The Monk

Volume One Chapter 929 Flowing Wind

Chapter 929 Flowing Wind

Just now, Mr. Xian was arranging the mess, and the fat man came to ask him for someone, saying that his divine envoy was killed and the murderer was hiding in the Refining Temple. Since the Temple of Refining is an important magic circle that seals the way to another mysterious place, it is under the jurisdiction of Young Master Xian. Fatty did not dare to tamper with it and came to find Young Master Xian to take someone. Just because his subordinate was killed, he had a bad temper and didn't pay much attention when he spoke.

The fat man accidentally made Mr. Xian a little unhappy. He had a lower status than the fat man, had no contact with him, and had some minor conflicts. Now that I was being questioned by the fat man, I felt like resisting, so I wanted to confront him. So after entering the Refining Temple, you will ask Zhang Wen if he wants to go out. If he wants to go out, Mr. Xian will not care. You love him to death. It is your own wrong choice. What does it have to do with me?

Xianzhang was afraid of being too cautious, so he didn't answer the question. Instead, he asked again and again, which angered Mr. Xian and got him arrested. Later, Mr. Xian saw that Hai Ling was cute and loved the house as much as the crow, so he brought Zhang Ai, the crow, back to Xianjing, otherwise Zhang Ai would most likely become the next ghost ancestor.

Young Master Xian took Zhang Wei away, but Fatty naturally refused and followed him to continue begging for the murderer. Mr. Xian was very proud. If the fat man had said kind words, things would have been done long ago. The overweight man felt good about himself, and after a quarrel, a fight ensued, and the matter in front of him happened.

Zhang was afraid of what Mr. Xian said and knew that he could survive by taking advantage of Hai Ling, so he stopped talking. But I couldn't hold it back, and finally asked a question: "The sea spirit can move freely, and the divine formation leaves, what should I do with that passage?"

Mr. Xian looked at him in surprise and said casually: "It's just a passage, why can't it be sealed by putting something there?"

This is a manifestation of great strength, and it is indeed awesome. Zhang Awei sighed secretly, and then asked: "Where is the Ghost Ancestor?"

Mr. Xian shook his head and said, "You have so many questions. Why didn't you ask me whether I won or lost the fight with Fatty just now?" Zhang Ain's face turned red and he replied, "I wanted to ask, but I didn't dare."

Mr. Xian asked, "What's so daring about you? Are you worried that I'll lose the fight or will offend me?" Zhang was afraid of replying. Mr. Xian chuckled and said, "To be honest, the guy who practiced magic arts was rescued. Although I am too lazy to kill him, I am even more lazy to let him go."

"Ah? Being rescued? Who else would want to save him?" Zhang Ain said in surprise.

"What are you asking about something you shouldn't know?" Young Master Xian glanced at him, and then added: "Fat Man and I are equally powerful, he just has a higher status than me. I have a good location, so he can't beat me. "

Zhang Awei heard the implication. He said that Fatty couldn't beat him, but he didn't say that he could beat Fatty. It was probably a tie, but he was embarrassed to say it directly to a junior like Zhang Awei.

Immediately, I solemnly thanked you: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness."

Mr. Xian smiled and said: "You are quite sensible, but I just can't figure it out. Why would such a sensible person kill the divine envoy? You don't know, that bastard Fatty is the most protective of calves. I can protect you this time, but I may not be able to." Save it for next time." He thought for a while and said, "But as long as you stay in peace, he won't dare to come and cause trouble."

Come to think of it, Mr. Xian rarely talks to people, so Zhang Ping just said a few words of thanks. Mr. Xian became very fond of him and stopped asking him to take care of the flowers, plants and trees.

Zhang is afraid of thanking you respectfully, but he is worried about the future. What should he do in the future? Do you want to hide in a leisurely place all your life and never come out?

Hai Ling, however, liked this place, happily running around in the vast wilderness, chasing cute little beasts and causing mischief. Seeing that Hai Ling was happy, Young Master Xian was also happy. He hugged his knees and sat on the corridor looking over.

After watching for a while, with a casual move, a jade plate flew out of thin air and stopped beside him. There was a pot and a cup on the plate, which was a rare red warm jade. Mr. Xian held the pot and poured it gently. A thick white liquid flowed out from the spout, with smoke billowing up and down, and spiritual energy flowing. After a while, the liquid filled the wine glass. Young Master Xian put down the jade pot, grabbed the jade cup with his hand, put it to his lips and took a small sip, then closed his eyes and reflected, looking like he was intoxicated.

Needless to say, the idle young master is well-dressed and well-fed. His hands are white and transparent, with slender and strong fingers. They are paired with a red jade cup. There is white wine in the cup, and there is spiritual mist billowing at the mouth of the cup. It is truly a beautiful scene.

Zhang Wen looked at Mr. Xian and thought about his past actions. Compared with him, he was like a silly boy who had never seen the market. Looking at his behavior, this was the appearance of an immortal, elegant and elegant.

Mr. Xian closed his eyes for a long time. After he had completely digested the glass of wine, he opened his eyes and spoke: "It's not that I won't drink it for you, but that you can't enjoy this blessing. This wine is called nectar, and it's not from this world."

Ganqing is also wine, but this wine is many, many times more precious than my own Wannian Lingjiu. Zhang Ain replied with a smile: "Thank you, senior, for clearing up the doubts." Mr. Xian smiled and said, "What doubts are you clearing up? It's hypocritical. You obviously want to drink but can't, so you still want to thank me for clearing up the doubts?" He took another sip.

