The Monk

Volume One Chapter 936 Seven Appearances and Two Hidden Things

Chapter 936 Seven Appearances and Two Hidden Things

After the banquet ended, Hai Ling was still very excited. She dragged Zhang Ain and shouted, "This place is so beautiful." The Star Emperor was naturally happy when he heard this and asked, "Where do you want to rest tonight?" Ling Xiangxiang said: "It's better to go back to Young Master Xian's residence and not bother the two masters about anything. It's always better to trouble one less person."

The Star Emperor praised how this chubby little guy was so cute and sensible, but although he was ecstatic in his heart, he said with a straight face: "That's fine, Greedy Wolf, you can send him back."

Greedy Wolf responded, summoned Jingyun, and sent Hai Ling and Zhang Wen back. After they left, Wenqu said: "Congratulations, my lord, for finding a successor." All the Star Lords were smart people, and they all followed Wenqu and congratulated the Star Emperor: "Congratulations, my lord, for finding a successor."

The Star Emperor was even more happy when he heard this, but he still said with a straight face: "What nonsense are you talking about? We are just members of the same clan, no different from Xiao Feng'er." The Star Lords knew that the Star Emperor was trying to save face, but they did not tell the truth. , stood up and quietly stepped aside.

They didn't speak, but the Star Emperor asked: "You guys, if he goes to the lower realm, who will he send to protect him? He doesn't want you to follow him."

Lian Zhen said: "The young master has received a divine thing from heaven and is blessed with great fortune. However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he must send someone to serve him carefully. According to the opinions of my subordinates, it is better to send Fu and Bi down."

Star Emperor nodded and said: "It's the same as what I thought, but you still need to make more preparations. Although the two of them have extraordinary cultivation, after all, they are small and powerful. Jumen, you are a careful person, and you should contact Fu and Bi diligently. If there is any You Qixing Lord must respond promptly to the matter."

All the stars claim so.

At this time, Zhang Ain and Hai Ling returned to Xianjing, greeted Xianyun, and returned to their room to rest. Zhang Ain asked: "You have a good memory and can remember the names of the Seven Stars." Hai Ling smiled and said: "Of course I remember that the Lord of Seven Stars is named Beidou. In fact, there are nine Lords of Stars. Two are hidden and seven are visible. The seven are visible in the daytime. There are seven Star Lords in the past, and the two hidden Star Lords, one is the assistant and the other is Bi, are said to be even more powerful. "

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "I have been telling you stories for many years, and now it is your turn to tell them to me."

Hai Ling said proudly: "That's natural. I am an adult in the divine formation, and you are a human being with naked eyes. Of course you can't compare to me."

Damn it, not only the group of people outside despised him, but also the little fat man. Zhang Awei said depressedly: "Why are you so immodest?" Hai Ling jumped on Zhang Awei and said: "We are so close, yet you are still humble. What? How fake.”

Zhang Awei felt heartwarming when he heard it, but he said: "I don't know what books you have read, and you can even say this."

The next day, Tanlang and his six brothers waited outside Hai Ling's residence early, without knocking on the door, and just stood quietly. Hai Ling noticed that the seven people had arrived, and hurriedly opened the door and came out to greet them, saying, "The seven eldest brothers came early, please come inside."

Qixing Junqi cupped his hands and said, "I have seen the young master." Tanlang said, "I won't go in. I am following the Lord's order to take the young master and fellow Taoist Zhang to visit various places in the heaven today. I wonder where the young master wants to go?"

Hai Ling blinked his little eyes and asked, "Why do you take such good care of me, sir?" This was the question he had always wanted to ask.

Greedy Wolf replied: "There are only a few people in my lord's clan, so we should take more care of the young master."

Asking is the same as not asking. Zhang was afraid that he would know the answer a long time ago, so he didn't ask. There are some questions that no one will tell you in advance before the answer is revealed, so you can only guess by yourself. After all, Hai Ling was young and couldn't hide things in his heart, so he asked this question.

After hearing this answer, Hai Ling asked: "Brother Greedy Wolf, do you know what I like? If he treats me well, I will always repay him. Do you think this is the right thing to do?"

Yes, that's true, but my lord only wants you to stay here, and you're not willing, how should I answer? When Greedy Wolf heard this question, he hesitated and said: "When it comes to gifts, friendship is always the most important thing. As long as it is something that the young master has prepared with great effort, the master will most likely like it."

Well, it was another question that was not asked at all. Hai Ling asked Zhang Ao: "Where are you going?" Zhang Ao clasped his fists at Greedy Wolf and said, "Brother, please just pick some place and wander around."

Greedy Wolf said: "Okay, you two please come with me." Go out of the small courtyard first.

The group of people walked out of the white mist. There was a colorful treasure ship parked in front of the steps. There was a gangway on the side of the ship. Ten young men in green clothes were waiting beside the ladder, bowing to them. When everyone got on the treasure ship, the treasure ship flew in the sky, flew out of the layers of fog, and passed through the colorful clouds. The treasure ship is the same color as the clouds. From a distance, it looks like a cloud of clouds flying fast.

The treasure ship is extremely luxurious, with various cloud and brocade curtains decorating the entire ship, and unspeakable fabrics covering the ship's planks, making walking on it feel like walking on clouds. The treasure ship was traveling through the clouds, and there were even cloud-like objects on the ship, which made the people on board feel as if they had emerged from the dust.

Greedy Wolf knew his lord's intentions, so he came up with various ways to keep Hai Ling. First, he put a variety of cute little animals on the boat to play with him, and he also made the boat go to as many wonderful places as possible. In short, he tried his best to make the most beautiful place in the world. Show Hai Ling as much as possible.

