The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 826 How cruel

Chapter 826: So cruel

"In that case, I won't leave you alone. I hope you have a safe journey, fellow Taoist." Zhang Ain said with his hands in hand. Tongmu also cupped his hands and quickly left down the mountain. It was extremely difficult for him to take the risk and come to inform him.

When Tongmu walked away, Zhang Ain thought about what Yao Meier was doing. Do you want to attack the mountain with just five people? If it wasn't to attack the mountain, what would you want to do in Tianlei Mountain? This unfortunate woman, what have I done? Let her hate me so much and torment me endlessly.

Just as he was thinking about it, his mind suddenly jumped. Someone in Bai Zhan sent a messenger talisman to ask for help. At that time, he jumped towards the direction from which the talisman flew. Also moving with him were Ruiyuan and Zhan Yun, and Fu Kong followed him out.

As soon as they flew down the mountain, they saw twenty white warriors forming a battle formation, fighting and retreating. The so-called attack is nothing more than defense. Twenty people must defend one person, and that person is Yao Meier.

Seeing this woman, Zhang Weijing was angry. What on earth did I do? Are you going to keep making trouble with me every day? Do you really think I don’t dare to kill you? With a wave of his right hand, he saw a flash of white light on Yao Meier's back, and a small knife shot from her chest and passed through her back. It was invisible because of the speed. After hitting the target, she slowed down and revealed the blade.

Yao Meier opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, glared at Zhang Wen and turned around to run away. Zhang Ain said coldly: "Want to run?" In the time he said these two words, someone had already appeared next to Yao Mei'er. He swung out the huge hard iron knife in his hand and slashed towards the woman's waist. Yao Mei'er was about to die on the spot. , at this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Ping's knife, and then there was a loud clang. An ancient bell came from nowhere, blocking Yao Meier's attack from the black knife, and scattered into seventeen or eight pieces to attack. Falling below. Then a person appeared next to Yao Meier. He smiled bitterly at Zhang Awei and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, please be merciful."

Zhang Ain looked over coldly, and saw that the seed of infatuation was here, Tie Mou, the boss of the Tie family, the eight most aristocratic families in the state of Lu. Zhang Wen felt angry in his heart, and when he saw him, it was as if he hadn't seen him, and he didn't say anything. When he looked at Yao Meier again, he was completely angry and wanted to kill Yao Meier to vent his anger.

Tie Mou looked similar to Venerable Qiao from Shiwanda Mountain. He was fair, delicate, young and handsome. Seeing that Zhang was ignoring him, he said again: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, someone is killing people in the market."

When Zhang Weijing heard this, he immediately understood and thought in his mind, these people are so cruel, they even kill their own people? There are seventy-nine sect disciples in Shangzhu. The only enemy is Zhang Ping's Tianlei Mountain, and Tianlei Mountain has never taken action, so who is taking action to kill people? Let me ask, who in the world is willing to offend these sects at the same time?

There is another strange thing. The Yao family and the Tie family belong to the seventy-nine sects. Each family has its children staying in Shangji. But why did Yao Meier and Tie Mou know that their children were in danger but didn't rescue them? Just to explain one thing, the seventy-nine sects killed their own people by themselves. These people are so cruel, they even sacrificed the lives of their disciples just to kill Zhang Wei!

Zhang Zhen was very depressed. What on earth had I done? Let these people want to kill me all the time, and even resort to this method? But I am depressed. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, we must not let those four hundred people die under any circumstances. Once they die, the debt will definitely be settled on Tianlei Mountain. No one will believe that many famous sects will kill their fellow sects. In comparison, Yao Meier's life and death is really not a big deal and can be left aside for the time being. So he stretched out his body and rushed to the shopping mall.

At this time, the cultivators in the market were being massacred. Three top-level monks formed a triangle outside the market, each occupying one side, and slowly pressed toward the middle. Their goal was to kill all the cultivators, leaving no one behind, so as not to let any fish slip through the net. Therefore, they stood in a circle and slowly shrank inward. Anyone who escaped would be killed with one move. It was precisely because of their cruelty that they moved slowly and only killed more than 60 people who tried to escape. There were still about 400 cultivators who were imprisoned in the shopping center. Each one had different expressions, either desperate or... Angry, or frightened and shouting indiscriminately.

They thought that behind them were seventy-nine sects in the world, and no one would dare to attack them, but they didn't expect that three masters suddenly came and attacked them crazily. In the midst of panic, Zhang Wei appeared, and as soon as he appeared, his sword energy shone thousands of miles across. One of the three top-level monks died before they understood what was going on.

Zhang was afraid of killing one person with one blow, so he rushed towards the second person. At this time, the remaining two people noticed his arrival and were surprised by Zhang Ai's terror, which seemed to be much more powerful than the rumors.

Five of them came, two of them chased and killed twenty Nascent Soul cultivators, and three of them packed up the merchants and gathered people. Unexpectedly, they separated, Zhang was afraid that the merchant had already appeared and killed one person easily. The remaining two people knew it was not good, so they made a decisive decision and ran away. Zhang Ain snorted coldly and flew away like lightning. The figure was still there, and a cold snort came out, but Zhang Ai's figure appeared in another place in the sky. In front of him, another figure fell down, and a small Nascent Soul jumped out of his body. Zhang was afraid of using his hands to grab hold of them, so he grabbed the Yuanying and the Yuanying of the monk who had just died, glanced at them coldly, and put them into the big walnut on his chest.

Three top-level masters surrounded and killed cultivators below Jiedan. Two of them died instantly, and only one escaped.

