The Monk

Volume One Chapter 931 Birthday Congratulations

Chapter 931 Birthday Congratulations

They were eating dried meat here. Liufeng came and came directly to them and asked Xianyun, "Why haven't you left yet?" Xianyun wanted to tease him, so he gave Liufeng the dried meat and said, "Hai Ling gave it to me. It's very Delicious and fast.”

Liufeng was stunned for a moment, looking at a large pile of thick dried meat, and then looked at Xianyun, meaning to ask him: What are you doing?

Hai Ling was short and couldn't see his eyes. He thought Xianyun had good intentions, so he helped him and said, "It's really delicious. Mr. Xian just ate it. You also ate it. I have a lot more, all given by Brother Zhang." mine."

So that's it. Liufeng put on an expression of "I understand" and nodded at Xianyun. "Just bring trouble to me. I will settle the score with you later. Then he picked up a piece of dried meat and tore it into pieces."

These two ungrateful young masters have always been good at eating and drinking, but now they have to eat meat in a vulgar and unrestrained manner, especially dried meat that has no spirit, which can be considered a kind of torture.

Liufeng swallowed the dried meat in several mouthfuls and asked: "When are you leaving?" Xianyun replied: "I don't know." Liufeng was surprised: "How could I not know?" When he went to eat, he invited me to eat dried meat, and then you came."

Liufeng smiled and asked Hailing: "Can I take you somewhere else to play?" Hailing replied happily: "Okay." Liufeng said happily: "Then let's go." He said that he was going to lead Hai Ling's hand, Hai Ling didn't want to directly put his hand into Zhang Ai's hand and said: "Let's go."

Liufeng was stunned. Today was the birthday of their lord. The two of them wanted to take Hai Ling to celebrate his birthday and make the lord happy, but why would they take Zhang Afraid, a layman with no spiritual roots? Looking for scolding? He couldn't help but turn his attention to Xianyun.

Xianyun stepped forward and said: "Today, someone like you is celebrating his birthday. He took you to have a drink, but he didn't invite your eldest brother. But don't worry, we will bring some back after we have eaten. What shall we eat?" , just bring him something.”

After hearing this, Hai Ling tilted his head and thought about it and said, "I'm not interested in eating." He is a god, so it would be strange if he was interested in eating.

When Xianyun heard this, what should he do? It is possible to force Hai Ling to see the lord, but it will inevitably be misunderstood as bullying Hai Ling. In this case, the lord will definitely not like it. The lord has great fortune, has the power to create the world, is rigorous and conscientious by nature, fair and just, and treats his subordinates. He is also kind-hearted and kind. The only time he becomes different is when he is facing his own kind. As the saying goes, he is extremely protective.

If Xianyun brought a crying Hai Ling to meet his lord, it would be better not to bring him with him, lest he bring trouble to himself.

Liu Feng also had no choice. Everyone wanted to flatter the protagonist, but what if they didn't get the pat on the back? Kicked away? After thinking about it, he communicated with Xianyun with his spiritual thoughts: "Why don't you take him?" Xianyun replied with his spiritual thoughts with a bitter face: "The patrol officer already knows, and so does the fat man. Do you think the lord guild doesn't know that I brought him back?" A fetish?"

When Liufeng heard this, he wondered what would happen if he brought back a divine object but didn't report it to his lord... He couldn't help but cough lightly and continued to communicate with Xianyun: "What should I do?" Xianyun replied helplessly: "How do I know? If I had known better than to fight against the fat man, I would have killed the kid to the fat man, and there would be no trouble now." Liu Feng He glanced at him and replied: "Nonsense, I already knew this, why bother in the first place."

At this time, Hai Ling raised her little face and said, "You guys go and eat. Well, there is someone celebrating your birthday. Just forget it if you don't know. Now that you know." After saying this, he turned to Zhang Ai and asked, "When someone celebrates their birthday, give them a bottle of spiritual wine." Would you like to make a gift? Mr. Liu said he is the same as me."

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "You make the decision." Hai Ling happily took out a jade bottle and handed it to Xianyun's hand and said, "Even though the bottle is small, it contains more than a thousand kilograms of wine. If it's not enough, come back and ask me for more. "

The little guy is so generous. Xianyun took the spirit wine, uncorked it and took a whiff. It was indeed a good thing. Although it was not as good as his wine, in the lower world, brewing wine with ten thousand-year-old spirit grass was definitely the most precious thing.

It became even more difficult at the moment. He looked at Liufeng, meaning to ask him what to do? Liufeng smiled bitterly and said, "What else can we do? Tell us directly and let the Lord make the decision."

"Okay." Xianyun had no choice but to agree to this approach. Originally I wanted to bring a surprise, but now I have to turn the surprise into a problem and let the Lord decide. So she said to Hai Ling: "You play here, I'll go and give you gifts." Hai Ling said yes happily, said goodbye to the two of them, and then turned around to find the little beasts to play with.

Liufeng and Xianyun looked at each other helplessly and said, let's go. Liufeng said: "Don't worry, the little guy took the initiative to give the lord a gift, the lord will be very happy." Xianyun said: "I hope." The two of them turned into smoke and dispersed lightly.

Not long after, he appeared in front of a tall palace. I don't know how high the palace was. Looking up, I could only see a tall golden plaque with seven colorful auspicious clouds spelling out three characters, Lingxiao Palace. There are hundreds of golden-armored soldiers lined up in two squads outside the palace. They are all tall and strong, with a heroic spirit and stand upright. Seeing Xianyun and Liufeng appear, Qi slightly leaned over and said, "I've met the two young masters."

