The Monk

Volume One Chapter 917 Two Ghost Ancestors

Chapter 917 Two Ghost Ancestors

"And..." As soon as Rui Yuan said these two words, Zhang feared that he had disappeared, leaving only one sentence: "You can figure it out."

His performance shocked more than a hundred people who had just taken over. Why is this guy so irresponsible? How can such a guy create such a huge foundation? Unexpectedly, what happened next surprised them even more. In front of me, a man named Nan Yun distributed equipment and elixirs to everyone. From the foundation building stage to the Nascent Soul stage, there are advanced pills for all levels; another person wears a white robe, a silver magic sword, and a black shield, wearing the same clothes as the white warriors.

When they first saw the Bai Zhan team members neatly equipped, the members of the fourth team were very envious. They were all masters of Nascent Soul. They could see at a glance that it was a good thing and wanted to have it. However, they thought that they had just followed Zhang Aijing and had no chance to show their loyalty. , when there would be no such treatment, unexpectedly, just after entering the mountain gate, you can get top-notch equipment, and the temptation of countless advanced elixirs, which made a group of former masters fascinated, and actually sighed, a little grateful to Zhang Ai.

Of course, there were also different voices. King He and others angrily scolded Zhang Ai: "I just carry it with me and don't send it down. I wait to go back to the mountain and let others do it. What a bastard."

They tormented them. Zhang Ain went to the back mountain to drink with Lin Sen. After successfully getting Lin Sen drunk, he went to talk to Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er. Because back at Tianlei Mountain, the black bird Suzaku was flying all over the mountain with silly little medicines and playing like before, but there was a little dragon following him.

Zhang Ain's first words when he saw Song Yunyi were: "Little Pig and the others didn't cause any trouble, did they?" Song Yunyi smiled: "They didn't cause much trouble, they just got beaten up by Xi'er." Zhang Ain sighed: "Thank you for having you. He Xi'er, otherwise no one can restrain these two little bastards." He then asked, "How is Lu Wan doing now?" Song Yunyi felt a little aggrieved and said in a low voice, "You only think about her?"

Zhang Ain quickly clarified: "No way, I thought if she is not sad anymore, she can be sent back to Yulingmen."

Song Yunyi knew that the idiot in front of him would not have any random thoughts. He was just joking. Now he said seriously: "Let her stay on the mountain." Zhang Ain said yes. The two exchanged a few words for a while. After hearing this, someone outside shouted: "Uncle, come out quickly."

Zhang Ai was very angry and came out and yelled: "What about calling the soul? Why didn't you tell me just now that you have to catch up to the back mountain to tell us?" Ruiyuan replied: "When people come down the mountain, they see you and say that you are the ghost ancestor worshiping the mountain... "

Zhang was afraid that he didn't even hear what he said next, and he cursed in his heart: Two bastard monsters, why are you chasing me so closely? I just went back to the mountain! Say to Song Yunyi: "I'll go take a look." Then go down the mountain. On the way down the mountain, he ordered Ruiyuan to be on guard throughout the mountain, and then went to find Zhan Yun and told him to strictly guard the Tianlei Mountain formation and stand still all the way to the mountain gate.

Standing under the archway halfway up the mountain were two people with the same appearance. The difference was that one was dressed in blue and had a white face, and the other was in black and had a black face. Seeing Zhang Wei come out, the white-faced ghost ancestor asked: "You call me the second ghost ancestor?"

Zhang Ai was so depressed that he came all the way just to ask me this question? After walking out of the Tianlei Mountain Array, he said, "Yes." Behind him were Ruiyuan, Zhan Yun and others, looking out cautiously.

The Second Ghost Ancestor looked at the nervous expression of a group of people in the formation, shook his head and said with a smile: "Is this a magic formation? Tsk tsk, let's go down the mountain." The implication is, you don't have to be so nervous, this broken formation is not enough to see, if I want Breaking it is just a matter of hands.

Zhang was afraid of hearing the meaning of his words, but he just pretended not to, and asked as he walked down, "Where are you going?"

The Second Ghost Ancestor said: "Wugu, let me see if I can get in." Zhang Ain replied: "It's easy to get into the Wugu. In a few years, when the Wugu is open, you can easily enter." The Second Ghost Ancestor smiled. Said: "You know that's not what I said. By the way, thank you for the elixir. My injuries are almost healed."

Zhang is afraid that he just pretends not to have heard. Your injury has healed, but I am unlucky. I was forced here and there. He said casually: "Wait for me for a while," went back to the mountain to recall the little bird and the little dragon, put away the little medicine, and then came out again.

The three of them descended the mountain and flew to Foggy Valley. Although Zhang Ping was full of questions, he resisted asking and flew to the foggy valley before asking: "What do you want to say to him?"

The Second Ghost Ancestor took the two of them to the ground, thought for a while and said, "I heard that you have a way to release the Great Ghost Ancestor?" For the sake of convenience, he agreed with the name Zhang Wen changed for the two of them.

Zhang Ping said: "That was in the past. Now there are servants of gods stationed in the temple. You cannot act rashly." The Second Ghost Ancestor nodded and said: "I know. I want you to go in and ask him if you can kill the servants of gods and put the blame on the gods." make?"

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "How dare you think about it." In his opinion, this kind of thing is impossible to happen. Once the servant of God dies, the master of the servant of God will immediately know. During this period of time, how can he put the blame on the envoy of God? The Second Ghost Ancestor also laughed: "Always think more, don't think that just a few of us can kill the divine envoy."

Zhang Weijing said without comment: "Okay, I'll ask, but I really want to know, how do you dare to walk openly outside?"

