The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 923 The Abominable Fortune Teller

Chapter 923 The Hateful Fortune Teller

Zhang Pa asked, "Why are you going out?" Ghost Ancestor said angrily, "Why are you saying I'm going out?" Zhang Pa said, "The last time I saw you, you said you were at the top level of the Spiritualization and wanted to go out and kill the God's Messenger?" Ghost Ancestor admitted, "Why not? According to what you said, Meng Nu has just reached the Spiritualization and her cultivation is not stable; the Mountain God and Zhou Zheng are injured and have not reached the Spiritualization. The only one who can pose a threat is the second Ghost Ancestor who has merged with the black monster. Unfortunately, in order to avoid being hunted down by the God's Messenger, he has to spread all his power to the souls in the Iron Wire Valley every day, and he has to keep his cultivation below the Spiritualization. In this way, the five of them are not too powerful, and it is reasonable for them to be killed by the God's Messenger."

"Not powerful? Don't forget, they have eaten the Broken Pill." Because he had seen the terrifying methods of the second Ghost Ancestor, Zhang Pa had many doubts about the Ghost Ancestor. He didn't know what such a terrifying guy would do after being released.

"So what if he has eaten the Broken Pill? I am at the top level of the Spiritualization and should be able to fight the God's Messenger." Ghost Ancestor insisted.

"You are really confident." Zhang Pa replied casually, guessing that the envoy did not understand the magic array of the Refining God Temple and could not force his way into the temple, otherwise he would have come in and killed people. Ghost Ancestor sighed and said, "I only have confidence now." "Then you continue to have confidence." After saying this, he turned to Hai Ling and asked, "Shall we go out to play?" Hai Ling said, "Okay, let's go to the ninth floor." Zhang Pa left some food for Ghost Ancestor as usual, and then entered the ninth floor of the Refining God Temple under the guidance of Hai Ling. The ninth floor is very much like a maze, with twists and turns. There is a bronze man at every bend. Hai Ling introduced, "This is the Linglong Road. You must be able to defeat the bronze man and take the right road to go to the eighth floor." Zhang Pa used his divine sense to explore. My God, there are countless bends and bronze men here. If you take the wrong road, I don't know how many fights you will have to fight before you can enter the next floor. For ordinary people, it would be exhausting. Thinking of this, the big tiger Hu Ping really has some skills and can actually pass this level. Zhang Pa asked: "Why is the Refining God Temple so strange? You can enter from the top and bottom, but the paths are completely different. Is he torturing people?"

Hai Ling laughed and said: "How can the master of the divine formation be so boring? He built this formation to guard the passage to other places, not to let people break into the temple. Why is he torturing people? The so-called upper and lower doors and nine floors of the tower are because there are nine linked magic formations that form the divine formation, one for the head and one for the tail, which are the so-called entrances and exits. Why would he leave a door for people to enter and exit?"

Zhang Pa looked at the winding road ahead. This Refining God Temple, really In a dilemma, he sat down at the entrance and asked, "What should we do?" Hai Ling hesitated and said, "If it doesn't work, escape?" Zhang Pa sighed and said, "Escape is easy, but what about the passage? I have to ask the messenger of God." Hai Ling asked, "Do you know him?" Zhang Pa replied, "Well, I wanted to ask him originally, but he left too fast, and I had to bring the Mongolian girl back, so I didn't ask him in time. At most, I had to run to Yan State again."

Hai Ling agreed, "Maybe he has a way."

No matter whether the messenger of God has a way or not, he must ask before giving up. Zhang Pa said, "I'll go find him in a while." Hai Ling said, "There's no need to be so anxious. After so many years, it doesn't matter if we wait a few more years."

The two stayed on the ninth floor for most of the day. There was no scenery to see. They just chatted and ate, ate and chatted. Finally, Zhang Pa told him, "Keep an eye on the big ghost below. The ghost ancestor's skills are really powerful and strange."

Hai Ling said, "It's okay. I'm the boss here. If I don't let him go, he can only stay below."

Zhang Pa nodded and said, "Just let you pay more attention." Then he said, "I'm going out." Hai Ling agreed, and the two said goodbye. Hai Ling sent him out of the hall.

After leaving the Fog Valley, Zhang Pa returned to Yan State and flew directly to Shenghe City. He landed outside the east gate, walked into the city, and stood in front of two restaurants. He saw the legendary God's messenger and the embarrassed fortune teller who was wrong nine times out of ten, and was in a dispute again.

It was the same fool as last time. He took a silver coin to let the fortune teller tell him which direction would have wealth this time. The fortune teller refused to tell his fortune, so a dispute arose. The fool began to torture the fortune teller, pulling the fortune teller's collar and asking why he didn't tell his fortune. When he got angry, he even slapped his hands twice, but the fortune teller just dodged or blocked and didn't fight back.

Zhang Pa was so happy to see him, and he really admired him. The fortune teller was truly the best in the world, but such a powerful person would rather be bullied by the fool than fight back. Such a broad mind really deserves the status of a divine messenger.

When the fortune teller saw Zhang Pa coming, he hurriedly shouted: "Come and help." Zhang Pa had no choice but to step forward and pull the fool's hands off the fortune teller's collar, and said kindly: "I've heard of people forcing good women into prostitution, but I've never heard of people forcing people to tell fortunes. If this is reported to the police, I don't know how long you will be imprisoned."

The fool was stubborn and said: "He told my fortune, I paid him, why didn't he tell my fortune? This is bullying! Besides, how dare the government imprison me? They can't be beaten to death."

