The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 886 The Flag of the Divine Formation

Chapter 886 The Flag of the Divine Formation

The big-nosed monk did not believe in evil and wanted to lead people to search the place carefully, but was stopped by the alcoholic maniac: "Don't bother, if there is really a treasure in the world, will Mr. Mei leave happily? Let's leave too." After saying this, he left with fists in his hands.

Although the big-nosed monk was unwilling to accept this outcome, he could only accept the outcome and stood by the lake for a while, waving his hand and leading people back to the door.

At this time, Zhang Wen was already sitting in the divine formation learning the magic formula. It is said that it is a method, but in fact it is mostly dotted and dotted figures, supplemented by simple annotations, and it is not difficult to learn. It's just that it's completely different from the array formation method he learned before. The array used before was to take advantage of the force and use the various forces of the mountains, rivers and the earth for the array's use. No matter how powerful the magic circle is, it must have something to rely on, and it will not exert its power in an empty space.

The Divine Formation Technique is another world, and what it pursues is life. To put it simply, it is to make it alive, and treat the magic circle as a living thing. After the formation is completed, it can run on its own and continue to thrive. Although it also needs borrowing, its borrowing is more active and will absorb nearby spiritual energy. Zhang was afraid that the magic circle he had built before could only use the power within the magic circle.

After three days, I will completely understand these techniques. In addition to the techniques, there are also some methods for refining the formation flag. After the same study, I took out the formation diagram of the general guide of the divine formation and looked at it.

It's a pity that there is nothing to gain from sitting there for a whole day. Zhang Ai put down the formation map and sighed, "Oh my god, why can't I still understand it?" The images and text are all right, but the combination is confusing. It's like a difficult article to understand. I know every word, but when put together, I can't understand it.

He refused to admit defeat and sat there for a few more days, but he still couldn't understand the result, so he had no choice but to get up. Time could not be wasted like this, so he decided to go back to Nitian Cave and think about the general guide of the divine formation.

After scanning the thick fog of the maze, he retreated from the stone wall of the cave, and then flew straight to the northeast. They were speechless all the way. After three days, they entered the Heaven-defying Cave and released the God-subduing Snake to let them continue to grow. He also released the black bird Suzaku. He took the formation diagram and sat down cross-legged in the pavilion. The following days were spent pondering over the divine formation.

Setting up a divine formation is different from an ordinary magic formation. It does not require many formation flags, but an extremely powerful soul.

The required formation flags are also different from those commonly used. Before each flag refinement, the terrain conditions of the formation must be carefully surveyed, and the appearance characteristics of every inch of land must be memorized. The formation spectrum must be condensed with the soul first, and each place must be confirmed After everything is correct with the real terrain, then use your own essence to carve the formation spectrum and start refining the formation flag.

To completely refine the content on the formation chart into the formation flag, one must use one's own essence and blood as a guide and be controlled by the soul, with no room for error. After the formation flag is made, it is placed at the originally selected place, and there is no room for error. If all this is done safely, the formation flag will be perfectly integrated with the terrain here, and no difference will be seen, so the formation is completed.

The formation flag refined in this way is actually a disposable magic weapon. If it is not used after being refined, it will be waste and has no other use at all. And if you get the chance to activate the divine formation, it will exert great power.

The problem is that it is easier to start than to do. Is it easy to set up a divine array? It is difficult to keep the terrain in mind, it is difficult to draw the formation spectrum, and the most difficult thing is to refine the formation flag. It is not only difficult but also troublesome. First of all, it is difficult to select materials. Those top-quality five-element materials are useless at all. In addition to using one's own blood to refine the flag, what the God's Formation Flag needs most is materials suitable for the topography of the God's Formation. It is not that the materials are expensive, it is. It is impossible to determine what material is most suitable for the formation. In other words, anything in the world can be put into the formation. If the stone is suitable, you have to refine the stone into an formation flag and use it to set up the formation.

This is the most troublesome thing about setting up a divine array. With all the items in the world, how do you know which ones are most suitable for the terrain conditions of a certain place? And if the materials are improperly selected, the magic circle constructed by consuming essence and blood can only be a joke.

When Zhang Weijing first read these things, he was surprised, but he didn't take them seriously. Because what he wanted to do was not to set up the formation, but to destroy the divine formation and rescue Hai Ling, he didn't care about the formation flag. Instead, he put all his energy on the general diagram of the divine formation, and from the moment he sat down, he concentrated on studying the structure of the divine formation.

When you concentrate on doing something, time always flies by. In Zhang Awei's hard thinking, two years passed by in a blink of an eye, but the ending was still the same. He still didn't understand what he should have understood.

After sitting for a long time, I couldn't figure out the formation diagram, and I felt a little depressed, so I stopped thinking, took out the food and wine, and had some fun. When you drink until you don’t want to drink anymore, open the bottle and lie down to sleep.

When I woke up the next day, Zhang Ai took a long breath. Since I couldn't understand it, let's try a few magic formations to see if we could figure it out.

He decided to learn how to set up the divine formation. If he knew how to set up the formation, it would be easier to crack it. So he took out the magic formula and read it again, carefully looking at the various steps of making the divine array. The array he wanted to set up was the main lead of the divine array. There was white mist everywhere but there were no dangerous mazes. The first thing to do was It is a suitable place to choose the formation.

