The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 868 Fighting

Chapter 868: Fighting

He had just flown a short distance when he saw a colorful light flying under his body and hitting the big black monster's head. Then, there was a violent explosion, and the big black monster was finally injured. The explosion was so powerful that it blew off half of his face, and other parts of his body were also damaged. Black gas and mist lingered from the broken parts.

At this time, the talismans scattered by Zhang Pa also began to explode, with a constant rumble, shaking the whole world. Because it exploded when it fell on the big black monster's body, it suffered the greatest damage. It was so miserable that no matter how strong his body was, it couldn't withstand the talismans. The explosions broke his body in many places, and the wounds also spurted out black gas.

Although he was tall and mighty, he was also a big target. He was injured by many explosions in a moment and had no time to attack Zhang Pa. He stood still and rushed to spray more black gas from all parts of his body to gather on his head and the wounds on his body, trying to repair his injuries.

Zhang Pa cursed inwardly, a bunch of bastards! You didn't even know when you fired the cannon, and you almost killed me. As I said, the situation is urgent at this moment, and there is no time to think about other things.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Zhang Pa hurriedly controlled the calming bead to fly towards the big black monster's head. The three-meter-sized bead was spinning in the air, and the suction force increased dramatically. At least half of the black air and black fog around the big black monster were quickly sucked away. The remaining black air quickly disappeared into the black monster's body, but most of his injuries were not repaired, and he faced Zhang Pa in pieces. Just when you were wondering about his injuries, the big black monster suddenly stretched out his hands, and ten white bones flew out from his ten fingers, stabbing at Zhang Pa like ten long spears.

There is nothing to say, run! Zhang Pa dodged, but the ten white bones turned in another direction and stabbed again, chasing him like a living thing, and he was determined to stab him. Zhang Pa really wanted to try which was stronger, the hard iron knife or the white bones, but there were ten white bones, stabbing from all places at the same time. No matter how powerful the hard iron knife was, it could not block all the bone spear attacks, so he had to continue dodging.

The big black monster was unwilling to let him escape easily. With his tall body and long body, he took a light step to chase him, blocking Zhang Pa's retreat with his broken big head, and hit him with both palms again.

Zhang Pa was so angry, who fired the cannon? Another cannon.

The colorful light just now was the spiritual cannon fired by the fleeing killing alliance and the Yuanying monks of the main gate. Yuanying masters always have some knowledge and know that they can't let the terrifying monsters run wild and cruel, so they fled to a safe area to attack with spiritual cannons. Anyway, Zhang Pa was in front of them, and the monster couldn't hurt them. It would be best if they could kill the monster. If they couldn't kill it, they could run away. But these guys were too poor. There was only one spiritual cannon for eleven people, and they emptied their family assets to collect tens of millions of spiritual stones, which could barely fire a few cannons.

They were worried that they would miss, so they aimed at the body of the big black monster. They didn't expect that the big black monster would attack Zhang Pa at the same time as the spiritual cannon was blasting. The black monster was tall. It moved forward, and its head replaced the position of its chest just now. It was hit by the spiritual power cannon, which was good luck for Zhang Pa and others. But good luck only happened once. The spiritual power cannon had to cool down for a while. During the cooling time, Zhang Pa was chased by the big black monster and ran around.

Seeing the two big slaps of the big black monster in front of him, ten terrifying white bones behind him, and a soul-calling banner in the sky that kept disturbing his soul, he was very angry: How did I offend God? The endless enemies are getting more and more powerful. It's so depressing. If I make me angry, I won't live anymore.

In an emergency, he couldn't think of any other way. He put the big black knife like a door panel behind him, opened his mouth and sprayed the baby fire to burn the black giant palm that was caught. The baby fire was just an attempt. This time, he introduced the fire spirit in the tears of God, opened his mouth and sprayed it, and the fire was more fierce, burning a hole in the black giant palm. At this time, the bones came and with a loud clang, Zhang Pa was hit high like a ball and flew out of the gap in the giant palm, escaping the attack again. The big black monster was furious, but the injury had to be treated in time. While Zhang Pa was escaping, he sprayed black gas from all parts of his body to wrap the wound and heal it. At this time, Zhang Pa was not in the mood to torture the big black monster with the calming beads. He also needed to heal his wounds. The big black monster's bone gun hit him hard, not only making him spit fire, but also a lot of blood, and his body meridians were injured. As soon as he escaped from the big black monster's attack range, he immediately took out the Changchun Pill and took it, speeding up the time to recover his strength. The big black monster recovered faster than him. After a while, the scars on his body disappeared, and he recovered from head to toe to his original appearance, intact. After retracting the black gas, he looked at Zhang Pa and smiled coldly. This humble villain like an ant repeatedly injured himself, and he must not be easily bypassed. He raised his hand and took back ten bones, and with a side hand, a big black knife appeared in his palm. Zhang Pa's black knife was already big enough, like a door panel. The big black monster's black knife was much bigger than the city gate, and he swung it to cut Zhang Pa.

Zhang Pa was urging all his body skills to absorb the power of the elixir, when he saw a paper-thin black cloud flying towards him. He hurriedly activated the Qianjin Falling Body Skill, holding the hard iron knife and smashing it to the ground quickly.

Both of them moved very quickly. Zhang Pa just fell down, and the big black monster's big knife had already passed by his back. Zhang Pa couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. If he was a little slower, the consequences would be disastrous.

