The Monk

Volume One Chapter 930: Eating Dried Meat

Chapter 930: Eating Dried Meat

Young Master Xian and Liu Feng didn't care what Zhang Awei thought. In their eyes, Zhang Awei was no different from an ant. After listening to what Mr. Xian said, Liufeng chuckled and said, "Don't you care about nothing? How can you not let go?"

"Nonsense, this is a divine object. What if my lord knows that I gave it away to others? Are you afraid that I won't die quickly enough?" Mr. Xian glared. Liufeng said: "My lord is kind and generous, so I won't embarrass you for a magical creature. You are just worrying blindly."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the fog: "Is Xianyun here?"

Hearing the visitor's words, Liufeng whispered: "The patrol is here." Mr. Xian whispered: "Did he have nothing to do, so he came to check after hearing the fat man's words? It's really leisurely." Liufeng smiled after hearing this: "Why don't you give him your name?"

Mr. Xian also laughed: "I don't dare." As he spoke, he flicked his hand, and the white fog in front cleared away, revealing a flat road with gold as the edge and jade as the base, stretching into the distance, and the distance was even more in the fog. Look. Not very far.

Standing in front of the fog was a big man in golden armor, mighty and strong, holding a sword on his waist and looking over coldly.

Xianyun and Liufeng hurried forward to meet him, walking a few dozen meters side by side. They stopped at the same time, cupped their hands together and said, "I've seen the inspection envoy, sir."

The inspector gave a gracious greeting, strode forward, passed between the two of them, and walked straight into the exquisite courtyard surrounded by pavilions and winding corridors. He stared at Zhang Ai with one glance, but made no other moves, and had no intention of killing. , Zhang was afraid that he would feel a chill. The cold from his bones was very uncomfortable.

The inspector glanced at him, turned around and asked Xianyun: "Are you going against Si Jia just because of him? Even if Si Jia is rude and unreasonable and loses your face, you shouldn't have brought a layman up from the lower world, Xianyun, Do you know your guilt?"

This guy is really powerful, and he can tell with just one word that Xianyun is fighting against Sijia.

Xianyun replied: "Sir, my subordinate just brought back a wild boy, what kind of crime is it? Fengya also brought him back before, why didn't you come to punish him?" The patrolman was stunned when he heard this, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but his voice It was cold, and he said to Xianyun: "You're not bad, you're not bad." Even a fool could understand the meaning contained in it, and it was definitely not a good word.

At this moment, Hai Ling ran back holding two snow-white furry bears and said happily: "They are so cute."

The patrolman was shocked when he saw Hai Ling. Why didn't he see him just now? He scanned it with his mind as if he didn't believe it, but he still didn't find it. He asked in surprise: "A divine object?" Then his expression changed, he glared at Xianyun angrily, walked away without saying a word, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Watching him leave, Liufeng shook his head and said, "What a bad temper you have." Xianyun said with a nonchalant look on his face, "Didn't he just offend the patrol envoy again? He found it himself, and I didn't force him."

Now that the patrol had left, Liufeng didn't want to stay any longer. He greeted Hai Ling and asked, "What's your name?" Hai Ling looked down at the two little white bears playing. After hearing the question, he raised his head and replied, "Hai Ling." "What about you?" Liufeng smiled and said, "My name is Liufeng. If you need anything, come to me." As he spoke, he took out a green willow leaf and waved it. After a while, a man in green clothes stood outside the Jinyu Changdao. The boy in the hat asked respectfully: "Sir, please give me your instructions."

Liufeng said, "It's okay." He handed the willow leaf to Hai Ling and said, "Take it, and if something happens, shake it with your spiritual thoughts, and he will come and take care of you."

Hai Ling looked at Willow Ye curiously, looked at Liufeng warily, and asked: "Why give it to me?"

Liufeng smiled and said: "The little guy is quite defensive." Xianyun interjected: "You are so generous. You will make Liufeng order when you make a move."

Hai Lingcai didn't want to pay attention to these two people. In his heart, the closest person in the world was Zhang Ai. With his bare little fat feet, he walked up to Zhang Ai, held two little bears in his hands and said as if to offer treasures: "Look, how cute it is." Zhang Yin smiled and said, "Is it as cute as you?"

Hai Ling thought about it carefully and said, "It's cuter than me." He handed one over and said, "You give it a hug. It's warm and comfortable."

Just as Zhang Aing was about to take over, the little white bear, which was not much bigger than his fist, suddenly roared angrily. Zhang Aing smiled and said, "It's quite ferocious." Upon seeing this, Hai Ling patted the little bear and shouted, "Be honest."

It was really strange that the little bear listened to his words honestly, narrowed his eyes and retracted his hand. Liufeng was kind-hearted and smiled and added: "These little guys are spoiled. If you don't mess with them, they will be fine."

After hearing Liu Feng's explanation, Zhang Ai looked at Xianyun. He was really depressed that he wanted to take care of such a group of ferocious guys. Xianyun said: "It's just a bunch of little guys. If you can't even deal with them, there will be no place for you in the heaven."

Well, once again, I was looked down upon. Where is this unlucky heaven? Zhang was very angry.

Liu Feng said to Hai Ling: "Take it, you can come to me if you need anything." He stuffed Liu Ye into Hai Ling's arms, but Hai Ling didn't appreciate it and said hesitantly: "Okay." He reluctantly took Liu Feng's order, but Ignore him again, hug the little bear and run away.

