The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 824 The woman goes up the mountain

Chapter 824 Women go up the mountain

The woman just kept a cold face and didn't reply. An angry Zhang Ai shouted: "Sister, please spare me. What will happen if you die at the foot of Tianlei Mountain? I don't want to be hunted down by your disciples again."

"Don't worry, it won't happen. No matter whether something happens to me or not, no one under the Hantian Sect will cause trouble for you." It was rare for the woman to say a word, and her tone was still cold.

"What's wrong with you coming to stay at the foot of my mountain without going up the mountain or having any helpers? Do you want to fight on your own? Do good deeds in obscurity? Are you crazy? No matter where you got the news, Tianlei Mountain doesn't need you to prevent disaster for us. "Zhang Ping tried his best to persuade this crazy woman to leave.

"I don't need to explain to anyone what I do, and I don't need others to know." The woman said coldly.

"You're healed, right? Let's talk about it. You should come back. I tried so hard to persuade you, but why didn't you listen? You were still obedient when you were sick, but once you healed, you made things difficult for me. You wanted to kill me last time, I said, are you changing too quickly? Do you want to kill me or help me?" Zhang Zhi didn't know what to say anymore and kept talking nonsense.

The woman was Master Han Tian, ​​the leader of Han Tian Clan, the largest sect in the North. She came to kill Zhang Wen but was beaten away. Later, he met a bad monk who liked to kill people and seize treasures, and narrowly avoided his murderous attack. He was rescued by Zhang Awei, who gave him medicine to heal his injuries and sent him back to the mountain. Later, the Ghost Emperor caused trouble in the North. At that time, she was seriously injured and had yet to recover. It was Zhang Wen who took action for her to defeat the enemy.

Women are proud, unwilling to owe anyone anything, and eager to repay. After all, I owed Zhang Jing's life and many favors. But that bastard was getting better and better, and he didn't lack anything. Even if she wanted to return the favor, she couldn't find a chance. This time, I happened to know that several sects were trying to make things difficult for Tianleishan. It was a chance to repay the favor, so I sneaked over to help. It's a pity that Zhang was afraid to find out.

After listening to his nonsense, Master Hantian said coldly: "I have never owed anyone anything in my life. What I owed you before will be repaid with my life." Knowing that many people came to Zhang to worry about trouble, she hugged him when she came. Determined to die.

"You are so stupid, you still took so many pills from me, how can you pay back?" Zhang Fang said angrily, he really didn't want Han Tianmen to get involved in the hatred between him and others.

"I will pay it back slowly after I die." The woman's answer was very harsh. Zhang was afraid that he really wanted to kick her away. How could he pay her back if she was already dead? I looked up at the sky depressedly and sighed, there is Zhang Tianfang on the mountain, and there is a crazy woman coming down the mountain, this world will not let me live. After thinking about it, since I couldn't persuade her to leave, I owed her everything in my previous life. I said helplessly to the woman: "I'm afraid of you, old man, so let's go up the mountain."

The woman said stubbornly: "Why go up the mountain?" Zhang Ao yelled: "Do you know when those bastards will come? What's the matter with sitting alone at the bottom of the mountain? I don't know, I thought Tianleishan was not polite. Hurry up. Son, either go back to your iceberg or follow me up the mountain."

The woman still wanted to persist, but when she saw Zhang Ying's angry expression, she looked around. It would be a bit inconvenient to sit in a place like this for dozens of days or even months. Because the top-level monk's spiritual consciousness has a very wide detection range, she can always be discovered as long as she stays near Tianlei Mountain, so she stays at the foot of Tianlei Mountain openly to avoid misunderstandings caused by Zhang's fear of discovering her hiding traces. Similarly, it is also a problem for monks from other sects to find her sitting at the foot of Tianlei Mountain all day long. He agreed to Zhang Ai's suggestion and walked directly up the mountain without saying anything. Anyway, I'm here to help, so I should let this bastard entertain me.

Seeing the woman's take-it-for-granted attitude, Zhang Ping really wanted to say, "Sister, this is my home." But he didn't say it. He followed the woman up the mountain helplessly like a doormat.

At the gate halfway up Tianlei Mountain, Zhang Tianfang pulled Fu Kong and said something, but Fu Kong just shook his head. On the other side stood Zhan Yun.

Zhang Ping found them as soon as he reached the mountain gate. His head was a little big at that time, wasn't it? Something happened again? What are these people doing at the gate? He quickened his pace and passed Master Hantian, and asked Fu Kong: "What happened?" Fu Kong said helplessly: "Let's discuss it, can I return this guy to you?"

Zhang shook his head immediately because he was afraid of losing his breath. He couldn't answer what he said, so nothing happened. As for why they were standing at the door, well, it definitely had nothing to do with him. He was able to save one thing, and he was determined not to fall into a trap like last time. He turned around and said to the woman: "Please, there are some female companions there, someone to talk to you." Master Hantian said in a cold voice: "I don't I need someone to talk to me." He said this, but he still went up the mountain with Zhang Wei. After all, it is not easy for a woman to stay among men.

Zhang Tianfang jumped over and said, "It's so beautiful. Xiao Zhang, you are getting more and more capable. You can trick a beautiful woman into coming back just once when you go down the mountain. I'll tell Yunyi right now." Just as he was about to leave, he stopped again. Face smiled evilly and continued: "Buy me, bribe me, and I won't tell Yunyi."

There are so many people at this gate, what's the use of just trying to bribe you? Zhang Awei glared at him angrily, did not answer, and led Master Hantian back to the mountain.

