The Monk

Volume One Chapter 870 Black Formation and White Formation

Chapter 870 Black Formation and White Formation

Zhang was completely speechless and didn't bother to argue with him. He said casually: "Okay, I didn't understand. You win. Tell me how to deal with you. I don't learn the spell you mentioned last time. And Is there any other way?"

"What do you mean by getting rid of me?" Ghost Ancestor asked angrily. Zhang Awe curled his lips and said: "You understand what I mean, you are the Great Ghost Ancestor, and he is the Second Ghost Ancestor. Tell me, how to deal with the Second Ghost Ancestor?"

Ghost Ancestor was depressed by what he said, and sneered coldly: "If you want to kill people but don't want to endure hardship, how can such a good thing be possible?"

Zhang Ai thought about it, the two ghost ancestors in the desert came up with such a thing and came to cause trouble in the Eastern Continent. They couldn't leave the group of demon cultivators in the Holy Kingdom idle, so they had to let the news go; there were also the five holy monks who guarded the Ghost Valley in the oasis. , I don’t know how to defend, but I have defended all the big black monsters; including a group of monks from Daxiong Temple, so many masters working together to kill them should be able to take care of the big black monster and the two ghost ancestors.

But these are all things in the future. What he wants to do most now is to send the news back to Tianlei Mountain and take a trip to Monster Mountain. Ask Yijie to go up the mountain, two young monks get together, and with the formation of Tianlei Mountain, it should be possible. Self-preservation.

Apart from these things, I also have things to do. The bones in my body are seriously injured and I need to focus on cultivating my soul. The robe of Fushen has been destroyed and I need to repair one piece. Things pile up one after another, and I suddenly feel that there is not enough time.

As for the evergreen elixir given to the mountain god? Send it when you have time. If you are too busy with your own affairs, how can you have time to pay attention to others?

Seeing that he was silent, Ghost Ancestor said again: "You can unite the mountain gods and the woman from Longhu Mountain, and find a few Buddhists to sneak attack on the other me." At this point, he sighed and said, "Is it a shame to help you?" Are you planning on cleaning me up?"

Zhang Ai immediately comforted him: "It's the Second Ghost Ancestor who deserves to die, it has nothing to do with you." This sentence was nonsense. If the Great Ghost Ancestor lived outside, he might be even more cruel, so the Great Ghost Ancestor did not answer.

Zhang Awei added: "If I kill the Second Ghost Ancestor, you won't be harmed, right?"

Ghost Ancestor replied calmly: "No, but it is very likely that you will die."

When he said this, Gui Zu's tone was very light and he seemed unhappy. Just when Zhang Ping was about to ask why, Ghost Ancestor suddenly said loudly: "Someone broke the formation." Zhang Ping didn't understand at first, what kind of formation was broken? Refining Temple? But when he thought of seeing the big black monster outside the foggy valley, his expression changed and he asked, "Has anyone broken through the foggy valley formation?" Ghost Ancestor said yes in a deep voice, and then said, "Go out and take a look, be careful."

He didn't need to say this. Zhang Awei nodded slightly and stepped back. He saw little Hai Ling standing on the bow of the boat with a panic expression on his face, looking around. The calm water was slightly rippled, and there were signs of wind in the air. He saw Zhang Awei coming back. , Hai Ling took a long breath and said: "Brother, I don't know what's wrong. I feel uncomfortable and a little uncomfortable."

Zhang Ain comforted and said, "It's okay. You get on the boat and have a good rest. I'll go out and take a look." After saying that, he stepped on the water and rushed towards the exit passage with all his strength.

The distance between the two passages was too far. It used to take ten days by boat. At this time, he was particularly anxious, and it took him five days despite his desperate efforts. In the Temple of Refining Formation, the ship traveling at full speed was not much slower than his speed.

In the past five days, the waves have risen higher and higher, reaching about half a meter. The wind has gradually become stronger and it is quite chilly. Zhang Ping doesn’t know what the big black monster will do or what he wants to do, but there is no doubt that he must be stopped!

Five days later, I rushed out of the Refining Temple. As soon as I came out, I was shocked by the sight in front of me. The huge platform outside the temple was filled with monsters. They may be big or small, the big one is bigger than a hill, and the small one is as big as a cat. What they have in common is that they are all terrifying, with a vicious and terrifying aura exuding from all over their bodies. The number is around two hundred.

There were more than twenty humanoid monsters standing in front of this group of monsters, but they did not gather together like monsters. Instead, they stood in one place and looked coldly at the passage from Wugu Valley to the outside world.

These guys are the top beings in the Valley of Refining Gods, and the most powerful power in the valley is present here. No wonder every time the Foggy Valley opens, hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators arrive in the valley, but they can't get any benefits. They always suffer serious casualties. These guys are too powerful.

Zhang Ai suddenly appeared on the platform, which surprised a group of monsters and beasts. They all looked over with cold eyes. However, there was a sudden movement in Wugu at this time. The monsters had no time to pay attention to him. They still focused on the vibration outside and just watched. After a quick glance, he turned back to look at the passage.

The monsters in the valley each have their own enemies. They usually fight each other whenever they meet, but now they no longer want to fight. They stand next to each other, all on guard and ready to deal with unexpected events. Even the ice man, the fire man, and the white mouse have such hatred, they just stand still and act as if the other party does not exist, which shows how serious the matter is.

Monsters have a natural ability to sense danger. Looking at their performance, Zhang Ai was very nervous. What did the big black monster want to do? Just as he was about to escape, he heard the sound of an explosion clearly in his ears. It was so powerful that the platform that had not moved for thousands of years actually made a small wave. The Refining Temple behind him also shook a few times, and a faint crackling sound could be heard.

