The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 925 Zhang is afraid of becoming a god

Chapter 925 Zhang is afraid of becoming a god

In my wild thoughts, I flew to Foggy Valley. At this time, there were still seven years before the grand opening of the Foggy Valley. The number of cultivators waiting to enter the valley began to increase, and there were already more than a hundred people. Some are meditating alone, while others are sitting in groups and talking in groups, all preparing to enter the Temple of Refining to improve their practice.

Seeing their serious and pious looks, Zhang Ping really wanted to advise, live a good life, cherish the present, and stop thinking about boring things like practicing to live forever. The higher you cultivate, the faster you will die!

But in the end, he still didn’t say it. How to persuade so many people? Who can persuade me? Falling to a distant place with no one around, he escaped into the foggy valley.

He lay on the platform for a while, thought for a moment, then got up and walked into the nine-story tower.

Just like last time, there were still two ghost-faced monsters standing in front of the small door on the fourth floor. When they saw Zhang Ai, they shouted loudly: "Why are you here again? Kill!" He raised his fork and skewered it. Zhang Ying stepped away and said in a deep voice: "I want to see your master."

The Grimace Monster missed a blow, and he couldn't believe it. This kid was very skilled. When they heard Zhang Awei's words, the two monsters were furious. Just then one of them took action, and now the two monsters started to attack Zhang Awei together, attacking Zhang Awei fiercely.

Zhang was really helpless. He didn't want to fight, but these two guys insisted on finding trouble. He thought carefully outside, what if, as the physiognomist said, he and Hai Ling join forces to deal with the two monsters, what if the master behind the Grimace monster is angered? If that unknown god-man got angry, he would be in big trouble, so he came up with such a useless method, which was barely considered as courtesy first and then fighting.

Seeing the two guys fighting him desperately, Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to run away. Fortunately, Hai Ling helped him, and he appeared in front of him instantly. A divine thought took Zhang Aoi to the fifth level of dark space. Hai Ling asked: "Why bother with them?"

Zhang Fing said: "It's not that I want to provoke him. The divine envoy threatened me again and refused to let me transform into a god." As he spoke, the ghost ancestor who could not move in the darkness interjected: "Be content, kid. Even if you don't transform into a god, you are still the best in the world." Master No. 1, who dares to mess with you? Besides, you still have a thousand years to live, so why are you anxious? What if you live forever?"

After listening to Ghost Ancestor's complaints and knowing that he always wanted to escape from here, Zhang Feinhuo explained more: "The divine envoy told me that he couldn't handle the temple refining circle, so you will live until now. If Hai Ling lets you go, Go out, I guarantee you, you will die in his hands in less than a day."

After hearing this, Ghost Ancestor was quiet for a moment and said, "I know." Then he stopped talking, and the darkness returned to silence.

Hai Ling asked at this time: "You want to become a god? Why?" Zhang Ain replied: "Just think about it."

There is an old saying that it should be yours, don't force it. I don't know whether it is the blessings in the sky or God forcing him to die. After Zhang Weijing said these four words, there was a sudden buzzing in his head, as if he had understood something. His entire body changed from the inside out, and he actually turned into a god! Actually, because of a casual remark, he transformed into a god right here and now!

All the pores on his body were opened, the blood vessels all over his body were open, and the blood in his body was roaring like a river. Although there was silence in his ears, his eyes seemed to have opened his third eye. The void and dark space on the fifth level seemed to be lit with candles in his eyes. It was just as bright, and he could already see things here. In other words, it was his mind that saw the scene on the fifth level.

Suddenly, I had a lot of enlightenment in my heart, and I remembered what the fortune teller said when he killed the two ghost ancestors and others: the so-called transformation into a god is to transform yourself into a soul. There is no foundation building, no golden elixir, and no Nascent Soul, you are your own god, and every part of your body is your god.

Now he did as he was told, dissipating all the spiritual energy in his body, releasing it from all pores, leaving an empty body, then dispersing the Yuanying, peeling off the Yuanshen bit by bit.

Of course Yuanying refused, struggling to hold in every ounce of Yuan Shen and not let it leave. However, the Yuanying that lost the support of spiritual power was quickly defeated, and could only watch helplessly as the traces of Yuanshen floated away from the body and landed in Kongkong's body.

The Nascent Soul is unwilling to disappear by itself, especially Zhang Wei's Nascent Soul, which is dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than the Nascent Soul of ordinary top-level monks. He seems to have his own life and his own shallow consciousness.

Zhang Weijing was surprised. No wonder the Ghost Ancestor split into two after transforming into a god. On the one hand, it was due to his cultivation of skills, and on the other hand, it should be related to Nascent Soul.

At this time, he couldn't do what Yuanying wanted, so he ruthlessly continued to peel off Yuanshen. But there is still a big tiger's golden elixir soul in his mind. That golden elixir and Zhang Ai's Yuanying have been fused together to fight several times, and they have become attached to each other. However, Zhang Ai is not allowed to let go of it, and he forcibly transforms into the shape of a tiger to fight with Zhang Ai. Afraid of taking control of the body.

Zhang was afraid of this depression in his heart. It is said that the Yuanying is where the soul of the whole person is, but Zhang was afraid that the soul was about to transform, and the soul was everywhere in his body. He controlled the Yuanying to surrender with his will. He never expected that a tiger would come to cause trouble, so he had to Then allocate energy to fight against the tiger.