Seeing Mr. Xian being so carefree and leisurely, drinking and having fun without even tying up his hair that was loose after the battle, Zhang Ai was very envious of this state and feeling. Everything does not matter, everything does not matter, it seems that there is nothing in the world that can be placed in the heart of Mr. Xian. It is more natural and casual than the Buddhist practice of breaking up love.

Zhang was afraid that he was used to being casual in the past. He had seen countless experts, but no one had ever given him a feeling of inferiority like Mr. Xian. Even when he was being chased by Nascent Soul masters when he was forming the elixir, he didn't feel that those people had any How amazing, but in front of Mr. Xian, Zhang Weijing understood for the first time what the gap was.

So there were two people on the pavilion, one sitting on the curved corridor surrounded by white mist, drinking, and the other sitting on the pavilion filled with mist and sighing. They each had their own things to do.

There is not much time to just relax and have fun. As soon as the white mist dissipated in front of his eyes, another handsome young master appeared in the pavilion. With a jade fan in his hand, he lit the idle young master and said: "You have a leisurely mind. Sijia will file a complaint with the inspector." , I want to report to my lord that you have brought the creatures from the lower world into the heaven, and the patrol is coming. "

Mr. Xian smiled and said: "He will also complain, so there is no need to be afraid, but do you need wine?"

"No, how does your wine compare with Fengya's? I'm used to drinking his wine, and if I drink yours again, how can I tell you that it's tasteless?" said the visitor.

"He is sick and always targets me. He won't give me any wine to drink. He has to go to Nanshan to ask for it from the magistrate. I just don't understand. We are all the same people. Why is he always angry with me?" Mr. Xian was angry. road.

The visitor chuckled: "Fengya told me that you offended him and he asked you to do something, but you firmly refused. Naturally, he would not give you a drink. But don't worry, drinking is a trivial matter. If Sijia really brings When the inspector comes, Fengya will always be on your side."

Mr. Xian said: "I know, I was just angry that he was stingy. Although I didn't do that thing, I prepared some things to apologize later, but the guy actually threw the things out and kicked me out again. It was really depressing."

"Haha, you can show your utmost elegance like this. I really admire you." After the visitor said this, he looked at Zhang Awei and asked: "Is this the person you brought back? He looks average and has even more qualifications. I can’t bear to see it, why bring him back?”

Zhang was afraid to listen to the two gods and men talking as if no one was around. He heard many new words, such as Nanshan, Dianguan, Fengya, and even heard that the person was devaluing him as worthless. The depression in his heart was so great that it was boundless, but he still had to He stood up and said politely: "Zhang is afraid that he has seen the young master."

He increasingly doesn't know where this place is. Anyway, it's different from the world he once lived in. There's nothing wrong with being careful, respectful, modest, and polite.

The visitor smiled softly, nodded and said, "You're quite sensible. My name is Liu Feng. Is it fun here?"

Zhang Ain said: "When I first came here, all I saw was the lingering fairy spirit, but it was not as good as seeing other things. I don't know if it is fun here."

Liufeng was very satisfied with Zhang's attitude of being afraid of talking. He didn't say nice things or flatter the horses, nor did he pretend to be arrogant. He chuckled and said: "Xianjing is the most beautiful place in the thirty-three realms of heaven. If you have time, you can go more. Walk."

He only said one sentence, then turned to ask Mr. Xian: "What are you going to do?" There was no fear in his eyes, he just asked casually.

"What should I do? Nothing happened. The fat man is calling me because of his superiority. I'm not his envoy, so why should I listen to him?" Young Master Xian said.

Liufeng said: "I see, let me tell you, you are so worried about troublesome people, why would you provoke Sijia? In this case, it is really not a big deal. You can just talk to the patrol envoy. But how can he arrange it?" At this point , suddenly saw the sea spirit running and jumping in the wilderness in the distance, and said in surprise: "Ah! Did the divine object from the sky come from the lower world this time?"

Mr. Xian said with a smile on his face: "Of course, when the master asked me to take care of this matter, I was still unwilling to do it. I just made a nine-counting formation and then ignored it. Later, I accidentally discovered that the nine-counting formation actually gave birth to a trance. He asked Dahei for two people to take care of the thing. Unexpectedly, after more than ten thousand years, the divine thing suddenly became wise and merged with the Nine Counting Formation, so he brought it back."

Liufeng smiled and shook his head and said: "No wonder you are willing to offend Sijia for a common man, and you are not afraid of the patrols making trouble for you. As long as you have this magical object and let the lord see it, everything will no longer be a problem." After a pause, he continued. : "Fengya seems to have a magical object. If you bring this magical object to see him, maybe we can settle the old feud with you."

Mr. Xian shook his head and said: "I don't want to do it. How can the first of the thirty-three realms not have divine objects?"

Zhang Ping was very interested in listening to it at first. It turned out that the name of the Divine Formation of the Temple of Refining was the Nine Formations. It turned out that there was a lord above Young Master Xian. He was thinking that the world was really big and wonderful, when he suddenly heard the talk of divine objects, and he was immediately overwhelmed. Zhen, what do you mean? Raise sea spirits as gods? Even if he is a divine being, even if he is a divine being born without roots, he is still a living being, so why should his destiny be influenced by others.

But he knew nothing about this place. Even if he had all kinds of thoughts, he had no clue. How could he leave this place and face Sijia? How can one escape from the restraints of an idle young man? These piles of problems are swirling in my mind. After thinking about it, there is always no solution, and I feel very powerless.

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