The Monk

Volume One Chapter 902 Broken Pill

Chapter 902 Broken Pill

Zhang Ain replied: "I know the name of the elixir, but I don't know what it is used for." The mountain god smiled and said: "It's better not to know. Anyway, you can't eat it casually. Prepare one for me." The black monster suddenly interjected: "Two "Pieces." The mountain god smiled and said, "Then prepare a few more pills and deliver them in a few days."

When Zhang was afraid, what was he doing? Need to make another trip? Definitely don't do it! He hurriedly took out ten broken pills and said: "Don't torment me, this is just a matter of day and night." He knew that the black monster and the mountain god had long suspected him. In this case, there is no difference between being more suspicious and less suspicious. , so I dare to take out the magic pill again and give it away.

The mountain god took the elixir and shook his head slightly at Zhang Awei: "Have you made it a long time ago?" Zhang Awei replied: "Well, I have made some before." The mountain god asked curiously: "You have made the elixir, but you don't want to eat it?" "Zhang Awei asked: "Why do you want to eat?"

The mountain god was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Fortunately, I didn't eat it. Do you know the Qiankun Pill?" Zhang Ain nodded and said: "Yes, I've eaten it before, it's not a good thing." The mountain god said: "Compared with the broken pill, the Qiankun Pill It is definitely a good thing, at least you can still eat it in the future, but the broken pill is different. No matter how high you are, you can only eat it once in your life. After eating it, you will die soon. "

"Ah?" Zhang Ain looked at the mountain god in surprise: "Are you going to fight for your life?"

The mountain god smiled and said: "I will give you ten thousand years of life, and you will be tempered by thunder and fire every day, and the rest of the time will be used to recuperate. Will you do it?" Zhang Awei quickly shook his head: "Am I crazy?"

The mountain god continued to speak with a smile: "There is also a ghost ancestor who has lived longer than me. He is locked in a place and cannot move for ten thousand years. It is probably much more uncomfortable than me. Are you willing to let you live such a life?" Zhang was afraid again. Shaking his head: "Definitely no."

The mountain god said: "That's it. Instead of suffering, it's better to fight once. Although it may be possible to gather the power of several god-transforming monks to deal with the god's envoy, looking at the overwhelming number of people, but to tell the truth, I have no confidence at all; this After taking the elixir, it will strengthen and stimulate the blood vessels in the whole body, squeeze out every ounce of spiritual power in the body, absorb all the life force, and make you extremely powerful in an instant. With the appropriate exercises, you will become even more powerful. I hope you can Fight with the angels."

Zhang Ai said in shock: "Then you are not dead?" "Otherwise? Do you think that I can fight the divine envoy after I recover from my injuries?" The mountain god replied lightly, and then said: "No matter what, you will always have to fight. Thank you for the elixir. Please keep the formation diagram."

Zhang Wen said yes and put down three jade slips. One was the introductory formula of the divine array, one was the general guide diagram of the divine array, and the other was the diagram of the refining temple. Now that Hailing and the refining temple are integrated into one, others can even see it. Even if he understands the formation diagram, he cannot control the divine formation, so he will generously give out all the formation diagrams.

After putting down the formation diagram, he said: "No matter whether you can understand it or not, I will give you an accurate letter in two years. If you really can't understand it, then think of other ways." The mountain god agreed, picked up the jade slip, looked at it briefly, and handed it to Hei The strange man asked him: "When will you return to the desert?"

The black monster said: "You need to recuperate first." Then he said to Mengnu: "There are less than ten years left, I hope you can transform into a god." There was a faint threat in his words, but Mengnu could only endure it and said nothing.

Zhang Ain didn't want to stay any longer and said, "Is there anything else? I'll go and wait for news from you." The black monster said, "Wait, there's something else." Zhang Ain looked over in question. The black monster then said: "I want your concentration beads."

Zhang Ai flatly refused: "If you want herbs, I'll give them to you. If you want beads, it's definitely not possible!" There are billions of souls in the concentration beads, and the black monster is a monster made from souls. He wanted the concentration beads, and he was targeting the billions of souls in them. idea.

The black monster said: "I don't want your beads, and I will return them to you soon." Zhang Ping said: "I know, so I can't give them to you."

The black monster didn't expect him to be so determined. He thought about it before trying to persuade him: "It's just some souls, and it's useless for you to keep them." Zhang said fearfully: "It's just because they are useless." He cupped his fists at the three of them and said, "Goodbye. ." The figure floated out of Liegu.

Watching him leave, the black monster didn't get angry and made any move. He turned around and asked the mountain god: "Is this little guy abnormal? I got those souls, which can greatly increase your cultivation. Whether it's healing you or setting up a divine formation, I'm sure it will be a big help." He refused help? "He has a ghost's mind, which is different from Zhang Ping's mind, so he doesn't understand.

The mountain god said: "He always has his own reasons for refusing. I will go and refine the elixir first. After the elixir is completed, I will bother you to help me heal my wounds." The black monster chuckled and said, "Don't think too much of me. I'm just using you." Ye smiled: "Let's make use of each other." He said and went to the lava pool to make elixirs.

At this time, Zhang Ai stood outside the cave and thought wildly. In the next ten years, he had only one goal, to rescue Hai Ling and protect the billions of living beings in the Valley of Refining Gods. As for the battle between the Ghost Ancestor, the Mountain God, and the Divine Envoy, let’s talk about it later.