The Second Ghost Ancestor said: "Thanks to your elixir, my injury was cured, but I haven't recovered my cultivation level or evolved to the realm of a god. The gods will not care about me." Zhang Ai said in surprise: "The Changchun Pill can't cure it." Good to you?”

The Second Ghost Ancestor said: "That's not true. It was me who sealed the power of the elixir and controlled my cultivation. From the outside, it seems that I have not yet reached the stage of becoming a god. In fact, I have already passed it. If I do something casually, it will be exposed."

"I see, I thought you had found a way to avoid being traced by the divine envoy." Zhang said fearfully, and then added: "The great ghost ancestor will alert the divine servant when he comes out, and may provoke another divine man. If the plan of framing the blame fails, you Will you give up on him?" Zhang Weijing concluded in his heart that the plan to frame the blame would definitely fail, so he asked the Great Ghost Ancestor his way out in advance.

The Second Ghost Ancestor said: "There are some things that cannot be decided now, but we will have the answer when the time comes."

Zhang Ai nodded and said: "I'm going." Rather than saying that the Second Ghost Ancestor came to Wugu to ask for news, it was better to say goodbye to the Great Ghost Ancestor.

He asked the Second Ghost Ancestor to understand his intentions, sneaked all the way into the Foggy Valley, and then entered the Refining Temple. As soon as he appeared, the first thing to greet him was the sea spirit, who appeared in front of him and took him to the fifth floor.

The Great Ghost Ancestor asked lazily: "Why are you here?" Zhang Ain's answer was not what he asked: "I know what you look like." The Great Ghost Ancestor laughed and asked: "Have you seen him?" Zhang Ain replied : "Not only have I seen him, but he is waiting outside Wugu, coming up with a bad idea for you to kill two divine servants and then blame the divine envoys. I guess it won't work." The two of them were talking about the two ghost ancestors.

Speaking of this, he asked Hai Ling next to him: "How are you doing recently?" Hai Ling said dissatisfied: "It's quite boring. Those two people are like logs, guarding me all day long, and I don't bother to pay attention to them, so I just play on the big island. ”

Ghost Ancestor suddenly interjected and asked: "How many masters did he find?" Zhang Ain replied: "I don't know, I guess they are still the same ones. The gods are so powerful, who dares to wander outside without any trouble?"

Ghost Ancestor was silent for a long time, and whispered: "Go and tell him that the servant of God cannot be killed, and don't even think about saving me." The calm tone contained countless struggles, and after being trapped for more than ten thousand years, he finally found his way. The opportunity comes out, but you have to give it up.

Zhang Ping said: "In a few years, Wugu Valley will open up. Should I ask him to come and see you?" Ghost Ancestor refused: "He can't come in." Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Didn't Hai Ling help?" He turned around and asked Hai Ling: "Can you get outsiders in?"

Before Hai Ling could answer, Ghost Ancestor spoke again: "He can't come in, not even in Wugu. This is the divine formation, and he and the black monster can't enter." Zhang was afraid and then asked: " What about you?"

"Just stay like this until the end of the world." Ghost Ancestor said casually, not in a good mood.

Zhang Ain took out a pile of food and said to Hai Ling: "Send it over." Hai Ling said "Oh", and in the darkness, you couldn't see how he moved, and the pile of food instantly fell on Guizu's belly.

Ghost Ancestor said: "You guys go out, I'll have something to eat." This was the first time he drove someone away, so Zhang Wen said goodbye and went out with Hai Ling. The two came to the boundless sea on the fourth floor to stay for a while. Hai Ling said bitterly: "Damn it, those two guys stay on the island, otherwise they can go there and play."

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "They are here to protect you." Hai Ling said, "I don't need protection."

Not knowing what special abilities the two grimacing monsters had, Hai Ling returned to the boundless sea. Within a moment, the two black guys had already run over, seemingly unhindered by distance.

When the two black guys saw Zhang Awei, they flew into a rage. They waved their steel forks and shouted, "Why are you here again? Get out quickly, or you will be killed without mercy." Zhang Awei smiled and said, "Just go out, there is no need to shout so loudly." Hai Ling walked towards the black door. The two black monsters followed closely, like bodyguards.

Zhang Wen deliberately delayed, took out a small boat, and Hai Ling sat in it and moved forward slowly. Under the escort of two black monsters, it took more than ten days to get out of the Refining Temple.

After walking out of the Refining Temple, he followed the same path and left the foggy valley. As soon as he showed his head outside the valley, the two ghost ancestors and the black monster had already appeared in front of them. The black monster asked: "What took you so long?" Zhang Ain replied: "I met the servant of the god. "The black monster continued to ask: "Fight with them?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "Is it because there are not enough enemies?"

The Second Ghost Ancestor asked: "What did he say?" He was asking the Great Ghost Ancestor who was locked inside. Zhang Ai said calmly: "What he said is exactly what you thought." After hearing this, the Second Ghost Ancestor was silent for a while, and then said: "Go to Lie Valley."

Zhang Ain asked: "Am I going too?" "Yes." The Second Ghost Ancestor replied coldly, obviously not letting him go easily. Zhang was afraid to ask again: "What am I going to do?" "Even if you don't do anything, you have to go." The Second Ghost Ancestor used force to suppress others.

Then go, Zhang is afraid of admitting his bad luck and goes to Lie Valley with them. When we arrived, we discovered that there was another person in the valley. He was wearing a long black robe covering his face from head to toe.

The black monster introduced: "He has seen you." Zhang was afraid of hearing this, and after thinking about it carefully, he had no impression of this person, so he asked, "When did he meet you?" The black monster added: "Last time Go to the desert, I will take you to a place to find him, he comes from the ghost cave."

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