The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 815 Hai Ling Storytelling

Chapter 815 Hai Ling Storytelling

Hai Ling followed him with the book in his arms and asked him questions from time to time. The more books I read, the more various problems there will be, so many that I am afraid I will be unable to cope with them. For example, Hai Ling asked him, why are some people willing to be servants to others? Why do men and women have to live together? There are endless questions about why we should get married and so on. These are all common sense issues. Generally, books always only tell the facts but not the reasons. For example, when it comes to marriage, it is always said that male students should get married and female students should get married, but they will never explain why they should get married.

Of course, for normal people, there is no need to explain, everyone understands. But there is no whiter paper in the world than Hai Ling. How can he know this? Of course he has to ask if he doesn't understand. It's a pity that the question he asked is not human. Zhang Ai hesitated for a long time and replied: "There is no answer in this book. There will always be answers in the next book." Yes, you’ll understand if you read more.”

In the absence of any other answer, Hai Ling could only choose to believe Zhang Ai and continue reading while still holding the book in hand.

After wandering at sea for more than ten days, Zhang was afraid of entering the fifth level of void space. As soon as he entered, he heard Gui Zu's laughter, and Zhang Wen was depressed: "You don't have to be so happy to see me, right?" Gui Zu smiled and replied: "If I let you read to him again, you are asking for trouble, right? I doubt it, he continues Read the book, keep reading, do you think it will make you wiser?"

Zhang Wei was startled by the words. He just wanted to find something to relieve the little fat man's boredom. He never thought that books can enlighten the mind. What if Hai Ling understands ethics and morals and the many causes and effects of past and future lives, and accidentally understands them all? If you understand why you came here, will this Refining Temple still exist? Will the little fat man still be there?

After thinking for a long time, there was no answer, but the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. He said angrily to the dark world: "Don't scare me." Ghost Ancestor laughed and said: "I just want to scare you, what can you do to me?" Zhang said angrily: " If I had known I wouldn't have come to see you," Gui Ancestor still said with a smile, "It's a good thing that you came to see me. Otherwise, how could you have thought of this problem?"

"Forget it, don't talk about this. It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Is it this position? Take it." Zhang was afraid that he would lie to himself and evade responsibility. He refused to talk about this topic again and threw a bunch of grapes.

Ghost Ancestor ate the grape and said, "My memory is pretty good, but there are some things that you can't just escape if you want to."

Zhang Awei curled his lips and said, "Whatever, I don't know what will happen tomorrow, so why are you thinking so much?" It sounds a bit free and easy, but in fact, you are still lying to yourself. Even if you don't know what will happen suddenly tomorrow, you are still on your way. On the road, those who work continue to work, those who cultivate continue to cultivate, no matter who you are born as, the path you have chosen to move forward, no matter what efforts you have made, you must keep going.

Ghost Ancestor said: "I'm too lazy to tell you this, why are you back so soon?"

Zhang Awei sighed: "I'm just working hard. Just after I got home, someone came to me to help me. It took me more than two months. I thought I would go out and see you again. By the way, I want to ask you something. Do you know that anyone lived in Monster Mountain?"

"It seems that a master who transformed into a god lived here for a while. I don't know exactly what happened. After transforming into a god, who doesn't want to save his life? How can he care about others? Only my best friend, alas." As he spoke, Ghost Ancestor said something. Sigh.

"What's wrong with Li?" Zhang Ain asked. Li is a close friend of Gui Zu, and there is a rift between them. Li traps Gui Zu in the Refining Temple.

Ghost Ancestor replied: "Let's talk about it, let's not mention him. But speaking of it, I don't know what he is doing now. I don't know whether he was killed by a master or imprisoned."

Zhang was afraid that he was a little depressed, so he asked a question. He went further and further, so he said, "Asking you is the same as not asking. You have lived so many years in vain." He took out the jar of wine and let the ghost ancestor in the darkness drink it, and said by the way: "You are such a foodie." Guizu didn't reply. He waited until all the drinks were in his stomach before saying, "Can a manly man stop cursing others when they are eating? Have some more."

Zhang was afraid so he threw the dried meat over again and served the Ghost Ancestor to eat for a while in the void space. However, he still didn’t know anything about Monster Mountain. Thinking of the beautiful jade statue, he suddenly felt that the angle of the question might be wrong. , so he asked again: "Did you have a particularly beautiful woman at that time?"

Ghost Ancestor said disdainfully: "There are so many beautiful women, how can a cultivator care about beauty?" Upon hearing this, Zhang Wen knew that this guy really knew nothing about Monster Mountain. How could he take such beautiful women lightly after seeing them? forget? He whispered: "You have never seen that person."

"Have you seen it?" Ghost Ancestor said even more disdainfully: "Pretend to be older than me? How old are you?"

There was no need to debate this topic. Zhang Ai laughed and said, "I'm out." But things were stacking up on top of each other in his mind. He didn't know why he suddenly became sentimental recently, but he knew clearly that Hai Ling was studying. One incident left him completely confused. What if, what if one day, Hai Ling opens his spiritual wisdom, knows his origin, and successfully merges with the Temple of Refining?

There are countless fierce fish-headed monsters sealed in the Refining Temple, and they are terrifying fish-headed monsters that cannot be allowed to come to this world no matter what.

