The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 934 Star Emperor

Chapter 934 Star Emperor

Xianyun replied: "Exactly." Liufeng also stood up and said: "My two subordinates couldn't believe it, but it is true."

After a few conversations, everyone in the hall once again focused their attention on Zhang Ai, and were once again surprised by him. This boy from the lower world was actually so out of the world? None of them could believe it.

Hai Ling was puzzled and asked: "Isn't it just a white cloud? I also climbed up and down by myself, standing firmly."

The Star Emperor said: "You are different. You are a divine creature. You are born and raised by nature. You are not stained by dust. Your soul is the purest. If you step on the pure cloud and fall, haha, I would like to doubt whether the pure cloud has been contaminated. It's just ..." He seemed to be very reluctant to mention Zhang Afraid. He paused and then continued: "It's just that you, the elder brother, have worked hard for many years to cultivate to the realm of divine transformation. How can you be so pure in your heart? Tell Hai Ling what Jingyun does."

Xianyun said yes and introduced to Hai Ling: "Jingyun is a clean cloud. Non-simple people cannot climb it. Those who ride it must be good and have a clear heart. Don't underestimate the word "clear cloud". It is very difficult to achieve it. For example, lies, no matter the reason, no matter whether they are virtuous or not, as long as you tell them, those lies will definitely leave a mark on the soul. This mark cannot escape the scanning of Jingyun, and if there is a fault, it cannot be controlled. "

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhang Weixing again and thought to himself: "How can such an alien appear among cultivators?" Then he continued: "This is the condition required to ride on the clouds. It is talking about the past. You must be simple and kind. To be able to go up to the clouds; if you want to go down the clouds, it is more troublesome. It is talking about the future. You must stick to the good. To be complete, it means simply sticking to the good deeds. Don’t have any thoughts of doing bad things. Put the good thoughts in your heart first and think about perseverance. Stick to it."

He just said this and then sat down, silently holding a glass of wine and drinking it. Originally he wanted Zhang Ao to make a fool of himself, but because of this, Zhang Ao became famous. He felt very disgusted. Liu Feng also felt the same as him. As for the others, their faces were full of shock. How could there be such a person in this world? Has he never killed anyone? Have you never had any dirty thoughts? With so many treasures in his body, does he deserve to be worthy of all of them? And the most bizarre thing is, this kid never stole other people's things when he was a child?

Children have poor self-control and take things they like without asking. Regardless of their value, regardless of whether they are intentional or not, they always take other people's things. This is a wrong thing. Has this kid from the lower world never stolen anything from anyone else in his life? A lot of magical masters became more and more confused as they thought about it, guessing what kind of person Zhang Awei was? How could such a pure soul be just a layman from the lower world? How can it be?

Just as shocked as them was the aloof Star Emperor. He was also proud to shoot himself in the foot. He looked at Zhang Awei over and over again, wondering how stupid this guy was to be so stupid.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Hai Ling said, "Why are you only looking at Brother Zhang Afraid? Young Master Xian and Young Master Liu also came here by cloud. Are they different good people?"

The two of them did not take this comment seriously. Xianyun quickly stood up and explained: "We can ride on Jingyun because we have other skills." He could only talk about the skills. As for whether he is a good person, It’s better not to mention it, lest you bring trouble to yourself.

After hearing Xianyun's words, Zhang Weixing finally understood why Xianyun and Liufeng would watch him intently when he was going up and down the clouds, Ganqing was waiting for him to make a fool of himself. Thought: It seems there are no good people in the upper world. Just when he was thinking about how to speak, the Star Emperor said: "If you can pass the test of Jingyun, no matter what your cultivation level is, it is not suitable for you to be a divine envoy. I once promised you that if you have merit in taking care of Hai Ling, I will I will try my best to meet your requirements. This sentence is always valid. When you think of what you need, just tell me." Star Emperor ended the test with a piece of possible pie and invited everyone to continue drinking and having fun.

It was a pity that Hai Ling saw that he was contemptuous and hostile to Zhang Wear, so she refused to go and sit next to him. She only clung to Zhang Wear's side and looked at him from time to time, ready to help Zhang Wear leave here at any time.

No matter how powerful the Star Emperor was, he couldn't get angry at Hai Ling, so he just let him sit wherever he wanted, just watching that young chubby face put on a nervous expression, which was very funny.

After another lively hour, the Star Emperor had a rare and happy birthday. Finally, the banquet was over and everyone dispersed. Hai Ling and Zhang Ping were brought back to Xianjing from Xianyun, but they changed from living in the wilderness to living in pavilions and small courtyards.

When he and Hai Ling were alone, Zhang Ain thought about Jingyun and felt a little happy. Even Yuncai knew that I was kind, haha.

Zhang Ping's kindness cannot be denied, but it is not that he has never done extraordinary things, such as killing Hu Yuan, the head of the Hu family in Lu State, to avenge Lin Sen. Hu Yuan had no grudge against him, but he killed him as soon as he was told. This was somewhat wrong.

And even doing this can be recognized by Jingyun. In fact, he is simple enough and stubbornly believes that people who do wrong things should be punished. It doesn't matter who punishes them. The most important thing is that Zhang Wen is indeed very kind. He always does good deeds when he sees them. He doesn’t care about the sacrifices when doing things. Even if he kills people and destroys his family, his starting point is justice. For the world, eliminating evil is doing good. This is also the case in Buddhist practice. Only with this concept can Buddhists not hesitate to take the precepts and kill living beings. In his understanding, everything he has done is in line with his understanding of justice and good deeds, and more in line with the common people's understanding of justice and good deeds. Of course, they will be recognized by Jingyun.

