The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 915 Cold Blooded Red Light

Chapter 915 Cold-Blooded Red Light

Looking at Meng Nu, she decided to explain a few more words: "Since the murder of He Feng, the spiritual weapon has been in Shiwanda Mountain for three or four years. Countless cultivators have not found it, but I got it; I was lucky enough to get the weapon spirit. I don't care what you think. If you don't believe it, you can call Qinglong and ask him who he likes to follow. Secondly, these monks around me are all disciples of Tianlei Mountain, including He. The three kings will also become my disciples in the future. If you don't want them to take over, I won't let these three people go. But if they have hatred towards each other, I won't let them escape from my hands alive. The third point is that the black monster is here. Be back soon, get ready."

He was wordy, and Meng Nu was stunned and became a little hesitant. She came out of the mountain this time because she was worried about the incident at Longhu Mountain and couldn't calm down to practice, so she couldn't successfully transform into a god. Therefore, while the black monster was away, he obtained the consent of the mountain god and came out to handle secular affairs. Only when you make up your mind can you continue to practice.

I have also killed some people in the past few days, mostly ants, just like the four people from Tianlei Hall who were killed today. It's a coincidence that it was precisely because of chasing these people that he became aware of Qinglong's Qi, and then discovered Zhang Ai and came over to ask for the hairpin. But after listening to Zhang Wei's words, Meng Nu suddenly realized that whether she could survive or not was a problem, and she felt in a dilemma.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Zhang Wen said again: "I gave you a lot of heavenly pills in vain? You don't have to advance, but you have to recognize me as a good person! But not only do you not recognize me as a good person, you also want to kill me, Long Is this how Hushan teaches you how to be a human being?" These words were a bit big, and he scolded all the ancestors of Longhushan.

The Mengnu's face suddenly turned ugly. She glared at Zhang Weifang angrily and said angrily: "Okay, take out the Qinglong. If it says it will follow you, I will give it to you." At this time, Zhang Weifang was not picky. Qinglong couldn't speak. He raised his right hand and dropped his cuff, revealing the little dragon curled around his wrist. Zhang Ain asked, "Your former master has come to see you. Do you want to follow her or me?"

Before Xiaolong could answer, Zhang was afraid that the bird on his shoulder would fly up and scream at Xiaolong. Xiaolong nodded firmly to Zhang Afraid to stay, without even looking at Meng Nu, and then did nothing.

Of course Meng Nu was not happy, but could she fight Zhang Ain at this time? Being greatly favored by others, there is also the threat of a black monster, and the black monster still relies on Zhang Weifang. If he does something, the consequences will be disastrous. After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to give up and said coldly to him: "We are not done yet." After saying that, he wanted to leave.

Zhang Ao sighed softly: "The black monster will be back soon. You should seize the time to become a god and ignore these trivial matters."

Meng Nu said angrily: "I want you to take care of it. If you don't help me, I can't take care of it myself? Nowadays, the five major sects in Qi State don't even have Longhu Mountain. How can you let me practice quietly?" She was indeed driven to panic. Such words You can also talk to Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Ping said: "What is there to be anxious about? Among their five families, which one has as rich a foundation as Longhu Mountain? It won't be long before they are beaten back to their original shape." Meng Nu said coldly: "How can it be so simple? Five families The sect can't surpass Longhu Mountain in ten years, but it can't surpass it in twenty years. What about thirty or forty years? Only if it has a reputation and can attract outstanding disciples, is it worried that it will not grow stronger? Longhu Mountain is too cruel to offend people. No disciple of the mountain dares to leave the mountain easily. A sect has been forcibly blocked for decades or hundreds of years. What do you think will happen in the future? "

Zhang Weijing had a rare chance to persuade her: "Some things cannot be rushed. How long can you protect them? Their enemy is actually the only top-level monk in the Hongguang Inn, and you haven't found him?"

Meng Nu didn't reply, she thought for a moment and turned around to leave without saying anything.

Zhang was afraid that he was depressed, and a crazy woman was a crazy woman. When I think about it, all the powerful women seem to be crazy women, Meng Nu, Yao Meier, Master Hantian, all of them are terrifyingly crazy. Then I thought about Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er, and thought to myself, you must not go crazy.

After the Meng girl left, a disciple asked, "Are you still going down to have a rest?" Zhang was afraid and said, "Why not? I don't believe there is a Meng girl here."

Facts have proved that there is indeed no second Mengnu, but there is the first Red Lord. This guy has been investigating cases in recent years, trying to figure out who committed the Hefeng murder case. Not only did he investigate the case, but Zuo Shi and several venerables also joined in because of orders from the mountain god. However, there were no clues after searching again and again. Later, I learned from some monks during the Warring States Period that Zhang Wen had been to Hefeng.

Chi Zun had a general impression of Zhang Awei, so the two of them went to grab ice crystals together, but Zhang Awei got them. This was the main reason. Later, there was the death of King Wu of Longhu Mountain, which was also related to Zhang Ai. The disturbance caused Chi Zun to be busy for a while, and his impression became even more bad. It was not until Zhang Ai got back the Tianshen Pill that Chi Zun became a little kinder to him. Some.

Coincidentally, all the sages dispersed to look for news, and sage Chi happened to fly here and found Zhang Ai. So, not long after landing, Lord Chi flew over with a friendly look on his face and asked Zhang Awei: "Have you been to Hefeng?" Zhang Awei was very depressed, could I be a big lantern? Can you be seen wherever you go? As soon as he arrived in Qi, he was troubled by three groups of people one after another. So he asked out of curiosity: "How did you know I was coming?" Chi Zun replied seriously: "I bumped into him by chance."