Liufeng smiled magnanimously and said to Xianyun, "Let's go." He put his hands behind his back and walked away.

There were three people on the pavilion, but he alone did not say hello to Zhang Wear, so Zhang Wear was ignored again.

Seeing Liufeng leaving, Xianyun said: "You go out, choose a place to live outside, and help take care of the spirit flowers and fairy grass."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Weijing thought that he still had to do these tasks, but he had to lower his head under the roof of others, so he had to sneak out of the pavilion and find a place to live in the wilderness.

Fortunately, there was Hai Ling. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of walking into the wilderness, he immediately followed him with the little bear in his arms. As he walked, he said: "There is a beautiful river over there. It is much more beautiful than the sea. The water in the river is clear, and even the fish swimming on the bottom of the river can't be seen." Can all be seen clearly.”

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You are the only one who dares to say this. Who in the world doesn't know that the sea is the end of thousands of rivers, the most beautiful and magnificent, but in your eyes, it is not as beautiful as a small river."

Hai Lingjian said: "It is beautiful in the first place. The sea is big, but it is not necessarily beautiful. Although the river is small, it has its own spirituality."

When a river becomes spiritual, is it still a river? Zhang was afraid that he had the idea of ​​going over and taking a look. However, Hai Ling remembered another place, pointed in another direction and said: "There are peach trees there. I saw many big peaches, bigger than my head. If I eat one of them, my stomach will burst."

The two of them were talking and walking. Young Master Xianyun on the pavilion looked at the backs of the two of them thoughtfully. After a while, he summoned a young man in green clothes and whispered: "Watch them both." Then he walked out of the pavilion, walked into the white mist, and disappeared.

Zhang Awei left for a while and asked Hai Ling: "Master Xian is gone?" Hai Ling replied: "Well, why are you asking him?" Zhang Awei said: "Nothing." Regarding the conversation between Xianyun and Liufeng, he I couldn’t tell Hai Ling.

Hai Ling didn't think much about it. Today was the first time he had seen the outside world in so many years. The novelty had not worn off yet, and everything he saw felt beautiful. As they walked further and further into the wilderness, perhaps they were attracted by the spiritual power around him. Many small animals jumped towards him, but they looked at Zhang Afraid warily.

Zhang Ping had no choice but to take a few steps back, putting on a harmless look and watching the little fat man having fun with a bunch of little beasts.

Three hours passed in a flash. Xianyun came back and saw Zhang Ain and Hai Ling playing. He didn't say much and went back to his room to rest.

From that day on, Zhang Wen walked around with Hai Ling in the wilderness every day, looking around and strolling. There was beauty everywhere, and there were endless levels of various wonders. It seemed that the most beautiful places in the entire continent were gathered here.

As the days pass by, a hundred days have passed before I know it. In these hundred days, no one bothered Zhang Ai and Hai Ling. Zhang Ai tried his best to wander around, wanting to see all of this place. However, although the leisure realm was not big, there were various restrictive barriers set up. Zhang Ai could only move within a fixed area and could not get out even more.

He also wanted to seize the time to practice, to quickly gain powerful power, and to leave here as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is more of a dream. If he relies on his own strength, he cannot even defeat the divine envoy. How can he become a powerful divine being like Xianyun who is more powerful than the divine envoy in a short period of time. Especially the Xian realm was not suitable for cultivation, so all his hard work was in vain, and he had to give up in the end.

Just when he was wondering whether he would be trapped here forever, the hundredth day arrived, and Xianyun also arrived, still wearing a white silk loose robe, pulling on a pair of white soft shoes, and walked lazily towards the two of them. He said in front of him: "Hai Ling, follow me." Although he spoke lazily, his tone was unquestionable.

Hai Ling didn't care what he said and asked, "What are you doing?"

The little beasts seemed to be afraid of Xianyun. As soon as he came here, all the little beasts ran away.

Xianyun frowned slightly. The little guy never listened to him. He was really troublesome. He replied: "Take you to eat." Hai Ling said: "No, I have plenty to eat. What do you want?" Xianyun heard this. , Wow, the little guy was quite generous, so he said, "Yes."

Hai Ling took out a pile of dried meat from the storage bag hanging around his neck, handed it to Xianyun and said, "Eat it, there is still more."

Xianyun looked at the pile of dried meat that was bigger than the washbasin. The little guy actually said, "Not enough? Is there more?" Is he treating me like a pig? Even pigs can't eat so much. But looking at the hopeful expression on Hai Ling's face, Xianyun had no choice but to accept the pile of vulgar things from the lower world and thought to himself: "This thing doesn't have enough spiritual energy even to be used as fertilizer, alas."

Just as he thought this, Hai Ling said again: "Eat quickly, it's delicious." As he said this, he tore off three pieces from the dried meat in Xianyun's hand, took a small piece for himself, gave one piece to Zhang Afraid, and took the largest piece. Putting it into Xianyun's other hand, he urged: "Eat it."

Xian Yun is so depressed, am I not asking for trouble? Seeing Hai Ling eating hard and urging her hard, she had no choice but to stuff the dried meat into her mouth. Since Darden came to heaven, when has he ever eaten something so unpalatable? Today is considered a non-vegetarian meal.

Fortunately, although the dried meat is not very delicious, it is not as unpalatable as expected. It just lacks spiritual energy, so it can be used to adjust the taste.

Seeing him eating the dried meat, Hai Ling asked happily, "Is it delicious?" Xianyun nodded and said, "It's not bad."

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