The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 932 Summoning the Sea Spirit

Chapter 932 Summoning Hai Ling

Xian Yun replied, "That's right. Liu Feng was with me at the time. When the little Hai Ling heard that it was a birthday party for someone with the same origin as him, he offered a gift and said that although the bottle was small, it contained more than a thousand kilograms of wine. If it was not enough, he could go back and ask him for more."

At this time, Liu Feng stood up and said, "I can guarantee that everything Xian Yun said is true."

Xing Di laughed loudly. After all, it was a divine object sent from heaven. It was generous and gave him a lot of face. He said loudly to the people below, "Are you guessing what gift he gave me?"

No one below replied, but only looked up at Xing Di. Xing Di continued, "I am very happy today. Come, let's change cups and drink this wine together." As he spoke, he first filled a cup of spiritual wine for himself, and then threw the jade bottle into the air. The bottle was like someone holding it, slowly flying in front of each table, automatically pouring the wine into the cup. Not long after, more than two hundred people had a cup of spiritual wine in their hands.

The Star Emperor said, "He doesn't know who I am. He is from the same clan as me. He heard that I was celebrating my birthday, so he gave me this gift. Do you think I should be happy?"

It's right. No one can do this if it's someone else's turn. Giving gifts to someone you've never met? Who would do this if they've eaten too much? He scanned the bottle with his mind and knew that it was filled with ten-thousand-year-old spirit wine. He thought it was really generous. This is no longer a question of generosity. Some people even wondered if the lord's clan member they had never met was always so generous, a little silly; or was he too smart and had ulterior motives?

But no one dared to say this. After drinking the spirit wine, they all congratulated the lord for adding another member to the clan.

The Star Emperor was the happiest. Although they had never met, he intuitively felt that the little sea spirit was much better than Xiao Feng'er. With the Star Emperor's wisdom and insight, how could he not know Xiao Feng'er's past deeds? It was only because his clan was so small that he spoiled Xiao Feng'er too much, and therefore spoiled Xiao Feng'er, who always caused trouble. Now there was another Hai Ling, who seemed to be very sensible. The Star Emperor was naturally much happier, and even had an idea that if Hai Ling was indeed smart, smart and sensible, he could be well educated in the future and inherit his legacy.

After everyone drank the wine, the Star Emperor said: "Lingxiao Palace is not a strange place, anyone can come, Xianyun, Liufeng, please take the trouble to go there and bring the person from the lower world and Hai Ling together."

"Yes!" The two responded and left the palace and returned to Xianjing.

Zhang Pa lay on the grass watching Hai Ling and the little beast play. He had experienced more things than Hai Ling and thought more. Judging from the importance Xianyun and Liufeng had given to Hai Ling in the past, they must have some ulterior motives for inviting Hai Ling to a banquet today. I just don't know what they want to do. While I was guessing, the two young masters came back. One of them greeted Hai Ling warmly: "The master invites you to the banquet. He is very grateful for the wine you sent." The other said coldly to Zhang Pa: "You are lucky. You are the first layman who has the opportunity to enter the Lingxiao Palace since its construction." Okay, I am a layman, a layman with great luck, but I have to go to the Lingxiao Palace anyway, even if it is just to broaden my horizons. Otherwise, how can I leave this place? He immediately stood up and said to Hai Ling, "Let's go and have a look." Hai Ling agreed, and said to Xian Yun, "Please lead the way, Master Xian."

The little guy was very polite. Xian Yun smiled and raised his hand. A white cloud flew from a distance, leading Hai Ling to step on it, and said to Zhang Pa, "Jump on."

Zhang Pa was already used to the contempt of this group of people. He jumped on the cloud with a blank expression. However, this jump surprised Xian Yun and Liu Feng. The two of them stared at him up and down, as if they couldn't believe it.

Zhang Pa was confused by the look. It was just a jump, so why did you look at me like that? After all, he is also a master of the spirit transformation. No matter how vulgar he is, he can't jump this distance.

Hai Ling saw the two of them looking at Zhang Pa and asked curiously, "What are you looking at?" Xian Yun looked at Liu Feng and shook his head and said, "Nothing, let's go." With a thought, the white cloud flew without wind, quickly drifted to the distant sea of ​​fog, and quickly passed through the fog.

Not long after, the fog in front of him dissipated, and the white cloud had left the sea of ​​fog and came to the front of Lingxiao Palace. Xianyun gently told Hailing: "Be careful with your words later, and say more nice things." Hailing said: "It's natural to say nice things when someone is celebrating their birthday." Xianyun nodded, and then coldly told Zhang Pa: "Speak less later." Zhang Pa agreed casually, and his eyes kept looking around the entire tall hall.

This was the tallest and most magnificent building he had ever seen in his life. It was extremely magnificent and beautiful, and it was shocking.

Xianyun said: "Don't look at it anymore." Dang walked down the white cloud first, and then concentrated on watching how Zhang Pa came down. Liufeng also looked over. Zhang Pa was both angry and confused, thinking: "Do you have to look down on people like this? Look at the clouds above, and look at the clouds below?" With a thought, he stepped down the white cloud and landed on the white jade steps in front of him.

Xianyun and Liufeng looked at each other again, not hiding their surprise, and unconsciously being polite to Zhang Pa, whispering: "Follow me." Dang walked into Lingxiao Hall first. He was the first in line, followed by Zhang Pa holding Hai Ling, and finally Liu Feng. The four of them walked into the hall gently.