The big black monster slashed the air with his sword, and with a tremor of his wrist, the slash turned into a chop, and he chased Zhang Afraid. Zhang Ping really wanted to scold the big black monster, but unfortunately the situation was critical and he had no time to open his mouth to speak, so he had to dodge. When he saw it was approaching the ground, he used the hard iron knife point to use the force of the ground to fly out. As soon as he moved a few meters away, the big black monster's sword fell. There was a bang, splashing mud all over the sky, and he cut a large pit hundreds of meters deep and several kilometers long in the earth. The earth shook violently. A lot of trees, flowers and plants suffered damage, and some unlucky beasts and insects died without knowing anything.

The power of this knife was too great, but it actually helped Zhang Wei. Taking advantage of the yellow dust flying in his eyes, he quickly retreated a thousand meters away and stood still. He raised his head and yelled at the big black monster: "Are you sick? Take that Cutting me with a big knife? What do you think I am?" He cursed, not forgetting to heal his wounds, and at the same time, he concentrated on using his skills to absorb the power of the pill. The strange thing is that the big black monster did not continue to attack Zhang Ai and stood still in the dust.

After a while, the smoke and dust brought up by this knife completely settled. The land changed its appearance, and the beautiful scenery turned into potholes. The big black monster also changed. His eyes, which were already red with anger, turned back to black. He thought in his mind: That little ant is obviously not powerful, why can't he be killed?

It is no exaggeration to say that he can crush Zhang Afraid to death with two fingers. The purpose of his coming to this world is not to kill people, at least not to kill little ants like Zhang Afraid. He wants to challenge the supreme authority. But after all this time and effort, even the ants couldn't be killed despite all the effort, so how could we challenge the supreme authority? Could it be that tens of thousands of years of hard work have been in vain?

The big black monster refused to admit defeat. No one would give in after thousands of years of hard work. He gently pulled out the big knife from the pit, looked at Zhang Awei quietly, and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

These three words almost made Zhang Wei so angry that he vomited blood. It killed me so much that he remembered to ask me who I was? He shouted back, "Who are you?"

The big black monster didn't reply to him. He stood thinking for a while, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he asked again: "Are you related to the guy behind you?"

Behind you? Zhang Ai looked back suddenly, but there was nothing behind him. He quickly turned around and came back, but the big black monster stood still and did not take this opportunity to attack.

Seeing Zhang Awei's behavior, the big black monster gently nodded his head and said to himself: "So you have nothing to do with him." After speaking, he raised the big black sword again and said softly to Zhang Awei: "Three swords, three swords." As long as you don't die after the sword, I will let you go." After saying this, he cut off Ling Ran with the first sword without waiting for Zhang Ying's reaction.

With just one knife, there was nothing else in the world, no big black monster, no strange black aura. The knife struck with dignity and no sinister aura, and a blade light came into Zhang Awe's eyes.

Zhang was afraid of standing close to the ground. When he saw the coming sword, he knew it was bad and there was no way to block it. He hurriedly flew sideways to get out of the way of the blade. But the big black monster's attack was fierce, with blades coming from all directions, and there was nowhere to give way. He had no choice but to instinctively avoid the place where the attack was most violent, block his back with a hard iron knife, and activate the escape spell at the same time. There was only a loud bang, and Zhang was afraid that he was gone. The place where he was standing just now, within a thousand meters around, seemed to have been plowed countless times, dust was everywhere, and there was soft soil everywhere.

The big black monster said he would cut him three times, but he didn't know that that bastard kid would disappear after just one cut. He couldn't help but snorted coldly, looking at the concentration beads spinning in the air. He knew that the thing had a miraculous effect on restraining himself, so he handed the knife to his other hand, bent down to pull up a big tree, and swung it up to smash it over. At this moment, a second cannon fired from a distance, and the huge spiritual cannonball flashed with colorful colors. The light shot toward the big black monster.

He was hit just now because there was Zhang Ying to attract his attention, but now there was no Zhang Ying. The big black monster gently turned sideways and passed the spiritual energy bombs. The colorful spiritual energy bombs turned into fireworks and flew into the sky with a bang. It exploded, revealing a colorful and beautiful scene.

The big black monster got out of the way of the spiritual cannon attack and looked into the distance, feeling very angry in his heart. Instead of running away, these ants were trying to kill him? Damn it! He picked up the tree and continued to hit the concentration beads. He wanted to destroy the thing first and then kill those people.

Seeing that the big tree was about to hit the Concentration Pearl, an explosion suddenly occurred at the feet of the big black monster. The huge explosion was louder and more powerful than the spiritual cannon, blowing away the feet of the terrifying big black monster. His feet were blown off, and the big black monster's body was shaken. His hand deflected, and the tree missed the concentration pearl.

I don’t know where the big black monster came from, but I guess it always has something to do with the ghost spirit. His feet were blown to pieces, and his body emitted a piece of black mist composed of countless souls. It surged outward, but then rushed out. If you go out, you can only roll around and linger in the wound.

Being injured again made him very angry. He threw away the big tree and flew more than ten meters high. Just when he was about to summon back the black energy, the concentration beads not far away flew towards him. They only circled for a few times, and his scattered soul was caught by it. Absorb it.

Needless to say, the explosion and the concentration beads were all controlled by that bastard. The big black monster was no longer in a hurry to repair his injured foot and stopped in the air to look underground.

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