The Monk

Volume One Chapter 924 Nonsense Attack

Chapter 924 Nonsense Attack

When someone exposed the scandalous things he had done to his face, Zhang Weijing did not blush and said loudly: "We don't have anyone to settle old scores. Besides, you asked me to go to the theater and I went. After all, you can be regarded as accepting my responsibility." "It's a personal relationship." After thinking for a while, he said: "Also, it was the group of masters of transforming gods who forced me to go. As you know, I am a Nascent Soul cultivator, and they are masters of transforming gods. They wanted to take care of me alone. Just like playing? I did it out of necessity.”

The physiognomist laughed loudly: "You? You did it as a last resort? You had no choice but to make such a good divine formation?"

Zhang Ai hurriedly said: "Why are you getting further and further away? Wait, wait, what we are saying is that you owe me a favor. You need to reveal some secrets to me. Tell me who can help me torment the Refining Temple?"

"Why do I owe you a favor? Even if you just helped me once, I have graciously let you go to plot against me. No matter what, you are taking advantage of me. You can't be ungrateful." The god in normal times Sure enough, I was bored, and I spent a long time just because of a random question and I was afraid of being ink-printed. No wonder I went to the streets to set up a divination stall for fun.

"Stop! I'm not being ungrateful, I'm being forced! Just like you forced me to watch the fun, how dare I not go?"

"I force you to watch the fun? What you said just now is that I asked you to watch the fun. Wait a minute, and you also wait for me. I force you to go to the fun? Why shouldn't I force you to do something? Why should I force you to do something? Are you going to watch the fun? Well, since you said I am forcing you, I am going to force you not to pester me and go and have fun.”

Zhang was afraid that if he accidentally said what he was thinking, he would be caught by the fortune teller immediately, so he simply continued: "Yes, last time you forced me to watch the fun, not only did I ignore the past grudges, but I also generously solved your difficulties again. , But now you want to force me again, no matter what you say, it is wrong. To make up for your mistake, please reveal some information to me. "

Even though he had the reputation of being the number one fortune teller in the Yan Kingdom, the fortune teller was still confused by Zhang Aurao. He stared and thought for a long time, and then simply said two words: "No." Then he remained silent and replayed what had just happened in his mind. In the process of quarreling with Zhang Pai, look for loopholes.

Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to give him a chance to think, so he shouted: "If you don't tell me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The fortune teller was stunned and asked: "How come you are so heartless?" Zhang Wen smiled sinisterly: "Hey, guess." He took the time to think about what he could do to make the fortune teller ruthless for once.

The fortune teller's attention was taken away. While recalling the quarrel in his mind, he speculated on how ruthless Zhang was, but he didn't have enough time to speak. Zhang was afraid that Zi Zi would take advantage of him, so he shouted: "If you don't help me save Hai Ling, I will call the fool back."

The fortune teller quickly waved his hand: "Don't call him that." Then he asked: "Are you planning to be so ruthless?"

Zhang was afraid that he would remind him, so he suddenly had an idea and said, "I have a lot of silver." The fortune teller asked, "What does it have to do with me that you have money? I am not short of silver." After Zhang was afraid, there was no end to it. Nonsense attack, the fortune teller was finally confused.

Zhang Awei put on a sinister smile and said: "You tell other people's fortunes. The fortune telling silver is one penny. I have a lot of silver. I will give you ten thousand taels first, and then I will stand on the street and shout, tell fortunes for free. In the city, there are less than dozens With a population of 10,000, let me see what year and month you want to calculate. Even if you can take care of this city, I will go to other cities to pick you up for free, tell fortunes for free, and then give you money and expenses to encourage them to torment you. How long will it take? After the city has been tormented, it is estimated that decades will pass, and the old people in the city will die and new ones will be reborn, and they will torment you again and again. Well, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I think about it. I am smart. "

The fortune teller was a little crazy when he heard this, as if he were listening to a book from heaven, and asked: "Can you be any more boring?"

"I'm doing a good deed! I'm willing to pay without asking for anything in return!" Zhang Ain said loudly.

The fortune teller finally met the ruthless man, gave up the two questions he was thinking about, and carefully thought about the possibility of this matter. It seemed that he had to say something, but it couldn't make Zhang afraid feel comfortable, so he sighed and said: " To untie the bell, you must also tie the bell. If you ask the servants of the gods, they will not tell you that with your current cultivation level and the help of that formation spirit, you can easily trap two people. Then all you need to do is to stand in front of them. Act, pretend to kill the formation spirit, then pretend to let them go accidentally, let the sea spirit drive them out of the Refining Temple, just wait slowly, wait for the boss behind them to come to you to settle the score, you can be eloquent Chat with him."

Zhang Ai was startled after hearing this and asked: "That's it?" The fortune teller was furious: "What's this? Do you look down on my method?" Zhang Ai curled his lips and said: "What kind of trick, I have already thought of it, because I don't want to expose the formation." I took so much trouble to ask you about Ling Houyi, and you just said this, so disappointing."

Xiangshi said angrily: "Anyway, I told you to get out of here. If you make me angry again, I'll beat you carefully."

Zhang was afraid of putting on a rogue attitude: "What we said was to reveal some information to me, not to let you think of a solution, not to mention your method, tsk tsk, alas..." He tsked first, then sighed, showing his contempt. Full.