Bu Kong saw Zhang Tianfang diverting his attention and stopped pestering him. He turned around and ran away without saying a word. Zhan Yun was stunned for a moment, but luckily he had come through the storm, so he immediately made a decision and disappeared with Bu Kong. The two of them moved so quickly that the Bing woman was shocked. Tianleishan was too powerful. How could they be so powerful just by showing up?

When Zhang Tianfang saw that Zhang Wen was ignoring him, he turned around. Bu Kong and Zhan Yun were gone, and he shouted angrily: "Come back." But he immediately stopped and said to himself: "Anyway, this bastard has returned to the mountain. Wait. Let’s talk next time.” Walk away.

Zhang Zhi almost broke into a cold sweat when he heard this. This bastard wants to ambush me again?

Things went as he guessed. Last time, Zhang Tianfang had no time to help and tricked him once. This guy had a good game. He took advantage of him to go down the mountain and found no time to help again. He wanted to set up an ambush in front of the mountain gate array to trick him again. Because the magic circle was closed, Zhang Tianfang couldn't get out, so he tricked Zhan Yun into coming again, planning to join forces with the three of them to do a good job.

Of course, those two people didn't want to do anything, they just pushed and dragged, and Zhang was afraid of going back to the mountain.

No need to ask about the whole process, Zhang was able to make a rough guess. As he walked, he muttered viciously: "I'll beat him hard next time." He turned his head and saw that Master Hantian had a surprised look on his face, and explained briefly: "Get used to it. Just get used to it." Master Hantian nodded if he had any idea. Anyway, Zhang was afraid that he was not normal and could not be treated as an ordinary person.

The two quickly walked to the back mountain and went straight to the courtyard of the girls. They threw Master Hantian into the courtyard, called a girl over and asked, "Is there a guest room? No? Then find someone to squeeze in and give up the room." Come out, what? There is another one? Regardless of whether she is there or not, this woman belongs to you. Make a room for her to live in. Also, keep a close eye on her. Don’t let her run around. Our mountains are full of treasures. "It's so bad." Zhang was afraid that he would slap his ass and leave after making some nonsense. The girl with big eyes and small eyes are left, and Master Hantian. In the name of Master Hantian, when has he ever been treated like this before? He stared angrily at Zhang Weifang's back, and his teeth were itching with hatred. I'm here to help, you Treat me like this?

That girl is not always happy, who is this? Why are you so beautiful? Could it be that he came to compete with Sister Yunyi and Sister Xier for a man? A pair of wonderful eyes looked up and down Master Hantian, and he blamed Zhang Ai in his heart. I didn't push it away just now. I'm in trouble. I'll complain to Sister Yunyi later, huh.

Both women were dissatisfied with Zhang Awei, but regardless of whether they were satisfied or not, Zhang Awei had disappeared. At this time, Cheng Xier came back and saw many beauties in white clothes in the courtyard. She asked softly: "This sister, who are you?" The girl on the side hurriedly came over to complain, describing Zhang Aoi as a demon who bullied women. , Master Hantian coughed softly after hearing this, I'm still here, even if you want to accuse me, you have to be careful about me, right?

Cheng Xier was looking at Master Han Tian. There were two beauties, one charming and the other cold and arrogant, each with different styles. Cheng Xi'er was originally very smart, but the people involved were confused and confused, so she believed most of the rumors created by the girl. She complained to Zhang Afraid in her heart: "This bastard, he doesn't know how to cherish the two of them at home, and he goes out to hook up with others. No, it's There are three hookups, but there can’t be four.”

Cheng Xi'er has experienced a lot over the years, and it is no problem to deal with others. Knowing that she cannot lose face at this time, she smiled softly at Master Han Tian: "What do you call me, sister? I wonder where I can rest at night? If you don't mind, I will, little one." There is a small house over there for the woman. Although it is not big and not very comfortable, it is clean enough. If my sister has no other arrangements, she can stay in that house. I will live next door. If you need anything, you can always call me. "

This conversation was considered generous and decent, but Master Hantian noticed a strong sense of sourness and felt a little unhappy: What is the motive of this bastard Zhang Ping for letting me live with his concubine? Looking at it, there seem to be quite a few women.

As if to prove that her guess was correct, a group of girls ran back to the courtyard noisily. When they saw Master Hantian, they greeted each one familiarly.

Master Hantian was so anxious that he didn't even bother to tell whether these women were virgins. He quickly waved his hand and said, "I have a tent, so I can just go and rest." He grabbed the first girl who spoke to him and said, "Take me to where you are." The hilltop should be quiet and without people."

When the girl heard this, it was exactly what I wanted. She dragged Master Hantian and ran down the mountain. At the mountain gate, she asked her disciples to open the magic circle. She led Master Hantian down to an uninhabited mountain and said eloquently: "This is the quietest place. There is no one without monsters..."

Before she could speak, Master Hantian interrupted: "It's right here. It's fine. You can go back." The girl bowed slightly and turned back to the main peak. She was extremely happy in her heart because she had successfully solved a problem for Sister Yunying. .

The girl took the decision to take Master Hantian away, but Cheng Xier did not stop her. What she was thinking was, even though the woman looked cold on the outside, who knew if she was hot inside? Zhang was afraid that idiot didn't know how to refuse, so he must not let him provoke beautiful women again.

It's pitiful that several women have misunderstood Zhang Afraid. When it comes to feelings and women, Zhang Afraid is a bit frighteningly persistent. If Song Yunyi is good to him, he will be kind to Song Yunyi. Apart from Yunyi, he will never mess with other women. Xi'er is an exception, Song Yunyi recognizes her existence.

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