They sent five top-level monks to carry out the frame-up plan because they were afraid of something happening. They thought that even if they encountered Zhang Awei, who was five enemies to one, even if they couldn't defeat him, they would at least be able to escape safely. However, they didn't expect that something unexpected would happen.

Three murderers died, two of them escaped, and the 400 people in the mall became chaotic and dispersed to escape. Zhang Ai shouted loudly: "Stop! Those who act rashly will be killed." At this time, Zhan Yun, Fu Kong, and Ruiyuan arrived one after another, and the 20 Bai Zhan members who were lucky enough to save their lives formed a battle formation and stood coldly. Behind Zhang Ai, stare at the people below.

They were powerful. The cultivators gathered in the business saw the situation clearly and quickly became quiet. No one dared to act rashly.

Zhang Ai ordered: "Search those two corpses." Two Bai Zhan team members flew out from behind and carefully searched the bodies of the two dead people. After a while, each of them came back with a storage bag. After Zhang Ain took it, he glanced at it and put it away, then released the two Nascent Souls he had just caught, pointed at the cultivators in the business center and said coldly: "Tell them what's going on and why you came to kill them."

How dare Yuanying not listen? If you don't listen, your soul will be disintegrated into ashes, and you can honestly tell the reason immediately. What happened was roughly as Zhang Awei had guessed. He felt chills all over his body. These bastards were so cruel. They just wanted to kill me, and they really didn't even let their disciples go.

Also braving the cold with him were the cultivators from Shangzhu, all of whom were trembling with anger. How dare we come here to toss for several months just to die? Even if the enemy doesn't kill us, our own people will come to kill us? In short, you can't escape death! On the contrary, they were rescued by the so-called enemies, the Tianlei Mountain bastards, and everyone felt very uncomfortable.

Most of them are disciples from small sects who have been coerced or come to join in the fun. These people are the largest in number, with five or six disciples from each family participating. The larger families send more than a dozen disciples, such as The Infinite Sect joined later.

On the other hand, among the dozen or so sects, each sect only sent two or three people, such as Longhu Mountain, the Eight Great Families, and Yunlongmen. Zhang was afraid that he didn't know which sect the people in Shangzhu came from, but these people knew it very well. After listening to Yuanying's narration, some people immediately became angry and wanted to kill Yuanying, but more people had angry faces. Staring at those disciples of the sect, he decided to kill them on the spot.

Zhang Ai put away Nascent Soul and said coldly: "You have heard it and understood it. If you want to continue to cause trouble for me, just stay. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have much patience."

Among the seventy-nine sects, the Hu family, the Yao family, was in trouble. Especially the Hu family and Zhang were afraid of killing their father, so they were holding back their energy to take revenge. The other sects such as Longhu Mountain, Yunlongmen and others also wanted Zhang Ai to die quickly, so of course they would not miss this opportunity, so they planned this matter together. It was the decisions of these people that turned the more than 400 people in the business into chess pieces that could be discarded at any time.

After listening to Zhang Awei's words at this time, most cultivators easily made judgments. They hated the dozens of sects that had caused the uprising. People were leaving the market one after another and said goodbye to Zhang Awei with fists in their hands. Many people, with expressions of sadness on their faces, came forward to collect the corpses of their fellow disciples and carried them back to the mountain with them. After a while, there were still ten people left in the field, from Yaojia, Qingmen, Yunlongmen and other sects, and there were eight corpses left on the ground.

These ten people didn't know what to do. They were abandoned by the family clan and felt resentful and uncomfortable in their hearts. But what should they do now? go back? not going back? It's really hard to decide.

There were also dozens of monks who had the same experience as them. They knew that they were abandoned chess pieces, and their hearts were full of sadness. However, they did not dare to resist the sect's decision, and they did not have the courage to go back and question them. They could only walk away in despair and find a place to live in seclusion. He got up and decided not to return to his master's door, pretending that he had never been a master.

Although the remaining ten people in Shangji were angry and uncomfortable, they still loyally reported to the sect. They believed that everything they had at this time was given by the sect, so it didn't matter if they took it back.

Zhang Aimun looked at them expressionlessly for a few times, said nothing, and turned back to the mountain. Ruiyuan and others followed. Zhan Yun walked up to him and asked, "Let those ten people go just like that?" Zhang Ai replied quietly: "They are more useful alive than dead."

The group of people walked forward and soon reached the foot of the mountain. Standing at the foot of the mountain was a fair-skinned young man, Tie Mou. Zhang was afraid that he would be discovered early, so he did not make any preparations. He walked to the opposite side of him and stopped, turned around and ordered: "You guys go back to the mountain first."

Team member Bai Zhan said yes in a loud voice, and Zhan Yun and Bu Kong walked past the two of them and went up the mountain along the stone steps. In front of the steps at the bottom of the mountain, only Zhang Afraid and Tie Mou were left. Tie Mou cupped his fists and said, "Thank you for showing mercy." Zhang Bin said coldly, "You're welcome, I won't show mercy again."

Tie Mou put down his hand and said with a wry smile, "I won't be able to stop you again in the future." He paused and then said, "With just one strike from you, my Tie family's heirloom will be missing."

Zhang Awei looked at him coldly and suddenly asked: "You don't want to kill me anymore?" Tiemou knew that he couldn't kill Zhang Awei, so he told him about his love for Yao Meier in order to let Yao Meier go. For a cultivator, this is a sign of submission, which is extremely shameless. Therefore, he is still murderous. If there is a chance, it would be easier to kill Zhang Fei.

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