The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 933 Jingyun

Chapter 933 Jingyun

Since the two realms of genius have been passed down for eternity, when a cultivator of the God Transformation reaches the top level, it will be possible to ascend to this realm and become a god or a demon. A single thought can determine the life and death of thousands of lives. For the beings in the lower world, after the top-level monks break through, they will be like true gods, unimaginably powerful. And these cultivators who have advanced in cultivation really regard all living beings as ants. In the past hundreds of millions of years, there have been several killings, which made the Star Emperor very angry.

Therefore, he personally ordered Sijia to go to the lower realm to find suitable masters of god transformation, teach them skills, and train them to become killers in the upper world. The killers have only one purpose of existence, to kill all god transformation monks on behalf of the upper world.

For the Star Emperor, although this method is cruel and inhumane, it can solve the problem once and for all. What's more, he doesn't care what happens to the people in the lower world, just like people don't care about the lives of livestock. For example, farmers will groom donkeys and horses just to keep the coolies longer, but no one ever asks the donkeys and horses for their opinions.

The same is true for the Star Emperor and others. They don't care about people as much as people care about horses and donkeys. As long as they ensure that the beings in the lower world can be passed down from generation to generation, they don't care how many masters you have or how powerful you are.

It was for this reason that he was a little curious about Zhang Ai. Masters of transforming gods were too rare, and the guy in front of him was not only a master of transforming gods, but he also killed the messengers recruited by Sijia. How could he not be surprised?

He had known that Sijia and Xianyun were having a conflict, but it was just because the matter was too trivial and not worth paying attention to. However, since I saw the victim at this time, it was normal to ask more questions, so after scanning for fear, I asked: "Did you kill the envoy?"

Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to tell lies, but he was also unwilling to lose face in front of a strong man like the Star Emperor, so he replied vaguely: "That's right."

"What does it mean?" Star Emperor didn't like vague answers.

Zhang Ain replied: "I restrained the divine envoy, but the divine envoy has helped me. I couldn't bear to kill him, but I couldn't let the divine envoy go. The divine envoy knew that I would not let him go, and there was no hope of escape. When I was in trouble, I blew myself up and died.”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people in the palace gathered again. They couldn't believe that this was true. Although the divine envoy is not very powerful, but against a junior monk who transformed into a god, not only did he not kill him, but he was restrained instead? You're not talking in your sleep, are you? You must know that it is countless times more difficult to control someone than to kill someone. They couldn't believe it was true, but their spiritual thoughts swept over Zhang Afraid and knew that he was not telling lies, so they were even more surprised.

The Star Emperor was also surprised. This person who has become a cultivator of becoming gods can control the divine envoy? His eyes turned to Si Jia and asked: "What kind of cultivation level is the Divine Envoy?" Si Jia was a big fat man, tall and wide, and his whole body was made of flesh. He didn't know how he had cultivated to such a status. Hearing this, he stood up and replied respectfully: " The divine envoy was only one step away from becoming a god. He was once the best master in the world and also the best physiognomist in the world. When his subordinates found him, they fought with him three times. It took some effort to restrain him, but he was finally forced to take over. The position of divine messenger.”

Star Emperor snorted and asked: "According to what you said, even if the divine envoy cannot defeat you, it will still make you uncomfortable if you really have to fight hard?"

Sijia replied: "That's right." The Star Emperor turned his gaze back to Zhang Ain and said slowly: "Do you think he will cause you trouble?" Sijia said: "No, so my subordinates have been I can’t understand why the God Envoy failed.”

Star Emperor said to Zhang Ai: "Tell me about your battle."

Everyone was full of curiosity about the battle process, as if they knew that the eagle and the chicken fought, and the result was that the chicken won and the eagle lost. It was so magical, and they were waiting for Zhang Ain to tell the story.

Zhang Ao said quietly: "I didn't control the divine envoy, it was the ice crystal that controlled him."

"What are ice crystals?" Star Emperor asked. Zhang Wei summoned the golden bubbles in his body, and they pulsed brightly in his palm.

The Star Emperor was shocked again when he saw it, and blurted out: "A divine object?" Zhang Ain nodded and said yes. The Star Emperor was beyond shocked. Ordinary people would not see divine objects for tens of millions of years, but Zhang Ai had two of them at the same time, and had one of them in his body. It took such good luck to have such a chance.

The Star Emperor raised his hand and the ice crystals fell into his palm. He stroked it a few times and let go. The ice crystals automatically flew back to Zhang Awei. The bubbles slowly expanded and he put on an angry posture, as if he was about to fight at any time. . Of course Zhang Awei would not let him fight here. He smiled and comforted him for a while before Bing Jing calmed down and put on a smile to smile at Zhang Awei.

Seeing all this, the Star Emperor sighed: "It's a pity, I haven't opened my mind yet, and I can't speak."

Although they are both divine objects, compared with the sea spirit, the ice crystal is really different. The Star Emperor is not very interested in such a divine object, so he will let it fly back to Zhang Ai.

Looking at the ice crystal, the Star Emperor nodded and said: "With its help, no wonder it can kill the divine envoy. I see that the energy in its body is warmed and nourished by your divine embryo, and it provides infinite spiritual power. As long as it perseveres for ten thousand years, it will always be able to survive." It will be the same as Hai Ling.”

Ten thousand years? With a group of masters like you here, can I live for tens of thousands of years? Zhang Weifeng looked at the Star Emperor speechlessly.