Liufeng and Xianyun bowed down to return the salute and walked into the main hall slowly.

The main hall is magnificent, with countless glazed tiles shining with seven-color light covering the main hall. The jade floor is paved inside, and all the colors and shapes you can imagine can be seen here.

Needless to say, the various furnishings are extremely exquisite, delicate, luxurious and beautiful. The clouds and mist are used as veils, the rays of rays are used as screens, and the stars are used as lamps, illuminating every detail of the hall. There is a star chair and a star table at the end of the hall. There is a person sitting on it, wearing a star robe, with long black hair tied behind his back. He has a fair face. The strange thing is that he can't tell what he looks like. If I had to describe it, two words would suffice, perfect!

This is a perfect person. Don't worry about not being able to remember his appearance. His aura is unbelievably powerful. Only he can have this aura in the world. No matter where or when, the first person anyone sees must be him, and you never have to worry about getting the wrong person.

After Xianyun and Liufeng entered the palace, they were far away and first bowed in greeting: "Xianyun and Liufeng pay their respects to the Lord."

The man sitting high above smiled and said, "You two are late, and you will be punished with a few more drinks."

Xianyun and Liufeng both said yes, and walked a few steps to sit down in their respective seats.

The main hall is huge, nearly 10,000 meters vertically and horizontally. There are many desks arranged densely. There is a person sitting behind each desk. At a rough count, there are about two hundred people.

After Liufeng and Xianyun took their seats, someone walked out from the front and said respectfully: "Congratulations on the birthday of Emperor Xing, and wish you great achievements and eternal prosperity."

Everyone in the hall chanted in unison: "Congratulations on the birthday of Star Emperor, and wish you great achievements and eternal prosperity!"

Star Emperor waved his hand and said with a smile: "Isn't it boring to come here once a year? Okay, sit down, just think that we all look for an opportunity to have fun and drink together once a year." He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, and everyone below raised their glasses. Drink together.

Star Emperor said: "I have told you many times not to call me Star Emperor, but I don't listen every time. I am just an object. By chance, I got the power of the stars, and I am what I am today. Everyone is still the same as before, casually The title is, don’t be restrained, we are all the same, there is no distinction between superior and inferior.”

Having said this, everyone below did not dare to lose their etiquette. Although they no longer addressed him as Star Emperor, they responded in a different way: "I will obey the Lord's order."

Star Emperor said helplessly: "It's like this again, forget it, sit down and drink." Then a group of people started eating and drinking in a lively manner. Seeing pots of wine being poured into his stomach, the Star Emperor asked, "Why didn't Xiao Feng'er come?"

At this time, a tall young man stood up where Xianyun and others were sitting. He looked elegant and generous, with a face as smooth as jade. He was wearing a plain robe, which perfectly set off his elegant demeanor. He responded respectfully. He said: "Returning to my lord, Xiao Feng'er said a few days ago that he went to look for his lord's birthday gift, but he has not returned for several days, and my subordinates don't know where he is now."

Star Emperor shook his head and said: "It's rare that the little guy has a heart, but I haven't seen him very often recently, and I thought he was caught for committing another crime."

After saying these words, the elegant young master's face turned red. Xiaofeng'er had indeed caused trouble again, but his lord's birthday was approaching. In order to avoid making him unhappy, he resisted the punishment of the inspector and found a birthday gift for his lord. He sent Xiao Feng'er away for some reason, but he didn't want to be asked by his lord anyway. He hesitated and didn't know how to reply.

At this moment, a golden-armored warrior stood up from the opposite table, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, last time Young Master Xian went down to the realm, he brought back one of my lord's compatriots. Why don't you invite him to see you, and not only wish your lord a happy birthday? And being able to recognize someone from the same clan is a double blessing."

This man was the patrol envoy who had met Hai Ling before. There was really no bad intention in his answer, and he did not mean to target Xianyun intentionally. He was on good terms with Feng Ya, and he also knew how naughty Xiao Feng'er was. Seeing that Feng Ya was unable to reply, he only asked to help him out, and then he stood up and directed the conversation to the newly appeared divine object. What he was thinking was that Xianyun had the intention of presenting the treasure anyway, and the only difference was that he would do it earlier and later. There was no harm to Xianyun at all. I just didn't expect that there would be one more accident.

After hearing this, the Star Emperor nodded and said, "Well, I've heard about this too, and I'd like to ask, Xianyun, where is that little guy? Why didn't you bring him?"

Hearing this, Xianyun hurriedly stood up and replied: "Returning to my lord, the people of my lord's clan are still of a weak age. They like to play and enjoy themselves in their subordinates' leisure time. They are just young and act according to their own preferences. Except for a layman from the lower world, He is not close to others. Today is the lord's birthday, so he originally wanted to bring him with him, but he did not want to be separated from the common people. His subordinates did not dare to bring ordinary people into the Lingxiao Palace, so they did not bring anyone from the lord's clan. Without knowing who the lord is, offering a birthday gift is a common thing, but it is rare in the lower world. I dare to do it, please have a look, lord."

It took a lot of effort to say it, but at least I explained the whole thing clearly. The Star Emperor smiled and said, "Little guy, you have a gift for me? Okay, let me see it."

Xianyun walked over lightly and offered the bottle of spiritual wine. Star Emperor took it, opened the cork, took a casual look, and was overjoyed. He asked Xianyun: "You mean, he doesn't know who I am, so he gave me such a gift?"

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