The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 899: The Sea Spirit Awakens to Wisdom

Chapter 899 Hai Ling enlightens the mind

The pond was surrounded by mud, and the silt in the water was thick. The little dragon nodded to a spot on the shore. Zhang Feifei went over to take a look. There were thick aquatic plants below, and there was silt under the aquatic plants. With a flick of his hand, the pond water on the shore was swayed, revealing the dirty bottom. However, he didn't see the hairpin. Could it be buried under the silt?

He saved the trouble and released two little mice to help him find it. After a while, the two mice came out of the mud with a black hairpin in their teeth. Zhang Wen took it and took a closer look. It was the same as Suzaku's eagle-shaped ornament. It was hard to tell what it was. The common point of refining materials is that they are all very hard. The hairpin is slightly wavy as a whole, carved into the shape of a dragon, and the head of the hairpin is a dragon head.

Zhang Wen took the hairpin and took a closer look. Xiaolong was a little nervous. From this moment on, it had to obey orders and be manipulated by others. It felt a little uneasy and more unwilling.

Zhang Awei looked at it for a while, took out the eagle-shaped ornament, compared it and looked at it twice, put it away and said: "Follow me from now on." With just this sentence, he put away the little mouse, turned around and walked out of the mountain. . Xiaolong had no choice but to stick to him and follow him like Suzaku.

Soon we left the mountain and flew to the foggy valley. At this time, there were more cultivators outside the foggy valley, about twenty of them. Like the two brothers Hawen and Hawu who arrived in advance a few years ago, they had only just formed elixirs not long ago, so they wanted to come early to get some information. In order to avoid detours after entering the valley. After all, Foggy Bottom is opened once every sixty years and only for ten days at a time. No one can bear to let the opportunity slip away in vain.

After the experience of having a fight last time, Zhang was afraid that he would end up in an uninhabited place, so he put away the dragon and the black bird and walked into the foggy valley.

Because he had completely understood the Temple of Refining, he had been looking at the nine-story tower in a daze after getting out of the ground. Just like that, the bottom of the tower was a passage leading to another place, and there, a master of transforming gods was trapped there. .

After standing for a while, he walked up to the Refining Temple. He first went to Hai Ling and played with him for a day. Then he went to see the Ghost Ancestor. He entered the void space and stood solemnly. After a while, he asked: "General Director of the Divine Array, do you understand?" No?"

Ghost Ancestor replied in a low voice: "No." He probably saw that Zhang Wen's expression was wrong, and then said: "Even if I don't understand, you don't have to be so deep, right?"

Zhang Feng said: "The big black monster created by the Second Ghost Ancestor asked me to ask you if you want to go out. I said you wanted to go out, and he said it was fine."

"That's it?" Ghost Ancestor asked. Zhang Awei replied: "That's it." Guizu chuckled and followed his words and said: "That's very good." He paused and asked again: "Do you understand?" He asked casually and pretended that he didn't. The words are normal. Not wanting to scare him with Zhang Awei's answer, Zhang Awei did not hide it from him and replied frankly: "I understand, and I have deployed many divine formations."

This sentence shocked Guizu, and he asked in an unbelievable tone: "How is it possible, how is it possible? I can't understand it even if I become a god, how can you understand it?" After saying this sentence, he paused for a while. , then said: "How can you understand it in less than five years?"

While asking questions, he released his spiritual consciousness to scan Zhang Wen's body, and then shouted: "How is it possible? In such a short period of time, your cultivation level has improved so much?" I really can't understand it. In just a few years, I saw that Not only does he understand the divine formations, but he also greatly improves his cultivation. How did this guy do it?

Zhang Ai said quietly: "Nothing is impossible. Not only do I understand the general guide diagram of the divine array, but I also understand the diagram of the refining temple array."

In the time since he came in, Guizu had fallen into deep thought several times, and now again, after hearing Zhang Wei's words, Guizu was completely shocked. After thinking for a long time, he asked in a low voice: "What do you want to do?" He faintly asked. I felt like something was wrong, and I couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a while. Yi Zhang has a fearful temper. If he could understand the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining, he would save Hai Ling even if he didn't save himself. It would be a happy thing no matter what, so why was he so serious?

Zhang Wei did not answer his question, but instead continued his own topic and said: "I understand the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining, know where you are imprisoned, and know how to rescue you. Unfortunately, with my cultivation, I cannot control the formation."

This sentence made the ghost ancestor sigh with joy. He knew how to save himself, but he didn't have enough strength? What a tragedy this must be! He asked softly: "Where is Hai Ling?"

This time it was Zhang Ain's turn to sigh: "I don't know, I don't know how to separate him from the divine formation, so I want to ask you something."

Guizu immediately understood. He knew what Zhang Wen wanted to do. Unexpectedly, this guy hesitated several times, but he still planned to do it, so he said: "If you want to do it, do it, but before you do it, please feed me." Son, if something happens, at least you can be a dead man."

Zhang Ai comforted and said: "Don't be so pessimistic. With my understanding of the divine formation and my understanding of Hai Ling, you will be fine."

"Who knows?" Ghost Ancestor muttered.

What Zhang Ain wants to do is to hand over the Alchemy Temple formation diagram to Hai Ling and let him save himself.

In less than ten years, Foggy Valley will be reopened. At that time, it will be the time for the mountain gods and black monsters to break the formation. Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to wait any longer. Even if he gave Hai Ling the formation diagram in less than ten years, would he be able to understand it?

