The Monk

Volume One, Chapter 900: The Unity of Formation Spirits

Chapter 900: The Unity of Formation Spirits

"Am I a formation spirit?" The little fat man tilted his head to look at Zhang Awei, as if trying to discern whether he was joking. Seeing Zhang Awei's serious expression, he said softly: "I am a formation spirit, not a sea spirit." He said it twice. Then he smiled and said: "Any spirit can be used, but I am still me." After saying that, he picked up two jade slips and ran back to the room. Since there were enemies knocking on the door, he decided to learn the formation map.

How fast can the formation spirit learn the formation? The answer is of course very quickly, and very quickly. Before the breath time was up, Hai Ling had already walked out of the room with a dull look on his face. He slowly walked out, walked to Zhang Ain, stood in front of him, and said softly: "I understand everything."

Hai Ling didn't look at the general guide of the divine formation. He looked directly at the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining. After getting it, Yuanshen sent it inside. With just such a light touch, the formation diagrams in the jade slips immediately came to life, and they all poured in at once. in his mind. Hai Ling suddenly understood. Many things filled his brain instantly, allowing him to understand many things. He knew where he came from, where he was staying, and all the changes in the entire Refining Temple. He also knew that he had changed and changed. Got to be very powerful.

Recently, he has been reading a lot, and he has just opened his mind. He often thinks about things, and often does not understand something.

At this moment, I suddenly knew who I was, became much smarter, and my intelligence greatly increased. Many ignorant stories or philosophies I had read in the book before were all understood in this moment. It was just that the shock was so great that it was difficult to calm down for a while, so he seemed a little dazed.

Zhang Jing stood across from him and looked at him, feeling nervous and anxious, wondering what would happen to Hai Ling and whether he would be harmed.

After Hai Ling came out, he had been expressionless. Now he suddenly laughed and repeated what he had just said: "I understand everything." Then he threw himself into Zhang Awei's arms and said loudly: "I can go out now, thank you. you."

Zhang Ai was shocked when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed and asked hurriedly: "Really? You can go out now?" Hai Ling replied affirmatively: "Of course, let me tell you, I am very powerful now and can help you fight, haha, We go out to hoe the strong, help the weak, deliver justice, beat the bad guys and help the good people.”

Zhang Awei asked: "How did you get out?" Hai Ling smiled and said: "You are so stupid. I am the formation spirit of the God Refining Formation. As long as I know the formation diagram, I can control the operation of the formation. We are one, it is I, I am it, where can’t I go after we are in one place?”

Zhang Ai was still a little worried: "But the jade slips I gave you are just replicas."

Hai Ling said: "So what if it's a replica? As long as the formation diagram is correct, it's fine. Now I'm alive. Hehe, pack up. Let's go out. I can shrink the formation and take it with me to follow you wherever we go. , this formation can take you anywhere.”

Zhang Ai was very happy at first, thinking that if he had known that things were so simple, he would have shown you the formation diagram, and I would have been able to save a lot of things. However, he was only happy when he heard Hai Ling say that he would bring the magic formation with him. , said quickly: "No."

"Why not?" Hai Ling asked. Zhang Awei said: "The divine formation has sealed a passage..." Hai Ling interrupted: "I know this." Zhang Awei then said: "There is a group of monsters at the other end of the passage. If you open the passage, what will happen if they come out and harm the world? ?”

Hai Ling said casually: "Kill, if they dare to come out to cause trouble, kill them all!"

When Zhang Wen heard this, he took a deep breath. The little guy didn't care about his life. Could he be releasing a demon? He opened his mouth to persuade: "Don't kill people indiscriminately." Hai Ling said seriously: "I don't kill people indiscriminately. If they do bad things and harm others, I will kill them again."

Zhang Weijing persuaded again: "That's not the case. We must take precautions first and not give them the opportunity to do bad things, so that we don't have to kill people."

Hai Ling blinked and said, "Okay." Then asked, "When are we going out?" Zhang Ai shook his head and said, "Not now." Hai Ling asked, "Why?" Zhang Ai said helplessly, "I just said As for crossing the passage, who will block the passage after you leave? And..." "What else?" Hai Ling asked again. Zhang Ain looked up and said, "There is also the man on the fifth floor. He is trapped under the tower. Don't you know?"

Hai Ling said: "Of course I know. If I leave, why don't I just let him go?"

Zhang Ain smiled bitterly after hearing this. Things he had pondered for a long time became very simple with Hai Ling. It was just that it was easy to let go of the ghost ancestor. If he was evil, who could stop him? He said softly: "You can't let people go casually, you have to be careful."

Hai Ling said disapprovingly: "What should we be cautious about? He's just a monk, so it's not easy to deal with him?"

Okay, you are awesome. The Ghost Ancestor is going to deal with the Divine Envoy anyway, so it doesn’t matter if he is released, but what about the passage? Zhang Ain asked again: "Can you separate from the Divine Formation, let the Divine Formation continue to control here, and you and I go out to play?"

Hai Ling frowned and said, "I don't know. The Divine Formation gave birth to me. If I didn't have the wisdom to read the formation, I would die when the formation was broken or withdrawn. But I have the wisdom and merged with the Divine Formation." For one, I am the formation, I will not die easily, and the formation will not be broken, but I don’t know what to do to separate me from the formation again. "

How to do it? Zhang Ai hesitated and said: "It should be like when a person's soul leaves the body, neither of them will die." But after saying this, he immediately felt something was wrong. When the soul leaves the body, people will become puppets, without defense. Ability, will Hai Ling be the same? He left, and the divine array became a decoration and was of no use at all.

