The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 935 Seven Star Lord

Chapter 935 Lord Seven Stars

Hai Ling was courteous and courteous, which made the two handsome guys who were used to the arrogant and domineering Xiao Feng'er suddenly feel good about him. He smiled and said: "My lord asked you to go. Of course there is something, but it is not something that my brother can understand. Also, my brother can't Dare to be the young master’s big brother.”

Hai Ling said: "Then let's go." She turned to Zhang Awei and said: "Let's go." Then she spoke to the two handsome guys: "Please lead the way." No matter what the two handsome guys said, the little fat man always remained the same. Some courtesy.

Seeing Hai Ling behaving like this, Zhang was very pleased. After all, he had not read many books in vain. He was polite and understood many things. He also smiled and talked to the two handsome guys: "Please lead the way, please."

The two handsome guys looked at each other and wondered why this common man from the lower world didn't even look at him and wanted to go anywhere? But since it was the young master who invited them, they couldn't say anything else. They raised their hands to summon a white cloud, which was the same pure cloud they used yesterday. When the two brothers heard what happened yesterday, they felt a little disbelief, so they took this opportunity to test Zhang Wei one more time.

Zhang feared that he didn't understand this, and thought that he would use Jingyun as a tool to travel in this world. Just like his Fei'a, he would jump up to the white clouds with Hai Ling and wait for the two handsome guys to lead the way with a smile. Hai Ling stood on the cloud and politely waved goodbye to Xianyun Liufeng and the others.

The leader of the two handsome guys was Tanlang. Although he was smiling, he had a cold feeling. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of stepping on the clouds again, he knew that there was something different about this common man. He jumped up to the clouds with a smile and whispered: " Let's go." As he spoke, Jingyun flickered slightly, and the huge door rushed to Xianyun Liufeng and the two of them said goodbye, and then went up to the cloud. Then I saw the pure clouds whizzing into the mist.

The place we went to at this time was different from yesterday. The clear clouds moved left and right in the fog and flew to the place in a quarter of an hour. A huge garden appeared in front of the clouds. It was so big that it was boundless. There were countless exotic flowers and plants in it, and there were also some mountain stone pavilions for rest.

The sky outside the garden was filled with mist, surrounding this beautiful place. Armored soldiers were patrolling from all directions. When they saw the two handsome guys, they both clasped their fists in greeting. The two handsome guys didn't even look at it, and went straight to the entrance of the garden.

There were more than a dozen young men in green clothes waiting at the entrance of the garden. When they saw the four people arriving, they bowed and said at the same time: "I've seen Master Tanlang, Master Jumen, I've seen the young master, and I've seen distinguished guests."

Greedy Wolf and Jumen acted as if they hadn't seen them, and didn't react at all. Xiao Hailing kept greeting everyone politely, and Zhang Wen kept talking with a smile on his face. This is the first time he has been recognized in this hellish place and is called a distinguished guest, which makes him feel a little satisfied.

Tanlang said coldly: "Lead the way." He was not as respectful and polite as when he spoke to Hai Ling.

Then there was a young boy leading him, and he walked towards the depths of the garden.

Along the way, most of the things I saw were things I had never seen before. What they had in common was the strong aura and the strange species. No matter the stones or trees, they were extraordinary. I don’t know where the owner of the garden collected all these things. .

I just walked out of the mist, and now I am walking through the sea of ​​flowers. My feet are walking on the path, which is as soft as stepping on the carpet. Not long after, they came to a three-story high platform. There was a huge case on the table, and the Star Emperor sat alone behind the case. On the lower two floors stood five white-clothed men who were the same as Greedy Wolf Giant Gate, and dozens of servants.

Seeing the arrival of Hai Ling and his entourage, a group of boys hurriedly bowed in greeting, but the five men in white just cupped their hands and clasped their fists, leaning forward slightly as a salute. Tan Lang said to Hai Ling: "Let me introduce you to the young master. This is..."

Before he finished speaking, Hai Ling said crisply: "Let me guess." Tanlang stopped talking and watched him guess with a smile.

Hailing carefully observed the positions of the five people. There was one person standing on each side, and one person in the middle. They all looked almost the same. They were all handsome boys. Only one person had murderous intent. Even if he smiled at you, you would feel that murderous intent. . Hai Ling pointed at him and guessed: "Is he Po Jun?"

This statement shocked everyone in the pavilion. Everyone was curious. They had never met each other before. How could they guess who was who with just one word and even get their names right? Greedy Wolf smiled and said: "I only said two names, and the young master knew that we are seven brothers. In this way, it will not be difficult to guess the murderous Pojun."

The five men in white were relieved. It turned out that they already knew about Beidou and were waiting for Hai Ling to continue guessing.

After guessing the first one, Hai Ling's confidence doubled. He quickly walked to a handsome and elegant man and stood in front of him. He said crisply: "Is the eldest brother Wenqu?" "The young master."

Hai Ling jumped away and said, "Don't give me such a big gift. I'm young and can't bear it." Then he jumped in front of a handsome and heroic man and said, "Hai Ling has met Brother Wuqu. "

After guessing another one, Wu Qu quickly saluted again and said, "Wu Qu has met the young master."

Three of the five people guessed correctly, and there were two left. Hai Ling looked around and saw that one of them was rich and noble and always had a smile. He cupped his hands and said to him, "Hai Ling has met Brother Lucun." Lucun returned the same greeting. Lian said: "Lucun cannot afford to be called such a young master."

