fang Jian's expression, and asked Zhang Ai in a low voice: "What's wrong?" Before Zhang Ai could reply, Tanlang said: "There is a demonic atmosphere here. It should be a demon child." He spoke Be very rigorous and don’t make any judgments.

Demons? Zhang was afraid that the figure of Gui Ancestor suddenly appeared in his mind. Was it the master who saved Gui Ancestor who did these things?

Fang Jian knelt until it got dark. Zhang Tian flew over with a sigh of relief and said loudly: "I didn't find anything. I didn't see anything. It will stay like this no matter how long I look." When he saw Zhang Afraid, he cursed loudly: "What's wrong with you, you bastard?" Just come? Fang Jian is going to be so angry."

Zhang Ain looked at Fang Jian's back and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Zhang Tian let out a sigh and said, "One night, Fu Kong suddenly said that there was danger and took Fang Jian and I into his lotus Buddha treasure. As soon as the three of us were protected by the Buddha treasure, we heard someone say: There is a Buddhist monk. Are you lucky? I'll let you go this time. After saying this, I felt the air tightening, and then the people disappeared. We waited for a while and said there was no danger. After we came out, the county town It became a dead city, with no life left at all. Everyone died, and they all lost their lives in an instant. Not only people, but also pigs, cows, rats, and even vegetation died. Later, we searched around for many days, but found nothing. Knowing that a total of five nearby towns had become dead cities, the people of the Song Dynasty were so frightened that the emperor of the Song Dynasty prayed to God every day. "

Hearing this, Hai Ling whispered: "How pitiful."

Zhang was afraid that Hai Ling would blame him for this matter. If the demon master who rescued the ghost ancestor really did these things, Xiao Hai Ling would be very sad. After all, it was because Hai Ling left that Ghost Ancestor was rescued, so he said: "They will not die in vain." His voice was slow and firm.

He said this, causing Tanlang to look up at him, think for a moment, and then turn his gaze to Hai Ling, but he said nothing.

As time slowly passed, the night became darker. Although there was a waning moon in the sky, it was blocked by thick clouds. Occasionally, some silvery light shone, making the hillside full of graves covered with mottled light and shadow, making it look eerie and eerie. . At this time, Bu Kong finished reciting the Rebirth Mantra nine hundred and ninety-nine times, stood up, walked to Fang Jian and said, "Don't be sad anymore, things always have nothing to do with you."

Fu Kong always called everyone this benefactor or that benefactor, but it was rare that he was willing to call each other you and me, which showed that he was extremely sad and angry. Fang Jian didn't seem to hear him, and continued to kneel upright at the foot of the hillside.

Fu Kong sighed softly, walked up to Zhang Ao and said softly: "You are here." Zhang Ao replied softly: "I am here." Fu Kong looked at Hai Ling and Tanlang again, and Zhang Ao introduced: "This It’s not Kong, this is Hai Ling, this is the master Tanlang, the one kneeling is Fang Jian, he is Zhang Tianfang, they are all my friends.”

His introduction was nondescript and he only mentioned his name. Fu Kong nodded at the two of them, as if they had seen each other before. Hai Ling replied: "I've met the master." Tanlang didn't say anything, but nodded his head to show respect.

For him, nodding to others is already considered a great honor.

Zhang Tianfang didn't even nod. He walked to Fang Jian and said, "Get up." He wanted to reach out to help him. But he heard a hoarse voice say: "Don't touch me." Zhang Tianfang could only sigh and stepped aside, talking to Zhang Awei: "Please persuade me, we can't talk, he has been kneeling for ten days and ten nights!"

Hearing that hoarse voice, Zhang Weijing was startled again. A cultivator's body would never go wrong easily, and he never had any injuries. However, Fang Jian's voice had become hoarse to this extent, which showed how anxious and uncomfortable he was.

Zhang Ao walked over and said, "If you want to take revenge, stand up. If you don't want to take revenge, just continue to kneel."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Jian stood up slowly and said to Zhang Awei, "I believe you."

Yes, if you believe in me, I have to believe in myself. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly to himself and said softly: "Take care of your body first. Don't wait until you find the enemy and you can't take action." Fang Jian said firmly: "No."

"I don't care if it happens or not. You need to take care of your body first." As he spoke, he took out the bottle of elixir and gave it to Zhang Tianfang: "Look at him." Zhang Tianfang took the elixir bottle and said happily: "No problem."

Fang Jianbing sat down cross-legged and carefully adjusted his body.

At this time, Zhang Ain asked Tanlang: "Can you detect the aura of the demon clan?" Tanlang's rigid face showed a rare expression, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes. Although he had only been with Hai Ling for a few days, he could be sure that Hai Ling would do his best to help as long as it was something Zhang was afraid of, including this matter now.