The old man from Gui Zu asked, "Is there something on your mind?" Zhang Ai admitted: "Just like that, who doesn't have endless troubles and troubles? Let's just live with it." Gui Ancestor smiled and said, "You can see clearly." Zhang Ai said He replied honestly: "It's not that I want to see it, but what can I do if I can't see it?" He turned around to leave, but stopped, turned around and said again: "Tell me about the transformation of gods."

"Didn't you say that before?" Ghost Ancestor asked. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "If you say a few more words, you won't die." Ghost Ancestor thought about it and agreed: "It's not a big deal. How about cultivation? From the beginning of Qi refining, condensing Qi as the foundation is the foundation building period; when the Dao foundation is completed, , the scattered Tao becomes the spiritual power, the golden elixir is condensed, and the elixir becomes the elixir-forming stage; when the golden elixir is fully completed, it will transform into the elixir and form an infant. Success is the cultivation of the Nascent Soul. Every step of this step is unbreakable and unestablishable. Let’s give it up first. Overall, it’s a pretty boring process.”

Zhang Afraid thought it was quite boring, but there were countless people who wanted to embark on the path of cultivation, including himself.

The Ghost Ancestor continued: "When the Nascent Soul has grown into a mess, it's time to transform into a god, but transforming into a god does not require a Sanying. At least I don't have a Sanying. Just because I don't have a Sanying, I created another Ghost Ancestor. Alas. , the God Transformation stage is really troublesome, but the troubles have to continue. There is no fixed method for becoming a God, and it all depends on your own pursuit of understanding. Whether you can achieve it or not depends on whether God is happy or not. Masters in the God Transformation stage are the cultivators closest to God. At this point, he stopped and asked Zhang Ai: "Do you believe there is a god in this world?"

"Didn't you say that before?" Zhang Ain asked back.

Ghost Ancestor didn't bother to think about what he had said before, and continued: "Whether you believe it or not, there are gods in this world. Most of everything we can see is created by gods. The masters of transforming gods are the ones closest to A group of Gods, if they continue to practice, they are very likely to become true gods. I don’t know whether this is the case, but the story says that the gods do not want their status to be threatened, so they send people to hunt down the gods. Monk; therefore, if the cultivator of the spirit transformation does not want to die, it is best to hide quickly. "

Zhang was afraid that he would be confused, so he asked: "What is it that is said in the story anyway? Are you telling the truth or a story?"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter what it is, I don't know much, that's about it." Ghost Ancestor ended the topic.

Zhang Awei stood and thought for a while, then nodded and said: "I heard you talk nonsense for a long time, which means that I have to dig and find everything myself. You are locked up. It is really not unfair at all."

"You know nonsense and you still listen to it?" Ghost Ancestor replied, and then added: "Watch the little fat guy, don't let him become a spirit, he will be a trouble for everyone."

Zhang Ping knew what he said was right, but how could he keep an eye on Hai Ling? This unfortunate god, can't you give me something simple to do? He stopped talking and turned around to go out.

Hai Ling was sitting on the boat, reading the story with gusto. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of coming back, he shouted happily: "Come here, I'll tell you a story. Do you know how our world came to be?"

Zhang Ai was stunned. Is this a tacit understanding? Or is it God's will? As soon as Gui Zu told him that this world was created by God, Hai Ling would ask. In addition, Kong Buer, the confused scholar from the past, also talked to him easily. He told a few stories about the Battle of the Gods and the Beginning of the Gods. He nodded with a smile and said, "I heard a little bit about it from others, but not entirely."

"That's great. Sit down and listen to me." Hai Ling ordered like a little adult, and then began to tell a story seriously. The little fat man was holding a book in one hand and gesturing with the other, and his milky voice was quite pleasant. From his words, Zhang Weijing finally understood the source of the ghost power and chaos in this world, and thought to himself: These people who write stories are so courageous. Dare to make up anything, dare to write stories about a male god and a goddess falling in love and falling asleep. Is it true that the ignorant are fearless, and are not afraid of God's punishment?

Hai Ling talked about a book for more than ten days, and he spoke with great interest, a level of energy that Zhang Wen had never seen before. The more excited Hai Ling was talking, the less Zhang Ping could bear to interrupt. He was an honest listener wholeheartedly, and even cooperated with the conversation at critical moments. For example, he would sometimes ask why, and sometimes he would say something to express his sigh. The tone is even more different, and the questions and exclamations are also expressed differently. Be the most perfect listener in the world.

Until Hai Ling closed the book and said with a long breath: "I'm exhausted, I want to drink water." Hai Ling is a formation spirit, born at the right moment. Of course he won't be thirsty, but after he said so many words, he was Really want to drink water.

Zhang Aifang rummaged through the storage bag and found that there were many jars of clean water. He remembered that Uncle Lin once gave him spiritual spring water, but he had never used it before, and now he felt very upset. Hai Ling pouted and said, "You haven't found it yet? If you can't find it again, I won't be thirsty anymore."

"Found it." Zhang Ai pulled out a jade bottle, which contained the spiritual spring water from the Five Spirits Blessed Land. The little fat man took it and drank it to his heart's content, and said with a smile: "Have a rest for a while, wait until I have enough energy, and I will tell you another story next time."

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