The last one looked the thinnest and most respectful among the five. Seeing that all the brothers had been guessed, the young master would definitely know who he was, so he took the initiative and said, "Lian Zhen has met the young master." At the same time, it was precisely Hai Ling raised her hands to him and saluted: "Hai Ling has met Brother Lian Zhen." Lian Zhen was so frightened that she quickly moved away and saluted again.

Hai Ling showed this hand, and was always polite, making the seven star kings look at him high, and then said in unison: "Please come upstairs, my lord. The master has been waiting upstairs for a long time."

Hai Ling replied: "Thank you for waiting, brothers. However, I would like to ask if my brother can go with you?"

The seven of them looked at each other, but before they spoke, the hearty laughter of the Star Emperor came from the stage: "Come up, come up, all seven of you, come up too." He had watched Hai Ling's complete guessing process on the stage, and the joy in his heart was real It is indescribable, knowledgeable, polite, and righteous. It is simply a treasure given to him by God. Compared with Xiao Feng'er, who only knows how to make trouble and has no knowledge and skills, Hai Ling is extremely outstanding.

Hearing the Star Emperor's words, the seven people responded in unison, making way for Hai Ling: "Young Master, please go first."

Hai Ling didn't lie. He knew that if he didn't leave, the seven people would definitely not go first, so he dragged Zhang Awei and said, "Brother, we will go first." Zhang Awei agreed, and said to the seven people: "Young man, go first. "

So the seven people went up to the top floor in order and stood in front of the huge case. The Star Emperor was wearing a star robe and said casually: "What are you standing for? Come, look at the table." Then a boy brought the table, wine and food.

After a group of people sat down, the Star Emperor asked Hai Ling: "How do you know their names?" Hai Ling stood up and replied: "The kid used to live in the boundless sea, and all he saw was sea water and fish all day long. Fortunately, Zhang Ai is the big brother. He took care of me, brought me food to eat, brought me toys to play with, brought little animals in to accompany me, and brought many books to enlighten the boy. The names of the seven elder brothers were read in the book, saying that there are seven stars in the north. There are so many legends about Big Dipper. Who knows which one is correct? Hai Ling had no intention of offending them, so he stopped talking.

The Star Emperor smiled and said: "You know a lot. Sit down and sit down. When you and I are drunk, we don't have to get up and talk." He raised his glass and drank, and then said: "You only live in leisure these days. Look, It’s not as big as the sky; no matter how beautiful the leisure realm is, it’s just one of the thirty-three realms in the upper realm. Why not walk around more and let the seven of them accompany you to see how big the Daluo Heaven Realm is. Only those who have seen these , you will realize that the world below is just a small sand bucket. Only by broadening your horizons will you be able to relax your heart and realize how limited it was before." He still wanted to persuade Hai Ling to stay.

Hai Ling scratched his head and said: "But I have never seen that Sha Dou, and I really want to go and have a look." The Star Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the little guy was taken directly from the formation to the heaven. Dahai couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart. He thought about it and said, "If you want to go to the lower world, I won't stop you. I have only one request."

The Star Emperor pointed at the seven greedy wolves and said, "Let them accompany you."

Hai Ling shook his head and said: "The most people in the lower realm are those who are cultivators of infants, so why bother working with seven star kings in the lower realm? It's enough to have Brother Zhang Afraid to accompany me." Hearing this, the Star Emperor smiled softly: "That's enough? How can it be enough? You Where did the Demon Sect monk in the formation go? If he could snatch someone from Xianyun's hands, how could that person's cultivation level be comparable to that of a junior cultivator of God Transformation? "

There was some contempt in his words for Zhang Awei, but what he said was the truth. Zhang Awei had no choice but to drink and not dare to answer casually, lest he bring trouble to himself. Hai Ling answered and asked, "Since you knew someone was robbing someone, why didn't you stop him?"

The Star Emperor hesitated when asked. He didn't care what would happen to the creatures in the lower world. If someone dared to cause killing, someone would take care of it. But before that, he was too lazy to meddle in other people's business. Then he smiled and replied: "Every world has its own rules, and the Demon Sect also has its own rules. Why do you need to interfere?"

Hai Ling didn't want to be looked down upon by others. Although he didn't understand the rules, he went to the lower world to walk by himself. With his powerful ability in the divine formation, no one could beat him, so he said again: "The boy is just walking around casually." Look, I don’t dare bother the Seven Star Lords.”

The Star Emperor took a look and saw that the little guy was very persistent. He thought about it and said with a smile: "If you don't want to, just don't want to. Let them take you around the heaven first. When you want to go down and have a look, tell me that we are going to reward you today." Flowers, drinks, and fun.”

Lord Star Emperor spoke like this, no one refuted his opinion, everyone raised their glasses and drank together. When he was enjoying the drink, the Star Emperor waved his hand, and the entire high platform beneath him quietly rose from the ground, dancing like clouds in the thousands of gardens, leading everyone to enjoy the flowers.

Zhang Ai looked at it in amazement. He had practiced cultivation all his life, but he was not as good as a fart in front of everyone. He had to eat more, drink more, watch more and talk less. Thinking of all the arrogant behaviors he had done in the past, he was indeed an ignorant man without fear! There are some thoughts in my heart that I want to become a more powerful master.

Hai Ling was busy looking here and there at this time, with endless joy. Every scenery was more colorful than his vast sea, and he wanted to imprint every place completely in his mind.

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