The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 885: Changing Techniques

Chapter 885: Changing Techniques

It must be changed. The question is who will be the first to change. If the first is blocking the way, even if something happens in the future, it will not be found. When he asked this, someone echoed and asked: "Boss Mei, you say it first." Everyone had the same idea, they wanted to get benefits but didn't want to take responsibility.

Mei Yuan was slightly angry in his heart and secretly cursed a bunch of bastards. However, when the matter had reached this point, he could not back down. He immediately said loudly: "Let's not ask door after door. It's just about changing or not changing. The horizontal line under our feet is the basis." Right, those who agree to the change stand on my side, and those who disagree stand on the other side." As he spoke, he raised his empty finger and a horizontal line appeared on the ground.

This method is simple. There are eleven sects, and each sect has several Nascent Soul monks. Maybe we have to go back to discuss it again, and things will be very troublesome. Mei Yuan directly let everyone choose, which made it much simpler, and the results could be seen immediately.

Mei Yuan stood up and stood behind the line. The rest of the people looked at it and crossed the line one after another to stop. Some people hesitated and asked, "What treasure can I exchange for?"

Mei Yuan said: "Let's decide whether to change it or not. We will discuss what to change later."

The person who asked the question looked at the crowd around him. Most of them had already crossed the horizontal line, so he also stepped over, but he muttered in his mouth: "If you exchange it for some rags, I won't agree."

In just a moment, sixty-three people stood behind Mei Yuan, and no one had a different opinion. If you have different opinions at this time, it means that the baby in exchange does not belong to you.

Mei Yuan nodded with satisfaction and said: "There are eleven sects in total, so we will ask for treasures, spiritual stones, elixirs, magic weapons, and exercises according to eleven sects. In short, we must discuss what we want. Just remind me, don't If you are too greedy, you will get nothing.”

Someone interjected: "The sect passed down by the ancestor, not only our eleven families, but also five families are not here, don't you need to ask them?"

Mei Yuan sighed secretly, things became troublesome again. However, since he wanted to do everything well, he had eleven families, and there was no need for five more families. He said: "I will order the disciples to invite them over." Then he said: "Let the disciples go back to the door, be careful. I can’t guard against anything, just wasting my time here.”

So all the masters ordered their disciples to go back, and Mei Yuan sent people to invite the five families to come. They saw the sky full of pill forming or foundation building disciples flying away quickly. In a short time, only sixty-three Nascent Souls were left. Monk.

This change surprised everyone in Tiandang Mountain, and they became more and more confused about what was happening. They came to join in the fun because they noticed that the monks at the main gate were acting strangely and came to get a share of the pie. Judging from the current situation, not only could they not get a piece of the pie, they didn't even know what it was.

They were confused about their situation, so Mei Yuan made a decision. At this time, he went to see Zhang Ping again, explained the details in a low voice, asked him to wait a moment, and said that he would definitely change his mind within a day. Zhang Ain replied: "That's fine, just wait for one day."

A night passed like this, and in the morning of the next day, masters from the other five sects arrived one after another under the leadership of the disciples of the main sect. They were five poor alchemy monks. These five sects can be regarded as being inherited for thousands of years. They don’t even have Nascent Soul monks, which shows how decayed they have become.

When they arrive, someone will explain the situation. Surprisingly, one of the five people couldn't see others being better than him, and refused to exchange life and death, insisting that the ancestor's magic could not be passed on to others.

His persistence was despised by a group of Nascent Soul masters. They told him clearly that you agree or disagree. If you agree, maybe you can share something, but if you don't agree, it's all nonsense. Only then did he suppress the pill-forming monk and reluctantly agreed.

In this way, everyone has a unified opinion, and the next step is to make a list and put forward requirements, and be prepared to bargain with Zhang Awei.

After discussion, the needs were listed, and the leaders of the sixteen sects went to talk to Zhang Ain. I just want some magic weapons and elixirs, other things are not important.

The ones who requested the most were advanced pills. Some asked for fifty pills, and some asked for a hundred pills. Zhang Ping only listened until everyone finished their requests. Zhang Ai took out some herbs and dozens of bottles of elixirs, placed them in front of him and said, "What you are talking about is too confusing. I don't have the energy to mess around with you. Each person will get a piece of the divine formation formula in exchange for a ten-thousand-year-old herb. Ten thousand-year-old herbs, fifty pills each of the fourth-level spiritual energy pills in the foundation-building stage, ten pills each in the fourth-level spiritual energy pills of the pill-formation stage, and two spiritual energy pills in the Nascent Soul stage. Each person present has two pills, corresponding to his own cultivation level. Do you have any opinions? "

Of course, I had no objection. The monks were worried about asking for too much and would anger Zhang Awei, so they only made a few requests. Even so, I was worried that Zhang would be angry and not meet their demands. Listening to him say this at this time, it seemed like a dream. Even if there are treasures in the Patriarch's cave, how can Zhang Ai give too much?

There were still people who were reluctant to exchange just now, but now they were all happy and busy taking the jade slips to write down the magic formula of the divine formation, just waiting to exchange for the elixir. How could anyone not be tempted by such a large amount of wealth?

Zhang Ai was too lazy to do trivial matters, so he beckoned to Ma Long: "Come here and divide the elixirs for them." Ma Long didn't dare to disobey, so he hurried over and asked, "How?" Zhang Ai said, "Let them prepare the elixir bottles themselves, and give them to them." I’ll go to your place to get the elixir, let’s get started.”

