The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 869 Escape back to Foggy Valley

Chapter 869 Escape back to Foggy Valley

Without the Calming Bead, the big black monster could easily turn into black energy and burrow into the ground to kill people. However, because of the existence of the Calming Bead, he was restricted from using all his abilities, and he felt a little aggrieved.

It is said that Buddhist cultivators are guests of demonic arts. To fall into this situation before meeting Buddhist cultivators is a shame for one's tyrannical strength. The big black monster decided to be ruthless, and silently recited a few spells, pulled out the white bones from various parts of the body, bent and wrapped them, and wore them like a white jade armor. However, after this wrapping, the body became much smaller, from the original The height of thirty meters became more than three meters, shrinking more than ten times. The big black knife in his hand also disappeared and was replaced by a long bone sword.

With no soul to collect, the Concentration Pearl flew a thousand meters to the west. After stopping, Zhang Ping emerged from the soil. He scratched his head looking at the big black monster. This guy became much more powerful once he became smaller. What kind of monster is he? A little concentration bead, the concentration bead suddenly became smaller and entered my mind against my forehead. I held the hard iron knife in both hands and was ready to escape.

No matter how much he wants to annihilate evil with righteousness, he must first save his own life.

Seeing that the big black monster turned into a small white monster, Zhang was afraid of being stupid and said: "Didn't you say three swords? It's all over with one sword?"

After the transformation, the big black monster smiled coldly: "You want a knife? Okay, I'll satisfy you." His wrist trembled slightly, and the white bone sword immediately turned into a bone knife, and he said to Zhang Awei: "The second knife." Three words said It's over, the big black monster is gone. It's the same game that Zhang Wen always liked to play in the past. The speed is so fast that he can hide and attack the opponent.

Zhang Wen continued to run away, without blocking or dodging, and burrowed into the ground. The big black monster refused to let him run away, and locked his dive position. He slashed down with his sword, and he didn't know what technique it was. Through the thick ground, an explosion sounded instantly from the ground, and Zhang was seen swooping down. He jumped out of the ground and shouted: "Dare you cheat on me?"

The big black monster not only tricked him, but also wanted to kill him. Without saying a word, he chased him with a backhand knife. Zhang was afraid that he was in the air, so no matter how fast he reacted, he couldn't catch up with the sharp knife planned by the big black monster, so he had to hide behind the hard iron knife. The big black monster knew that his knife was strong and weird, so he refused to fight hard with the bone knife. He stepped lightly, and his whole body changed positions in an instant. The knife did not stop and continued to chop at Zhang Awei.

This guy was so fast that Zhang Fei jumped forward, pressed the hard iron knife and fell to the ground, narrowly escaping the third knife attack. The big black monster refused to let him escape by chance, so the blade turned into a straight slash. Zhang was afraid that the enemy would be ahead of him and knew that the enemy would do this, so as soon as he fell down, he immediately rolled to the side holding the knife.

The big black monster was much more powerful than Zhang Awei. The two fought at close range. The big black monster moved extremely fast. When Zhang Awei was rolling with the knife in his arms, he turned his wrist again and slashed with the knife, chasing after him closely. The endless attack of the knife made Zhang afraid irritated. He suddenly stopped and lay down on the ground, blocking the big black knife in front of him. He didn't believe it. How could the black monster go around and attack from behind?

After all, the big black monster refused to fight with the bone knife, so Xuefang slashed it in the air, and two black dots flew out from the tip of the knife. It was difficult to spot unless you looked closely. The black dots were like invisible objects, bypassing the hard iron knife and Zhang Awei's body, silently burrowed into the soil, and exploded close to Zhang Awei's back.

This is the secret technique of the big black monster, Ghost Storm, which condenses a large number of souls into something like a spiritual bomb, which can hurt people with huge explosive power. It is silent when fired, allowing you to sneak up on enemies. Just now, Zhang was afraid that this thing would force him out of the ground. It's just that although Gui Bao is powerful, it has a flaw. Each time it is used, it consumes a lot of souls. The more it is used, the lower the cultivation level will become.

At this time, there were two explosions. The sound was not loud, but the damage was quite large, and Zhang Ao was blown away. The god-defying snake robe on his body was blown to pieces, the ice crystal shield was blown apart, and even the bones inside his body that were in danger and formed an emergency shield were blown apart. All layers of protection were broken, and his back was full of scars. Zhang was afraid that someone was in the air and spurted out several mouthfuls of blood. The Nascent Soul in his brain was also damaged and he became temporarily dizzy.

Of course, the big black monster would not let go of the great opportunity to kill Zhang Awei. It flashed white light and chased the unlucky guy who was blown away. The bone knife in his hand flashed with cold light. He was just waiting to catch up to him and gently insert it into his body to take away his life. .

Zhang was afraid of being in the air. He woke up immediately after being dizzy and shouted: "Three swords." The situation was critical. He only had time to shout these two words, but the meaning was obvious. The big black monster only said to cut with three swords and kill with three swords. If you don't die, let yourself be afraid of leaving.

The big black monster was startled when he heard this, but only for a moment. He immediately chased after him, and he had murderous intentions.

Zhang Ping didn't expect the big black monster to let him go. All he needed was a moment to escape. While shouting the word "three swords", he exerted all his strength and flew towards the river. While the big black monster was stunned for a moment, he had already crashed into the river water, and then saw the river water freezing, protecting Zhang Ao at the bottom of the river.

At this time, the big black monster caught up with him and slashed Hu Di with his sword. The force was so powerful that it was unimaginable that all the ice formed by the river water turned into powder under his slash. But the ice shattered, and Zhang was afraid that he would be gone, so he used the river ice to block him and escaped from the bottom of the river.