As for the group of gods who speculated that he stole things when he was a child, he lived alone since he was a child and could not steal anything even if he wanted to. The only extra thing he took was the Fu Shen Snake Egg, but he got the big snake's consent, so he saved the lives of more than a hundred little snakes, which was considered an act of great kindness.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Hai Ling came over and said, "Let's go out, it's not a good place here." He didn't want to see Zhang for fear of being bullied.

Zhang Ai laughed and said, "Let's play for a few more days. Let's get to know the surrounding environment. We can't rush out rashly." Hai Ling thought about it and said, "Okay, I'll play for a few more days, but the little beasts here are so cute. I really want to Take some out."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "It seems impossible. Those little beasts are unique spiritual beasts in this world. If you leave here, I'm afraid they won't survive for a few days."

Hai Ling nodded and said: "I just thought about it and didn't really plan to take them away." After pestering Zhang Ain, he said: "Now I am very powerful and will help you fight bad guys. If anyone bullies you, I will deal with him. "The little guy didn't learn anything else from the book. He first learned to help others and stand up for justice.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Why do you need to take action?" He took out a bottle of spiritual wine and continued to drink with the little guy.

After drinking for a while, after a short period of smugness, Zhang Ping's attention quickly shifted from Jingyun to the issue of how to leave here. He remembered that the Star Emperor had promised him something. If he asked to take Hai Ling out, What will happen to him? Will you agree?

Hai Ling knew that Zhang Zhi was worried a lot and that there were countless people in Tianlei Mountain who needed protection, so he took the initiative and said: "Master Xing Emperor is very easy to talk to. I will go find him tomorrow and ask him to send us away. No matter how good this place is, it is not our place. What do you think?"

Zhang Ping said: "Don't be anxious, take your time, you will always come up with a solution." He was smiling bitterly in his heart, he only talks nice to you, to others, who dares to talk nonsense to him? I'm scared to death. You haven't realized the pressure. It's more terrifying than the sky falling!

Hai Ling obeyed Zhang Aiyan, nodded, and then asked: "Where do you think the ghost ancestor on the fifth floor went? Who rescued him?"

Zhang Awei said: "No matter who saves people, if he can save people in Xianyun's hands, his strength is definitely not weak, and he is more powerful than the divine envoy. But since he has this power, why not save the two ghost ancestors, but only the ghost ancestor?" ?”

Hai Ling pretended to think seriously for a moment and said: "I don't know." His funny look made Zhang Weijing laugh, and he said haha: "Then you still want to think about it for a long time?" Hai Ling said more seriously: "It's just because you thought about it for a long time before you knew that I didn't Know."

Okay, you're going to tell a tongue twister again. Zhang Ain patted him and said, "Take a walk in the next two days and rest now." Hai Ling agreed, and the two guys, one big and one small, lay down horizontally and vertically. Sleep together.

There are also nights and days in Leisure Land. Although the day, night and moon cannot be seen, the morning light and dusk are particularly distinct. It was getting dark the next day, and someone outside the pavilion where the two lived spoke loudly: "May I ask if the young master has woken up?"

Young Master? After a night's sleep, the fat boy Hai Ling was promoted. Zhang Awei smiled and said, "Young master, someone called you." Hai Ling laughed loudly: "I am the master, who are you?" Zhang Awei pretended to have a bitter face and said, "I am your servant." Hai Ling added. He was so happy that he shouted: "Jia Ding Zhang, please help me get up quickly." Zhang Weijing said with an even more bitter face: "Master, we don't have a bed at home." The two of them stayed on the couch at night, and there was not even a bedding in the room, let alone bed.

Little Hai Ling was stunned for a moment, then said: "What a shabby place, there isn't even a bed. Zhang Jiading, go buy a few and bring them back today." Zhang Ping said, "Yes." Hai Ling burst out laughing.

The two of them were having a good time, and the man who spoke outside asked loudly again: "Young Master, my lord has invited me."

The two people in the house stopped playing around, got up and walked outside. They saw four people standing outside. Xianyun and Liufeng were standing in the distance on the left and right. In front of their room were two handsome men wearing white silk robes. Although I don’t know the origin, but looking at the solemn expressions of Xianyun and the two, I know that the status of these two pretty boys in the upper world is either higher or lower.

Hai Ling raised her little face and asked, "You two young masters, do you know why I am being called?"

The two handsome men quickly lowered their heads and replied: "Young Master, please don't call me Young Master. We are of low status and cannot bear to be addressed like this. Young Master, please just call me Greedy Wolf and Jumen."

Zhang Wen heard this and thought that when he came to this place, no one's name was normal. After hearing this, Hai Ling was very interested and asked excitedly: "Are there seven of you?"

The two handsome men were stunned at first, and then said respectfully: "The young master is a scholar of heaven and earth, and has extensive knowledge. He is indeed no ordinary person."

Seeing that she had guessed correctly, Xiao Hailing chuckled and said, "I just read the book randomly when I was bored. Do you two brothers know why the master called me?"

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