Ma Long said yes and looked at the crowd. A group of people ran over without hesitation, handed over a jade slip, and turned to look for Ma Long to receive the elixir.

Zhang Wen took it without looking at it, and said to a group of people: "In addition, the secrets of this place are not allowed to be spread out. It is still the same as before. Just select outstanding disciples to pass it on, and it cannot be known to others. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

A monk answered and said, "No more preaching. From now on, we won't come either."

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Come if you want, it's best if you can break the magic circle. I just want to know the magic formula of the magic circle, and I'm not interested in the things inside." He wished that someone could break the magic circle, so that there would be a teacher who could ask questions. What on earth is going on with the God Formation?

Everyone was confused by Zhang Ai's troubles. Why did you cause so many troubles if you were not interested in the cave? But he is the boss, so whatever he says is what he says, and everyone should come down and say it.

Because there were more than thirty people from Tiandang Mountain in the distance, in order to prevent the elixir from leaking spiritual energy and being discovered by them, before taking out the elixir, Zhang Wen set up a barrier to block the area around him. There were dozens of people in front of him. A monk covered his sight, and everyone in Tiandang Mountain only knew that something was happening here, but they could not see, hear, or detect it.

Not long after, the elixirs were distributed, and all the Nascent Soul monks were the happiest. Everyone had advanced elixirs. This was better than entering the cave of the ancestor. They all thanked Zhang Ain. Zhang Wen put away the extra herbs and pills, took the sixteen jade slips and looked at them one by one. The magic formulas inside were exactly the same, so he knew they were right. After putting it away, he removed the barrier and said: "Let's go." He took off and flew towards the two tall peaks. He had to seize the time to learn the technique.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of leaving, a group of people were very satisfied and thought of good luck. However, there were also people who were jealous of the five dilapidated sects that had not done anything and had a windfall just sitting at home. This kind of luck was really unspeakable.

Especially for a sect as big as the main sect, where more than a thousand people are divided into more than 200 pills, and for a run-down sect with a dozen or dozens of people, so many pills are divided, the masters of the sect with a large number of people will inevitably have other ideas.

The five families are really smart and know how to be remembered. Fortunately, they are all descendants of the same ancestors and have some connection with each other, so they will not fall out in person. One person took out the jade box containing ten thousand years of herbal medicine and said: "This herb is too precious and I have no use for it. I offer it to you, please accept it with a smile."

Among the pile of things, the most precious ones are ten thousand-year-old herbs. Most of the elixirs are refined from thousand-year-old herbs. There is no way to compare them. He took out the most expensive thing as money for traveling. If you are so coquettish, you will not do evil things to me again. ?

One person did this, and the other four did the same, and five jade boxes were placed on the ground.

Mei Yuan and the other five acted like this, knowing that they were worried about being framed and assassinated, but how to divide the five herbs? He turned to look at Ma Long, meaning to let him make up his mind.

Malone knew that someone in the field wanted more, and he was really greedy. He coughed and said: "Zhang is afraid that he gave away so many things just for a magic formula. I don't know what you think. It's a bit hot for me to hold. It's a blessing and a curse. What do you think?" He is beating everyone, even if you You can kill some people to get more elixirs, but please don't forget who gave the elixirs. If you kill someone to get the elixirs, if Zhang Wen finds out, there will be no need to say what the consequences will be.

Everyone understood what he meant, but their eyes were fixed on the five jade boxes on the ground. No one wanted the Ten Thousand Years Herb.

After Ma Long spoke, seeing everyone's expressions, he flicked his sleeves and robe and put away the five jade boxes. At that time, someone asked in a deep voice: "Brother Ma, what do you mean?"

Ma Long pursed his lips towards the other side of the lake and whispered: "There are two masters there." Then he added: "These five medicines will be divided equally among the five most powerful sects, and then each of these five sects will give way to each other. I have given two thousand-year-old herbs to the next five sects, and there is still one sect left. I will personally give you an advanced elixir at the elixir formation stage. What do you think?"

Such a distribution is clearly bullying the small. Unless the small sect wants to fight, it can only accept it. Otherwise, go and see the five run-down sects that are even more unlucky. Even the ten thousand-year-old herbal medicine has been donated, and the small sect at least still has Wannian herbs can be used. Therefore, regardless of whether they are satisfied or not, a group of people have no choice but to accept this distribution, and then divide the medicine among each other.

The five dilapidated sects were the first to leave. They made up their minds to take their disciples to find a secluded place to live in seclusion after returning. They would come out when they had finished eating all the elixirs.

There are still sixty-three Nascent Soul monks left, each clasping their fists to say goodbye, making the people in Tiandang Mountain in the distance even more confused. What is going on? How could a large group of people from more than a dozen sects leave at the drop of a hat? Why did they come to Ruyi Lake?

The big-nosed monk and the drunkard looked at each other and flew straight over. Big Nose asked coldly: "Boss Mei, what are you doing that is so shameful?"

Mei Yuan looked back with cold eyes and said softly: "Fellow Taoist Ji said he likes this place. Since he likes it, Mei will give you his adult beauty." After saying that, he slightly cupped his hands and said, "Farewell." He took the monks from the main entrance and flew into the air. Return to the mountain gate. The same was true for the other sects. After a while, only more than thirty people from Tiandang Mountain and the drunkards were left by Ruyi Lake.

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