The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 927 The Death of the Divine Envoy

Chapter 927 The Death of the Divine Envoy

The two of them were like statues, standing until dawn. Watching the rising sun, the envoy sighed softly and said: "I have told you many times that you must not become a god. Why don't you listen?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: " You know that I am about to become a god, why do you still tell me how to become a god?"

The divine envoy laughed when he heard this: "It's not me who is instructing you, it's your turn into a god. You don't need my guidance." Zhang Ai said quietly, "That's right, but no matter what, I have to thank you." He stopped. Then he said: "Are you coming to kill me?"

The envoy said: "You know why you are asking." Zhang Ping said: "I would rather not know anything."

Comparing the strength of the two, it was clear that Zhang Awei was at a disadvantage, but the envoy repeated what Zhang Awei had said in a lonely tone: "I would rather not know anything."

Zhang was very curious and asked: "What are you doing?" The messenger still said in a very lonely tone: "There are some things that you know will lead to a dead end, but you still have to do them. There are some people that you know clearly. Going against him will make you sad, but you still have to do it. The so-called cultivators are just humans, and they can't escape their fate. "

Zhang was afraid that he would be confused, so he asked: "What are you talking about?" The envoy laughed and said: "I didn't say anything. Come on, you and I will always have a fight. As a token of my appreciation, I allow you to choose the location."

Zhang was afraid of knowing the strength gap between himself and the divine envoy, so he said with a grimace: "I would rather you not appreciate me."

The envoy shook his head: "Some things cannot be changed, just like you and I must fight."

Zhang Ain curled his lips and said, "Let's just fight. If it escalates to the point where we have to fight, what's the matter?" He looked at the envoy carefully and asked, "You really want me to choose a place?"

Just as he was asking this question, the sky suddenly poured down a heavy rain, as if countless waterfalls were crowding together and falling at the same time. Rainwater accumulated on the ground in an instant, from small to large, from gurgling to meandering, from drop to drop. Such as river irrigation.

Zhang Ain looked up at the sky and whispered: "No need to choose, it's right here." With a casual stroke, a barrier sealed the surrounding area, isolating the exploration of the surrounding cultivators.

He originally wanted to find a big river or lake, and rely on the help of ice crystals to fight with the gods. Unexpectedly, rain fell from the sky, and he no longer needed to look for lakes and rivers. After setting up the barrier, Zhang Wen asked another question: "Why didn't you kill me in the first place?"

The divine envoy smiled and said: "Killing is not easy." He paused for a while and then said: "As a price for my ability to live, I cannot kill anyone except the cultivators who transform themselves into gods, unless they are treacherous and evil. Are you a bad person? Have you ever offended me? That’s why I can’t kill you.”

Zhang Awei smiled softly: "It's just an excuse, why don't you kill me?"

The envoy looked at the torrential rain and thought about it and said, "Do you believe in fate?" Zhang Ain thought about this question carefully and found that he could not answer it. He didn't know whether he should believe in fate.

Without him needing to answer, the envoy continued: "I believe it! Therefore, I can't kill you!" Zhang was afraid that he would be confused by what he heard. He wanted to ask again, but he didn't know how to ask, so he had to keep silent.

The divine envoy repeated: "I believe in fate. I am the best fortune teller in the world. I must believe in fate. Therefore, I must not kill you before you become a god."

As the word "kill" came out, the surroundings suddenly became solemn and cold, but the divine envoy sighed lonely: "I can't always escape, I can't always escape. I calculated it, and I calculated it many years ago, alas." After saying this In a word, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly gathered together, and then under the thick black clouds, thunder pillars as thick as human bodies stood between the sky and the earth. Their target was Zhang Ai.

A habit he had developed since he was a child, Zhang Ai's reaction to thunder was the quickest. With a movement of his mind, the ice crystals followed, and the rain all over the sky suddenly intertwined and flew together, forming a sheet of bright ice flakes. But these seemingly fragile ice flakes blocked one thunder pillar attack after another, and the powerful thunder and lightning attacks of the God Envoy were in vain.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Ping was also surprised. He didn't expect that even the ice crystals would become so powerful after he transformed into a god. He quickly condensed more ice shields, covering himself densely, and looked at the envoy with questions. He could kill the mountain god and others with one to five, how could he be stumped by ice crystals?

The divine envoy said what he was thinking: "Do you think I'm not as powerful as I was a few days ago?" Zhang was afraid of taking actions instead of answering. He pointed his hand, and the flying rain from the sky turned into countless flying arrows, which were shot at the divine envoy.

The divine envoy swiped casually, and a thunder pool appeared in front of him. The pool was full of thunder and lightning, easily shattering all the flying arrows. Then he gathered the thunder and lightning from the entire thunder pool and struck Zhang Ai together with his newly formed thunder pillar.

Zhang Ai continued to respond to the enemy with ice crystals, and the raindrops in the sky turned into his shield. Even if the divine messenger struck with thunder and lightning, it would just hit the ice and dissipate.

This situation shocked Zhang Wei, but the divine envoy seemed to have known that this would happen. He looked over calmly, and then separated hundreds of spiritual consciousness from his forehead, dancing into the air, turning into thick thunder pillars one after another.

Zhang Ping had seen the gods use this method to kill the Mountain God and the Two Ghost Ancestors, and knew that the Thunder Pillar was very powerful and was the strongest means for the gods to kill their enemies. However, the situation at hand did not allow him to retreat and he had to face it head on.