The Valley of Refining Gods is the only home for these terrifying monsters. No matter what their nature is, whether they are vicious or cruel, no one wants their home to be damaged. Iceman suddenly spoke to him coldly: "Go out and figure out what happened for me. From now on, I will let you go."

This guy's tone was hateful, but Zhang was too lazy to care. At this time, he was equally anxious. There were sea spirits in the Refining Temple and white rats in the Refining Valley. He didn't want the people he knew to be harmed, so he didn't say anything at the moment. There was a white mist in front of him. As soon as it appeared, the figure disappeared.

Escape into the ground and move forward quickly, walking farther into the distance, then carefully emerge from the ground, and then slowly and carefully walk back. After taking just a few steps, I stopped in shock. A huge soul-calling flag was floating in the sky above the foggy valley. Looking at the size, it was much larger than the big black monster in the black fog just now, more than two hundred meters high. The ghost flags became bigger and more powerful, and black energy was continuously sprayed out from the flags. I don’t know how many souls and ghosts the two ghost ancestors had taken away in the past ten thousand years. The turbulent black energy was actually spraying out continuously. And out. Seeing that the black air had buried the white mist valley on one side, looking from Zhang Ain's direction, the fog valley was still there, but the white mist was gone, leaving only the black mist.

I was shocked and looked for the big black monster. I looked left and right and saw no one. Fang Yuan Shen searched and couldn't find anyone, but the person was gone, and the huge cold power was still there, surging and rolling hidden in the black mist of the boss. Zhang Awei pondered: Is it hidden inside? Or did it turn into black energy and get entangled in one place?

He pondered while approaching cautiously, and was easily noticed by the black mist. A ball of air suddenly jumped out of the thick black sea of ​​mist. It surged a few times and condensed into a human shape. It was the big black monster. Not only was it a big black monster, it was also a big black monster only three meters tall in white armor. He smiled coldly at Zhang Ain and shot towards him like an arrow.

Zhang Wen took one look and realized that this guy had identified himself. I can't beat him, I can't kill him, what do you want me to do? He turned around and burrowed into the soil to escape again. Seeing him running away, the big black monster did not come to chase him, but dispersed into black mist again and melted into the sea of ​​mist. He didn't know how to move. The black mist shrank suddenly as if it could breathe, and a violent explosion sounded. As the explosion sounded, the mist expanded outwards and let in more black mist. When the explosion stopped, Then it shrinks inward to produce an explosion.

Zhang was afraid that even if he ran far underground, he could still hear the huge explosion on the ground. Finding that the black monster was not chasing him, he surfaced again, guessing what method the big black monster would use to break the formation.

Zhang is a little familiar with that kind of explosion, which is the state when the magic circle self-destructs. He has self-destructed several magic circles before, so of course he is familiar with it. He just can't figure out why the magic circle of the big black monster is still there after it self-destructs. exist.

The Black Mist Array and the White Mist Array are connected together. Through the violent self-destruction of the Black Array, it is not difficult to break through the White Array, as long as you persevere.

If the white mist formation is broken, the passage leading to the Refining Temple will be revealed. From this point of view, it is possible that the big black monster is here to save the Ghost Ancestor. He thought to himself: "The Second Ghost Ancestor also knows how to take care of his relatives. If he makes such a big noise to save the Great Ghost Ancestor, the Great Ghost Ancestor should be moved." But Zhang was afraid that he could not give the Great Ghost Ancestor this chance to be moved, so he released the Concentration Bead, and after becoming bigger Smashing directly into the black mist formation, frantically absorbing the black energy pouring out of the soul-calling flags in the air.

The special function of the concentration bead prevents the big black monster from attacking it with soul spells, but the bead is powerful. If it is not removed, the big black monster will not be able to break the formation, and it will not be able to concentrate on dealing with Zhang Ai. But there were no trees here, and the black monster didn't dare to leave the black mist formation, so he had to ruthlessly pull out a bone arrow from his body. With a move of his left hand, a ball of black energy immediately condensed into a black bow. He put it on a bone arrow and pulled it apart. With a swish, he would draw the carved bow like a full moon. The bone arrow shot towards another huge full moon in this full moon. The concentration pearl

Although the concentration beads are hard, they may not be able to block the terrifying blow of the big black monster. Seeing the bone arrow coming, Zhang Ai hurriedly shrunk the concentration bead. It shrank many times in an instant and became like gravel, easily dodging the bone arrow attack.

But the big black monster's bone magic weapon seemed to be alive. The bone arrow passed by the concentration bead. Before the arrow was gone, it jumped in the air and continued to shoot at the concentration bead.

The Dingshen Bead is a natural weapon to deal with ghosts. It is an invincible Buddhist treasure that cannot be broken. Zhang Ai hurriedly rushed forward, and at the same time controlled the gravel-like concentration beads to fly towards the ground. He planned to use heavy force to remove the power of the bone arrow.

The concentration bead became too small. If it turned slightly, the bone arrow would not hit. At this time, Zhang Ping's order was given, and the bead changed from flying horizontally to falling. With only a change in the distance, the bone arrow missed the target again and passed by the concentration bead.

When the bone arrow turned back for the third time and pursued downwards, the concentration pearl moved sideways again. The bone arrow had to pass by for the third time, but this time it was too late to turn around, because there was the earth below the concentration pearl, and the bone arrow went straight in, and a deep hole was made in the flat ground, about the size of a fist.

Repeatedly missing the bone arrow is like hitting a mosquito with a spiritual cannon. The spiritual energy is elastic and fast, but the mosquito does not need to run too far. It can avoid the ferocious attack by just slightly changing its position near the original place. The attack of the psychic cannon becomes useless.

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