The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 825 Tongmu Communication

Chapter 825: Tongmu Communication

As for Master Han Tian, ​​no matter how beautiful he is, Zhang Ping is afraid that he won't have the slightest bit of other thoughts in his heart.

In other words, if a man has thoughts about a certain woman, will he yell and talk nonsense like Zhang Afraid, even yelling and scolding, without caring about his own image?

It's a pity that the girls don't know his thoughts, and he doesn't know the little tricks they do in private. Master Hantian has been sent to other peaks to live alone. At this moment, he was lecturing the children: "From today on, you are not allowed to leave the back mountain range. No matter where you go, you must take the monsters with you. You are not allowed to act alone." At this point, he turned to Lin Sen and asked: "Uncle Lin , where is Piggy and Kitten Huoer?”

Lin Sen smiled and said: "How do I know?" A fat baby rushed back: "I know, I know, they are playing with little snakes."

Little snake? Zhang Ain calculated the time. It didn't take long for the baby dragon snake to hatch. It has been holding up to the sky for more than two years. If it can grow to be as thick as a finger, it is considered good. How can it play with piglets? After thinking about Xiaozhu's powerful force, Jiao Jing was no match, let alone causing any trouble. Immediately stop lecturing and run away to find Jiao Jing.

There are many water sources behind the main peak, but there is no big lake. Jiao Jing was placed in a pool on the other peak. The forest there is deep and leafy, and the trees are tall and tall. No matter how hot the weather is, as long as you stay in the forest, you will feel cool. Only where the pool reaches the sky can you feel a little bit hot, but if you sink into the water, it will naturally be even cooler.

The pool stretches nearly a kilometer across. When Zhang Ping arrived, he saw kittens playing on the frozen ice. He took out some of the pool water and froze it into beautiful ice sculptures of flowers or trees. The little snakes burrowed back and forth on the ice. Not far away was a nervous and apprehensive Jiao Jing, watching in his eyes and calculating in his heart. Who knows when these three killing gods killed the little snake on impulse.

As soon as Zhang Weijing appeared, Jiao Jing swam over quickly and looked at him with sad eyes, hoping to stop the kitten. Piggy and Kitten don't care about this. These two brothers regard happiness as the most important thing in life, and no one can stop it. Without even looking at Zhang Awei, he continued to play with the thirty-three little snakes.

Only Huo'er was obedient, gently floating over and leaning on Zhang Wen's shoulder, which was regarded as a courtesy and a favor.

Zhang Ao took out a handful of spiritual energy pills and threw them to Jiao Jing and Huo'er first. Then he took out an empty jar as tall as a person, filled it with water and put it on the ground. He threw in two spiritual energy pills and used the power of his soul to slowly remove the spiritual energy pills. After melting, the spiritual power melted into the water, and then he grabbed a bunch of small snakes and threw them into the big jar to nourish the body. Finally, he said to the little pig and kitten: "Stop playing and come back to the mountain with me."

Of course the two guys didn't want to. Zhang Awei put on a serious expression and said, "Someone wants to harm Tianlei Mountain, and you two won't help?" When Xiaozhu heard this, he became angry. I live in Tianlei Mountain, and there is someone there. Dare to cause trouble? Do you think my spiritual beast is fake? He roared and rushed towards the main peak. Mao Mao followed. Huo'er nodded to Zhang Awei and followed him.

Zhang Ping then explained in hindsight: "It's not here yet, don't be anxious." How could Xiaozhu not be in a hurry? He patrols the mountains to teach anyone who dares to offend his anger. He quickly walked through eighteen mountain peaks. Since he didn't find anything, he came to the mountain gate and asked someone to open the magic circle. He wanted to go out and look for it. Fortunately, he was stopped by Zhang Awei, so he gave up.

When Zhang Ain left the water pool, he told Jiao Jing: "If you find anything unusual, take the little snake back to the main peak." Then he chased the little pig and stopped it at the mountain gate. If this guy leaves the mountain and sees those people in the shopping mall, he might be excited to have a barbecue. Zhang Ping doesn't want to take risks. More than 70 sects want to invade the mountain, so he can't let them get the handle.

The little pig was stopped and grunted dissatisfied. Zhang Awei explained: "The enemy hasn't come yet. It's foolish for you to go out and wait. I guarantee that if they dare to attack the mountain, I will give you a good fight." Xiaozhu reluctantly agreed with this explanation and left with a hum. The kitten rushed to Zhang. Afraid of a glare, it means you have to call it during a fight. This makes Zhang very depressed. When did these guys become fighting beasts?

Today, the market has been closed for more than three months, and more than four hundred cultivators who have died have also stayed there for more than three months. Due to internal disagreements, the results achieved were far from the expectations of the person in charge, and Zhang was afraid of doing something wrong if he failed to anger him. But when things have developed to such an extent, no matter how unsatisfactory they are, they have no choice but to persevere. They cannot just give up without doing anything. Seventy-nine sects. Except for the Wu Kingdom, the Yue Kingdom, the Shiwandashan and the Northern Warlocks, all other countries in the Eastern Continent have cultivators involved in this matter. Regardless of whether they are active, willing, and willing, since they are here, it is related to The sect's face is a problem. No one wants or can lose face.

But after more than three months, I got nothing. Even if everyone refuses to retreat in despair, it is normal to have some abnormal thoughts in their hearts. There is only one Tianlei Mountain, and Zhang is afraid that there is only one. Seventy-nine sects are gathered here. If they can get some benefits, how much can they get? There are not a few people who hold this idea, especially low-level cultivators. Do they know that their abilities are low and they are unable to compete with others? Why bother to travel all this time just to make up the numbers? There were a lot of complaints in private.