Maybe he can escape, but what will happen after he escapes? Where can I escape? For Zhang Ai and the Divine Envoy today, no matter how big the world is, it is just a place where they can walk thousands of miles. Only by escaping from this world can they truly escape the pursuit of the Divine Envoy. However, who can Escape from this bondage? Therefore, Zhang Ping never thought about escaping.

In other words, if he wants to escape, he only needs to stay within the foggy valley. There is no need to go out and mess around.

Seeing the lightning pillar thundering overhead, Zhang Ai made a quick decision, gathering the raindrops in the air to turn into a shield, and even released the natal bone spurs in his body, condensing into a bone shield to block the top of his head. On top of the bone shield, there is a huge hard iron sword for protection.

Thunder and lightning came in an instant, and the thunder struck the thick ice wall. To Zhang Ain's expectation, the terrifying thunder pillar actually dissipated after splitting the ice wall, and did not hit the bone shield at all.

Zhang Ping was even more surprised and looked at the angel in the rain. He seemed to be not as powerful as the last time he saw him?

However, the divine envoy looked calm, as if everything was as expected. He shouted violently, and a gray consciousness came out in his mind. As soon as this consciousness appeared, the thick black clouds in the sky became lighter in color, and followed. The last thing was a golden lightning, which fell gently and silently, easily penetrated the ice wall, penetrated the bone shield, knocked away the hard iron knife, and hit Zhang Ao's head.

This lightning strike made Zhang Ai freeze in place, as if he had been struck dumb by lightning, but looking at his body, he was unscathed. He stood for a while and sighed softly: "Why bother."

Following his gaze, he saw that the divine envoy had been frozen in the ice, with only one head exposed outside the ice wall. With his strength, he could not break through the ice wall.

After fighting with the Divine Envoy for a while, he realized that the ice crystals had become extremely powerful, so he used the ice crystals to trap the enemy while the Divine Envoy was driving the Thunder Pillar. Unexpectedly, as soon as the ice crystals moved, the flying rain from the sky easily froze the Divine Envoy, and then, there was no Then.

After Zhang Awe sighed, he asked softly: "Is this what you expected now?"

The divine envoy smiled and said: "Yes." Zhang Ain asked curiously: "Then you are still coming?" The divine envoy said: "I said that I am the best fortune teller in the world. I believe in fate. Everything that happened today is Something I have to face.”

Zhang Awei sighed and said: "You are stupid, why don't you try to resist once? God can control the fate that you can't control yourself?" He couldn't believe that he could control the divine messenger so easily.

The divine envoy was trapped by the ice crystal, but he seemed to be in a better mood than ever before. He smiled and said, "I believed in fate before, so I would kill hundreds of cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. Now that I am about to be killed, why don't I believe it anymore?" Said: "In the past, so many people were killed, but no one spent eighty-one days to transform into a god, and no one had a magical object like ice crystal, and used his own divine embryo to warm and cultivate the ice crystal for eighty-one days. It already possesses the celestial phenomenon. Whenever I want to fight with you, it will drive water to help you. Do you understand?"

Zhang Ai sighed and said: "Then you are still coming?" The envoy said: "Ordinarily I shouldn't come. Unfortunately, I am the best fortune teller in the world. From the first moment I saw you, I knew that my life was about to end. I can’t change it, I can only accept it.”

Is this an explanation? Zhang Wen said helplessly: "I just can't figure it out. Why should I come to die when I know I'm going to die?"

The divine envoy smiled and said: "You are wrong. I am not going to die, I am freeing myself. From now on, I no longer have to hide my head and hide my tail in a vain life. I don't have to endure and endure. I don't have to be bullied and not fight back. I don't have to fight back." You have to see what you like, but you still have to pretend you haven't seen it." He was about to die and seemed very open-minded.

Until now, Zhang couldn't believe it. It was just a single strike of ice crystals that restrained the divine envoy. This was simply a legend in the legend. Xiang Xiang said: "Actually, I didn't want to kill you." But his voice was very weak, and he felt like he didn't even believe it. He was a little doubtful and even hesitant.

On the contrary, the envoy of God looked at it openly and laughed and said: "I am the envoy of God. If you kill me, others will come to trouble you. You don't have to feel too guilty." Zhang Ai said: "I understand, I have always been in trouble. No matter what, I can’t believe that I can defeat you.”

The divine envoy said: "Don't pay too much attention. I have calculated my lifespan countless times, and every time it ends at this time. This is my doom, and I cannot escape it." After a pause, he added: "I I have reminded you several times not to turn into a god, not that I don’t want to kill you, but because I know that if you turn into a god, I will die in your hands.”

After hearing this, Zhang Ain asked: "Is God powerful? Compared with the one in the monster forest you mentioned, who is more powerful?"

The divine envoy shook his head and said: "There is no comparison. You will know how powerful he is right away." After saying this, he urged: "Let's do it." Zhang Ai stood there dumbly, as if he didn't hear this sentence , he didn’t want to kill the divine envoy, but he couldn’t let go, and he was very hesitant in his heart.

The divine envoy said: "Have you softened your heart? I knew you would be like this. It seems that I have been lucky again." After saying this, the head on the ice and the body in the ice exploded, dissipating into nothingness and melting into the ice, without bones, flesh and blood. Leave.

Zhang was afraid that he would look at this void for too long, so he sighed softly, took away the barrier, and jumped into the foggy valley.

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