The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 855 Creatures in the Valley

Chapter 855: Creatures in the Valley

Zhang Ping didn't understand what was going on, and Bu Jingyun was even more confused. He clasped his fists and asked in a deep voice: "I don't know how Bu Mou offended several fellow Taoists and made you speak evil words against each other? How did the Zhan Sect offend you?"

"Talking evil? I still want to kill you." A monk spoke and showed off his magic weapon.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand the affairs of the Warring States Period. Bu Jingyun had been practicing in seclusion and had just come out at this time, so he certainly didn't know about the recent changes. Ha Wen and others came from other countries, and they also had no idea what was going on. They were all confused by these people.

Ha Wen was more enthusiastic. He came over and raised his hands to ask: "I am from Hamen of Yan State. I would like to ask, I don't know how Brother Bu offended you. I see that he doesn't look like he is pretending. I wonder if some Taoist friends can tell me. ? To avoid hitting the wrong person."

Bu Jingyun responded: "Exactly, although I am not a big person, I will never dare to admit what I have done. I would also like to ask a few fellow Taoists to explain it to clear up Bu's doubts."

"What should I explain to you?" A high-level pill-forming monk said coldly. He glanced at the eight people in the valley and sneered: "I just formed a pill, but you dare to interfere randomly. Listen to me and just stand still. So as not to get into trouble." Then he rushed to Bu Jingyun and said, "As for you, commit suicide. If you want to blame me, it's because you joined the wrong sect."

Among the eight people in the valley, except for Zhang Ai, not everyone was as enthusiastic as Ha Wen. Although the other people drank together once, they all chose to retreat and stand honestly when facing enemies of unknown origin. Not moving, not even looking at this side.

Seeing everyone's behavior, Ha Wen was unsure. He turned around and looked at the tall Ha Wu. Ha Wu slightly shook his head at him without making a sound. Ha Wen looked at the monks who were drinking together a few days ago with reluctance, and then looked at Bu Jingyun, hesitating in his heart, not knowing what to do.

Hearing the other party say that he joined the wrong sect and knowing that something was wrong with the Zhan Sect, Bu Jingyun straightened his body and made a move with his bare hands. A black chain appeared in his palm. He didn't know how long it was. He held a section in each hand and most of the chain was still dragging on the ground. .

Zhang Wei sighed and lazily told the five people behind him what he was thinking: "If you want to kill someone, kill him. Why are you so arrogant? Why are you so arrogant in front of me? Now that we have met, come on, let's talk about him. What’s wrong with you? Or what’s wrong with his family?”

His words shocked the five people on the other side. Is he really stupid and bold? A middle-level pill-forming monk came over and sneered as he walked: "I really don't know whether to live or die."

Could it be that when he met the same enthusiastic person, Ha Wen jumped over and said, "That's right, let's talk about it. Peace is the most important thing and speaking clearly will be good for everyone." When Ha Wen moved, Ha Wu couldn't help but He would sit back and ignore it, but reluctantly came over to stand with Ha Wen. In this way, he was standing side by side with Zhang Afraid.

"Hey, people nowadays are really amazing." Another mid-level pill-forming monk came over from among the five people, showing a small crystal ax as he walked.

There were originally eight people in the valley, but now four people stood up. Later, some of the monks set their sights on the other four to see if they also wanted to stand out. The high-level Danjie monk would not take them seriously and asked with a smile: "Does anyone else have any questions?"

No one answered. The face of the high-level Danjie monk suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly: "Kill." The four companions immediately killed Zhang Pingbu Jingyun and the others. Zhang was afraid of killing without intention. The hatred between cultivators is the most troublesome and confusing thing in the world, and it is difficult to calculate clearly. What's more, this hatred has nothing to do with him, so he moved lightly, and with a flash of Fushen Sword, he instantly broke the magic weapons of the four opponents. He took it as a lesson to them, then put away his sword and stood still.

That crystal ax is so beautiful, but it's a pity that it's useless. A little touch of Fu Shen Sword will break it into powder.

The four people were forced back with one sword, and everyone in the field was shocked. The high-level monk on the other side was the first to react and shouted: "Retreat." He took the lead and ran away. The other four people knew they met a master and left immediately.

Ha Wen was overjoyed and said, "My fellow Taoist is indeed very capable. I'm sorry that I don't have the ability to recognize people, so I was rude to my fellow Taoist just now."

Zhang Awei waved his hand and said, "It's okay." He turned around and walked outside. At this time, Bu Jingyun put away the chains and rushed over to thank him for saving his life. Zhang Weijing didn't even say a word, waved his hand slightly and continued to move forward without stopping.

Bu Jingyun bowed respectfully to his back, then stood up and returned to Fei Zhanmen. If something happens to our master, we should go back to investigate and do our part.

Zhang was afraid of going out, so he reminded him more: "Leave here for now to avoid retaliation." After saying this, he disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Since I couldn't find the Bone Forest and didn't want to talk to Havin and other monks, I went to Misty Valley to hide for a few days. Zhang Ain escaped from the mountains and forests into the Valley of the Gods, and then appeared on the platform. Seeing the white mouse lying on the ground sleeping, Zhang Ain smiled and said, "It's not like I was drunk for several days."

The white mouse was indignant: "Leave without saying a word? How rude." Zhang Ain continued to laugh: "I forgot to ask last time, how is the injury on your body recovering?" The white mouse was very angry: "Boy, you are so treacherous. Are you reminding me that I still owe you a favor?" Zhang Ain laughed: "That's right, haha" and then said: "Next time the foggy valley opens, if there are monsters killing people in the valley, help me collect Yuanying. Can’t do it?”