Xiang Shizhi's eyes were as big as copper bells. He looked at Zhang Awei for a moment and suddenly smiled coldly: "How to provoke a general? Okay, even if I am provoked by you, if you want to know something, I will tell you." , see if you have the courage to do it. The Monster Forest is one of the two most dangerous places in the mainland. The reason why it is a dangerous place is not because there are countless powerful monsters there, but because there is a terrifying guy living in seclusion in the center of the forest. He is a god! He is more powerful than me, and he is one level higher than me. He has a way to free the boy from the Temple of Refining. It just depends on whether you dare to find him."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Weijing said this deliberately, wanting to find out more information.

The fortune teller chuckled: "Go if you are brave enough. I would like to remind you that you once got a golden skeleton. It was the corpse of the terrifying guy in the mountain. You died fighting for him. It is most regrettable that you dare to take it. Weapon Refining, I admire you very much, haha.”

"Are you so awesome? You know everything I've done?" Zhang Ai felt vaguely bad in his heart.

The fortune teller continued to laugh and said: "You got someone's precious skeleton. If you hid it tightly, no one would know about it, but you stubbornly refined it into a magic weapon and put it into your body. Are you afraid that others won't know? Haha. "The more the fortune teller talked, the happier he became. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of eating the turtle, he was even happier.

I am so depressed that I dare to expose my target. Zhang Ain frowned and thought about it, then asked: "Why does the god stay in the monster forest?"

The fortune teller smiled at him and waved his hand: "You asked the wrong person." After saying that, he stood up and walked away with the hexagram flag.

Zhang Ai hurriedly caught up and said with a grimace, "Can Hai Ling be rescued by asking him?" The fortune teller just didn't answer, turned away and turned into an alley, at the end of which was a house. The fortune teller stopped in front of the door and said: "This is my house in front of you. You are not welcome. You can leave. And again, don't turn into a god. Otherwise, hehe." After saying this, he opened the door and entered, then closed the room with a bang. The door blocked Zhang Awei from the house.

Zhang Ai hesitated several times, but finally did not dare to break in easily. He stood at the door and sighed. Linshou had good intentions, but he offended another master, and a god-level master at that. What kind of bullshit luck did I have? God, are you kidding me? Can you give me an accurate idea of ​​when your old man will have enough fun?

Now there are two ways in front of him. One is to bully the servants of the gods with Hai Ling and trick their boss out. The other is to go to the monster forest to find a terrifying master for help, but he will harm the bones of other people's spiritual pets. After meeting, he will encounter misfortune. whats the matter. Kuku stood for a long time, thinking for a long time, but in the end he was at a loss. With a long sigh, he bowed to the closed door, and then strode away.

After leaving the city, he flew back. When he arrived at the capital of Yan State, he remembered that there was a cave in the north. It was the cave that was known as the best fortune teller in the world and was also the best monk in the world. He once suspected that the cave was related to the fortune teller. He once guessed that the cave was related to the fortune teller in the world. The first fortune teller is the number one fortune teller in the Yan Kingdom who is always accurate. But at this moment, it seemed that no matter whether it was related or not, he had to give it a try, so he turned around and flew here with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Fly to your destination soon. Because after the annual trial meeting, the entire mountain was sparsely populated, and there was no one in the square halfway up the mountain.

Zhang Ai walked slowly up the mountain and stopped in front of the cave at the end of the square. Calm your mind and collect your breath, and kowtow three times respectfully, just like a Qi-refining disciple. However, the imagined miracle did not happen, and the cave door remained closed. After all, the journey was in vain.

Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to get up, look at the cave door a few more times, and then return to Feiwu Valley.

On the way, he had been thinking about one thing, whether he should become a god! After transforming into a god, he will have to face the pursuit of fortune tellers. Who knows whether he will live or die? If we don’t transform into gods, what’s the purpose of practice?

But the problem is that Zhang is afraid that the purpose of cultivation is extremely simple, completely different from what ordinary cultivators pursue. To put it bluntly, he didn't care much about cultivation, and he never pursued it too seriously. When his cultivation level was low, he relied on various elixirs to become a master of elixir formation, and had to train his mind in countless pursuits. Because Tianlei Mountain was destroyed, he was so angry that he gave birth to a baby. Although he later practiced hard in the Heaven-defying Cave for hundreds of years, it was a pity that he could only reach the intermediate level of Nascent Soul. There was only one step from the basic level to the intermediate level. In other words, he spent a lot of effort to achieve that level of cultivation.

It's just that he was lucky. In the next few days, the big tiger in the Valley of Refining Gods dedicated his soul power to become a master like Zhang Awei and helped him cultivate to the top level of Nascent Soul. In the following days, he first underwent training in the Demonic Beast Mountain Divine Formation, and then practiced the magic of the Divine Formation to save the sea spirit, and finally turned himself into the number one master below the stage of becoming a god. Judging from his past experience, this master is really lucky!

Now, what should this master who appeared by chance think carefully about what to do next? The scene when the Second Ghost Ancestor and others were killed is still vivid in my mind. Such a terrifying Second Ghost Ancestor, with unreasonable changes and terrifying strength, is unable to withstand the thunder of the divine messenger. How can he survive the lightning strike? Thinking of these things, I feel that my future is hopeless.

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