As the number of complaints increased, the dozen or so sects in charge sensed that something was wrong. If things continued like this, not to mention whether they could attack Tianlei Mountain, internal strife might break out. After some discussion, it was decided to take cruel measures. More than 400 people in the market must die. As long as they die and declare to the outside world that they are the killers of Tianleishan, all the sects can take advantage of the great righteousness and gather the world's masters to attack Zhang Weir just like they used to attack the ghost disciples and the ghost emperor. Thousands of cultivators will share the same hatred and kill one person.

There was nothing they could do. They never expected that Zhang Aishi had such a good temper and did not get angry despite being provoked several times.

Forcibly closing the Tianleishan shopping mall was a slap in the face and a provocation to the sect's dignity, but Tianleishan showed no response. On top of being slapped in the face, they sent people to pester Moji and talk nonsense. Tianleishan is still not angry, so you can do whatever you want. It's just that Tianlei Mountain can tolerate the tossing and nonsense of these people, but these people can't bear the peace of Tianlei Mountain. They can't wait any longer. Therefore, some top-level masters from several major sects decided to kill people on behalf of Tianleishan and frame him up.

At this time, the weather turned cold, and autumn was mostly over. Zhang Ping had just coaxed away the pigs and kittens. Ruiyuan hurriedly came to see him and said that Bai Zhan had discovered something abnormal in the shopping mall. Many people were complaining, and everyone had their own ideas. Some even said that As he left, he was stopped by several disciples from major sects. Ruiyuan came and asked Zhang Afraid: "Do you want to help and escort them away? After all, it is a good thing to get rid of any possible enemies."

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Okay, let Bai Zhan do it. Those who want to leave will be escorted across the border, and those who don't want to leave will stay." Rui Yuan responded and told Bai Zhan to do something.

Zhang Wei stood in front of the mountain gate for a long time, thinking about what might happen. Just as he was thinking about it, his eyes lit up and he stepped out of the magic circle. Walking quickly on the long straight steps up the mountain was a Toutuo, Tongmu.

Seeing him, Zhang Wen was suspicious. Although he had dealt with him twice, it was just a casual acquaintance with no great kindness. Why did he come up the mountain? What is certain is that he will never come to guard the mountain for him like that crazy woman Master Han Tian.

Tongmu quickly approached, clasped his fists from a distance and said, "I've met fellow Taoist Zhang." Zhang Ain returned the greeting with a smile and asked, "Why do you have the leisure to come to Tianlei Mountain to play?" Tongmu waved his hand and said, "I'm not here to play. I found some things that I guess are related to fellow Taoists, so I came to give you a reminder."

"Oh? What's going on?" Zhang Aif turned sideways to ask for permission and asked by the way.

Tongmu replied: "No more, just say a few words and leave. A few months ago, when the big turtle drove away the cultivators, I had nothing to do. I just stayed outside the Monster Mountain, thinking that you guys The monks must not be willing to suffer losses, and with the huge temptation of the cave's treasures, experts should gather outside the mountain in a few days to explore for the treasures again, but they didn't want to guess wrong and wait for a long time, but one of the experts didn't see it. I went to a wine shop built by many low-level monks and acted as a sentinel. I thought that I wanted to eat meat without a knife, so I had to keep a lookout until I had a knife. Anyway, I finally wanted to hunt for treasure, so I continued to wait. I was waiting around Monster Mountain to join in the fun, but who would have thought that the wait would last for more than two months and almost three months. I am really impatient and feel that you monks are really taking your time."

Zhang Wen had seen the wine shop detectives he mentioned before. At first, he thought like Tongmu that the monks were still malicious to the cave. Later, he found out that many of them were actually used as a cover to deceive people, and they were just spying on others. Go down to Monster Mountain. The best thing is that these people, like the more than 400 people in the business gathering, don't know that they are chess pieces, and they concentrate on monitoring the situation outside the mountain every day. It can be seen how much these people in charge hate Zhang Afraid.

On this side, Tongmu continued to speak: "I feel uncomfortable waiting, so I decided to go home. I was flying when I suddenly noticed that the woman who sneak-attacked you was flying in the direction of Tianlei Mountain. There were four top-level monks beside her. At first, I guessed that she was flying towards Tianlei Mountain. Along the way, everyone was flying north. It was a coincidence. But then I thought, where were they flying north? Just as I was thinking about it, they noticed that I was following them. The five of them stopped and came around in the opposite direction, asking me if I wanted to follow them. What are you doing? I said go back to the North, why am I following you? The woman said, since I am going back to the North, please let me go first. I saw that the one who didn't leave was a fool, so I flew north."

Speaking of this, Datoutuo laughed self-deprecatingly, and then added: "Fly in this direction. The closer we fly to Tianlei Mountain, the more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. That woman hates you, and she attacked you in a sneak attack. The direction is different." I'm coming from the Thunder Mountain, so my guess might be bad for you, so I came here to inform you, whether I'm seeking revenge on you or not, there's nothing wrong with being careful."

After hearing this, Zhang Awei was moved and said with a smile: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for worrying about me. No matter where they are going, Zhang Awei will keep your thoughts in mind. If they are useful to me in the future, I will send them to you." Let me know."

Tongmu waved his hands and said: "It doesn't matter. I just saw that you are on the right track and a good person and said a few nonsense words. Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you again in the future."

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