The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 916 Fang Jian becomes an official

Chapter 916 Fang Jian becomes an official

Lord Chi was even angrier than him, and said in a hateful voice: "Hongguang Inn, not bad! If you dare to kill my disciples in the mountain, this matter will never end." After saying this, he said hello to Zhang Aoi and left. Zhang Pingduo said something: "Let the news out. More than seventy people died on the peak, involving more than a dozen sects. Encourage them to help you fight."

Chi Zun said: "No need, the left servant, the right servant, Ping Zun and Jing Zun are all here. How can we find so many people to deal with a small Hongguang Inn?" Zhang Ai hurriedly advised: "Be careful. , you are so solemn about this, if someone with ulterior motives takes advantage of it, might it cause another war between the two clans? Be careful, as I say, let the news out, the Yunlongmen and Youshi of the Warring States Period will come to take revenge, and maybe even Longhu Mountain. They will also take the opportunity to take action. You and Mr. Zuo Shi only need to deal with a few masters, and in this way, you will get your revenge without showing off. "

After hearing this, Lord Chi thought for a moment and said, "You have so many tricks. I'll ask Mr. Zuo Shi and let him make the decision." After saying this, he disappeared like a gust of wind.

After Lord Chi left, Zhang was afraid to sit there for a long time without saying anything. He was furious because the Hongguang Inn had repeatedly done evil. He was wondering whether to intervene in the matter, but he looked at the fourth team beside him, a group of foundation-building disciples. , if you encounter war, you can only wait to die. The value of this group of people is to become masters of Nascent Soul in the future, rather than to die in vain now. For their sake, I chose to return to Tianlei Mountain. Anyway, Zuo Shi and others will take action, and I will be one of them.

At this time, another bold disciple came over and said: "Master, why don't you find some death row prisoners to take away the bodies of the brothers." A group of former Nascent Soul masters quickly adapted and called him master.

Zhang Ai was curious and asked: "Why do you want them to seize the body?" The disciple asked: "Why not let them seize the body? Instead of waiting slowly for the bad guys to appear, it is better to take the initiative to find the bad guys. The world is so big that there is no such thing. A person who is full of evildoers? This kind of person is best used to seize the body."

Zhang Aixiao asked: "What do you want to do?" The disciple replied: "The disciple has signed a heart-to-heart agreement with the master. No matter what he does, he will not dare to disobey the master. The disciple is just thinking that if the master has so many enemies, if someone suddenly Kill, what should I do with those Nascent Souls in the walnut?"

Zhang was afraid of being depressed, but he was willing to consider others, and cursed me to die early. Are you being kind? Or vicious? Waving his hand, he said: "There is no need to go out of your way to find a body."

But there is a saying about people, it is not about poverty but about inequality. If the first group of Nascent Souls take possession of their bodies, those who do not take possession of their bodies will naturally think wildly, especially among them there are a lot of enemies such as the Yunlongmen of the Warring States Period and the Longhumen of the Qi State. , Naturally, Zhang Afraid would think worse. In order to avoid the future disciples of Tianlei Mountain from having any grudges, it seems that they really hurriedly took over their bodies.

At this time, he remembered the little Yuanying again, sighed and let her out. She was white, tender, cute, exquisite and beautiful, but her eyes were dull. As soon as Zhang Awei took out the Nascent Soul, the black bird on his shoulder immediately flew over and, as usual, grew bigger and carried her, dancing low beside Zhang Awei.

This Yuanying is Yao Mei'er. In order to protect the Yao family from Zhang Wei's disaster, that crazy woman not only committed suicide, but also wiped out the Yuanshen and turned herself into an idiot. Now that it's like this, even if you want to take it away, you can't do it.

After Zhang was afraid of taking her back to the mountain, Black Bird kept her company. Because the weapon spirit and the spiritual weapon should not be too far apart, later Zhang Ai went down the mountain and was followed by the black bird, so Zhang Ai took Yao Meier's Nascent Soul into the walnut. Because things are always going on, there is no time for her to come out and relax. It's a pity that the black bird can't speak and can't remind him. All he could do was let her out every once in a while and nourish her with her soul.

The arrival of Mengnu just now reminded him of the little Nascent Soul, and the disciples reminded him again and again, so he let her out for a while, but the killing was ruthless, so she still had to be locked in the walnut on weekdays.

Looking at the cute little face with a dull expression, Zhang Wen felt a little pity for her. He sighed and said, "That's all, let's take the body for them."

But those Nascent Souls are easy to get rid of, but what about the little Yao'er? A piece of blank paper that knows nothing cannot be taken away. As long as time goes on and the soul is not replenished, it will slowly dissipate and eventually become ashes and annihilated.

Zhang Ping tried many methods to save her life, but only one method worked. He used his own soul to warm her and use his distraction to replenish her spiritual power and stabilize her soul. It is precisely because of his efforts that Xiao Yao'er can survive until now without suffering any damage. It is also because of this willingness that Xiao Yao'er is very close to him, and of course he is also close to the black bird. One person and one bird are Xiao Yao'er's only support in this world.

It’s just that sometimes Zhang is afraid that there will be an imbalance. When you were alive, you were against me and wanted to kill me; but when you are dead, you still want me to protect you. Things in this world are really difficult to explain.

After letting the black bird toss around for a while, Zhang Wenhuo held Xiao Yao'er in his arms, warmed him with his soul, and then said to the disciples: "I will listen to you and find the unlucky guy."

There are so many unlucky people, it just depends on whether you can find them. There are countless sins in countless cities all over the world, and there are also countless people who deserve to die. Although it is convenient to go directly to the death row to seize their bodies, if you rob them and leave, you are afraid that many innocent people will be implicated, such as government officials, prison bosses, etc., so you have to put in more effort to find the criminals and bullies in every city.