The escape this time took a moment longer than the last time. The big black monster lost Zhang's accurate position and was unable to use the ghost violence technique. He could only watch him escape. The ghost storm spell is similar to the spiritual power cannon. It only works if it can hit the target.

The big black monster was extremely unwilling. He changed again and again and transformed into the strongest body, but he still couldn't kill a small ant. After staying by the river for a while, he suppressed his anger and decided to leave the ants alone and go do business. Then he put away the bone knife, recalled the soul-calling flag, and flew to the west.

Zhang Ping was also running to the west. He was seriously injured and wanted to go to Wugu to recuperate. That place was the closest and safest.

After taking the Life Pill, my injuries were temporarily under control, and I started to move forward wildly underground. Because I couldn't find the direction, I had to go out to check the direction after walking for a while. After finally walking to the foggy valley, a white light flashed in the sky, and a three-meter-tall skeleton man also came to the foggy valley. Zhang was so frightened that he hurriedly sank into the ground, escaped into the foggy valley, and then ran into the Refining Temple. He only felt relieved when he reached the wooden island in one go.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Hai Ling asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Zhang Ain waved his hand and said: "I'll heal the injury first, and I'll talk about it later." He took out the Changchun Pill and drank it, then sat cross-legged and meditated. After three hours, he recovered. He stood up and said, "It's okay."

Hai Ling asked again: "Who hit you?" Zhang Ain replied: "It's a monster. I'm going to ask the ghost ancestor." He jumped on the big boat and headed to the fifth floor passage at full speed. After entering, he said directly: "You were That’s right.”

Ghost Ancestor asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?" Zhang Ping explained in detail what happened just now, and finally sighed and asked: "That monster is too powerful, do you know its origin?"

He sighed, and Ghost Ancestor also sighed: "Oh, no wonder I feel bad, it turns out that the matter has something to do with me." Zhang Ao smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, don't scare me, I'm so lucky that I didn't die outside." At this point After a pause, an idea flashed in his mind, and he asked: "You mean this thing was made by another you?"

Ghost Ancestor admitted: "Yes, the big black monster you mentioned was created by ghost refining magic. If it is completely refined, it will be more powerful than me. Please pray, I hope that the guy you saw is not completely refined." Success." He paused and said in a low voice, "No wonder he was hiding underground and couldn't come out. He was just messing with this thing." This sentence was about another ghost ancestor.

Zhang Wen said helplessly: "You old man is still restless after being imprisoned by the formation. A random premonition can torture someone to death." He shook his head and asked again: "What should we do now?"

Ghost Ancestor replied: "I don't know either. Why do you think he came to Wugu? Does he want to rescue me?"

Zhang Ao was so frightened that he shouted loudly: "Don't scare me, let me save you? Are you afraid that the divine messenger won't come?" Then he muttered in a low voice: "This world is crazy, there is both a divine messenger and a ghost refiner* *, are you going to let people live?" But when something happens, it must be solved. He asked again: "Tell me about that ghost Lian**, don't tell me you don't want to talk."

Ghost Ancestor chuckled, full of self-deprecation, and whispered: "It's useless to tell you, it's just swallowing ghosts and ghosts to strengthen the ghost body, and also swallowing living people, swallowing everything that can be swallowed, and turning it into its own strength. , the more you eat, the stronger you become.”

Zhang Ping said: "Talk about weakness." "Weakness? Weakness is fear of Buddhist magic, but that's just fear. He is very powerful and can run. Even Buddhists can't do anything to him." Ghost Ancestor said after thinking about it.

"Is it true that the invincible man in the world will never die?" Zhang Ai asked blurtly.

Ghost Ancestor replied in a low voice: "That's not the case. There is no immortal thing in the world. This thing is just powerful. If there is a strong force to break up his body and get a bunch of concentration beads to collect the soul like you, he will not be able to run away. No way, the question is who is so powerful that can defeat him?"

This sentence is the same as if he didn't say it. Zhang is probably a top-level master, and he can't hurt the big black monster with the top magic weapon. Who in the world has the ability to hurt him? Unless it's a god-transforming monk like a mountain god who takes action. But Ghost Ancestor said that if the big black monster is successfully refined, the god-transformation monk will not be a match. Zhang was afraid to ask again: "Is there any way to get rid of him?"

Ghost Ancestor replied: "Find the other me, kill him, or find out the life gate of this thing, break it, and you will die." He said simply, Zhang was afraid of misunderstanding, and asked again: " Are you saying that the big black monster and another ghost ancestor share the same fate, and if the other ghost ancestor dies, the big black monster will die? "

Ghost Ancestor confirmed: "Yes, the method of ghost refining must be guided by oneself. The two share the same life and are connected with each other. Otherwise, how can we completely control such terrifying monsters? To put it simply, you can treat the big black monster as another a me.”

Then there are three of you! Although Ghost Ancestor gave him a clear answer, it made Zhang Wen even more embarrassed. He sighed again and said: "How can I bring you such a playful person? The other one is also a god-forming monk. How do you want me to kill him? Plus Dahei "Please help me, am I going to kill people or die? I'm not telling you, can't you guys think about something good all day long? If you're not going to kill people, you're going to harm them."

Ghost Ancestor argued seriously: "Demon cultivation is the most orthodox among thousands of cultivation methods. Human beings have been no different from all beasts since ancient times. The weak eat the strong. Our ancestors slaughtered all beasts to achieve our current survival. Respect for life is to kill them." , make good use of him and keep yourself alive.”

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