The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 853 Wooden Island

Chapter 853 Wooden Island

Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to ruthlessly pull out the roots and harm many innocent disciples, and he was also unwilling to kill those disciples endlessly in the future, so he had to invite the bosses of each sect to negotiate.

But the negotiation was a negotiation, and he felt unhappy, so he deliberately played like this to vent his anger, and then acted as the boss and left the rest of the matter to Ruiyuan.

Less than an hour later, Ruiyuan came to report: "According to what my uncle said, from today on, no one will cause trouble to anyone, and we will live in peace with each other." Zhang Ai said coldly: "I really want to have someone who refuses. Peaceful." He waved his hand and turned away.

In any case, the troublesome matter has been dealt with, but Zhang is afraid that he will have to build an island for Hai Ling next. I went to the back mountain for a few days, talked to Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er, had a few meals, and then went down the mountain again.

Zhang Tianfang was dissatisfied: "Why are you so busy? What are you doing again?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Want to go down the mountain to play? We can wait until we reach the top level." Zhang Tianfang curled his lips and said, "Who cares." He puffed up his chest and walked away. These days, he would always pester Bu Kong to take him down the mountain to hang out at the market. The market was crowded, lively and a lot of fun. Zhang was worried that he was fooling around in the shopping mall, and he couldn't run away if he didn't have time to watch.

Go down the mountain and fly straight to the Warring States Period Wugu. After a day, you reach your destination, escape from the ground, and soon enter the Refining Temple. Use your spiritual consciousness to search for the big ship, and then find it. After boarding the boat, I saw Hai Ling reading to the rabbits. A bunch of little furballs couldn't understand human language and didn't know what Hai Ling was saying. However, they were locked in a wooden cage by the powerful Hai Ling and couldn't even listen to them.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of getting on the boat, Hai Ling temporarily let go of Biting Rabbit, jumped over and asked, "Are you going to stay for a while and then leave again?" It was like this the first two times, and he returned to Tianlei Mountain after showing his face.

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "No." Hai Ling became happy and asked: "How long will you stay?" Zhang Ai replied: "I don't know, it depends on the situation." He went to the bow of the ship and drove the boat to the passage on the fifth floor. The first two times I came here, I only saw Hai Ling. I didn't have time to go to the fifth floor to see the Ghost Ancestor. I had to meet him this time.

After sailing at sea for several days, he came to the small dark door leading to the fifth floor and stepped in. Guizu's voice immediately sounded in his heart: "Something happened?" Every time he came and went in a hurry, there must be a reason. Zhang Ain replied: "It's okay."

"What happened? Is there anyone better than you out there?" Ghost Ancestor knew something was wrong, so he asked more.

Zhang Ai simply introduced what happened outside in the past year and a half with just a few words. Ghost Ancestor said: "Mountain God? Is that guy still there? Or is he still covered in black coal?" After thinking for a while, he said: "That guy at Longhu Mountain I don’t know about the woman, but according to what you said, she has not reached the stage of becoming a god, she is just looking for a similarity."

Zhang Ai asked: "Why is the mountain god's body burnt black?" Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "I burned it myself." Zhang Ai didn't understand and asked more: "What?"

"The mountain god is a master of transforming gods. It's not easy to stay alive. What's more, burning yourself is not a big deal." Ghost Ancestor said nonchalantly. Zhang was afraid that he would disagree, so he asked: "How come it's not a big deal? It's not a big deal?"

Ghost Ancestor didn't answer the question, so he asked him: "You came all the way here just to ask me this?" You didn't answer my question, and I didn't answer the question either. Zhang was afraid of changing the question and asking again: "Are you better than the mountain god?"

Ghost Ancestor said: "Nonsense, I have been locked up here for so long. If I were not powerful, I would have died a long time ago. Stop talking nonsense and eat more."

Zhang Wei found a seat, then threw food and wine over, waited for him to finish, turned around, entered the small door, and returned to the fourth floor.

After coming out, take a short rest and start making wooden islands. Countless precious five immortal trees were cut into pieces one by one and then put together. Zhang Wen had built large ships before, so it was much easier to build a large wooden raft at this time. At least there was no need to build a keel or consider draft issues. On the entire island, the slightly more difficult part is the sliding doors and movable walls on the second floor.

Calculate the focus point, use heavy wood as a pillar, and countless heavy wood support the big island.

Hai Ling was very interested and helped to do it together. Since there were all kinds of tools, the two of them were quite busy.

Without the convenience of the outside world, Zhang was afraid to separate the big wooden raft and make it part by part. Condensing an air wall out of thin air, first make small wooden rafts, the lower level is tightly sealed, and the upper level only has corridor columns and simple partitions. Make many such small wooden rafts and connect them together, each with its own mechanism to lock. When all the small wooden rafts are connected together, it will become a huge wooden island.

The most troublesome thing about building a boat is load-bearing and waterproofing. In short, it must be strong. The same goes for building a wooden raft. Zhang was afraid that all the wood should be painted with tung oil over and over again. In fact, it is superfluous. The Five Immortal Trees use spiritual energy as the source of their growth. How can they be afraid of blisters? But anyway, a month and a half later, the huge island was built. The moment he entered the water, Hai Ling screamed excitedly. He looked at the huge flat land floating on the sea. He had lived alone on the sea for thousands of years. When had there ever been such a place for him to walk around, play and have fun? Immediately jump off the ship and have a good run on the wooden island.