It's a pity that everything is in vain. Although Hai Ling likes the beauty here and all kinds of cute animals, the problem is that he has been alone for many years in the past. Now he doesn't want to be alone anymore. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can't move him. The storybook that Zhang Pa brought to him is full of the prosperity and bustle of the human city. As a creature who has always been isolated from the human world, the little fat man is most interested in people, and the ordinary life of thousands of ordinary people living together. So the more beautiful he sees, the more he yearns to go to the human world. And he also has a small dream, to go to the human world to be a chivalrous and righteous, to be a chivalrous man who roars in the rivers and lakes, and to be recognized, praised and liked by more people.

It's a pity that the gods like Tan Lang don't understand Hai Ling's thoughts at all. In their view, the vulgar and disgusting intrigues, plundering and brutal murders in the human world are simply a great irony of God's creation of human beings. That is what the most humble people would do, and they are high above, manipulating the life and death of others, and they will not care about the ordinary thoughts of every ordinary person. So, he and Hai Ling had different ideas.

Ten days later, the treasure ship stopped and returned to Xianjing. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you can't stand seeing it every day. Before getting off the boat, Hai Ling asked Tan Lang to tell the Star Emperor that he wanted to go to the lower world tomorrow.

When Tan Lang heard this, he knew that his hard work for many days was in vain, so he had to retreat respectfully and go back to tell the Star Emperor about Hai Ling's request. The Star Emperor smiled and said, "The little guy is really stubborn. I don't believe that I, the Lord of the Stars, can't handle a little guy? You go and inform Fu and Bi to go to the lower world with the Star Order. If necessary, you can mobilize the Star Army."

His order was very simple. He only needed to state the request, and the specific steps would be considered by the people below. After receiving the order, Tan Lang said, "My lord, I have spent a lot of time in the heavens, and I also want to go to the lower world. I hope you agree."

Xingdi smiled and said, "You want to protect him openly, and Fu Hebi will do it secretly? However, you can't ask me about this matter. You should ask that little guy. As long as he agrees, you can go wherever you want." He paused and said, "If you can go to the lower world, you will take the Star Order." The implication is that he is very confident in Tan Lang.

Tan Lang said respectfully, "Thank you, my lord." Then he went to inform Fu Hebi and asked them to prepare for the lower world, and then find Hai Ling to discuss the matter of going together.

Hai Ling was unwilling and shook her head and said, "I dare not bother you." Tan Lang said, "One is that I go down with you alone, and the other is that the seven of us go down with you. Which one do you choose?" This guy bullied the child's simple thinking and used words to confuse Hai Ling. He only gave two choices, but did not say that you can leave here without making such a choice.

Sure enough, the little fat man was circumvented by him and thought that these were the two conditions for the Star Emperor to allow him to leave. He turned back and asked Zhang Pa: "Why don't you let Brother Tan Lang accompany us?"

Although Zhang Pa heard the ambiguity in Tan Lang's words, he thought that if the guy who rescued the Ghost Ancestor stayed in the lower world and didn't leave, it would naturally be a threat to Hai Ling. It would always be safer to have Tan Lang accompany him, so he smiled and said: "You decide." He said to Tan Lang: "I have to trouble Brother Tan Lang again." Since he followed Hai Ling, his generation has grown up and he has always called Tan Lang brother.

Hearing Zhang Pa's disguised agreement, Tan Lang was very happy and looked at Zhang Pa more favorably. Hai Ling didn't think so much and said to Tan Lang: "In this case, I'll trouble you to accompany and take care of me." Tan Lang smiled happily: "It's not that I take care of you. I'm not familiar with the lower world. Please take care of me."

Since the itinerary was set, Hai Ling went to see the Star Emperor that night. Zhang Pa finally understood the situation for once and didn't go with him. Hai Ling expressed his gratitude on his behalf. In fact, what he did was all redundant. No one cared who he was.

After Hai Ling and Xing Di said goodbye and returned, they rested for a night. The next day, Tan Lang, Zhang Pa, and Hai Ling went to the lower world.

The so-called upper and lower worlds are just a layer of thick white fog. It's just that the fog is thick and boundless, and it's hard to tell the path and there's no direction. If you don't understand the road in the fog, you can't get out of this fog even if you walk for a lifetime.

Tan Lang led the two to move forward quickly in the fog, explaining to Hai Ling how to walk in the fog while walking, and pointing out the entrances and exits to Hai Ling one by one. His unreserved actions moved Hai Ling, and the little fat man said: "When we get to the lower world, I will definitely treat you to a big meal. Yes, I will cook for you." Tan Lang just laughed and continued to show Hai Ling the way.

After half an hour of travel, the sea of ​​fog around him suddenly disappeared, and there was a void under his feet. In the distance, there was a red sun shining thousands of miles away, and there were a few clouds floating in the sky. It was a sunny day, and the three had come to the human world.

Tan Lang asked: "Where are we going now?" Hai Ling was also in the human world for the first time, so everything was decided by Zhang Pa. Zhang Pa thought about it and said, "There's nothing else here, just a lot of people. Let me take you to have some fun first." He released his spiritual sense, found a direction to fly, landed in an empty place, and took the two to the nearest city.

They were too eye-catching. Although Zhang Pa was good-looking, he was still a human being. Tan Lang's handsomeness had surpassed the limit of human beings. His aura was so majestic and proud of everything that it was breathtaking. And not only was he good-looking, his aura and movements were extremely beautiful and attractive.

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