After listening to Gui Zu's muttering, Zhang Ping said more: "Doing this is better than them blowing up the formation and bringing you unlucky with it." Gui Zu said indifferently: "Can it be more unlucky than now?"

Zhang Ping said: "Anyway, I should tell you this first, so that you won't find fault with me in the future." Ghost Ancestor laughed and said: "Do I still have a future?" He was not optimistic about the future.

I don’t know whether he was comforting Gui Zu or himself, but Zhang Ain smiled and said: "No matter if there is a future or not, I will let you be a dead ghost for now." Gui Zu protested: "I'm not dead yet!"

No one cared whether he died or not. Anyway, Gui Zu ate a lot of food. Zhang Ai talked nonsense for a long time and then returned to the fourth floor.

Because there are many things outside, I haven't been able to accompany Hai Ling for several years. When I saw him this time, I felt that he had changed a bit, as if he had read a lot of books and became more sensible and a little more stable.

Large wooden islands float on the sea and can be moved around. At this time, it stopped not far from the passage on the fifth floor. Zhang was afraid of returning to the sea, walked on the water, and reached the wooden island within a hundred breaths.

Because Zhang was afraid of coming, Hai Ling was cooking seriously, saying that she was going to cook delicious food for him. Zhang was afraid that he could not wait any longer, so he took the initiative to strike. The two of them struggled for a long time and managed to come up with eight hot dishes. Unfortunately, they couldn't see whether they were edible or not. In the end, the most eaten ones were all kinds of cold meat jerky.

The two of them were chatting at the dinner table, and the topic turned to books. Hai Ling asked: "Even if not all of the stories in the book are true, there are always some that are true, right?"

Zhang Ping said: "I heard that many stories are true, some are exaggerated and written into stories."

"In other words, the people in the world are living in misery?" Hai Ling asked seriously.

"Why do you want to ask this?" Zhang Ain asked curiously. He had told Hai Ling his stories, some were happy and some were dark. The book he brought in had all kinds of stories. Why would Hai Ling ask this now? question?

Hai Ling blinked her big eyes and said, "I seem to have grown up. I used to read story books, just for reading. Recently, I have been thinking about why such stories exist. Isn't this bad?"

Being able to think about things shows that you are enlightened. Even if you are not completely enlightened, you at least know how to think. Zhang Ying smiled and said: "How could it be bad? It's very good." Hai Ling nodded and said seriously: "I think it's good too. I've grown up and become sensible."

Zhang was afraid of teasing him: "It's a pity that I didn't grow taller." Hai Ling thought about it and said, "I will grow taller."

From the time he brought in the story books, from the time Hai Ling was studying, Zhang Ping was wondering whether Hai Ling would one day understand what the world was like, what good and evil were, and what ethics and morality were. Knowing that he was not originally human.

Now that the day has finally come, Zhang Ai felt a little uneasy. He stood up and walked behind Hai Ling, raised his right hand and patted his shoulder and said, "You have grown up, it's time to go out and see the world, okay?"

Hai Ling turned around and asked, "Really?" She had a happy expression on her face, but then she turned downcast and pouted, "You're trying to coax me again. I knew you wouldn't be able to get out." Zhang Xing smiled and said, "You still look like you're pouting. Just as stupid as before, haha, I haven’t grown up yet.”

Hai Ling said angrily: "Ignore you, you are teasing me again." He ate the food and chewed hard to vent his dissatisfaction.

Zhang Bin walked back to his seat and sat down, took out two jade slips and put them on the table, and said softly: "I'm not kidding you, I want to tell you something." His expression frightened Hai Ling and asked: "What? What's the matter? "

Zhang Awei asked: "Remember the big waves in the sea last time?" Hai Ling nodded: "Remember." Zhang Awei continued: "Someone from outside attacked and caused trouble here." Hai Ling's expression froze, and he pointed his little finger into the distance and asked: " Are you talking about someone attacking us outside that little black door?"

Zhang Ping said yes, and added: "They want to save the person on the fifth floor, who I often go to see, and here is a huge divine array. They are attacking the divine array, and you are also a thing in the array. "Zhang was afraid of telling the whole story.

Hai Ling nodded in understanding: "I'm from this formation, so I can't go out. You're from the outside, but you can come in."

Zhang Awei was talking to him about attacking the divine formation. Hai Ling was thinking about whether he could get out. Zhang Awei opened his mouth and didn't know how to continue. He found it difficult to explain this question, so he clicked on the two words on the table. Zhang Yujian said: "This is the general guide of the divine formation. You can take a look at it first. This is the formation of the Refining Temple. Only with this divine formation can you live in this sea."

At this time, I knew too many things that I didn't know before. Hai Ling thought for a while and took the two jade slips. She covered them with her fleshy hands and rubbed them gently. After a while, she raised her head and asked, "Why are you showing me this? Tell me." What am I doing this for?" He couldn't understand.

Zhang Ain replied: "I have seen both formation diagrams and understand them, but I am unable to control the Refining Temple because I am not strong enough; there are several experts outside who I cannot defeat who want to break the formation, and I don't want you to be harmed. , but I can’t think of a way to take you out, so I have to give you the array diagram. You are an array spirit born from the divine array. If you can understand the array diagram, you may have a way to solve the problem at hand. "

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