Because I was worried that an accident during the formation would affect the Five Spirits Blessed Land, I chose the location in the outside world. Now escape from the ground, select a small area on the boundless grassland, and concentrate on memorizing the topography, soil, grass, leaves and other objects. After writing everything down, marking the range, and condensing the formation with the soul, the next thing to do is to refine the formation flag.

Before that, it is necessary to rely on the formation chart to determine the number of formation flags required and select the formation flag materials. The formation spectrum was condensed by the soul. Zhang Wen checked the formation spectrum with his soul. After careful selection, he decided on two plans. One was a formation flag, which was somewhat similar to a simple magic circle carved in a spell. Throw out the spell, and the magic circle is completed. The same is true for the divine formation. As long as the formation flag is inserted into the formation eye of the formation spectrum, the confusing formation can appear.

The other is the five-handled formation flag. You can choose the various states of water, air, earth, and grass to refine the flag. The process will be much more troublesome.

After making a decision, Zhang Ai squatted on the ground to look for materials suitable for refining the formation flag. Grass blades and stones could be used. The difficulty was how to transfer the formation flag to stones or grass blades.

After half a day of selection, Zhang Po returned to Nitian Cave with a lot of things, only rocks and grass. He sat down cross-legged in front of the Fire Spirit Pond and started tossing around with various materials.

Carving formations on stones and injecting spiritual energy. Before today, if someone dared to say that, Zhang Ain would have scoffed and turned away. When he was in a bad temper, he would even curse: Even if you are going crazy, please send me a message. Normal madness. But now, he started to go crazy on his own initiative.

According to the teachings, all things have spirits. Don’t think that stones are dead objects and can’t do anything coldly. Think about it from another angle, there are stones, spears and arrows in earth spells. They can suddenly appear on the ground and you can control their actions freely. Why do you still call them dead objects?

Of course, it can be explained as using force, spiritual power or spiritual power to control the stone to perform these actions. Then let's think about it again. These powers or spirits can not only drive stones into weapons. When the driving force is strong enough, they can also break stones into powder.

This is what the formula says, apply force to the stone, and when the stone is about to break, transfer the force acting on the outside of the stone to the inside of the stone, fill the stone with the soul, and immediately fix the entire stone. It prevents him from continuing to fragment, and at the same time successfully seals the spiritual power in it. After the soul is separated, it will be considered a success if the stone no longer fragments. The stone at this time is no longer an ordinary stone. Because of the spiritual power injected into it, it has undergone essential changes. It has become alive and can be used to refine the formation flag.

Zhang Weijing understood these principles early on, but only when he actually did it did he realize how difficult it was. It is easy to break a stone, and it is also easy to pour spiritual power into the stone when it is about to break. But in just a short time, when the spiritual power is filled with the stone, the stone will not only be squeezed by external forces, but also collapsed by the internal spiritual power. The two forces can easily destroy the stone. Blast into powder. It is difficult to hold a stone from breaking.

After struggling for an hour, there was a piece of gray-white powder under Zhang Zhi's feet, as well as in his hands, but not a single stone that contained spiritual power appeared.

Looking at the powder on the ground, Zhang Awei shook his head and sighed, it's really difficult! When I wanted to continue, I found that I had run out of stones, so I decided to focus on a small pile of grass.

Grass is the same as stone. There are meridians connecting the grass, and countless small channels extending to the roots, where the source of life is drawn. Countless small channels are much like human blood vessels, supporting the life of grass blades and making them full of vitality. From this point of view, the grass is actually alive. What is said in the formula is to make the grass blades more alive, attach the soul to every bit of vitality in them, and then send spiritual power into it, and send the formation formed by the soul into it, so as to stimulate the vitality of the grass blades to the maximum extent. , without damaging its roots.

When this grass returns to the earth, it will quickly connect with the entire earth, release the array pattern in the array spectrum, cover every inch of land within the array with powerful spiritual power, and then form the array.

Life is always like this, easy to understand but difficult to do. Zhang was afraid of failing at the stone, and the blades of grass would not give him face, making him experience failure again and again. In just a moment, another piece of green foam appeared at his feet. Zhang Ai looked down and felt furious, not believing that it could be done! If others can do it, I can do it too.

Leave the Five Spirits Blessed Land and get back a lot of stones and grass blades. From that day on, Zhang Wen was entangled with stones and grass all the time, working hard to refine the formation flag.

Time passed by, and another hundred years passed in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, a shout of surprise came from the empty Nitian Cave: "It's done!" Zhang Ai was extremely happy as he held a stone in his hand that kept shining with silver light.

He was ruthless enough. After countless failed attempts, he started from scratch and started working little by little. First, he broke the stone into ten pieces, then a hundred pieces, then a thousand pieces. Until then, he broke the stone into tens of thousands of pieces. The soul has also been divided into ten, hundred, thousand, and now tens of thousands of parts. Each strand of soul locks every small piece of stone. After complete control, spiritual power is input instantly. After fixing, the soul is The formation composed by the gods is sent to the small stone, and then the soul is extracted bit by bit, the stone is sealed with spiritual power, and the formation is fixed. When all the souls are withdrawn, the formation flag of the gods is refined. become.

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