The Monk

Volume One Chapter 854 Bu Jingyun

Chapter 854 Bu Jingyun

"There is only one divine envoy, and he can kill all the cultivators in the transformation stage in the world and run away in all directions. Poor countless people rush forward with their heads down, focusing on hard work, thinking that the future will be beautiful, but unexpectedly, there is only a sky to greet him. "Thunder." Ghost Ancestor had never dealt with the divine envoy, and he didn't hate him too much, so he said in a calm tone.

Zhang Aing thought about it and asked seriously: "Is it possible to kill the divine envoy?" The ghost ancestor laughed at his question: "How dare you think about it. You should hurry up and cultivate to become a god, waiting for you to kill him." Zhang Aing asked again. Question: "What will happen after killing the divine envoy? Will the god come out?" Ghost Ancestor said depressedly: "Can you ask me something else? How do I know the nonsense about whether the divine envoy is alive or dead?"

"I have lived in vain for so many years. I don't know anything when I ask questions." Zhang Wen mocked the ghost ancestor and threw a lot of food to block his mouth. After he finished eating, he walked out without giving him a chance to refute, and then talked to Hai Ling. After staying on the island for a few days and listening to the little doll reading stories to him, he left the Refining Temple.

When I came out this time, I met the white mouse again outside, and asked curiously: "Why are you coming out again?" The white mouse, wearing a green robe, glared and said: "I have been out many times, why don't you come?" Zhang Ain asked: "What's the matter?" White Mouse called Zhang Awei over to sit down and said, "In more than ten years, the foggy valley will open again. Do you think I want to break into the palace?"

"No!" Zhang was afraid to deny his idea, and at the same time, he was thinking about the last time the Foggy Valley was open. The last time Wugu opened, Hu Ping broke into the palace and was seriously injured. He gave the golden elixir soul to Zhang Ai. From then on, he became the best in the world. Later, there was endless fighting and killing. Song Guoshang gathered one against ten, went to Jin's house to kill Jin Wu and others, fought against Jin Da at the foot of Tianlei Mountain, fought against Master Hantian, chased the Ghost Emperor, and killed the bad guys. Monk, enter the Man Valley to kill the Ghost King, go to the Wu Kingdom to fight, save the Jiao Jing, fight against the Yunlong Gate, break into the Dragon Mountain, rescue the Lin Beast, fight the Ice Man and the Golden Man in the valley, and kill the Golden Man with the help of the White Mouse …

This thought frightened him. Oh my god, what have I done? Needless to say, the subsequent battle around the mountain and the things I had done before had already surprised Zhang Awei for a while. Unknowingly, I actually killed so many people.

The white mouse looked at his stunned expression and asked helplessly: "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Awei shook his head and replied: "No matter what I think, you can't enter that tower, absolutely not." Joking, Lian Huashen Even the early ghost ancestors could be trapped. He didn't believe that the white mouse could be more powerful than the ghost ancestors.

"If you don't want to go, you won't go. You don't have to say it so loudly." The white mouse didn't like to invade the palace in the first place. He only came up with this idea because he was bored after sitting around all day with nothing to do.

The two of them were good friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. When they met, they naturally drank some wine and talked nonsense. The white mouse said: "No wonder the big tiger always wants to go out. The outside world from what you said is really wonderful. Alas, what a pity."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Why do you think so much? Everyone has his own destiny, and you can't force it." The white mouse took a sip of wine and laughed and cursed: "Nonsense, do cultivators also believe in fate? Also, I am not a human being."

The two of them talked nonsense and drank casually. At nightfall, their fun was gone. Zhang was afraid of going out of the valley, so he sat down under a tall tree outside the foggy valley and took out the astrolabe to look at it carefully.

If you want to go to the Bone Forest, you must at least know where the passage is. The astrolabe shows that the passage is not open yet. According to Ghost Ancestor, the Bone Forest is near the Foggy Valley. The problem is that the passages keep changing and there is no precise location.

After staying for two days, I didn't find the passage. I did see a few cultivators flying this way, wandering around in the valley, looking for a place to rest. Judging from their appearance and cultivation, they should be cultivators who are waiting for the opening of the Foggy Valley and are preparing to enter the Refining Temple to try their luck. It's just that it came a little too early, at least more than ten years.

Zhang was afraid that he would not pay attention to them, but two junior alchemy-forming monks came to him and took the initiative to say hello: "Fellow Taoist, are you waiting for the opening of Jiazi Wugu?"

This was said to be awkward. Zhang turned around and saw two middle-aged men, one a little fat and one a little tall. They were ordinary-looking and nothing out of the ordinary. He shook his head and said, "Is something wrong?"

The slightly fat monk said: "My name is Ha Wen, and this is my brother Ha Wu. I am not afraid of jokes from fellow Taoists. My two brothers always want to have a baby, but their qualifications are limited. Only after practicing hard for three months can they be considered successful in forming elixirs. I can't hold it back anymore, I came to Wugu to try my luck, and I saw that my Taoist friend is alone. If he doesn't have a companion, it would be better if the three of us go together to take care of him. "

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "I'm very unlucky. Anyone who encounters me will be unlucky. It's better for you two to ignore me."

The only reason he stayed here was because the Bone Forest was near Foggy Valley, and he had spent the past few days thinking about how to get into the thick fog to find out. This mist formation and the Refining Temple were both set up by formation gods. Without confidence, Zhang would not risk entering.

After hearing such an answer, the two of them didn't force themselves. They smiled and cupped their hands, saying, "Excuse me." Then they went to find someone else to talk to.

