The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 928 The idle young man

Chapter 928: Young Master Xian

He didn't want to kill the divine envoy, but since the two were hostile, he would not let the divine envoy cause trouble for him. Seeing the angel commit suicide saved him some trouble, but he was still reluctant to let go, and his guilt did not diminish at all. To put it simply, he was a little unhappy.

Entering Foggy Bottom and walking directly into the tower, the scenery changes before your eyes and appears on the blue ocean. As expected, the two irritating grimacing monsters were still guarding the entrance and exit. When they saw Zhang Weijing appearing, they rushed over to fight with all their might.

Zhang Ping cursed angrily: "Are you here to die?" As he spoke, he ran away. He didn't want to get entangled with the two monsters.

After waiting for a moment in the distant sea, the sea spirit appeared, and the two entered the dark world on the fifth level. He is a monk who transforms into gods and is familiar with the formation of the Temple of Refining. He can roam freely in the formation. He only came to the sea to walk around because he had to wait for the sea spirit.

As soon as he entered the fifth floor, Hai Ling asked anxiously: "Have you seen the divine envoy?" Zhang said with a smile: "The divine envoy is dead." "How is that possible?" Ghost Ancestor interjected and asked. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "Don't say you don't believe it, I can't believe it either."

Ghost Ancestor asked: "What happened?" Zhang Ain replied: "Nothing happened, he is dead anyway." He did not want to talk about the divine envoy. Ghost Ancestor paused for a while and said in a deep voice: "You are amazing!"

Zhang Ain replied: "I'm not very powerful." The fact was that the ice crystal trapped the divine envoy and had nothing to do with him. Ghost Ancestor said: "Whether you are powerful or not, you can still feel at ease in the future by killing the envoy."

"Peace of mind? No one can have peace of mind." Zhang Ain sighed. Ghost Ancestor thought for a moment, understood what was going on, and asked in a low voice: "Like the servant of God? Offended the master behind him?"

Zhang Ping said: "Yes." He only said one word and then stopped talking, thinking about how to deal with the next thing. The Divine Envoy is already very powerful, but there are still people who are more powerful than him. The Divine Envoy just obeys orders, just like the two grimacing monsters.

Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? You can't escape after all." Zhang Ai said: "Nonsense! It doesn't matter if you stay in the formation, why don't I let you out?" Ghost Ancestor said: "Okay, I'll go and clean up first. Two divine servants provoked another terrifying guy. Let’s see who is more powerful among the two divine beings.” Zhang Feng said angrily, “Are you going crazy because you’re not going to die fast enough?” Ghost Ancestor chuckled and was about to speak. I saw a white figure suddenly appear in the darkness.

There was no need for him to provoke him, the scary guy had already appeared, standing quietly in the dark space and asked Zhang Afraid: "Are you going out?"

Faced with the sudden appearance of the master, Zhang Ai was extremely shocked. He looked carefully and looked at the person again. He was about twenty years old, with a face like a jade, sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes. He was wearing a milky white silk robe and had long black hair. He tied a knot casually, with a pair of white soft shoes at his feet, and a black flag in his right hand. He exuded a lazy atmosphere from head to toe, a bit like a young man, and felt very attracted to Zhang Wei.

Seeing that Zhang Awei didn't speak, the visitor asked again in a low voice: "Are you going out?" Zhang Awei was a little confused and asked: "What did you say?" The lazy young man-like figure lowered his mouth slightly, as if Feeling very boring, he said impatiently: "Why are you so stupid? I asked you if you want to go out? Can't you understand?"

"Where should I go? Refining the Temple?" This guy suddenly appeared and asked an irrelevant question. Zhang was afraid that he was a little unsure.

"That's right." Young Master was very impatient.

Zhang Ping didn't care whether he was impatient or not, and asked again: "Why should I go out?"

The young master didn't seem to expect that Zhang Wearing would ask so many questions. He frowned and said, "It's really annoying. Just stay here." After speaking, he raised his hand and pointed. Zhang Wearing's limbs were immediately restrained by several invisible ropes. Lying in a dark space.

After restraining Zhang Wei, the young master looked at Hai Ling and said with a smile: "No wonder, you have become one, no wonder you can't command." After a pause, he said, "Come with me, there are mountains and water where I am. There are also many rare birds, but they are not very popular.”

"Ah? Why are you following me? Who are you? Why did you catch Brother Zhang?" Hai Ling asked a series of questions.

His question reminded the young master, he turned around to look at Zhang Awei, nodded and said: "Okay, take him back to play with you." After speaking, without asking the two people's opinions, Zhang Awei waved his long sleeves, and Zhang Awei felt Like falling into water, it drifted to another place, only surrounded by white, and it was not clear where it was going.

This change made Zhang afraid of meeting an expert. My heart is really unlucky. When I was a Nascent Soul, I could still pretend to be big and arrogant and carefree. However, as my cultivation level got higher and higher, I met only the best among masters. Such luck for me. Alas, I am considered the best fortune teller in the world. Not allowed. Thinking of this, he thought of the divine messenger again. Why bother? Can't the two of them get along well? Why must life and death be separated?

He was drifting confusedly in the white mist. After a while, the white mist dissipated, revealing the scene here, which was a place where gods reside.

The most beautiful place he had ever seen before was the God's Cave in Monster Mountain, a sea of ​​wisteria flowers, white sand steps, clear and quiet, and far away.

