The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 887: Laying Out the Divine Formation

Chapter 887 Deploying the Divine Array

He gently weighed the silver stone and said with a smile: "It's not easy." He left the underground cave and came to the grassland. He walked to the selected magic circle location, found the center of the array, gently put the stone in, and took a few steps away, feeling secretly in his heart. Recite the mantra to activate the movement of the divine array. Just hearing a soft bang, a three-meter-square white thick fog appeared in front of me.

Seeing the white mist, Zhang Fei looked up to the sky and laughed. He knew how to make a divine formation! Needless to say, I was filled with ecstasy as I walked into the mist. Although the maze is only three meters square from the outside, it is a world of difference inside. After walking for a long time, I still couldn't come out. It seemed that the world in the fog was endless and never ending. This is the power of the maze!

Zhang Wen smiled softly, and the formation diagram appeared in his mind, and all the ambush and roads he had set up were immediately clear before his eyes. He followed the diagram, turned around a few times, and after only taking a dozen steps, he had passed through the maze and reached the other side of the fog.

Zhang was afraid that he was too happy, so he closed the divine formation with a finger, and the white mist dispersed. He took out the stone and crushed it, then lay down on the green grassland. After working for so long, he should reward himself and take a good rest.

After spending a hundred years in the Nitian Cave, Zhang Aiyuan Shen was trained to be extremely powerful. After he learned to practice the Divine Comedy, he could easily divide his soul into more than a thousand parts. Since then, he has never practiced the Divine Comedy technique again.

According to the Divine Comedy Refining Technique, the soul can be divided into countless parts after success. But who can do it? And Zhang is afraid that he has never had the opportunity to try how many copies he has. His soul remained unchanged for a long time after he stopped training.

This time practicing the Divine Formation Flag, the Yuan Shen once again had the opportunity to hone his skills and finally became stronger. For example, take a piece of white paper. We have the ability to tear it into pieces, but how many pieces can it be broken into? We all have the ability to easily break it into hundreds of parts, but what about thousands of parts? Logically speaking, we have this ability, but who can really do it?

After more than a hundred years of practice, Zhang Ain did it.

In the past years, I was always tense and worked very hard. Now I can relax and everything I look at is extremely beautiful. There is sunshine in the distance, white clouds nearby, and dark clouds a little further away. After looking up for a while, the sun was gone, the white clouds were gone, the clouds were getting thicker and thicker, and they were getting lower and lower, accompanied by a cold wind.

Zhang Ain laughed loudly: "No way? It's going to rain?" This sentence is purely redundant. The sky is dark and it would be strange if it doesn't rain. He was just happy in his heart and kept talking nonsense to entertain himself; seeing the dark clouds approaching, he had no intention of hiding from the rain.

There was no thunder, no flash, there was a sudden flood of water from the sky, and there was a curtain of rain everywhere connecting the sky and the earth. Zhang was afraid that many puddles would appear around him.

This made him want to play. He attached his soul to the water and separated the water droplets into countless drops like a stone. Just think of a formation in your mind and add a few traps. Then drive countless small water droplets to form an array shape, then squeeze and shrink the water droplets, fix them into ice beads, and throw them into the puddles around you. Once activated, there will be a loud bang and water mist splashing all over the sky. It was as if the Milky Way was falling straight down from the sky, and a mercury-like river was flashing under a large dark cloud, flowing slowly around Zhang Ai.

This is another divine formation. Zhang Wen was fully prepared, raised his hand and touched the water surface, and saw that his whole body was sucked into the silver river with a whoosh. After entering, he discovered that there was no water at all. Instead, there were pieces of extremely sharp white blades, waving wildly in the air and striking at him.

It was a small trap created casually when condensing the formation diagram, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Zhang Ai hurriedly closed the divine formation, saying it was final, and the thousands of swords disappeared. Zhang Wen pulled away from the formation and sighed: "It's too scary." He quickly found the ice drop and crushed it gently. He thought: "Fortunately, it is difficult to make the flags of the divine formation, and their use is limited to a limited range. Otherwise, as long as a few are handed down casually, no matter how many monks in the world are there, it will be in vain."

It was still raining at this time. Zhang was afraid of being bored, so he stayed in the rain for a while before going back to the underground cave.

One day outside the cave, one year inside the cave. Zhang was afraid of going out to mess with the divine formation, but the God-subduing snake stayed in the cave. He was delayed outside for more than three hours. In the past three months in Nitian Cave, a group of big snakes had not seen Zhang Ai for a long time. They were anxious and wandered around looking for traces. A group of guys had come out of Nitian Cave and were causing chaos in the garden outside. Flying, it's just that he can't escape to the ground, and he can't break through the outgoing magic circle, so he has to be imprisoned in the underground space.

As soon as Zhang Waicai appeared in the garden, a bunch of big snakes flew over. Because they were so big, they pushed Zhang Waicai down horizontally and vertically, making him almost breathless.

Zhang Weizing was touched that these guys would care about him. He took out his hand and patted the big snake on his body to let it go away. Unexpectedly, not only did he not leave, but he also alarmed the big snakes in the Nitian Cave. They all flew over and crowded around him. Even the black bird Suzaku flew out together and circled above Zhang Ao's head.

The door of Nitian Cave is transparent. You cannot see the door from the outside, nor can you see the scene inside the cave. But to go out from the inside, just push the door open. It can be seen from here that the big snakes know how to divide the work even if they come to Zhang Ping. Some snakes are left in the cave to open the door, and some are left outside the cave.