Zhang Ai and others traveled to more than 30 cities in a row, and it took them 50 days to finally get enough bodies to use in the seizure. Just like the previous batch, after seizing the body, they practiced spirituality again, signed a heart-to-heart agreement, and called Zhang Ai their master.

Only dozens of them refused to be called that. They had great hatred towards Zhang Ai, and signing a heart-to-heart agreement was already the minimum limit, and they would never recognize him as their master. Zhang was afraid and didn't force it, so he took out three more Feiyas and asked everyone to sit separately and return to Tianlei Mountain.

By doing this, he made the more than 70 people who had taken the bodies first angry. Why didn't you take them out earlier? Let a group of grown men huddle together and torture us for fun? Zhang Pingcai ignored what they thought and sent his manpower to control Feiya and leave.

The Foundation Establishment disciple controlled Feiya at a much slower speed and returned to Tianlei Mountain in more than ten days. After returning to the mountain, Zhang Ao led a group of new disciples to line up in the square in front of Tianlei Hall. After waiting for a while, Ruiyuan found them diligently as he wished.

Before Ruiyuan could speak, Zhang Ping blocked his mouth and said: "Call Nanyun, call all the White Warriors."

He is the boss of Tianlei Mountain. Although he always likes to do boring and outrageous things, he has also done many serious things. The disciples in the mountain still respect him very much and have people to pass on the news.

Taking advantage of the opportunity before Bai Zhan's team members arrived, Rui Yuan spoke: "There is something I need to tell you."

Zhang Awei said: "Why do you have something to tell me every time I come back?" Ruiyuan smiled, ignored what Zhang Awei said, and continued: "You must be interested in this matter." "Okay, Tell me, I'll see if you're interested," Zhang Ai said.

Before Ruiyuan could speak, he laughed out loud. He managed to hold back his laughter and spoke slowly: "Uncle Fang Jian has become an official."

Zhang Ai thought he heard wrongly and asked: "What did you say?" Ruiyuan repeated: "Uncle Fang Jian has become an official." Zhang Ai said depressedly: "He is a high-level Nascent Soul monk, but what kind of job is he?" official?"

Ruiyuan replied: "Uncle Fang Jian traveled down the mountain. The more he saw, the more uncomfortable he became. There were many villains committing crimes. He said that with his own strength, even if he could save one person, ten people or hundreds of people, he would not be able to save people's hearts. , could not save the people of the world, so Uncle Fang returned to the Song Dynasty, and with the help of the Wuliang Sect, he obtained citizenship, and then took the big exam, winning three yuan in a row and winning the first prize. With the help of Song Tie, the national master of the Song Dynasty, he was directly appointed as a county magistrate and governed Regarding the people's livelihood, Uncle Fang sent word that he would work for two years to see if it might help his practice. "

Zhang was speechless. Is this a genius idea? Asked: "He still has to kneel before the emperor?" Ruiyuan replied: "I don't know about this, but I think Song Tie is not that stupid."

The Infinite Sect has always been on good terms with Zhang Awei. Knowing the relationship between Fang Jian and Zhang Awei, they will not let him kneel down to ordinary people. They just think of an excuse and find an excuse to sneak in, such as a disciple of the Infinite Sect or something. .

Zhang Ai nodded, Song Tie would never do such a stupid thing, and asked: "Where are Tian Fang and the young monk?" Ruiyuan replied: "With Uncle Fang." Zhang Ai smiled helplessly: "Let Let them toss it."

At this time, Nanyun arrived with more than two hundred Bai Zhan. Zhang Ain introduced to the two groups: "These are the two hundred and twenty-two Bai Zhans. Each of them is just like you. They have been reborn. The lowest cultivation level now is the Nascent Soul Intermediate level; this is..." Stop here. After pausing, he scratched his head and asked Wu Yi: "How many of you are there?"

A group of people in the fourth team are almost mad to death. Even if you don't take us seriously, you don't even know how many people there are? Wu Yi replied in a cold voice: "One hundred and seventy-eight people."

Zhang Awei clapped his hands and said: "What an auspicious number. The two groups of you together are exactly four hundred. Nanyun, they are not under your control. Create another group. The name is the fourth team. The leaders are Wu Yi and Lao Niu, okay, and King He, don’t look at me like that, you have a bunch of top-level Nascent Souls, who can control them?” Halfway through, he yelled at King He, and then He continued to say to Nanyun: "You tell them how to practice, and you are responsible for allocating equipment and elixirs." After saying this, he threw a storage bag over and then ran away in a lazy and irresponsible way.

However, Nan Yun stopped him: "Master, where do they live?" "Let's live next to you." Zhang Awei still wanted to run away, thinking how Ruiyuan had quick eyesight and quick hands. He had been with Zhang Awei for many years, so how could he not know his nature? He grabbed his sleeve and said, "There's one more thing."

Zhang Awei was very angry: "What's the matter? Why don't we finish it together?" Ruiyuan imitated him very quickly in some aspects. He didn't care what expression Zhang Awei said and said to himself: "There were five people last year. The Buddhist monk came to the door and said he wanted to see his uncle. After waiting for a few days, he went down the mountain and left. Before leaving, he said that he also asked his uncle to take care of the people and keep their entrustment in mind. "

Needless to say, the five holy monks of the Holy Kingdom must have been unable to find the big black monster. Thinking of him, he thought to himself: "The great monk is really persistent, but what the black monster and the ghost ancestors are doing at this time is just to save their lives. Right and wrong are still the same." It's really hard to explain." Chong Ruiyuan nodded and said, "I understand, is there anything else?"

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