The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 823 What's going on

Chapter 823 What happened?

The two of them left, leaving Zhang Pa and the other two. Rui Yuan asked worriedly, "Will they really harm my uncle?" Harming Zhang Pa would be harmful to Tianlei Mountain. It is very likely that Tianlei Mountain will be besieged again. Rui Yuan was of course very worried.

Tianlei Mountain has suffered many disasters. It was besieged twice, then the Jin family was exterminated, and then the Yao family and the four sects of the Demonic Path slaughtered the mountain. Later, Zhang Pa rebuilt the mountain gate, but was still besieged, forcing him to lead his people to escape. Zhang Pa remembered all the experiences in the past. He didn't want to become a top-level master now, but still have the opportunity to relive the old dream.

These things were stirring in his heart at this time. After hearing Rui Yuan's question, Zhang Pa smiled coldly, "What does it matter if it is beneficial or not?" He looked down at the big walnut on his chest, wondering if he should make some preparations in advance to let the Yuanying inside take over the body and add some strength to Tianlei Mountain.

There are 222 white warriors on the mountain, all of whom are above the middle stage of Yuanying. They are the most powerful in the world in any sect, but what if they are against the whole world? The answer is imaginable. Zhang Pa couldn't help but feel depressed. He didn't know why there were 78 sects coming to make trouble. Did I offend so many people? He asked Rui Yuan in detail: "No sect in Yue State participated in this matter? Is it only Wuliang Sect in Song State that didn't participate?"

Rui Yuan replied that it was. Zhang Pa then asked: "How long have Song Yinglong and Ku Wu been gone?" Rui Yuan said: "More than a month." "Tomorrow, you take two teams to Wuliang Sect to pay homage and remind them to pay attention to the cultivators in Song State and go early and come back early." Zhang Pa ordered.

"Uncle, this reminder means..." Rui Yuan asked the question very carefully.

Zhang Pa explained: "Of the three major sects in Song, Qing Sect and Yu Shou Sect are among the seventy-eight sects, and only Wuliang Sect stays out of it. If these sects want to take action against Tianlei Mountain, they will certainly monitor and control Wuliang Sect. It depends on what the enemy wants to do. If they want to destroy Tianlei Mountain with a thunderbolt, they will keep it secret and don't want us to notice it. Naturally, they will not take action against Wuliang Sect, so as not to alert the enemy; and if they want to use Wuliang Sect as bait to lure us into the trap, they will take action against Wuliang Sect and release the news, waiting for us to rush to die." Having said this, he paused and changed his mind and said, "You don't have to go, let Zhan Yun go." Rui Yuan naturally agreed.

The three of them quickly returned to the mountain, and Zhang Pa went straight to the highest point of the main peak. On the top of the mountain, Zhan Yun was holding a pot of hot tea and drinking it. Seeing Zhang Pa coming up, he smiled and said, "What's the matter?" Zhang Pa also smiled and said, "Go to Wuliang Sect for me once."

"What? Did they offend you?" Zhan Yun asked. Zhang Pa then told them his guesses down the mountain, and then said: "This time you have to go secretly, only talk to Song Yinglong or Ku Wu, tell them my analysis, and then come back."

Zhan Yun smiled and agreed: "Then I'll leave, come back and treat me to a drink." After speaking, his figure disappeared, and a hot teapot fell flat in the air. Zhang Pa caught it, placed it on the wooden table, and then went to find Lin Sen.

If it is really a joint action of the 78 sects, whether it succeeds or not, if the Wuliang Sect does not participate in it, it will inevitably be isolated in the future, and the decline of the entire sect will follow. Zhang Pa only needs to tell them his guesses, and with Song Yinglong's style of doing things, he will scramble to join the 78 sects. It's not that he hates Zhang Pa, but he has the responsibility to ensure that the Wuliang Sect is passed on safely. For the head of the sect, it is necessary to distinguish between personal favors and the righteousness of the sect.

Let Zhan Yun do the work, Zhang Pa came to the back mountain in a flash, told Lin Sen the whole thing, and then asked: "Do you want to send you back to Wuling Fudi first?" Lin Sen smiled and shook his head: "You also said that it was just a guess, it can't be taken seriously; besides, we can all escape underground, even if something happens, no one can catch us, so let's do this, starting from tomorrow, I will restrict the kids from going out." Zhang Pa thought about it and agreed, then got up and left, went to various mountains to check the safety of the magic array, and released all the monsters on his body, letting eight shadow tigers and two mice monitor the movement among the mountains. After doing all this and confirming that there was no danger, he went back to the room to rest.

As if to prove his cleverness, Zhan Yun came back on the third day. On the fifth day, there were more than a dozen Wuliang Sect disciples in the market at the foot of the mountain. This further confirmed his guess that the world's sects really had ill intentions towards him. For this reason, Zhang Pa made a special trip to the Monster Mountain. The mountain was quiet, the big turtle lay still, and the little monk sat still. Guarding for many days, no cultivator came into the mountain to cause trouble.

The two guys were very surprised to see Zhang Pa appear. The little monk asked, "Sir, is there anything?" Zhang Pa said, "I came to see you." The big turtle said coldly, "If you are too kind, you are either a traitor or a thief." Zhang Pa was helpless: "What did I steal? I'm depressed. I'm leaving." He found an excuse to return to Tianlei Mountain.