After hearing this, Hai Ling said: "You can't, I'm not a human being." After thinking for a moment, he added: "There is no need for the soul to leave the body. Just set up another formation. After I leave, let the formation control the passage."

Zhang Ain asked: "Is this okay? Will another sea spirit appear again?" Hai Ling said angrily: "Do you think the formation spirit appears easily? I don't know how many thousands of years it took for me to exist. Don't worry about this; From now on, we can just come back and take a look after 1800 years. It would be best if there is no new formation spirit. If there is one, just take him away and build another formation. If we continue like this, we will be able to fool him for a million years. "

Zhang Weijing was dumbfounded and whispered: "A million years? I can live for ten thousand years. That's good. What about the rest of the days? Come back by yourself?" Hai Ling'er raised her little hand and said: "It's okay, I've thought about it. "When you are about to die, give birth to a son and let your son accompany me. When he dies, have a grandson accompany me. If you pass it on from generation to generation, with my protection, you will definitely be the best family in the world."

Now it was Zhang Wei's turn to be shocked and he sighed in admiration: "You are really thinking far ahead." "Of course." Hai Ling said loudly, and then said: "Go find some materials, I want to set up the formation."

Hai Ling told her the requirements for the materials, but Zhang was afraid of going out to Wugu to search for them and then coming back to give the materials to Hai Ling. Hai Ling was indeed powerful. Zhang was afraid that it would take a long time to get one formation flag, but Hai Ling casually got eighty-one of them. However, problems arise. Hai Ling has the ability to refine the formation flag and control his own divine formation, but he does not have the power to rearrange the formation.

When he told Zhang Ai these things, Zhang Ai was stunned: "You mean, we can't build another divine formation?"

Hai Ling suggested: "You can try it. The most difficult formation flags to refine are already available. What you have to do is to put the formation flags in the correct position and let them run."

Zhang Ping said: "How can it be so simple?" He knew in his heart that the divine array made of one array flag and the divine array of ninety-nine array flags were not the same thing at all. If the Refining Temple was made of one array flag, , or a formation flag with three or four handles, you can still try it, but with ninety-nine handles, it is simply impossible! Not only do they need to place these formation flags accurately, but they also need to concentrate on controlling these formation flags when setting up the formation, and fully control the powerful power that will flow out when the formation is about to be completed.

Zhang feared that he didn't have this kind of strength. He didn't even have the power to control the Temple of Refinement, so how could he set up the Temple of Refinement array?

Hai Ling advised: "Why isn't it simple? It's just a bunch of flags here and there. They've all been practiced." He really wanted to go out and stop being bored and dazed in this sea.

Zhang Ai suddenly thought of Ghost Ancestor and said to Hai Ling: "The power of the divine formation is too great and I can't control it. It's easy for something to happen. I'll ask Ghost Ancestor to see if he can do anything."

If the Ghost Ancestor fails, there is still hope in his heart, and he can gather the power of the black monster, the mountain god, and the Ghost Ancestor to create this formation, on the condition that the Ghost Ancestor is released. I guess the black monster and the mountain god will agree. No matter what, it will be much simpler than breaking through the fog valley formation.

When Hai Ling heard this, he smiled and said: "Yes, go ask him." As he spoke, he grabbed Zhang Ai's hand and with a thought, Zhang Ai had come from the blue ocean to the black space, but this time there was Hai Ling beside him. Accompany him.

As soon as they came into the darkness, Ghost Ancestor's deep voice sounded: "You're lucky, it works." What he said was that Hai Ling learned the formation diagram without any unexpected incident and cultivated a powerful being.

Zhang Jing said: "There is no such thing as luck. Let me ask you, if I tell you how to control the God Refining Formation, tell you the secrets, and give you the formation flag, can you set up a new Refining God Hall?"

Ghost Ancestor pondered for a long time and replied: "I don't know, my power alone is always limited. How about joining the mountain gods and black monsters, and the three of us work together to set up an array. You tell them that you can let me out, but the condition is to set up a refining temple." Magic Formation, they should agree." Ghost Ancestor directly said what Zhang Wen was thinking.

Hai Ling gave up and said in a crisp voice: "Aren't you a master of transforming gods? Why can't you do it?"

Ghost Ancestor smiled bitterly and said: "I have been imprisoned by you for many years, do you think I can do it? I really want to try, but I am afraid that my ability is limited, I will fail more than I can accomplish, and it will waste time."

Hai Ling thought about it and said magnanimously: "Forget it, it won't be difficult for you. I'll think of a way." The little guy left as soon as he said it. In just a blink of an eye, he dragged Zhang Wen back to the wooden island.

Zhang Awei said depressedly: "Can you give me a heads up? Just when I wanted to speak, you pulled me back." "You still want to talk? Just go back." After saying this, Zhang Awei returned to the darkness. world.

Zhang was helpless and warned: "Don't be so impulsive in the future." Hai Ling curled his lips and said: "Hurry up and say what you say." Now he is the Refining Temple, and he can easily play with everything in the formation. Of course he will be more casual, and the same , the darkness and nothingness cannot affect his speech and vision.

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