He didn't want to get involved in the fight with the demons, but he still wanted to protect the young master. He felt helpless in his heart. He thought to himself: Fortunately, I came with you. Otherwise, if the two Xingjun Fu and Bi were to handle this matter, they might not be able to handle it. What it looks like.

After hearing Zhang Wei's question, Greedy Lang looked at Hai Ling and said softly: "Young Master, demons will not easily come to the world to do evil. There must be a reason for this matter." The implication is that there is no need to do something for some ordinary people. His life brings trouble.

Hai Ling was smart, but he didn't quite understand this kind of obscure conversation between people. When he was guessing what it meant, Fang Jian stood up and said: "Three thousand six hundred and forty-eight, I rule the people." The total population of the country, I worked hard for two years without daring to slack off, and finally gained the recognition of the people. But just a few days ago, only one evil person appeared and easily took away 3,648 lives, and three Thousands of innocent people died like this. Please tell me, sir, are these people qualified to know the secret that caused them to lose their lives? "

Fang Jian was extremely smart and understood the meaning of Tanlang's words as soon as he heard them. Because he was too angry and did not regulate his breath, he stood up and questioned Tanlang. He didn't care about Tanlang's origins or whether he would get into trouble because of these words. .

Because Hai Ling was present, Greedy Wolf became particularly good-tempered. He was not angry after hearing Fang Jian's question, and said softly: "I'm not ignoring this matter, but it involves demons, so you should be cautious." These words were said. , which means he wants to intervene.

Fang Jian was such a smart person, but he only asked impulsively out of anger. Hearing Greed Wolf speak like this, he cupped his hands and said, "I was reckless and bumped into sir. Please forgive me."

Greedy Wolf waved his hands and said nothing, but he was thinking in his heart, who are these people? A spiritual transformation monk is as pure as a young child in his heart, while a high-level Nascent Soul monk becomes a magistrate as big as a sesame seed, serving the people wholeheartedly and weeping blood and tears for the death of the people. Has the world changed?

Seeing that he was silent, Hai Ling thought that Fang Jian's words in anger had offended him, so he said, "Brother Greedy Wolf, Brother Fang didn't mean to offend you, don't be angry."

Tanlang smiled and said, "I'm not angry. In your mind, am I just that stingy?" Hai Ling replied, "Of course not. Brother Tanlang has always been good to me, I know that."

Zhang Aing clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Please help Brother Greedy Wolf." Fang Jian also saluted and said, "Please help me, sir."

Greedy Wolf knew that this matter could not go away and he had to take part, so he said: "Don't be anxious, we will wait until dawn." After saying that, he went to sit down cross-legged not far away.

Because a murder occurred, everyone had no intention of being polite, so they each found a place to sit and wait for dawn.

After a quick night, Tanlang got up and came to Hai Ling and said, "Young master, come with me to go down there." Hai Ling said yes, Zhang Wen and others got up at the same time, and a group of six people walked towards the empty room. Small county town.

There was silence in the city, a kind of silence that Hai Ling had never heard before. Even if he went to the empty space on the fifth floor of the Temple of Refining, he didn't feel as quiet as now. This silence is terrifying.

The streets in the city are full of houses, with doors and windows wide open, revealing beds, tables, chairs, firewood stoves and other items inside. These houses were originally supposed to be inhabited by people. Now, those people are lying quietly at the foot of the hillside outside the city.

Although he had never seen them alive, Hai Ling knew that this place must have been very lively before, but for some reason, all of this liveliness suddenly disappeared and no longer existed.

A few people walked forward gently, no one spoke, and their footsteps were silent, slowly moving forward in the deserted street. As he was walking, there was a sudden popping sound behind him, and a crystal teardrop fell into the dust, splashing some fine dust. Everyone looked curiously and saw the tall Zhang Tianzai weeping silently. The tears fell silently one drop after another, lightly splashing with tiny specks of dust.

Zhang Ai suddenly felt very sad. This was the first time in his life that he saw Zhang Tianfang crying. Would that careless and careless Zhang Tianfang also cry?

Hai Ling jumped up, flew in front of Zhang Tianfang, raised her little hand to wipe his tears, and comforted him softly: "Brother, don't cry, let's help them get revenge."

Zhang Tianfang forced a smile and said softly: "I have lived on this street for two years." He only said this sentence and never said it again, but tears fell down again.

After a while, Zhang Tianfang apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." His voice seemed calm and light, but anyone could clearly feel the deep sadness in it and the forceful restraint not to cry. effort.

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