The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 901 Helping each other

Chapter 901 Helping each other

Zhang Ain thought for a while and asked him first: "If I tell Ghost Ancestor the diagram of the Temple of Refining and the introductory formula of the Divine Formation to him, will it have any impact on you?"

After Hai Ling merged with the divine formation, his self-confidence surged, and he chuckled: "I am a living person, no longer a magical formation, so what if they know the formation diagram? If you want to control the divine formation, you have to ask me first. , just tell him, it’s okay.”

Zhang Ping asked one more question: "Are you sure?" Hai Ling smiled and said, "What's not sure about this? Just tell me, it's okay."

Zhang Ain agreed and said to Ghost Ancestor: "You have heard it. I will tell you the magic formula and the formation diagram of the Refining Temple. You can slowly understand it first. I will go to Shiwanda Mountain to talk to the mountain god about setting up the formation together." But there’s something I need to say first. You have to promise me that you will never harm Hai Ling after learning the formation diagram, and you won’t even have the slightest thought!” His expression was quite serious, and the reason why he said these things in front of the two of them was because he wanted to. A reminder to Ghost Ancestor, never have bad intentions.

Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "I agreed, give me the formation map." He then added: "I always keep my word, and you don't have to worry about what I promised you." Zhang Ai said seriously: "I hope what you said is true. of."

Hai Ling was unhappy and interjected: "Why are you looking down on me? I'm so powerful, hum." But the more he said this, the more uneasy Zhang Ai felt, so he added, "I'm not looking down on you." Hai Ling hummed again. He said in one voice: "You're just looking down on me, but I'm worried that even if you find a bunch of masters of transforming gods, you won't be able to set up a great formation to trap the gods."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and replied: "We have to give it a try. If the three of them can't do it, there is still a Meng girl in the semi-god stage. As long as she succeeds in transforming into a god, she will have more power; in addition, there must be other transformations. The godly monk is alive, just come and help."

"Yes." Hai Ling nodded and said: "Tell him the formation diagram, it will not affect me." After saying this, he secretly sent a message to Zhang Ai with his spiritual mind: "The formation eye is on me, it can't catch me. , you can’t control the divine formation.”

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing was completely relieved. If he couldn't break the divine formation, he couldn't catch Hai Ling; if he couldn't catch Hai Ling, he couldn't break the divine formation. It was like a dead end, and he firmly protected Hai Ling. Immediately, he took out two jade slips, one was the introductory formula of the divine formation, and the other was the formation diagram of the refining temple. He held it for a while and asked, "Have you written it down?"

Ghost Ancestor replied in a low voice: "I've written it down. You can rest assured that no matter what, I will never hurt Hai Ling." He paused and added: "And you." To be fair, Zhang Wear has always been very good to him. He was too embarrassed to do it.

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Study hard. I'll go out to negotiate with the black monster. Don't let me down. If you can't learn, I won't let you out."

Hai Ling followed and shouted: "That's right, that's right, let's go, I won't disturb you anymore." After saying that, he took Zhang Ain back to the boundless sea. The two of them flashed like light and shadow, changing places instantly. Zhang Yin smiled and said: "It's much more convenient than before."

Hai Ling said proudly: "Of course, I'm so powerful now, haha." When he said this, he suddenly thought of Dahei Erhei. He now fully controls the divine formation. If they are still alive, he can let them go out and have a look. The outside world, how wonderful would that be?

So he said to Zhang Awei: "I'm going to see Dahei Erhei." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

Zhang Ain watched him come and go freely, and thought to himself: In this formation, he is a god. I walked back to the dining table, looked at the dishes on the table, sat down, picked up my chopsticks, and continued my unfinished lunch.

After eating for a while, Hai Ling came back and said solemnly: "I must go out and find a cemetery for Da Hei and Er Hei in the outside world. I cannot let them be buried in my empty space that does not exist in the first place."

After hearing this, Zhang Ain said casually: "How do you know that the outside world is real? Isn't it another empty space?" These words were a bit arrogant, but more of an apology for himself. His cultivation level was getting higher and higher. But we are encountering more and more problems. We are always shackled by various constraints and cannot live as we wish.

Hai Ling argued seriously: "Even if it is nothing, it must be built outside. There are mountains and rivers outside, there are flowers, grass and trees, unlike here, there is only a vast ocean, and they only have a small island."

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "You are right." Then he put down his chopsticks and stood up to speak: "I'm going out to ask about this matter. In a few years, your magic circle will be weak. You must come up with something before then." Way." Hai Ling said yes. Zhang Ain said seriously again: "Promise me something. Before I come back, you will not change the divine formation at will."

Hai Ling responded happily. Zhang Pingyou was worried because Hai Ling had never really controlled the Refining Temple, so he was worried about making mistakes. He was also worried that Hai Ling would be impulsive and do something wrong, so he asked again: "I will be back soon, and you must keep the divine formation as it is."

Hai Ling said: "I know, it's really wordy, I am the Refining Temple, and the Refining Temple is me, what else can it become?" Without waiting for Zhang Ain to speak, he added: "I forgot to ask you, where did this formation diagram come from? Where did you get it?" Zhang Ai replied: "A big tiger gave it to me in the Valley of Refining Gods." Hai Ling thought about it and said, "The Wugu magic circle is more powerful than mine. It is the real one. Heaven and earth, the God Refining Valley exists because of it, and it protects the Refining Temple from foreign objects. You can try to find the formation diagram of the Wugu Array, which may be more helpful. "

Zhang Awei responded: "Try it, it depends on your luck." Hai Lingen said: "I'll take you out." He grabbed Zhang Awei's right hand, and with a thought, Zhang Awei felt as if he was being swung. Likewise, the scenery in front of him changed, and he appeared on the platform under the tower.