When he returned to the mountain, he passed by Shangji. There were still more than 400 people there, and they were just sitting there in a daze. Zhang Pa sneered in his heart, I'll wait for you to come up the mountain and trouble me. In fact, he still thought that the cultivators of the East Continent were kind. The whole thing was indeed as he guessed, someone wanted to harm him. Zhang Pa's flash of inspiration at the critical moment gave him the opportunity to make adequate preparations.

But the situation was far less serious than he thought. There were only a few dozen sects in the entire East Continent, and Wu State had the most, with thirteen, but this time, Wu State did not participate in it. Although they also had a grudge against Zhang Pa, the sword cultivators of Wu State were always different. The mainland cultivators could not contact them, and they didn't know that they had a grudge against Zhang Pa, so naturally there was no one to find.

Except for Wu, there are only three or five powerful sects in any country. Although there are many countries in the entire continent, it is really difficult to gather 78 powerful sects, so many sects are just here to make up the number. Due to the coercion of the big sect, I had to do it once.

Because many of the most powerful sects in the country had a grudge against Zhang Ai, and they all wanted to kill this bastard. They thought that since they wanted to do it, they should do it in a big way. The previous sieges on Tianlei Mountain were mostly caused by heavy thunder and little rain. If they wanted to do it this time, they would do it to the point where they would never be able to make it again, so they invited all the sects and factions to come. Joining in the fun, this is the reason why many sects come to seek justice.

However, they were the only ones who had a grudge against Zhang Weifang, and they could not persuade everyone in the world to attack Tianlei Mountain, so someone came up with the idea to use the Monster Mountain incident to trouble Zhang Weifang and let him share some of the benefits. There were more than 4,000 people who entered the mountain, including cultivators from all over the world. There were even warlocks from the North. They found cultivators from various sects inside and threw out the prepared words, saying that everyone should go together and get the benefits equally. This is the origin of the so-called justice.

Most sects are all capable of sending a few people to join in the fun. If there are benefits, the best, but if there are no benefits, it doesn't matter. However, due to the large number of people, the seventy-eight sects a few days ago and the seventy-nine sects now are actually divided into three situations. One is that the largest dozen or so sects are holding back their efforts to provoke Zhang Wei and send their disciples to the door. When looking for trouble, one is coerced by a sect and comes to join in the fun, and the third is someone who comes outright to join in the fun. The latter two cases are dominated by sects.

If it were just like this, it would not be possible to say how evil the monks from the Eastern Continent were. The fact was that the more than 400 people who came to cause trouble in the early stage all came to die. More than a dozen sects use these people as bait, allowing them to anger Tianleishan with their arrogant and tough attitude and endless nonsense, and then kill them. As long as these people all die in the hands of the disciples of Tianlei Mountain, more than a dozen powerful enemies will have an excuse to organize cultivators from all over the world to attack the mountain. Only with righteousness can things be done.

It's a pity that these more than 400 people didn't know it. Because they were divided into three groups, they were not united with each other. They didn't visit the mountain very often to cause trouble. Ruiyuan let them do whatever they wanted. The good and loyal man was already ready to be punished. After a year of preparation, he will not be impulsive and kill easily. As the old saying goes, good people will be rewarded if they do good deeds. Ruiyuan, an honest man, fully realized this once.

It's just that Zhang Ping didn't know about these circumstances, so he was suspicious of the more than 400 low-level cultivators who had been staying at the foot of the mountain without leaving their ink marks. He didn't know that countless caring people were always paying attention here, just waiting for him to make a big mistake after being impulsive.

He bid farewell to the big turtle and hurried back to the mountain, where he met an acquaintance at the gate of the mountain. A very beautiful ice woman was sitting on a stone on the side of the foot of the mountain, closing her eyes and breathing. There, Zhang Ping once fought against Jin Da fiercely. At this time, Jin Da was not there, replaced by a beautiful woman.

Zhang Ain walked over and asked, "What are you doing?" The woman didn't say anything. She was dressed in white and sat still. She looked like a Bodhisattva, but the Bodhisattva was not so cold.

Zhang Wen sat down on the steps and asked again: "You're not here to trouble me, are you?" The woman still didn't speak.

Zhang Ai let out a long sigh: "You don't have to come. I can handle my matters myself."

After hearing this, the woman raised her head to look at him, then turned back, still not speaking.

"I'm afraid of you. Why are you still so cold? Wear more clothes when sitting next to you." Zhang Ain moved to the side. But no matter what he said or did, the woman just didn't speak. Zhang was afraid and said: "It's boring. If you don't say anything, I will go back to the mountain."

The woman still didn't speak.

Zhang Awei had no choice but to sigh and stand up, walked to stand in front of the woman, suddenly bowed and saluted, and said: "Thank you." Then the woman moved, moved Mi Xu aside, and let Zhang Awei's gift go.

"You want to suffocate me to death?" Zhang Ain stood up and said helplessly, and then said: "Thank you, go back, you don't have to fight for me."

After hearing this, the woman finally spoke and said coldly: "I do my own thing and it has nothing to do with you."

Zhang was afraid that he wanted to curse, but why did he meet such a woman? Talk for a long time and only reply one sentence. He asked softly: "How come it has nothing to do with me? How come it has nothing to do with you? You are sitting in front of my mountain gate. How can it have nothing to do with me?"

The woman then stood up and walked down the stone, stopped ten meters down the mountain, and asked in a cold voice: "Is it okay to stand at the foot of your mountain?"

The woman only listened to half of what she said. Zhang was extremely helpless. At this time, he fully understood what the woman was thinking. He walked over and said angrily: "Who do you think you are? A woman who wants to fight against all the cultivators in the world?"

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