Generally speaking, most of the cultivators who come to Wugu Valley in advance are newcomers who have just formed elixirs for a short time. When they come here for the first time, they feel anxious because they don’t know the situation in the valley. They want to come a few days early to inquire about the situation in the valley, even if there is no gain. , at least it can save your life.

So every time Foggy Bottom opens its doors, there are always many people who arrive early, but there are very few people who can arrive more than ten years in advance. Counting Zhang Ping at this time, there were a total of eight people outside Wugu. After a few days, the other seven people gradually became familiar with each other and occasionally chatted. Except for Zhang Awei, he sat alone under the big tree, neither talking nor moving.

That day, the seven people had a drink together. Ha Wen was kind enough to invite Zhang Afraid, saying that the meeting was fate, and that everyone's liveliness was considered friendship.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to deal with them, but he was kind-hearted by nature and was embarrassed to always refuse others, so he went over and sat for a while. There was naturally talk and talk at the banquet, but Zhang was afraid that he only listened but did not talk, and was not very enthusiastic. The other cultivators did not like it, so the relationship between them was still relatively raw.

Zhang was afraid and didn't care, so he went away after the banquet and went back to sit under the tree.

But the development of things is always unexpected. Something happened to these people, and he was implicated.

Because Wu Yi and others from the Yunlong Sect offended Zhang Afraid, in order to prevent the sect from being harmed, ten masters voluntarily left the sect and went to Tianlei Mountain to die. In addition, word spread throughout the continent that all the sects that offended Zhang Ai had a bad end, such as the Yao Family of Lu, Longhu Mountain of Qi, and Yunlongmen of the Warring States Period. The prestige of Yunlongmen was temporarily reduced to the lowest.

The cultivation world of the Warring States Period is slightly different from the cultivation world of other countries. Cultivators in this country rarely compete for territory and power. Everyone comes for Wugu, seeking to increase their cultivation and extend their lifespan. Because the purpose is simple, the number of various small sects and casual cultivators is the highest among all countries. It is rumored privately that the strength of the entire Yunlong Sect's hundreds of thousands of cultivators is not comparable to half of the Longshan cultivators.

Although it is just a rumor and cannot be taken seriously, it is enough to show how powerful the potential power of the Warring States Period is.

In any place, the more people there are, the more disputes there will be. Many cultivators have many disputes with each other, and many people have enmity with Yunlongmen.

Although there were many masters of cultivation during the Warring States Period, they were all scattered and fighting on their own. Of course, they could not compare to the unity of Yunlong Clan. However, Yunlongmen's attack on Tianleishan was thwarted and they became much more low-key. They kept a low profile and gave many enemies opportunities. This group of people swarmed up. Apart from not daring to directly besiege Yunlong Gate, they used various means of retaliation. If you see a lone disciple from Yunlong Gate, you will surround him and attack him.

Because the disciples of Yunlong Sect stayed on the mountain and could not come down, some narrow-minded people or people with hatred as deep as the sea took out the grievances they suffered in the past on the sects that had good relations with Yunlong Sect. For example, the Qiyunshan Qijia, Sanqingguan, Zhanmen and Tianyige sects that once embarrassed Zhang Awei.

Coincidentally, one of the eight people in Wugu was from Zhanmen. His name was Bu Jingyun, a young genius whose cultivation was completely destroyed due to an accident. In the past, he was a young and heroic man, but his behavior and speech were inevitably a little arrogant and did not like to talk to others. After the disaster, the master was not happy and was ostracized by his fellow disciples. In anger, this man left the sect under the pretext of traveling and practiced cultivation in a deserted valley.

After decades of hard work, the elixir formation was finally successful. He was holding a breath in his heart and wanted to feel proud, but he didn't want to go back to the mountain without a name, so he came outside the foggy valley early in the morning and just waited for the people from the door to come and let them be shocked for him.

When drinking that day, Zhang Ai was the one who talked the least among the eight people, and he was the second least. After drinking, like Zhang Wen, he found a secluded place to be alone. A few more days passed like this.

In the past few days, Zhang Weifan has been looking at the silent astrolabe from time to time and wondering. It's not a stupid thing to wait like this. If the Bone Forest doesn't open, will it have to wait forever? Then I felt like leaving.

At this time, five monks flew from the direction of Dalong Mountain, all of them had alchemy cultivation, ranging from elementary to advanced levels. The five of them were upright, and one of them looked arrogant, as if he was looking down on all living beings. Zhang Wen looked at him and sneered. Even a small alchemy cultivator dared to behave like this. He really deceived no one in the world.

He thought that these five people were also people who wanted to enter Wugu Valley and break into the palace, so he didn't pay much attention and got up to leave. As soon as he moved, he attracted the attention of five people. Immediately, two people flew towards him. The slightly arrogant person shouted: "Stop."

Zhang was afraid of wondering, what happened to me? Stopped and turned around to look back calmly. The arrogant man looked Zhang Awei up and down, showing great disrespect, and asked in a cold voice: "Where are you from? Where do you want to go?"

Zhang Ain chuckled when he heard this, shook his head and said, "May I ask, are you working in the government?" The people who checked the household registration could only be gatekeepers and other low-level police officers, scoundrels who were not even officials. What he said was tantamount to swearing.

It's a pity that the arrogant person didn't understand what he meant, and said in a cold voice: "What do you care about me? Reply quickly."

Zhang was afraid of speaking softly and wanted to warn him. Suddenly one of the other three people shouted: "There is a Zhanmen dog thief here."

As soon as the monk Zhang Kuang heard this, he immediately left Zhang Afraid and turned around and flew back. Zhang Ping looked at the sound and saw five monks surrounding Bu Jingyun on the left and right.

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