He was despised by the white mouse: "Look at your potential. Together, we can conquer the Valley of the Gods. What about the ice man on the iceberg and the fire monster in the fire valley? Why don't you just kill them?" Zhang Ain looked at it with a smile. He didn't speak. The white mouse said a few words and found it boring, so he stopped talking and said angrily: "Why are you looking at me?" Zhang Aixiao asked: "Do you have a grudge against them?"

Among the humanoid monsters in the valley, White Mouse has the most out-of-touch personality. He causes a lot of trouble by running around and has trouble dealing with everyone. He was seriously injured in a fight with the fish man last time, and later helped Zhang Afraid to kill the gold man. In fact, he was just venting his bad temper. This time I wanted to persuade Zhang Wen to help him fight.

Seeing that Zhang Awei had revealed his thoughts, White Mouse snorted coldly and said, "What's the matter with a grudge?" Zhang Awei left a bottle of spiritual wine and said, "I'll go to the tower for a walk, and you, the old man, will stay alone for a few days." Ignoring the white mouse completely, he ducked into the Refining Temple.

Seeing the big mouse suddenly reminded him of a question, and he wanted to ask Ghost Ancestor. Therefore, after entering the fourth floor, we did not go to Hai Ling first, but went directly to the void space on the fifth floor.

The ghost thief asked him: "Why are you back?" Zhang Ai asked: "There is a question, I can't figure it out. Sixty years ago, when the fog valley opened, it was the time when the divine formation was at its weakest. Does that mean that , is it easiest and easiest to break the formation at this time?”

Ghost Ancestor said angrily: "Nonsense, you still can't understand this idiotic question?" Zhang Ping said: "No, my question is that there are hundreds of millions of living beings in the Valley of Refining Gods. If the formation is broken, what will happen to those living beings?" This is It was a question he had never thought about before. Every day he always thought about saving Hailing and letting Hailing out. But if Hailing was rescued, what would happen to the billions of living beings living in the trapped god formation?

Ghost Ancestor didn't speak for a long time, and after a long time he said softly: "The fourth level, that boundless ocean, has countless fish living in it. If the magic circle disappears and the water disappears, what do you think will happen to the fish?"

Zhang was afraid of being stunned. He just wanted to take Hai Ling out, not wanting him to be alone anymore, rather than harming the creatures in the valley. But such a wish could not be fulfilled? Why do difficult things happen one after another? After pondering for a long time, the only feasible way was no longer to break the formation, but to separate the sea spirit from the formation, just like one ghost ancestor turned into two ghost ancestors, so he said: "Teach me how to split you in two." give it to me."

Ghost Ancestor replied: "If you don't teach me, I know what you want to do. The little fat guy can't live without food. If he learns this technique and makes any mistakes, don't talk about me, and don't talk about the billions of creatures in the formation. Just say Whether the little fat man can continue to live is a big problem." He paused and said, "I don't practice this technique to become two. It's an accident."

Zhang Wen knows that what Gui Zu said is true, but without this technique, Hai Ling cannot be saved. Is he really going to be left alone here for the rest of his life? When the magic circle is destroyed, will he also die?

The more I thought about it, the worse my mood became. I took out two jars of wine, led one jar of wine out of the wine line and shot it to Gui Zu to drink, and drank the other jar myself. The wine is ordinary wine, and it is difficult to be intoxicating after drinking it. Zhang is afraid that he does not want to get drunk, but just wants to appreciate the spiciness, which makes his throat feel uncomfortable. After a while, the jar of wine is finished, and the jar of Ghost Ancestor is also finished. He put away the empty jar and said: "I originally wanted to go to the Bone Forest to ask the people inside, ask them if they want to go home, and ask them what they know about this broken magic circle. At this time, it seems that there is no need to go. It’s a waste of time.” He said and exited the fifth level of void space.

Although there were only a few monsters and no humans in the Valley of Refining Gods, Zhang was afraid of being kind, and the ants would still cherish their lives, not to mention the countless adult monsters, so he couldn't take action. There is nothing that doesn't want to live, so let them continue to live.

Return to the fourth level of the sea and find the direction to find the wooden island. This island is many, many times bigger than a large ship. Hai Ling can walk around on it. There are also rockery pavilions. Hai Ling can walk here, recite a few poems, and sit there just as the book says. Sit down, pour yourself a drink and find a sense of freedom.

Seeing him coming back, Hai Ling was very happy and asked: "You are back so soon, have you finished the matter?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "There's no need to do that." Hai Ling dragged him to the table, and the two of them sat down in front of a bamboo mat. Hai Ling wanted to talk about books and scriptures with him. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "I don't understand any of this." Xiao Hailing looked down upon him and said, "Without reading so much knowledge, you learn all kinds of magic and practice exercises. It's really boring."

Zhang Ain laughed loudly: "There is another sentence in the book that you didn't see? Bai Wuyiyong is a scholar."

Hai Ling refused to accept defeat and replied: "Even a useless scholar is more useful than a cultivator."

Zhang Ping wanted to refute, but when he thought about it carefully, all the cultivators he knew and met, except for the Buddhist cultivators who planted some crops, the rest were predatory and did not care about hard work. For life, for ordinary people, In terms of life, cultivators are indeed not as useful as scholars. Is cultivation a mistake?

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