But this goal alone was enough to stump him. Although Hai Ling became more powerful after understanding the formation diagram, he could not leave the passage without authorization and had to continue to stay in the sea to pass the boring time.

After thinking for a while, I had no clue, so I started thinking about the Wugu Divine Formation. If I had time to think about it here, I might as well go to the Divine Refining Valley to try my luck, maybe I could bump into the Wugu Formation. So we quickly headed out of the mountain.

Now he is a master, one of the best masters in the mainland. Unfortunately, he does not have the consciousness of a master. He runs around all day long, busy here and there, like a little boy who can never finish his work. How pitiful he is. .

Silent all the way, we hurried back to Foggy Valley. There are less than ten years until Foggy Bottom reopens, and he must come up with a countermeasure before then. So after returning, he did not go to the Refining Temple, but plunged into the Refining Valley to find the so-called Fog Valley Formation.

Zhang Ai knew in his heart that this was an impossible task, even harder than finding a needle in a haystack. If you go to look for a needle, at least you know that someone actually dropped a needle into the sea, but no one knows whether the Wugu Formation is in the Valley of Refining Gods.

From the moment he entered the Valley of Refining Gods, Zhang Awei ran wildly against the grass, using all his consciousness to look for any place where there might be a formation diagram. Hu Ping's Temple of Refinement formation diagram was obtained from the stone house, and Zhang Ai's target was all places where people could live.

It took me a month to run like this, and I finally knew how big the Valley of Refining Gods was, and by the way, I also saw all kinds of powerful monsters that I had seen on the platform. Whether they were in human form or in the original form of monsters and beasts, when these guys saw Zhang Ai, they all suppressed their anger and let him fly around. They were obviously grateful to him for risking his own life to save Wugu last time.

Lian Shen Valley is so big that it’s the same no matter which way you go. It’s endless mountains or grasslands, and you’ve seen a lot of houses, black, white, flowery, big, small, not too big, not too small, and round. Square, high, above ground, semi-underground, wood, stone, and earth. I found at least a hundred rooms. Unfortunately, most of them were empty rooms with nothing in them. A few of them were occupied by a few scary guys. The furnishings inside are also extremely simple and can be seen at a glance.

This method was not an option, so whenever he encountered a monster in the room, he would take out the beast-skin Alchemy Temple formation diagram and ask, "Have you ever seen anything like this?" The answer was always a shake of the head or no. Zhang was afraid and left to continue searching.

A month later, I finally got tired of it and gave up the idea of ​​trying to get lucky. I left the Valley of the Gods and went to the Temple of Refining to ask Ghost Ancestor how he was progressing and whether he understood the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining. But when he entered the tower, Hai Ling did not come to see him immediately. This phenomenon made him suspicious. Could something have happened?

Just when he was thinking this, he suddenly heard someone speaking in his heart, with a childish voice, urging him to leave here quickly. As a result, Zhang Wen was even more curious. What power was so powerful that Hai Lingyou was worried that he wouldn't be able to protect him? Then he wanted to let go of his spiritual consciousness and wanted to help Hai Ling.

But before his consciousness left his body, two black ghost-faced monsters ran quickly in front of him. They were more than two meters tall and nearly three meters tall. They were tall and strong. They stepped on the water with two big black feet and held two pairs of black steel forks in their hands. Staring at Zhang Awei with cold eyes, one person asked: "Who are you?" Another person said: "Kill."

These two ghost-faced monsters looked similar to the Big Black and Erhei I had seen before. It was obvious that they must have come from the same place. Seeing them, Zhang was shocked. Who sent them to the temple to practice again? Who knew there was a sea spirit in the Refining Temple and that it needed protection?

At this time, a ghost-faced monster stabbed him with a steel fork. Not far away, Hai Ling shouted: "Don't hurt him." The ghost-faced monster listened to Hai Ling's words. After hearing the words, the ghost-faced monster stood upright with his fork and said in a cold voice: "Hurry up if you want to survive." Get out of here and never come back."

Hai Ling did not move around at will like last time, but ran on the sea surface like it did when he was not enlightened. In the blink of an eye, he came to Zhang Ai, opened his white and tender arms to protect him, and said to the two ghost-faced monsters: "You two go."

The two ghost-faced monsters refused to leave, and one advised Hai Ling: "You don't understand, there are bad people outside." The other shouted at Zhang Ai: "Leave quickly."

Zhang was wondering if he was afraid of the two of them. When he was thinking about what to do, Hai Ling grabbed him and at the same time used his spiritual mind to send a message: "You go out, and I will send you to the fifth floor."

Zhang Ai nodded slightly, snorted at the two ghost-faced monsters, and retreated out of the small door. But this time he failed to get out of the hall. He only felt his eyes shaking, and he came to the void space on the fifth floor.

As soon as I entered, I heard Guizu laughing: "It's fun, it's really fun now."

Zhang was afraid and said angrily: "What fun? Are you crazy?" Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "Do you know that those two ghost-faced black monsters are not from this world?" "Nonsense, I knew it earlier. There were two of them before. They were from a certain person." A god sent to protect Hai Ling," Zhang Ai said.

"Yes, who is that god?" Ghost Ancestor was still smiling. Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I don't know, do you know?" Ghost Ancestor replied: "I don't know either. I have seen them since I came here, so I said it would be fun to see how you rebuild the divine formation now."

"I can't build the divine formation, do you think you're still okay? Just keep crawling under the tower." Zhang Ai was a little depressed, and the clouds that could not be defended were so easy to see the moonlight, but he didn't know that two old black monsters were coming. what to do?

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