The Star Emperor thought about it and said: "Hai Ling is a member of my clan. You have done a service to our clan by taking care of him. Although you killed a divine envoy, it is not a big sin. It's just that the lower world cannot be left unattended. It's better to do this in the future." You will be the messenger, and I will provide you with exercises and upper realm elixirs to help you improve your cultivation. I wonder if you are willing?"

Although it was a questioning tone, in the Star Emperor's mind, how could anyone refuse to agree to such a superior condition? As long as you agree, you can become a top-level master of transforming gods in a short time. For cultivators who are dedicated to practicing hard and seeking immortality, this temptation is huge and irresistible. The common man in front of you has no reason not to agree.

Unfortunately, things were beyond his expectation. Zhang Zhi refused, and refused cleanly. He loudly replied: "I don't want to!" When talking to the Star Emperor, you don't need to call yourself a subordinate, because you are not qualified, but You can't even say you're a brat. I don't want to come up. Who are you? Do you dare to argue with the Star Emperor?

Being rudely rejected in public, the Star Emperor's face darkened and he slowly asked: "Can you tell me the reason?"

Zhang Ain replied: "I don't want to be a tool in the hands of others. I only do what I think I should do."

"What do you think should be done? What do you want to do?" Star Emperor asked again. Zhang Ain replied: "It's just an ordinary life, why do you need to think too much?" The Star Emperor chuckled: "Since you want to live an ordinary life, why do you need to practice? Don't you still want to seek immortality?" Zhang Ain was too lazy to explain that he was I had no choice when it came to practicing small things, so I just smiled and replied: "Practice in an ordinary way and live an ordinary life."

After hearing his twisted explanation, the Star Emperor just smiled contemptuously, and then asked: "You disobey me, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"I'm afraid, but you won't kill me." Zhang Ai said frankly, facing a person like Star Emperor, playing tricks is the most idiotic thing.

Sure enough, the Star Emperor nodded and said: "I will not kill you, but you are unwilling to bear the responsibility of the divine envoy for killing the envoy. If you offend many people at the same time, are you not afraid that they will cause trouble for you? Even if they don't kill you, I can lock you up for the rest of your life?"

There was no need for Zhang Awei to answer these words. Hai Ling jumped down from his seat and came back to stand next to Zhang Awei. He looked at the Star Emperor and asked loudly: "Why do you want to embarrass brother Zhang Awei? He is a good person. You Why do you want to embarrass a good person? If I had known I wouldn’t give you a drink, the wine would still belong to Brother Zhang!”

Xiao Hailing was very angry, but the Star Emperor laughed out loud: "A good person? Is he a good person? I have never seen a pure good person among cultivators." Before he could finish his words, Xiao Hailing interrupted him unceremoniously: "That's because you have seen too few of them, so you haven't seen them. In my opinion, there are many good people, such as Da Hei and Er Hei."

"Who is Da Hei and Er Hei?" Star Emperor was confused. Xianyun thought about it for a while, stood up and replied: "Maybe he is Dahei's servant." The Dahei he mentioned was not the same person as the Dahei Hai Ling mentioned. If we compare it, the Dahei he mentioned was Dahei's elder in Hai Ling's mouth.

"Servant of God? Haha, okay, of course they only dare to do good things to you, but what's so good about the elder brother Zhang Ai you mentioned?" Star Emperor asked with a smile. He wanted to help Hai Ling recognize Zhang Ai's brother. Ugly face.

In the minds of him, Xianyun and other subordinates, even if cultivators are good people and do good deeds, they still have their own purposes. Most cultivators in the lower world are scheming, calculating, and selfish bastards. Zhang was afraid that since he was a cultivator, he would not be able to escape from one of them, so the Star Emperor would talk to Hai Ling very kindly.

Hai Ling had heard Zhang Ain tell stories about his experiences, but whenever he talked about his own affairs, he always said it in his own words, without mentioning much about himself. Hai Ling believed in doing good deeds, but Zhang was more afraid of being nice to him. After hearing Star Emperor's question, Hai Ling hesitated and said: "Since I met Brother Zhang Ai, he has been helping me. He has never asked for anything and has been trying to help me; there is also a ghost ancestor, He has been taking care of him, how can such a person not be a good person? "

The two of them talked, and Zhang Ying smiled bitterly. This powerful boss finally knows my name. Alas, when I become more powerful, I will catch you and spank you so that you can remember my name. It's a pity that this guy has excellent cultivation, but his head is full of vicious and childish thoughts. Fortunately, no one knows about it.

After listening to Hai Ling's words, the Star Emperor smiled and shook his head: "If you want to gain, you must give up first. He does things generously to deceive you into favor. He cannot take it seriously. Why don't I use a method to help you test whether this big brother of yours is real?" of good people.”

"The test will prove it, but you can't bully Brother Zhang." Hai Lingqi said with a snort.

Listening to Hai Ling's words, Zhang Weijing felt very blushing. He, a dignified man, actually wanted little Hai Ling to protect him? Oh, this is so embarrassing. At this time, I heard Star Emperor say: "Xianyun, bring Jingyun over."

After hearing the Star Emperor's order, Xianyun did not immediately follow the order. Instead, he hesitated and stood up and said: "My lord, I just brought him here, and it was Jingyun who was riding."

"What?" The Star Emperor was finally shocked and asked: "With no one to help him, he went up and down the clouds by himself, and kept standing on the clouds and flying fast?"

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