However, since Zhang Zhen appeared, there was no need for the big snakes in the cave to guard the door. They would all fly out and fight to crush him to death.

Every snake is longer and heavier than Zhang Ai. More than a hundred snakes are crowded together, just like hundreds of cats catching a mouse. Zhang Ai emerged from the gap between the big snakes and said with a smile: "Okay, okay." He decided in his heart that he would never leave them for too long in the future.

In the past, the big snakes stayed in the big walnut on Zhang Ai's chest. With the help of divine tears, they could enter and exit freely. They could easily sense Zhang Ai's breath and know that he was always there. Today is the first time I haven’t seen anyone after three months of separation, so I am a bit impulsive.

Zhang Ai was very touched by their impulsiveness. He smiled and played with them for a long time. He took the black bird Suzaku into the Nitian Cave together, and then figured out how to refine the formation flag with grass leaves.

This thing makes sense. As long as you have a strong soul, it is not too difficult to refine the formation flag. Half a year later, Zhang Ping successfully refined the Grass Leaf Formation Flag. Already understand the general method of entering and exiting the divine formation and breaking the divine formation.

The most difficult part of breaking the divine formation is that there is no formation diagram, if you don't read the formation diagram, don't understand the formation spectrum, and are completely ignorant of the paths and dangers involved, of course you can't break the divine formation.

As for Zhang Ai, there are formation diagrams for both the Divine Array General Guide and the Refining Temple Array Diagram. Now he was following his own method of setting up the formation to figure out how the main guide of the divine formation was setting up the formation.

After three years of hard thinking, I finally got something. The foundation of all divine formations is the primordial spirit. Only with a powerful enough primordial spirit can it be possible to control and break the formation. Otherwise, it will be useless to look at it for many years.

At first, he couldn't understand the general guide of the divine formation because he subconsciously used the soul as a thing. Although he knew how to practice the Divine Comedy, he had also been distracted by thinking and trying, but he always failed after only a few attempts.

To put it simply, there is a knife on the ground. If the blade is pointed at you, you can easily avoid it. If there are ten knives on the ground, you can easily avoid it. But what if there are thousands of them? There is a knife path in front of you. You must keep walking and pass through it in an instant to be safe. What should you do? You can draw knives, you can draw ten or twenty of them, but can you draw thousands of them in a short time?

The soul can be divided into thousands of strands and wrapped around the blade at the same time. Just mention it, all the blades leave, and you can leave calmly, so the formation is broken.

Many things are actually very simple to put it bluntly. The difficult thing is how to see through them.

With this foundation, you can understand the general guide of the divine formation in one year, easily find the hidden path within it, and walk through it to enter the cave. Even after finishing one divine formation, the next step is the second one, the Refining Temple Formation.

The formation diagram of the Temple of Refining is much more troublesome. The nine shapes are connected together and completed by a line, but they are divided into nine formations. Each formation is one of the nine-story towers of the Temple of Refining.

This is difficult. I have tried chanting the magic formula, dividing the formation diagram, and splitting the soul. In short, I have tried various methods one by one, but they all fail. In short, I can't understand it, and I can't even make the formation according to the diagram.

Zhang Ain remembered that when he first set up the divine formation, he thought of two methods, but over the years, he has been struggling with the first method, which is to form an formation with a formation flag. Now that I was stumped by the formation diagram of the Refining Temple, I thought of the second method, which was to refine more formation flags to set up the formation. However, because the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining was unclear, the white mist formation was still deployed.

This thing is something that practice makes perfect. Refining the formation flags at this time is extremely simple. With just a few fiddles, five formation flags can be refined in less than an hour. Then go out and set up a formation. Before going out, greet the big snakes: "Be back soon."

The more formation flags there are, the more troublesome they are, but they are also more powerful. What is even more frightening is that as the formation flags increase, all kinds of ambushes in the divine formation increase. It becomes very complicated to find the passage, like a maze, with countless passages and dead ends. Countless too.

After tossing around with the divine formation with multiple formation flags for a while, after completely understanding it, destroy the formation flags as usual, return to Nitian Cave and look at the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining. After this struggle, although I have gained a little more understanding, I still can't understand it. Zhang was so angry that he yelled, "What the hell is this?"

He put away the Divine Formation Technique and the two formation diagrams, walked around in the garden, rested for a while, went into Nitian Cave to put away the big snake, called back the black bird, and hugged him to escape from the Five Spirits Blessed Land. He was going to the Qin Kingdom again, to visit the cave of the god-transforming monk, and maybe he would make some discoveries.

Come to the ground, hold the eagle-shaped ornament and talk to the black bird: "You don't like staying in there, do you?" The black bird neighed. Zhang Ai put away the spiritual weapon and said: "Then don't go in. When you get tired of staying outside, tell me and we will go in again." After saying that, he released Feiya, went inside with the black bird, and took off to fly south.

Wuling Blessed Land is not too far from Tianlei Mountain, so of course the first stop is to go back to the mountain. During this period of time, Tianlei Mountain finally calmed down. After the previous battle around the mountain, more than a dozen major sects returned defeated, and no one in the world dared to come to provoke them.

After Zhang Wen came back, he heard a few things while chatting with Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er. One was that Fang Jian sent back news that he had benefited a lot from his experience in joining the world and planned to visit more.

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