Well, I believe your answer, but my luck is too good, right? That divine fortune-teller from Yan State also lied to me and said that getting into trouble was a good thing. If I hadn't been very busy, I would have gone back and beat him up.

However, since he couldn't beat the fortune teller, he wanted to vent his anger on someone else. Zhang was afraid of looking around, so he looked for the guy who suggested coming down to rest, and was ready to take it out on him. Chi Zun said impatiently: "What are you looking for? Have you been to Hefeng?"

Zhang Ai searched for a while but couldn't find the guy. He thought you were lucky and turned back to Chi Zun: "I went to Hefeng and got the spiritual weapon, but I didn't kill anyone and I don't know who the murderer was. "

He gave the answer quickly, and Lord Chi was stunned for a moment, then said: "You can ask the weapon spirit." When he said this, Zhang Weijing was also stunned. The rude red-haired guy has actually become smart?

However, he was unwilling to ask Qinglong a lot of right and wrong questions and let him determine the answer by nodding and shaking his head. He held Xiaolong in his palm and said, "You can ask."

Master Chi obviously did not expect that Zhang Ain would do this. He was stunned for a moment and thought of some questions to ask. After half an hour, I finally figured out the general process of He Feng's murder case.

In short, the little Taoist priest who stole the hairpin was hiding in a small village in the state of Yan. He was accidentally discovered by the master of Hongguang Inn. The Taoist priest left.

Also in order to avoid exposing the target, the little Taoist priest did not dare to use the Qinglong weapon to kill people, so he fled all the way into Shiwanda Mountain and hid again. Hongguang Inn had committed crimes in Shiwan Mountain several times before, but they did not dare to openly search for them in the mountains at this time. Moreover, their purpose was to kill the Dragon and Tiger clan members for revenge, not to find magic weapons, so they released the news. Only then did the twelve masters of Longhu Mountain descend from the mountain.

At this time, some tourists discovered that the villages of Yan State had been massacred, and based on the news released by the Hongguang Inn, they traced the situation into Shiwanda Mountain.

As the news slowly spread, countless cultivators knew that the little Taoist priest was carrying a heavy treasure in Shiwanda Mountain. For the spiritual weapon that was comparable to the top level of Nascent Soul, many greedy people rushed into Shiwandashan. After many searches, Finally the little Taoist priest was forced out. The little Taoist priest fled to Hefeng in a panic. Seeing that he was surrounded by more than 70 masters, he knew that he could no longer escape and that he was going to be unlucky, so he released his weapon spirit Qinglong.

The green dragon was ferocious and killed several masters in a row after it came out. But just when it was at its most majestic, the only top-level master in the Hongguang Inn suddenly appeared and took the opportunity to kill the little Taoist priest.

As soon as the master appeared, Qinglong immediately came back to protect his master. Unfortunately, the master moved too fast and killed the Taoist priest with one move. Seeing the green dragon attacking ferociously, the master temporarily stepped aside and knocked the little Taoist away. But because of this, the violent impact caused the hairpin in the little Taoist priest's hand to fall into the lake at the foot of the mountain. It's a pity that no one saw a group of people fighting or running for their lives.

Qinglong chased the master for a while, knowing that he couldn't be killed in a short time, and worried that the spiritual weapon would be found, so he flew away, trying to distract everyone. The masters of Hongguang Inn wanted to chase them back, but when they looked at the mountain peak, they saw that two of their own disciples were dead, while more than forty disciples of other sects were still alive. They were angry in their hearts, why don't you die? At the same time, in order to keep it secret, he killed all the cultivators that Qinglong had not had time to kill. Then he did not bother Qinglong and went out of the mountain without looking for trouble.

At that time, there were many cultivators tracking down the little Taoist priests in the Shiwan Mountains. The first ones who caught up with He Feng were already dead. Others came and saw no spiritual weapons but only corpses on the ground. As a result, word spread.

The above things were deduced by Chi Zunzun through countless questions. Asked a question, Xiaolong would nod or shake his head, and he finally guessed the story accurately.

Zhang Ai admired Master Chi's patience, but he was even more shocked by Hongguang Inn's cold-bloodedness. Since they were eradicated by the Mangu Jin family and Longhushan, the entire family has become bloody and cruel, and they will not hesitate to use all means and power to seek revenge. There is no distinction between good and evil.

At first, he used the plan to drag Shiwandashan into trouble, intending to cause a war between the two races; later, he built a blood pool in the village of Shiwandashan, and used the blood of countless creatures to refine evil ghosts; he even spread rumors about Longhu Mountain to create trouble; he did not expect this Once, just because he failed to catch the little Taoist priest, he actually killed an entire village of innocent people to vent his anger. It was really a bastard.

Zhang was afraid of getting angry and wondered if he should get rid of the entire Hongguang Inn? Today's Hongguang Inn is the leader of the five major sects in Qi State. Drawing on the lessons of previous accidents, they have hidden the strength of the sect underground. They do not establish a sect like Tianleitang, but develop secretly. The main core is more than a hundred high-level monks who have experienced countless bloody battles. From the top level of Danjie to the top level of Nascent Soul, these more than 100 people support the current Hongguang Inn.

Speaking of which, Zhang Wen's visit to Longhu Mountain to seek revenge gave them the opportunity to develop, and gradually evolved into today's situation, so Zhang Wen will be very angry, and there is a vague feeling that he is the culprit.

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