Zhang Wen took the rabbit to the island together, and then took out the huge bonsai he made. This time, there were mountains and trees in the sea. Little Hailing was so happy that he wandered around the big bonsai. There was a house inside. He dragged Zhang Ain into the house and said: "This room is mine, that room is yours, put the rabbit in the yard, haha, and then You don’t have to clean up their shit.”

Zhang Ping said: "Don't be happy yet. I'll teach you some magic. Remember to water the trees to avoid drought."

In fact, if you want to create an environment, you need many things, such as insects, mosquitoes and ants. Zhang didn't want to cause trouble to Hai Ling, so he kept everything simple. Anyway, there was plenty of water on the sea, and there was also a sun, which could evaporate the water mist and condense some fresh water to water the trees. He taught Hai Ling this type of magic.

After being taught the spells and letting Hai Ling play by himself, Zhang Ai went to the fifth floor and asked the Ghost Ancestor: "Aside from the God Refining Array, is there any other way to seal the exit here and prevent the fish-headed monster from coming out?" The Ghost Ancestor said: "You Pig? Just build another magic circle like this, but do you have the ability?"

Zhang was afraid and said angrily: "Nonsense, I have the ability to ask you?" After thinking about it, he asked again: "What will happen if I show the formation diagram of the Refining Temple to the mountain god?" Ghost Ancestor hurriedly replied: "Ten million No, that guy is very sinister and absolutely cruel. In order to avoid being chased by the gods, he would rather use thunder and fire to kill himself all day long, turning himself into a dead thing like charcoal. If he gets the Refining Temple, who knows what he can do. matter."

"Mountain God**?" Zhang Ain asked curiously. Ghost Ancestor coughed, then paused for a while and continued: "Actually, he was not. He was struck by a divine envoy. The divine envoy struck him with thunder from the sky. He thought he was killed and then left. Who knew that the mountain god was not dead? However, although he was not dead, To die, he has to endure the burning of thunder and fire all day long. Anyway, it's quite painful. That's why he never leaves the mountain. He has to devote most of his energy to fighting the burning of thunder and fire every day. You said he went out to capture a woman, and he wants to cultivate himself. He is so diligent that he can suppress the fire of thunder. His ability is not much weaker than mine, so you can’t show him the formation map.”

"But I showed the formation diagram to the two venerables. They are the subordinates of the mountain god. If the mountain god wants to see it, it will be extremely easy." Zhang Ai said.

"There's no need to be afraid. The Mountain God is not in the mood to chat with his subordinates. His subordinates don't know that the Refining Temple might be useful to the Mountain God. They won't talk about it." Ghost Ancestor said this. I don't know if he was comforting Zhang Afraid or expressing his concern. Comfort yourself.

Zhang was afraid and said nothing. Hai Ling's matter was really difficult to solve. Could it be that he had to transform into a god first?

He came to Foggy Valley this time to build an island for Hai Ling. Now that he has finished his work and has to go out, he wants to go to the Bone Forest and ask about the fish-headed people. If possible, it is best to let the fish-headed people from the two places merge. They come to live together, find new ways to seal the passage, and work hard to release the sea spirit.

After thinking for a while, I decided to go to the Bone Forest to have a look, so I said goodbye to Ghost Ancestor and chatted for a long time. From heaven to earth, from top to bottom, it was all nonsense. Guizu once again encouraged him to go to the desert to collect another Guizu.

Zhang Ain asked him: "The mountain god has been struck by lightning. What about you? Have you been struck too?" The ghost ancestor did not reply. After a long time, he said: "The divine envoy did not find me. I have not long cultivated to the stage of becoming a god." I am trapped here, and what the God’s Envoy must have found is another me. I can’t think of how the other me could resist the God’s Envoy’s killing, and I can’t think of how he would be willing to hide underground for thousands of years.”

Zhang Awei suddenly smiled: "The spell you mentioned can not only control the other you, but also you, right?" Ghost Ancestor laughed and said: "Can you stop being so smart?" Zhang Awei said: "I'm not enough Smart, Fang Jian is really smart. In just two or three hundred years, he has reached the intermediate level of Nascent Soul, and he will probably reach the high level in a few years."

When Zhang was afraid that he was telling Hai Ling a story, Ghost Ancestor could hear it and knew who Fang Jian was, but he didn't care and asked, "Are you determined to destroy the Temple of Refining?"

Zhang Awei corrected him: "I don't dare to break the formation randomly. What if the formation is broken and the sea spirit disappears? If possible, I want to separate the sea spirit from the formation. This is the last way I can think of. What we have to do now is to find a way to separate him.”

"Don't bother, the little fat man is the Divine Formation, and the Divine Formation is him. How do you peel it off?" Ghost Ancestor said, throwing cold water.

Zhang Ai said seriously: "How can you know if you don't try it? You were originally one person, but now you have become two people, two masters of the God Transformation stage. Such a magical thing can happen, and a formation spirit can be removed from the magic circle." What’s the point of being separated? At least the formation and the formation spirit exist independently and do not affect each other.”

His words left Gui Zu speechless. He paused for a while before replying: "You don't know what I have experienced, otherwise you would definitely not say this."

"Then tell me." Zhang was afraid of irritating him. Unfortunately, Ghost Ancestor was not fooled. He just sighed softly, changed the subject and said: "The mountain god dares to go out of the mountain to take action. He should have mastered the technique to avoid the detection of the gods. If you are destined, you can ask. If you can transform into a god in the future, That skill will help you a lot." After hearing this, Zhang Ai asked, "What does the divine messenger do? How many people are there?"

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