But where we are now is even more beautiful, so beautiful without a hint of fireworks, with white mist lingering under our feet and colorful clouds above our heads. Every tree and flower around us is exceptionally beautiful. The corridors with carved railings and pavilions built with jade surround a In the exquisite courtyard, there is a chess table with an endgame on it, but there is no one there.

At this time, Hai Ling's voice came to his ears: "Brother Zhang, where is this?" Zhang Ai looked back and saw little Hai Ling standing at the end of the corridor asking, but in his glance, he felt that Hai Ling had changed a lot. , seems to become more powerful.

Just when he was about to speak, the young master had already appeared in front of him. He raised his hand and patted his forehead and said to Zhang Awei: "You really put me in a difficult position."

Although Zhang Ping wanted to ask why I made it difficult for you, he held back his words. Hai Ling, on the other hand, asked loudly: "Who are you? Where are you?" After asking, he suddenly noticed the change in himself. He glanced at it with doubts and said happily: "Brother Zhang, I have joined the divine formation. You can go out and play." ”

Zhang Ping understood immediately, clasped his fists at the young master and said, "I've seen you, sir."

The young master chuckled: "You're not too stupid."

Of course Zhang Wen is not stupid. He is now in the early stages of becoming a god. Young Master can trap him effortlessly and take him away at will, no matter how powerful he is. It is only said that the young master can combine the sea spirit and the refining temple into one place. Who else can do such a mysterious method except the gods who set up the formation?

At this time, two big grimacing monsters walked out of the white mist. They were respectful and cautious, with lowered eyebrows and submissive eyes, and moved forward slowly. They were not at all the arrogant, unreasonable, murderous and murderous people in the Refining Temple. The two of them seemed to have not seen Zhang Afraid. Without blinking their eyes, they walked straight to the young master and stopped ten meters away. They bowed to him and said, "I have met you, sir."

Young Master waved his hand and said, "I've taken over the Sleeping God Formation. You two can go back and tell Da Hei that there's no need to fight so hard. No one will die in a small area." The two grimace monsters said respectfully, and then retreated.

After seeing these two monsters and becoming more sure of the young master's identity, Zhang Ao asked respectfully: "Dare I ask if you are a god?"

Young Master laughed when he was asked: "How can there be so many gods in the world? You don't need to know who I am, you can call me Mr. Xian."

What kind of name is this? Do you mean he is laid-back? Or is he being lazy? But since people said that, Zhang Zhan had no choice but to say so. Xiao Hailing interrupted at this time and asked: "Where is this?"

Mr. Xian said: "This is Xianjing, my world." As he spoke, he pointed his hand, and the white mist on his right dispersed, revealing a beautiful world. Although it was just some garden plants and trees, but There is spiritual auspiciousness everywhere.

In that world, there are many little beasts running around, each one of them is charming, exquisite and cute. Mr. Xian said to Hai Ling: "They are cute, much cuter than your little rabbit."

Hailing screamed loudly, and then he remembered the creatures on the wooden island in the sea, and was about to release them. Mr. Xian said: "Those things in your body are all vulgar things. Don't let them out. How can they stay here?" Then he turned to Zhang Awei and said: "No one comes here. From now on, there will be flowers and plants, as well as those little beasts." I’ll leave it to you to take care of, remember, be careful.”

Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this, "What are you doing?" Catch me and use me as a coolie? Just as he was hesitating how to refuse, there was a sudden shaking in the pavilion under his feet. Mr. Xian's expression changed and he said displeasedly: "How dare you knock on the door? It's really annoying." As he spoke, the figure disappeared. Next, I heard Mr. Xian's roar: "Fat man! Others are afraid of you, but I am not. Leave quickly and don't make yourself uncomfortable."

Then I heard another person speak, with endless anger in his tone: "Xiao Xianzi, don't pretend to be big with me, you are the only brothers, and you are still not in my eyes. Hurry up and make friends honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

Zhang Ai is having fun listening to this, Xiao Xianzi? This name is really imaginative.

After hearing this, Young Master Xian was no longer angry. He sneered, "Fat man, if you want someone, you can break into Xian Realm. I want to see if you have the guts."

Zhang was afraid to understand. The fat man was probably the master of the divine envoy and came to seek revenge from him. He was blocked from the leisure realm, so he quarreled with Mr. Xian. But what I don't understand is why Young Master Xian wanted to save him?

The fat man also chuckled after listening to Mr. Xian's words: "My lord asked you to control the passage, not to cause trouble. I don't need to enter your Xianjun. I just need to report this matter to the inspector. Do you think there will be Xianjiang?" Does it exist?"

Mr. Xian sneered and said: "Why are you talking nonsense? In the end, you are not using other people's power to suppress me. If you have the ability, just come and see if I am afraid of you."

After saying this, the two of them stopped talking. A quarter of an hour later, Mr. Xian returned to the pavilion. His soft white silk robe was a little messy, his hair was disheveled, and his face was green. He sat down on the ground and said to Zhang Awei: "Why are you killing the divine envoy?"

Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to reply to this, and he was also thinking in his mind, even if I killed the divine envoy, I didn't let you save me. Why are you making such a big fuss? It was Hai Ling who answered for him: "The envoy of God wants to kill Brother Zhang. What's wrong with Brother Zhang in killing him?"

Young Master Xian had a good impression of Hai Ling. After hearing what he said, he chuckled and said, "You're right. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't bother to care who killed whom."

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