Okay, I admit that you can fight, and the government can't deal with you, but there will always be someone who can deal with you. Last time I heard that he had a sister-in-law, so I smiled and said, "What if your sister-in-law knew about this?" The fool's face changed, and he lowered his voice and roared, "Whoever dares to tip off my sister-in-law, I will break his legs." Zhang Pa said, "It must not be me." This guy is really annoying. After just a few words, he spread his hands to the fortune teller and said, "I advised him, but he didn't listen." The fortune teller was very angry. He couldn't bully the fool, but he could bully Zhang Pa. He shouted, "How dare you perfunctorily treat me? I know the purpose of your trip!"

When Zhang Awei heard this, he helplessly replied in a low voice: "Threatening me? Are you mistaken? You are a master!" "What's wrong with master? Masters don't want to threaten people?" The fortune teller spoke while arranging his clothes.

Zhang was afraid that he had to face the fool again: "If he doesn't tell your fortune, I will tell it for you, okay?" The fool shook his head firmly: "No, who knows what you do? If you run away after calculating your fortune, you lied to me. "Money, where can I find you?" Zhang Zhen was a little depressed, I cheated you of a penny? He had no choice but to say: "I tell fortunes for no money." The fool replied: "I don't want any money. I just can't calculate my fortune. What do I want from you?"

It was such a difficult statement that Zhang was afraid that he would understand it, so he sighed and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I reckon you will get rich just by standing still."

The fool didn't believe it even more: "Just say you are a liar. My sister-in-law told me that there is nothing like getting something for nothing in the world."

Zhang Weijing was completely speechless: "You know that there is no such thing as getting something for nothing, so why don't you ask someone to tell your fortune to get something for nothing?"

The fool had his own reasons and said seriously: "Who said I got something for nothing? It's very tiring to walk a long way."

Well, you beat me again. Zhang Wei had no choice but to quietly throw a silver ingot up into the sky, and then it fell with a swish, hitting the fool's head. The fool covered his head and shouted: "Who's going to hit me?" He turned around to look for the enemy, but he didn't find him. He saw ten people lying at his feet. Two silver coins.

The fool thought about it seriously and muttered in a low voice: "No one would hit someone with silver. If you want to hit someone, stones are better than silver, but where does the silver come from? Does it mean that silver falls from the sky?" He looked up and looked around, but he didn't see it. Silver makes me even more confused.

Zhang was really worried that he would faint from thinking about it, so he hurriedly said: "I calculated that if you stand still, you will get rich. You are right, this money is yours."

The fool immediately became happy and said, "Yes, yes, forget about this. I am lucky. Your calculation is really accurate." He picked up the money and walked away happily.

The fortune teller sighed: "Isn't this fooling him? What if from now on, he only thinks about money falling from the sky? If he starves to death, does this debt belong to you? Or does it belong to me?"

"Is it that serious?" Zhang Ain said in a stunned tone, and then added: "Then you said last time that he was rich in the West."

The fortune teller said: "This is the moment, the other is the moment. Forget it. If you don't tell him, I can't help you with that matter."

Zhang Weijing said depressedly: "I didn't say anything, so you just said no?" The fortune teller said: "I am the best fortune teller in the world. If I can't figure out this thing, then I'm still messing around."

"You are so awesome, why can't you help? I don't make trouble or do bad things." Zhang continued to say because he was afraid of giving up.

The physiognomist sighed and said: "To tell you the truth, my status is higher than that of the Servant of God. I can't break the Wugu Divine Formation and the Refining Temple Divine Formation. Otherwise, I would have killed the guy suppressing the Refining Temple."

"Why are you telling me this? What if you feel embarrassed at some point and want to kill me to silence me?" Zhang Ai frowned.

"I can't help you anyway." The fortune teller ended the topic and asked him: "Do you want a fortune teller?" "I don't want to!" Zhang Ain said loudly. The fortune teller curled his lips and said, "If you don't want to read, you won't read. Why are you shouting so loudly? In fact, I am really good at telling fortunes."

"Just because you are accurate, I don't count! What if you figure out when I will die? Should I try to survive or just wait to die?" Zhang was very afraid of death.

"I've already figured out that you didn't want me to tell your fortune. I was just teasing you." The fortune teller said with a bright smile.

Zhang Ping pretended that he didn't see it and asked, "Who has any idea?" He was asking how to free Hai Ling.

The fortune teller shook his head: "I know, but I can't tell you. Don't ask anymore. You will know it some time."

"I really want to kick you!" Zhang Ping suddenly realized that the fortune teller was hateful, even more hateful than him. The fortune teller just pretended not to hear, and was not annoyed or angry. At this time, he was no longer a powerful, majestic and arrogant messenger, but an ordinary person.

Seeing the fortune teller looking like a man with a knife, Zhang Wen felt depressed. He thought again and again, rubbed his face, turned his angry expression into a smile, and said softly: "You can't be ungrateful. I just helped you." To solve a troublesome matter, even if it is to repay a favor, you have to reveal some information to me. "

The fortune teller chuckled when he heard this: "Throwing out ten taels of silver counts as helping me? Well, I count you as helping me once. Then let me ask you, what do you think of the plot you and the Mountain God's gang had against me a few days ago? "

Zhang Awei retorted: "Why did I plot against you?"

The physiognomist chuckled and said, "What a huge divine formation. It exploded three times in a row. If I hadn't been so powerful, I would have died several times. Isn't this a plot against me?"

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