Zhang Pa felt uncomfortable as soon as he entered the hall. More than two hundred pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time. The divine thoughts released intentionally or unintentionally almost made him kneel on the spot. He had to use all his strength to resist and barely survived.

His strength surprised the high and mighty Star Emperor. He didn't expect that there would be such an outstanding person among ordinary people. He nodded and said softly: "Hai Ling, come here."

Hai Ling heard the call, hesitated and looked at the Star Emperor, then turned to look at Zhang Pa, hoping that he would give him a decision.

Zhang Ai was feeling uncomfortable at this time. He managed to survive the gaze of more than two hundred people, but he was immediately greeted by a more powerful divine thought. It was too powerful to resist, and he couldn't even think of resisting, so he had to borrow the help of his divine will. With the power of tears, he lowered his head to resist with all his strength, but did not see the questioning meaning in Hai Ling's eyes.

Hai Ling looked up and saw drops of sweat flowing out of Zhang Awei's forehead. He knew something was wrong. He grabbed Zhang Awei with his small hands and sent the power of the divine formation to help Zhang Awei resist the strong pressure. As soon as he did this, the Star Emperor immediately discovered it and realized that he had unintentionally caused huge trouble to the common people. He smiled and withdrew the endless pressure, and was even more surprised in his heart. This common person was indeed a bit interesting.

As soon as the most powerful coercion was gone, Zhang Wen was relieved. He didn't even have time to regulate the breath in his body and hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Zhang Wen has seen the adults." Hai Ling followed suit and said in a childish voice: "Hai Ling has seen you. grown ups."

Hai Ling's words made the Star Emperor extremely happy. He nodded secretly in his heart. He was much more sensible than Xiao Feng'er, so he didn't care about the things that didn't happen when he called him. He smiled and said, "Thank you for the gift."

Ever since he entered this so-called heaven, Zhang Ai felt that he was like air. No one cared about him, and he smiled bitterly in his heart. He turned his head to look at Hai Ling and motioned for him to speak quickly. Hai Ling listened to Star Emperor's words and pretended to be a young adult and said: "I borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha. Those things were given to me by Brother Zhang. I hope you like them."

"I like it, I like it very much." Since Hai Ling mentioned Zhang Awei, the Star Emperor couldn't help but ignore him again and again. He turned to Zhang Awei and said, "You have taken good care of him. I will thank you very much. What are your requirements?" Just mention it.”

ah? Make a request? Of course he wanted to go back to his own world, but the problem was what that guy wanted. He clearly wanted to keep Hai Ling, but Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to be separated from Hai Ling. Thinking of this, he felt a little hesitant.

Seeing that he was silent, Star Emperor thought he didn't know what request to make, and then said: "You remember this, whenever you think of a request, tell me, Xianyun, Liufeng, if he wants to see me, by You two brought him, don't be disrespectful to him."

Idle clouds and flowing wind should be heard respectfully. The Star Emperor waved to Hai Ling again: "Come and sit next to me." Then he ordered his subordinates: "Show him his seat." This he was talking about Zhang Ai, the all-powerful Zhang Ai in the lower realm, but when he came here, he didn't even have a name. . No one cared who he was or asked his name.

As Star Emperor spoke, a bunch of young men in green clothes appeared behind Zhang Wei. Some were moving desks, some were bringing futons, and several more were bringing wine and food to invite him to the table. Several others respectfully led Hai Ling to sit next to the Star Emperor. Although Hai Ling was unwilling in her heart, she remembered that he was the longevity lord, so in order to express her wishes, she followed him and sat down. Zhang was afraid that he would be the only one left, so he sat down temporarily and thought about what he would do next.

Seeing Hai Ling sitting down next to him, the Star Emperor became even more happy. He gave up the so-called fine wine and only drank the lower world spirit wine sent by Hai Ling. He drank cup after cup with great pleasure.

Everyone below knew that the Lord was very happy at this time, and they all took the initiative to propose a toast. The Star Emperor was not afraid of the coming, and in a short time, the thousand kilograms of spiritual wine in the jade bottle was consumed. Hai Ling was kind. When he saw the Star Emperor finish one bottle, he took out another bottle and sent it over, and took the initiative to pour the wine. The Star Emperor was even more happy, and asked with a smile: "Is my place good?"

Hai Ling said excitedly: "Okay, it's much better than the place I used to stay. Mr. Xian's place has flowers, trees, mountains, water, and many cute little animals. Here you have a tall palace, so grand."

The Star Emperor was happy to hear this and continued: "Since it's so good, let's stay here."

Hai Ling thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Although it's a good place, sir, I can't stay."

After saying these words, everyone below immediately became quiet and looked sideways to see how the Star Emperor would react.

Star Emperor was a little surprised when he heard this answer, but his smile did not diminish and he continued to ask: "Why?" Hai Ling replied: "Although this is a good place, it is not my place, and I still have a lot of things to do." Oh? What do you have to do?" Star Emperor became interested. Hai Ling said: "It's not my business, it's Brother Zhang's business. He treats me very well. His business is my business. I want to help him."

The Star Emperor nodded lightly when he heard this. The little guy is affectionate and righteous, which is great! Rarely, his gaze moved to Zhang Ai again, and he looked at it for a while, feeling slightly surprised. It was not that the common people in the lower world were vulgar and selfish, how could this person please Hai Ling?

Although he doesn't care about the affairs of the lower world, he always knows that there are no god-transforming monks below, and the highest level is Yuan Ying's top-level cultivation. This order was originally given by the Star Emperor himself, so Zhang was afraid that the god-transformation monk would be a little surprised when he saw it.

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