Zhang Ai sighed and went to Shiwanda Mountain again. God, can you make my life any more boring? What's the fussing about? Endless running around!

But since I was going to see the mountain god, I brought all the herbs to avoid running away again in the future. So we have to go back to the Five Spirits Blessed Land first.

God ignored his curses, it was windy when it was supposed to, it was raining when it was supposed to rain, and it was torturing Zhang Ain when it was supposed to be. At this moment, he was unlucky enough to be walking to the Five Spirits Blessed Land in a storm.

We braved the wind and rain all the way to the underground cave. The seedlings planted that day are now a thousand years old, and we easily collected 360 herbs. After planting new medicinal seedlings, they emerged from the ground and headed for Shiwan Mountain.

There was no talking all the way. After arriving at Shiwanda Mountain, we went to the Mountain God Platform first. Finally he saw Zuo Shi, and after greeting him, he said, "I brought the herbal medicine, and I came to tell you that there is no need to send anyone to Tianlei Mountain." Zuo Shi made a sound and asked, "Do I need to send Liegu for you? "

Zhang Ping said: "No need, I just have something to ask Lord Mountain God." Then he asked: "Where have you been a few days ago?" Zuo Shi said: "When I look into He Feng's matter, there are always no clues. Do you know that matter? "What?" Zhang Ping replied: "I heard it from hearsay, and I definitely don't know as much as you." Zuo Shien said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of not knowing who killed him. If this happens again, Maybe it will spark another war between the two clans, alas." Zuo Shi's worries are a bit exaggerated, but there is no guarantee that they won't come true, so we must be careful to find out what happened.

Zhang Ai comforted and said: "There is no need to worry. The last time something happened was because of the appearance of spiritual weapons, which attracted countless people. Is it possible that spiritual weapons can still appear every day?" After hearing this, Zuo Shi smiled, shook his head and said: "Go and deliver it to your lord. Take medicine."

Zhang Wei said goodbye and left, and soon arrived at Liegu Mountain Cave. After entering, he walked all the way to the mountain wall and stopped. The poor mountain god was even more unlucky than him, and was roasted by thunder and fire in the cave. The black monster and Meng Nu stayed outside the cave. When the thunderous fire was extinguished, more than a dozen red beetles flew out of the cave. The mountain god also came out and asked Zhang Ai: "You are coming back so soon? Have you collected all the herbs?"

Zhang Ao took out a pile of thousand-year-old herbs and asked, "Should these be enough?" The mountain god was shocked when he saw 360 herbs of various kinds, 20 of each kind, all of which can last for more than a thousand years. They are definitely good. thing. After putting it away, the mountain god said: "That's enough. If so many herbs can't nourish the body, no matter how many herbs there are, it's just a waste."

After solving the first problem, Zhang was afraid of asking the second question and said to the black monster: "I can release the ghost ancestor, but there is a condition." The black monster chuckled: "Are you really bold to negotiate terms with me? He paused and said, "Tell me, let's see if it's difficult."

Zhang Ai said directly: "I want to ask three experts to help me do something." How embarrassing would it be to ask three experts to help me at once? The mountain god looked over thoughtfully, waiting for him to continue.

He didn't want Meng Nu to refuse directly: "I won't help you!" Zhang smiled. He had never wanted to ask Meng Nu to participate in this matter. After all, she was not strong enough. So he corrected himself and said, "I want to ask the mountain god and the black monster to do me a favor." The black monster said angrily, "My name is the God of Death."

Zhang Wei said: "Well, I understand, will you help or not?"

The mountain god said: "You should always tell me what it is. If you just say that, how can we help you?"

Zhang Awei said: "I know someone who can control the magic circle of the Temple of Refining and release the Ghost Ancestor. But the problem is that the Temple of Refining controls a passage. There are some powerful creatures living in the world on the other side of the passage. If the Ghost Ancestor is rescued, the passage will be blocked. It will be opened, and those creatures will come to this world. They are very bloodthirsty. I would like to ask the two of you to work with the Ghost Ancestor to re-deploy the Temple Refining Array at the passage. "

After the two heard this, the black monster was speechless for a long time. The mountain god thought for a moment and said, "I don't understand the magic of the divine formation." Zhang Ping said, "I happen to know some magic formations of the divine formation. They are engraved on the jade slips for everyone to see. ”

When he said these words, the black monster and the mountain god were slightly shocked again. The mountain god asked: "Do you even understand the divine formation?" Zhang Ain replied: "Understand a little bit."

The mountain god laughed: "In this case, I will heal my wounds first. With the help of the God of Death and the support of these herbs, I cannot say that I am cured. It will not be a big problem to recover to 60 or 70% of my cultivation level. After I regain my strength, I will learn the divine formation." " Seeing that he was getting more and more hopeful to deal with the divine envoy, he was of course happy, but while he was happy, he still thought of the seriousness of the facts and asked in a low voice: "In addition, there is a kind of elixir in the elixir Zuo Shi gave you. The medicine is called Broken Pill, do you know?"

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