And in his body, there is also a divine tear, an ice crystal, a pair of natal bone spurs, a concentration bead, and a hard iron knife. Each of them is a treasure. In the process of Zhang Ain's struggle with the tiger soul, they jumped. It’s so lively to jump around. This scared him again. It's already hard enough to have a tiger, so don't come in again!

He was transforming into a god. Hai Ling couldn't see it, but Ghost Ancestor could see it clearly. He cursed inwardly: What a bastard, can he transform into a god like this? Thinking of all the hard work he had put in, he almost wanted to bite Zhang Awei to death. This bastard is so annoying that he can even transform into a god so casually.

Hai Ling asked: "What's wrong? Why don't you say anything?" Ghost Ancestor sighed: "Don't disturb him, he is transforming into a god."

"Ah?" Hai Ling was startled and said, "Isn't that dangerous? He will be killed by the angel."

"He deserves to be angry with me all day, and he deserves to experience the feeling of thorns in his bones." Ghost Ancestor said angrily. Not wanting to be rebutted by Little Hai Ling immediately: "Why are you like this? Big brother comes to see you every time. He is afraid that you will be lonely. He talks to you and brings you food, but you still curse him like this."

Yes, after being educated by a little brat, Ghost Ancestor said: "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously. I know he is good to me, but I can only rely on myself to transform into a god. We are here to accompany him, hoping to succeed in transforming into a god. ”

Hai Ling was stunned when he heard it, and immediately asked: "How many times will it take?" Ghost Ancestor said: "Who knows, it depends on qualifications and luck."

While the two masters were chatting, Zhang, fearing that he was suffering, gave up on Yuanying and fought with all his strength against the tiger. He finally managed to defeat the tiger and then came back to torment Yuanying. Seeing that the Yuanying became smaller and smaller, the tiger gave up and spread itself apart with a roar. I can't beat you. Can you disappear with the Yuanying?

Zhang was afraid of this Khan. He had long been able to transform Tiger's Jindan Yuanshen, but he was reluctant to do so just to commemorate Hu Ping's care for him. Little did he know that Tiger's Yuanshen actually committed suicide. He hurriedly controlled the soul that had been transformed, forced the tiger soul into one place, forced it to condense into a golden elixir, and then seize the time to transform into an infant.

The whole process sounds simple, but in fact it is extremely troublesome and arduous. It took a full ninety-nine and eighty-one days to be considered complete. For ascetics, this is an auspicious number. If you return to your true nature in nine or nine months, it indicates that you will be able to seek your true self and ascend early.

On the eighty-first day of his transformation into a god, in the void and dark space on the fifth floor of the Refining Temple, a sudden light burst out, and dazzling balls of light rose from Zhang Ai's body and slowly floated into the air.

The signs in the sky when he transformed into a god were different from those of Meng Nu. What Meng Nu showed was many rainbows, while he was countless light groups. Huge shining light groups of different colors flew out from his body and covered everywhere around him in an instant. , and extends to the distance.

I don’t know how many colorful light groups have risen, as if it will never end. Countless light groups float silently, illuminating the void darkness on the fifth floor into the glazed world of the Great Auspicious Sky, with continuous brilliance and brilliance. people.

A day passed after this tossing, and finally the light ball stopped floating, and beautiful music followed gently in the ears. What's weird is that the Taoist deity actually sounds like Buddhist chants, Sanskrit chants, bells and morning drums, mixed in with the melodious music, giving the music a more dignified and sacred feeling.

At the same time, petals fell from the sky, and the fragrance was refreshing. Each one was bright and dazzling, covering the entire void world. In this endless prosperity, a small Nascent Soul slowly appeared, which was Zhang Wen's former Nascent Soul. The little Yuanying picked up the flowers, listened to the beautiful music, and looked up to look for the dazzling balls of light. After looking at it for a while, I seemed to have found the light group I needed. With a little tap of my finger, I saw the light groups all over the sky crowded together and overlapped. In just a moment, countless light groups disappeared, and a huge, bright sun appeared, flying slowly towards the small sun. Nascent Soul stopped in front of him after a moment.

Little Yuanying blew the petals off his hand, pointed his finger at the huge light ball, and heard a clear popping sound. The huge light ball shattered into a stream of light that filled the sky, and turned into endless fiery trees and silver flowers, slowly floating down from the sky.

As the large light group exploded, the little Nascent Soul dispersed at the same time, disappearing without a trace, but one could feel his powerful power falling slowly with the light all over the sky, flying to Zhang Ai from all directions.

Streams of light stuck to Zhang Awei's body, and traces of soul poured into Zhang Awei's body. Gradually, the speed became faster and faster. In less than a quarter of an hour, all the light in the sky had entered Zhang Awei's body. When the last ray of light disappeared, The last sound of the endless music sounded, and the ending sound ended with a clang. At this time, Zhang was afraid of letting out a sigh, slowly opened his eyes, smiled, and successfully transformed into a spirit!

Ghost Ancestor was very angry: "You can also transform into gods? You can transform into gods like this? And you succeeded? Does God have eyes?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You told me what I was thinking." Hai Lingcai Ignoring what Ghost Ancestor said, he shouted happily: "It's successful! Congratulations, brother!" Then he asked: "Why does it take so long? What does it feel like to become a god?"

Zhang Ping said: "There are so many feelings about becoming a god, too many to mention. To put it simply, I feel like I can control everything and know the thoughts of flowers and plants." "So magical?" Hai Ling said happily.

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